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From Laura, Age 17 - 11/27/07 - IP#: 64.12.117.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 250 lb, Current: 250 lb, Goal: ... lb -
How do the rest of cope with not having the opposite sex finding you attractive? Up until this point in my life I have not been concerned with it; hoever, lately I find myself more and more aware of it. It is difficult to not let me effect me and I just need some positive encouragement... something I can not get from my friends at this point. Anything will be greatly appreciated.
Reply from Ella, Age 18 - 11/29/07  - IP#: 128.227.98.xxx
Reply from Kristen, Age 15 - 11/28/07  - IP#: 75.80.243.xxx
Reply from Kristen, Age 15 - 11/28/07  - IP#: 75.80.243.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 18 - 11/28/07  - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx
Reply from justin, Age 14 - 11/27/07  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx
Reply from tia, Age 16 - 11/27/07  - IP#: 72.184.54.xxx

From Sweety, Age 13 - 11/27/07 - IP#: 156.34.94.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 136 lb, Current: 136 lb, Goal: ... lb -
Hey people /........

I am writing this message because I am starting a christmas weightloss challenge
Santas Program::::::
Who;My name is Sweety and I am starting a weight loss challenge EVERYone is welcome to join and have fun.I Will post daily messages of advice,and new information to motivate everyone.
Please respond to this message if you want to commit*****
what:a weightloss challenge to motviate everyone to lose weight with guidance,support and help from fellow blubber buster friends.
where:in our own homes./.schools
when:November 27th --dec,25 2007
how:by motivating ourselves
end result:looking/feeling goos
new batihng suit
any questions
Reply from Jeimi, Age 16 - 11/27/07  - IP#: 67.87.194.xxx
Reply from Michelle, Age 15 - 11/27/07  - IP#: 71.142.241.xxx
Reply from ash, Age 17 - 11/27/07  - IP#: 75.84.85.xxx
Reply from brooke, Age 16 - 11/27/07  - IP#: 24.166.130.xxx
Reply from *Sarah*, Age 15 - 11/27/07  - IP#: 67.163.196.xxx
Reply from Sweety, Age 13 - 11/27/07  - IP#: 156.34.94.xxx

From Amanda, Age 18 - 11/27/07 - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 185 lb, Goal: 165 lb - yayyy down to 185!! ahh the perks of having ur tonsils out. lol some of you may think that because i cant eat a lot, that im losing weight and will just gain it all back, thats wrong. because while im not consuming a lot of calories from food, im consuming calories from drinks, so it evens out. i hope to be around 180 by Christmas. thats my goal. even if im like 181 thats okay lol. i just cant wait to be in the 170s!! well good luck everyone!
Reply from Jeimi, Age 16 - 11/27/07  - IP#: 67.87.194.xxx
Reply from Kristen, Age 15 - 11/27/07  - IP#: 75.80.243.xxx

From Kristen, Age 15 - 11/26/07 - IP#: 75.80.243.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 228 lb, Today: 203 lb, Goal: 175 lb - Ok so this Thanksgiving was pretty funand everything, i mean how do people no gain weight while celebrating a Holiday based on sitting down at a big table and eating. So for all those people who just happened to gain a few pounds over the Thanksgiving break, just shrug it off and moveon. Its a NEW week people, your not going to die because you gained 1,2,3,4, even 5 pounds. It will come off soon enough, i know i gained like 4 pounds and it sucks yeah but i havent worked hard for almost 3 months to quit my life-style change just because of Thanksgiving. Oh and news flash people my best friends who is skinny gained like 3 pounds too, so you know what you and all of those other people on this planet that ate a Thanksgiving dinner gained weight with you. But the holidays over now people so lets get back on track, lets go excersize, lets go eat right! We all have a goal and one way or another we are all going to reach it! We are all in this together. ta-ta-for now.......
Reply from reece, Age 15 - 11/26/07  - IP#: 138.89.126.xxx

From jillian, Age 14 - 11/26/07 - IP#: 24.121.164.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 250 lb, Today: 255 lb, Goal: 150 lb - Hey guys, well I am officially on my diet today. I have been doing really well. So far today I have had for lunch some tomato soup and a couple peices of bread. Then for a snack I had a banana. I had 2 little hersheys chocolate things, but that's pretty much the only bad thing I had all day, and it wasn't even that much. Soo, that's my day so far. Oh yeah, if anyone wants to add me on Myspace, my thingo is www.myspace.com/__the_story_so_far__ if you ever wanna talk or anything or need a weight loss buddy, message me! Peace. <3
Reply from Rachel, Age 13 - 11/26/07  - IP#: 76.99.80.xxx
Reply from jillian, Age 14 - 11/26/07  - IP#: 24.121.164.xxx

From gen, Age 15 - 11/26/07 - IP#: 216.220.217.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 165 lb, Today: 172 lb, Goal: 150 lb - Grrrrrrrrr. Omg I've gained like 7 pnds since august ughhh! I wanna lose weight but its hard and I wanna b healthy and have an active life instead of laying around but I'm always like ehh ill do it tommorow I don't know how to get motivated its always after skool wen I'm hungrey and wen I'm not motivated.!!! I wanna lose about 12 pnds by jan 1.good luck <3
Reply from YO, Age 16 - 11/30/07  - IP#: 71.96.217.xxx

From sarah, Age 14 - 11/26/07 - IP#: 81.6.242.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Start: 193 lb, Today: 186 lb, Goal: 130 lb - hi people iam sarah...I have many fat people in family so I think its slightly genetic because I don't eat too much...I managed to be Very skinny when I was twelve but then I got digonised with a disease and have put on so much weight ... I really want to lose a lot of weight ..does anyone know a gd way that will work for loosing a lot of weight

From Brooke, Age 16 - 11/26/07 - IP#: 24.166.130.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Start: 235 lb, Today: 188 lb, Goal: 170 lb - Hey everyone!! I had a great day!! I worked out for 40 min. in gym class and burnt 470 calories on the treadmill!!!! I ate well and im so proud of myself. then i went to work for 5 hours and was on my feet the whole time walking around and such! yay!! :) hope you all had a great day!!
Reply from Michelle, Age 15 - 11/27/07  - IP#: 71.142.241.xxx

From sara, Age 15 - 11/26/07 - IP#: 171.37.30.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 150 lb, Today: 165 lb, Goal: 130 lb - I'm sara
My whole life i was always the fat girl
And i dont care wat people say
people judge
It was mostly because of my bindgeing
some times i'd try and work it off
but it dident work
my bff
is 90 lbs
and compared to her i feel hudge
i dont want to be a super model or anything
i just wanna wear tight jeans
and a t-shirt confadently
i'm around 165
and am 5'7 and 15 yrs old
most of my weight is in my stomac
i was around 150
but stoped working out
i've tried
and know i'm trying again
by summer
i wanna be 130
and have a mor athletic body
i suffer from depressian
witch is one of the reasons but i'm not using it as an excuse anymore
email me
or face book me

From jillian, Age 14 - 11/26/07 - IP#: 24.121.164.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 250 lb, Today: 250 lb, Goal: 150 lb - So i feel pretty good, I think I walked a little over a mile today. I went walking around my neighborhood with my mom. I ate pretty good too. Tomorrow I am really going to try to do a little better though, cuz I had some chocolate today. I think I might become a vegetarian. I can't stand to watch animals being killed, so I don't wanna eat them, plus i could probably be healthier. Hmm well I'm not sure yet. Anyone else here a vegetarian? Well please respond with tips, questions, anything! ♥ peace.
Reply from ash, Age 17 - 11/27/07  - IP#: 75.84.85.xxx
Reply from Sweety, Age 13 - 11/27/07  - IP#: 156.34.94.xxx

From Sweety, Age 13 - 11/26/07 - IP#: 171.37.30.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 136 lb, Current: 136 lb, Goal: ... lb -
Hi my name is Sweety.I dont have a scale in my home so I dont have my exact weight/Most people look at me and say,sweety your fine what are you worring about?But when I look in the mirror I see a pig.Im a big emotional eater caused by all the stress in school.
Im writing this in november 07/and id like to be extremely happy with my weight before I go on a trip .Im gonna to get a new clothes and have fun.I dont have a goal weight,but I do have an image for myself.Ill be soooooo happy when I get there!
I want to thank everyone on blubber busters
Lucy,Isabella and many more
Lucy-thank you for answering my questionss and quiding me
Izzy(13)-thank you for posting many things that help other people .Ive read'your story" many times to up my motivation.Its easier to relate... (view more)

Reply from Ella, Age 18 - 11/26/07  - IP#: 128.227.7.xxx

From christy, Age 16 - 11/26/07 - IP#: 68.127.83.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 150 lb, Today: 150 lb, Goal: 130 lb - i am going to start weight watchers does anyone think it works? i really struggle with my eating habits but i do excersise
Reply from Rachel, Age 13 - 11/27/07  - IP#: 76.99.80.xxx

From Ella, Age 18 - 11/26/07 - IP#: 128.227.7.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 6'0", Start: 226 lb, Today: 187 lb, Goal: 165 lb - Hmm...I've seen alot of posts from alot of people about the Holidays and weight gain. I really don't think that its "normal" to gain weight from it. It happens alot; however, I don't think it should. Weightloss is all about moderation. That means you can eat Thanksgiving, just not in huge portions. Its all about portion control and stopping when your full. Listen to your body. Christmas is coming up and I know we all want to do well in that challenge. Also, I know that its dificult to say no to all of the great treats but if we use moderation and don't eat too much, we can totally do it. Also, we have to keep exercising. I know its cold(some places) and exams are here but it should be fit in. That's all. Good luck to everyone.

From Whitney, Age 18 - 11/26/07 - IP#: 70.187.4.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Start: 200 lb, Today: 182 lb, Goal: 145 lb - Gained 3 lbs over Thanksgiving Break...not surprised. I ate so much, drank even more, and just this weekend got 6 hours of sleep total. But u know what I had a blast and awesome memories were made because me and my best friend were reunited, she goes to college a state away. But yeah back to the grindstone. I'm thinking my goal is to be down 12 lbs or to 170 by x-mas break. Its reasonable and if I actually start running everyday and not munching all afternoon it should be a snap. Good luck everyone for a great week. Stay Strong <3
Reply from Jeimi, Age 16 - 11/26/07  - IP#: 67.87.194.xxx

From Jeimi, Age 16 - 11/25/07 - IP#: 67.87.194.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 240 lb, Today: 230 lb, Goal: 175 lb - today i got a call from my father in the Dominican Republic i haven't seen him and my sisters in 5 years all becuase i don't wnat them to see my fat. I just relize that i do that alot i stop doing things i want to do because i'm fat and that just got me really mad. I don't want to do that anymore but yet i don't feel somfterble, so i have a new challange for myself i will lose 55 pounds in 7 months i'm tired of this life i just want to feel good about myself i will do what ever it takes to make this happen i'll still be comenting on u guys post but i will only come once a week to inform u guys on my inprovement so good luck guys thanks for all the support you guys give me and GOOD LUCK keep up the good work guys u motivate me everyday thanks
Reply from kaitlynn, Age 14 - 11/25/07  - IP#: 4.255.42.xxx
Reply from Jeimi, Age 16 - 11/25/07  - IP#: 67.87.194.xxx

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