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From Jessica, Age 16 - 06/20/12 - IP#: 184.6.214.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 153.6 lb (BMI %tile: 92), Goal: 120 lb - I keptforgetting to change my weight goal!!!!! I am like 33 lbs from my goal!!!! very exicted!! about that!!!!! my fiends I visted today, didn't know who I was , of of my girl friends, almost walked by me!!! I said it is Jess)Jessica!!!!!! I am 33 pounds away from my goal!! I hope to be done!!! with my jounery by the end of this year!!!!!!!! it is funny....

From Taya, Age 14 - 06/20/12 - IP#: 198.228.216.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 169 lb, Today: 160 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 130 lb - First, JESSICA! Awesome job, I just want to say your like a huge inspiration on this site. You've done such a great job and I can tell your very determined. Keep up the good work! 153 is a huge accomplishment you should be proud of yourself. I messed my diet up big time by eating pizza and pie on fathers day , so now I'm back at 160. Any advice? What has everyone been doing to shred weight.
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 06/20/12  - IP#: 184.6.214.xxx
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 06/20/12  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx

From Jessica, Age 16 - 06/20/12 - IP#: 184.6.214.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 153.6 lb (BMI %tile: 92), Goal: 104 lb - I am finally out of the 160's!!!! holy cow!! I am so exicted !!!! I have lost 12 lbs from my heavest 165 lbs two years ago!!!! I weigh betewwn 150-153 lbs!! I am almost 150's!!! very exicted about that!!!!!!!!!! that took time effort and lot of patinces and fighting!!!! I even looked up calories online when eating out or eating at home!!! I been doing a lot of running around!!!! ,,, I was like wow!!!! ,, I haven't weighed 153 lbs since I was 13)1)2) years old!!!! I am almost a size Juniours 12!!!!! can't wait to be 25 lbbs lighter by August!! when I hopefully return to my favorite teen servce group!! I am going to be mid 130's!!!!! I want to look good in sweatshrits!! and my jeans!!!!! I hope to be 45 smaller by November!!! 153 - 45= 108 lbs!!!! is the exact, ,, !!!!! weight I want to weight cause my doctors told me that is healthy 104-108 I was told is healthy weight ranges!!!!!! ! ,, I know I can defeat my cravings on Saturday for my niece's 4th brithday party!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 06/20/12  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx

From Sabrina, Age 13 - 06/20/12 - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 150 lb, Today: 135 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 125 lb - Hey guys...
So would it be crazy if i wanted to be 100 pounds? thats 35 pounds away... making my weightloss a total of 50lbs... i think i would look good at that weight... mhmm im still taking it by 5`s though! i need 2 more 5`s lost and ill be at 125!!!then from there i think i will want to be 110 or 115... i dont know yet, but i definatly know, that june isnt over yet and im still really determinded! Also yall know how i have that basketball thing next week, well i wont be able to make the first practice but ill be able to make it on the 27th =D i got my shoes last night too, they are- LeBron James 9 'DunkMan' black/gray volt. Thats what is says on the box lol all i know is that they are squishy,black, gray, and of course green =D i couldn`t find awesome purple and green ones so i got those, even if they are guy shoes lol!
i love them though =D woo!
i didnt get to go to the track bcause i had to get shoes... i will hopefully be able to go today.
Wish me luck!byeee!<3 ::D
Whatever tomorrow brings, I`ll be there...<3
Reply from Mallory, Age 16 - 07/02/12  - IP#: 174.255.210.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 06/20/12  - IP#: 184.6.214.xxx

From Ashley, Age 16 - 06/20/12 - IP#: 71.79.169.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 145 lb, Today: 145 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 120 lb - I'm slightly overweight and hate it but I don't look "fat". Today I begin to change my lifestyle by working out and eating healthier! Any ideas of anything else I should do and what have you guys done to lose weight? After high school I want to join the army and be fit and normal weight.
Reply from Grace, Age 17 - 07/03/12  - IP#: 166.248.82.xxx

From Kayla, Age 15 - 06/19/12 - IP#: 67.186.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 6'0", Start: 318 lb, Today: 318 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 200 lb - I have always been the big one out of all my friends. I hate it. I have been playing tennis for 8 years and I have yet to loose a big amount of weight.
Reply from Grace, Age 17 - 07/03/12  - IP#: 166.248.82.xxx
Reply from Bonnie, Age 15 - 06/24/12  - IP#: 86.5.10.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 06/20/12  - IP#: 184.6.214.xxx

From Jessica, Age 16 - 06/19/12 - IP#: 184.6.214.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 160 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 104 lb - Luna is crazy to wanting to gain weight, gee wiz,, girls this person is nuts, 300 lbs or 400 lbs is very unhealthy,, for anyone, ,, I think people like that, need to stay off this borad,, I don't want to gain weight I am losing weight!! I can feel the lossness of my clothes coming already!! I used want to gain weight but I don't want to ,, you kidding me, I was half way to 200 lbs two years ago goodness,, I am not half way to 200 lbs anymore!! thank goodness I am not !! even my friend James was proud of my progess!! my friends who haven't seen me in a while or a year!! it was really great! my friend Ruth asked who I am?? who are you?? once I said my names!! Jess)Jessica!!! it was funny!!! sitting around makes you fat moving around all over the place you burn a lot of calories!!!!!! I am like who that, I even played frisber, with my friends, monkey in the middle!! I... (view more)

From Hannah, Age 14 - 06/19/12 - IP#: 108.216.156.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 4'9", Start: 456 lb, Today: 342 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 200 lb - Please help me I'm obese and i can not see my toes and everyone at school calls me fat one time i slipped during science and couldn't get back up
Reply from lacrymosa, Age 13 - 07/21/12  - IP#: 71.142.74.xxx
Reply from Grace, Age 17 - 07/02/12  - IP#: 166.248.139.xxx

From Meaghan, Age 14 - 06/19/12 - IP#: 24.91.174.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 167 lb, Today: 162 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 120 lb - I'm feeling pretty good about today! I've resisted every cravings I got and I ran for 15 minutes. I usually run for 30 minutes but I've been slacking off. Still, it's 15 minutes more than I've been doing!
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 06/19/12  - IP#: 184.6.214.xxx

From Sabrina, Age 13 - 06/19/12 - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 150 lb, Today: 135 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 125 lb - Hey guys,
So today i have to go to work, come home for luch, go back, then come home and change, then i go to the track...at 5:00 =/ grr i hate working... what color bikini do yall think i should get?? dark purple or dark blue? i cant wait till my camping trip =D its gonna be awesome, i know it!! i wish i had pants that fit me, all of my pants are either- 10,8,or a 6. im a 5. i want to be a 3. but ill go with a 4 also =D ooooh! and remember how i told yall that i have to get my shirts at aeropostale bcuz i like how they feel and bcuz they have nice polos (thts r school dress code, for ur shirt polos and pants jeans and other stuff) well, i think im a medium =D yaay! woo!
okay well i gtg, gotta leave for work now...
wish me luck!! byeee!
whatever tomorrow brings, I`ll be there...<3
Reply from Layla, Age 13 - 06/20/12  - IP#: 87.115.8.xxx

From arienny, Age 13 - 06/18/12 - IP#: 65.34.205.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 154 lb, Today: 138 lb (BMI %tile: 92), Goal: 115 lb - hay well ya i havent been on a scale but i been trying to do good and everything. well bye

From Jessica, Age 16 - 06/17/12 - IP#: 108.28.147.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 232 lb, Today: 220 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - I did pretty good this weekend so I am happy about that. Yesterday I had pizza from Italian Inn and that was about the only junk i had. We had a cook out today and I did great but I did eat a brownie w/ Ice cream. I'm hoping I lost but we'll see tomorrow morning.

From taylor, Age 16 - 06/17/12 - IP#: 107.45.39.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 175 lb, Today: 171 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 120 lb - Ok so I need to start back up tomorrow! I ate a ton of junk this wknd cuz we went camping but tmrw I'm gonna exercise and eat healthy cuz my goal is to lose 20-30 pounds by september. If anyone has any advice plz tell me

From Sabrina, Age 13 - 06/17/12 - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 150 lb, Today: 135 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 130 lb - Heyy guys!
** if u were wondering, i live in North Eastern Pennsylvania (Near Scranton)**
So i went on the weight calculator and im 1 pound from being considered 'healthy' woo! i will be happy with myself when i get to 125, but if i lose any more after that than go me lol.
so i have become more motivated to go and sprint/walk at the track, this is going to be epic =D
im gonna go make my daddy breakfeast then im goin to the track, i hope i dont get sunburn like yesterday =\ im as pink as a baby`s butt! well at least my shoulders anyway hahaha!
i`ll post later maybe- i dont know, wish me luck! ::D byee!<3
Whatever tomorrow brings, I`ll be there...<3

From Meaghan, Age 14 - 06/17/12 - IP#: 24.91.174.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 167 lb, Today: 163 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 161 lb - Gahhh. I binged a lot this week which was not good. Right now, my goal for the competition is to try to get down to at least 161. Despite gaining weight, I have a lot more motivation. Let's hope it stays that way! ; )
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 06/17/12  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx

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