From Madison, Age 12 - 06/26/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'7, Wt. 174 - What would be a good lunch to eat?
Reply from sara, Age 14 - 06/28/06 - IP#:
From MaKayla, Age 10 - 06/25/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4ft.9in, Wt. 144 - hi ppl well hope u have a good summer. well mine is awesome i go camping take trips all the time and stay with all my fam all summer .well write back and tell me about ur summer.have the best summer of ur life this year . lylas, makayla brown
Reply from Jazmine, Age 12 - 06/25/06 - IP#:
Reply from krista, Age 13 - 06/25/06 - IP#:
From krista, Age 13 - 06/25/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'7, Wt. 235 - yay i guess even being on vacation and eating really bad means you can loose weight i lost another 4 lbs while on vacation for a total of 65lbs i got another 55lbs to go i am gonna do this yay i just feel so great even eating fried seafood and ice cream let me loose weight lol
Reply from MaKayla, Age 9 - 06/26/06 - IP#:
Reply from MaKayla, Age 9 - 06/26/06 - IP#:
Reply from Jazmine, Age 12 - 06/25/06 - IP#:
From Jazmine, Age 12 - 06/25/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5"5, Wt. 184 - Someone please help me! Since summer has started i feel as if im gettin fatter. can any of u girls/boys give me some advice. im goin 2 miidle skool and im really scared that there will be all these skinny girls and thay will be talkin about how fat i am. And if i like a guy he wont like me back cause im fat. Thats wat they all say. Im pretty...... but FAT!! someone help me!
Reply from Jazmine, Age 12 - 06/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from Jazmine, Age 12 - 06/28/06 - IP#:
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 12 - 06/27/06 - IP#:
Reply from MaKayla, Age 9 - 06/26/06 - IP#:
From niomi, Age 13 - 06/24/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'5, Wt. lots - what are some excersizes that can help me look better in a bikini so that if u see me at the pool in a bikini you don't puke
Reply from niomi, Age 13 - 06/28/06 - IP#:
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 12 - 06/28/06 - IP#:
Reply from ashley, Age 12 - 06/25/06 - IP#:
From Audrey, Age 13 - 06/24/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'1", Wt. 226 - Hi I'm Audrey. I'm new to this site. I know that I'm really overweight and I'm short so it does well suck(sorry can I say that?) I'm looking for a weight loss buddy someone near my weight and height but unfortunatly I do not have e-mail or IM or a myspace so we would have to post messages or go in the old chat(my computer needs some plug for the new one to work). If your interested please let me know or please post advice. I'm not big on exercise so at least exercise as possible is what I'm looking for. Eating I'm ok with but when I see bread or pasta I have to have it. And also girls probably know this when it's our time of month I crave chocolate like crazy which I know is bad. I'm just looking for help so thanks for reading this. Thanks, Audrey
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 12 - 06/28/06 - IP#:
Reply from Jazmine, Age 12 - 06/25/06 - IP#:
Reply from Bina, Age 13 - 06/25/06 - IP#:
From Samantha, Age 12 - 06/24/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4 11, Wt. 160 - Hey all people need to calm down.ok i know you want to loose weight fast, but its not going to happen overnight!I used to be just like that, but then i finally got some common sense.Do not focus on losing weight, focus on being healthy.Belive me it makes you feel better when you think that way. If you want to get healthy all you need to do is eat half of whatever you eat and drink LOTS of water. And exercise it dosent have to be intense.If your just starting do a 10 CRUNCHES (not situps,theres a difference),everyday and just work your way up.My dad told me the abs and stomach are the only thing that can be worked everyday.So embrace it, do a couple everyday!and im not saying if you do this your goin to lose like a 100 pounds during the summer!It make take a whole year to lose just 60 pounds.So most likely you... (view more)Ht. 4 11, Wt. 160 - Hey all people need to calm down.ok i know you want to loose weight fast, but its not going to happen overnight!I used to be just like that, but then i finally got some common sense.Do not focus on losing weight, focus on being healthy.Belive me it makes you feel better when you think that way. If you want to get healthy all you need to do is eat half of whatever you eat and drink LOTS of water. And exercise it dosent have to be intense.If your just starting do a 10 CRUNCHES (not situps,theres a difference),everyday and just work your way up.My dad told me the abs and stomach are the only thing that can be worked everyday.So embrace it, do a couple everyday!and im not saying if you do this your goin to lose like a 100 pounds during the summer!It make take a whole year to lose just 60 pounds.So most likely you will loose 10-20 pounds.And when you first start you loose weight quickly, but then after a week it starts slowing down.So dont over do it becaus eyou think you have stopped losing weight! And you might not look like you have lost alot, but thats because that fat has been replaced my MUSCLE! so please,please dont stress! And do not go on a crazy crash diet or take some diet pills, or starve yourself! it wil only make you feel worse and if you do it my way i promise you will feel a whole lot better! and if the reason you wanna lose weight is because your getting teased, do not worry about it! if you keep a good attitude and stay calm they will go away! I know girls can be bee yatches, but just because they look skinny dosent mean they are healthy. so just look at it this way at least YOU know your healthy.And is you look at those celeberties, and say "how come they are sooo skinny?". well thats because thats their JOB, to look skinny and not saying you arent but just dont stress about it.besides most celeberties have very serious eating diorders. and some do not look healthy,and they look way too skinny, it like dude eat hamburger.haha, well anyway please take my advice. (view less)
Reply from Rachel, Age 11 - 06/28/06 - IP#:
Reply from Jazmine, Age 12 - 06/25/06 - IP#:
From Julia, Age 12 - 06/23/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'6, Wt. 164 - I had a lot of pizza and I feel terrible.
Reply from makayla, Age 10 - 06/24/06 - IP#:
From bugz, Age 10 - 06/23/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4ft 9in, Wt. 135 - hey, waz up.nm here .well my life is a living hell.can somebody save
Reply from ashley, Age 12 - 06/25/06 - IP#:
From Paige, Age 13 - 06/22/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Wt. 150 - Okay so i started out good today but then it all went downhill. I mean I had 1 piece of toast with a bit of butter and a cup of 1% milk. Then for lunch i made these pan fried potatoes i had like 15 of them there little slices things. And then i had a bunch of grapes for a snack. and the i had 2 ice cream bar things (70 cal each) then I had like this homemade mac and cheese my mom made and I had 2 helpings :(. Then I just had like a whole thing of kettle corn. EXCERCIZE: I did 300 crunches,50 pushups,50 situps,75 jumping jacks,15 leg lifts on each leg, then I went on a 3 mile bike ride, and I had cheerleading for 2 hours.They told us at cheerleading to wear ankle weights while doing our jumps to make them higher so i'm now going to try that. I did bad but does my excercize make up for some of the stuff?
Reply from Rachel, Age 11 - 06/28/06 - IP#:
Reply from Emmie, Age 13 - 06/23/06 - IP#:
From Paige, Age 13 - 06/22/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Wt. 149 - Also. I'm going to start a new workout routine tomorrow. Even though im leaving for Africa in 4 days. (does anyone know whta kind of food they have in egypt and kenya?? thats where im going hopefully its healthy) But this is my plan to get atleast 300 crunches,50 situps,50 pushups,75 jumping jacks,&& 100 side crunches in daily. I'm also planning on going on the trampoline for an hour a day. And Going to the park to walk around the trail at least once daily (aprox. 1 mile each time around) and maybe play some like tennis against the wall at the park. (im pretty lucky to have a park 3 min walking distance). And i am also going to eat negative calorie fruits and veggies as my snacks. And prob have lean cuisines as lunches. SOUNDS GOOD?? post away with some tips.
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 12 - 06/28/06 - IP#:
Reply from bigbutt, Age 14 - 06/22/06 - IP#:
From L:aura, Age 13 - 06/22/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'10", Wt. 185 - i am very happy, i am down to the weight i was before my vacation last summer... I was still fat then but hey, i lost 7 pounds five days so i am gonna do great this summer.
Reply from Rachel, Age 11 - 06/28/06 - IP#:
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 12 - 06/28/06 - IP#:
Reply from Madison, Age 12 - 06/26/06 - IP#:
Reply from Jazmine, Age 12 - 06/25/06 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 13 - 06/21/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'11'', Wt. 138 - go to then go to tools and charts go to matabolism calculator and see how much u burn in 1 day by doing nothing eat about that many calories a day and you will never gain a pound even if you dont excercize one day. then you wont have to wory about gaining back pounds by eating ps buy some 100 calorie packs there really good and filling
From Shannon, Age 12 - 06/21/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'0, Wt. 133 - When I started trying to lose weight a few months ago, I weighed 141 lbs. As you see I've lost a lot so far. I want my weight to be 129. I've tried everything. I go to the gym, I eat healthy food, I exercise at home. Is there anything I'm not doing? I just want to be able to go into 7th grade in the fall, and not have people talking behind my back about my weight. I just want to have a good looking body! I NEED HELP!!!
Reply from Ashley, Age 11 - 07/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from alexis, Age 13 - 06/21/06 - IP#:
Reply from Erica, Age 14 - 06/21/06 - IP#:
From Elizabeth - 06/20/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'7, Wt. n?a - well i kind of got of my diet for my bat mitzvah but now i really need to get back on and go to the gym again because i think i might have gained a pound. I'm pretty good at eating healthy but my family always eats late (usually 7:30-8:00) so I heard you shouldn't eat late but will it make that big of a difference?
Reply from Jazmine, Age 12 - 06/21/06 - IP#: