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From Jennifer, Age 16 - 11/05/05 - IP#: 68.75.57.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6, Wt. 270 - I HAVE ONE GIANT QUESTION FOR YOU GUYS! How much do you think I can lose by September/October 2006 by cutting half of what I eat adding more fruits and vegetables to my daily eating, maybe a salad every other day before my dinner. More water 7-8 glasses and I should be getting Dance Dance Revolution for Christmas so I will start that the day I get it, right now i'm just cutting back on my eating and losing weight in the process. I want to lose 90-100 pounds by next September/October and for toning on my arms I will get a set of weights to tone my arms and I will use my stationary bike to tone my legs and situps to fix the stomach, any other ideas are greatly appreciated and if anyone knows anything reply PLEASE! :)
Reply from cassidy, Age 14 - 11/06/05  - IP#: 67.41.177.xxx
Reply from Julie, Age 17 - 11/06/05  - IP#: 4.242.171.xxx
Reply from Ashley, Age 16 - 11/06/05  - IP#: 71.10.26.xxx
Reply from orcy, Age 14 - 11/06/05  - IP#: 70.172.200.xxx
Reply from Jennifer to Lindsey, Age 16 - 11/05/05  - IP#: 68.75.57.xxx
Reply from Lindsey, Age 13 - 11/05/05  - IP#: 67.5.231.xxx
Reply from Shekina, Age 17 - 11/05/05  - IP#: 156.56.122.xxx
Reply from Ed, Age 15 - 11/05/05  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx

From joseph, Age 15 - 11/05/05 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5' 2'', Wt. 150 - HELP!!!!! I am overweight and it is embarrasing. Everytime i see an actor or videogame character my age but thinner I get jealous. I weigh 150 right now and i want to weigh 90. Please help me.
Reply from marshall, Age 15 - 08/31/09  - IP#: 76.184.137.xxx
Reply from Jules, Age 15 - 11/07/05  - IP#: 64.222.54.xxx
Reply from Cait, Age 17 - 11/07/05  - IP#: 209.167.16.xxx
Reply from Julie, Age 17 - 11/06/05  - IP#: 4.242.171.xxx

From Michelle, Age 18 - 11/04/05 - IP#: 24.85.130.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Wt. 137 - UGHS..i've been gaining so much weight lately, and i'm like an emotional eater. I've been eating so much because i've been so depressed..school.family..friends and all. I don't exercise as much as I use to, I use to have taekwondo 5 times a week and horseback riding once a week, but all I do now is ride. My parents wont let me run outside, i get home from school at like 6pm..i know that whole "i dont have the time" thing really isn't a good excuse, but when i come home, i just feel like taking a shower, doing my homeowrk and sleep. What should i do?
Reply from cassidy, Age 14 - 11/06/05  - IP#: 67.41.177.xxx
Reply from me, Age 18 - 11/05/05  - IP#: 172.189.15.xxx
Reply from Julie, Age 17 - 11/05/05  - IP#: 4.242.171.xxx
Reply from christina, Age 16 - 11/05/05  - IP#: 24.233.69.xxx

From Blondie, Age 18 - 11/04/05 - IP#: 24.76.118.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6, Wt. 248 - Does anyone know about any other sites that are some what similar to Bluber Busters, i really love this site and i want to find others like it! I love reading info on weight loss and my favorites are reading the success stories their great motivation!
Reply from Julie, Age 17 - 11/05/05  - IP#: 4.242.171.xxx

From *Celeste*, Age 13 - 11/04/05 - IP#: 24.247.21.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5, Wt. s:185 c:161.5 g:160 - Hey guys! I'm so close to getting to my next goal! It has been really hard lately for me to control myself for some reason...I really need help. Instead of reaching for the bag of carrots today, I went for the frosting and ate some of that. But I did pretty good the rest of the day. I really hope that I will be able to get to my final goal. So far I havn't gained any weight from what I've lost which is another goal i've had in mind..right now im just kind of rambling..sorry about that. Just trying to get things straightened out. Well if anyone has any ideas for me to get back on track, that would be awesome! I'm really just looking for the weight loss, it doesn't matter how slow it comes off to me. Thanks!

From Lilly, Age 14 - 11/04/05 - IP#: 69.107.69.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5' 6", Wt. 192 - YAHOO I lost 5 pounds. Now 80 more to go. I am still dreaming of becoming a teen fitness model then maybe the boys in school will like me. Its just my arms legs and thighs are pretty lean but my stomach is so fat, some kids try to punch it just to tease me. Oh well. srew them.
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 14 - 11/05/05  - IP#: 209.83.103.xxx
Reply from BB, Age 12 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 69.69.45.xxx

From rachel, Age 13 - 11/04/05 - IP#: 67.34.232.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5, Wt. 143-150lbs - ok ive done this before but it was in 6th grade. im in gifted classes so not many boys know me that are outside of the gifted classes and to them im considered like totally fat because my arms and legs are so muscular and my stohmach is like white and fat. i gined about 10lbs over the summer but it looks like ive gained about 5 in my stomach?? so ive been called fat more this year than ever. i try to compair myself to othe girls and im not sure if im fatter than them ad i dont care if you say who cares wat thy think cuz it does matter!! and im just tryin to get everything straightened out in my life because i jus stopped cutting and its hard to deal w/ so yea thts my problem?!
Reply from BB, Age 12 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 69.69.45.xxx

From krissay, Age 15 - 11/04/05 - IP#: 152.163.100.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8, Wt. hmm.lemmecheck.alot! - HEY!
have any of you heard or tried isagenix?!
i want to... if you have or anything lemme know, or if you even know someone who has!!!
love you all.
you can e-mail me if ya want. Krizazykrissy247@aol.com

From ~*Montana~*, Age 13 - 11/04/05 - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1, Wt. Don't wanna kno.. - Heyz girlz an guyz.
I just noticed that my stomach doesn't look that bad it's mainly my legs and my ARMs badly my armss... I want to loose weight in those places and back fat it's disgusting. I kno you CAN'T spot reduce but I don't mean it like that. I want to loose weight in my stomach too but it doesn't look that bad for how much I weigh....

From Elizbeth, Age 14 - 11/04/05 - IP#: 209.83.103.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8, Wt. 175 - Hey everyone, I haven't posted in a while cause my mom is in the hospital and it's been really hard for me. They found that she has cancer and I've been really depressed and sad lately. Since I haven't been home my brother has been taking me to Burger king and McDonald's. Wed. I had burger king and Thurs. I had McDonald's. But I ordered chicken both times. I know it's not good for you to eat at those fast food places but I just haven't been home. I want to be here for my mom and there's never any time to cook a meal if your at the hospital all the time. Today I had 4 poptarts. Yes I know thats A LOT of calories. But I cleaned the whole house, went on the XL-Glider we have for 30 min., road my bike to the hospital and then I'm gonna walk my family friends dog Jaida for an hour. I'll probably go on the glider... (view more)
Reply from kitty - 11/05/05  - IP#: 68.102.9.xxx
Reply from Jules, Age 15 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 64.222.62.xxx
Reply from *^*!Princess!*^*, Age 15 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 71.244.177.xxx
Reply from Megan, Age 16 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 4.225.193.xxx
Reply from nicole, Age 12 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 88.110.115.xxx
Reply from madison, Age 17 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 152.163.100.xxx

From Machala, Age 19 - 11/03/05 - IP#: 67.1.55.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Wt. 210 - I've realized that it's hard for me to stick to a really all out healthy "diet." I try to eat lots of veggies and stuff, but they only make me hungrier, which makes me pig out on other foods. I know I'm never going to be able to stick to something if I just plunge right in and get rid of all the bad food and just eat healthy. So, I'm wondering, If I start out with working out at least 30 minutes a day, but still eat normally, will I still lose weight? I'd like to make excersise a daily thing and gradually change my eating habits. I'm just wondering if this will work? Also, if you have any words of encouragement or tips, I'd be glad to hear them.
Thanks, Mac
Reply from Jess, Age 15 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 62.254.0.xxx
Reply from Julie, Age 17 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 4.242.174.xxx
Reply from janeal, Age 14 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 209.12.51.xxx
Reply from orcy, Age 14 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 70.172.200.xxx

From ~*Montana~*, Age 13 - 11/03/05 - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1, Wt. Don't wanna kno.. - One question for people who replyed to my post... How the fudge am I supposed to use my dad's comments as motivation I hate it I hate him. Gosh nuttin he sayz will motivate me or anything.
Reply from *~Montana~*, Age 13 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx
Reply from Leena, Age 13 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 69.145.114.xxx
Reply from *Celeste*, Age 13 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 24.247.21.xxx
Reply from *~Montana~*, Age 13 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx
Reply from anna, Age 13 - 11/04/05  - IP#: 216.195.21.xxx

From ~*Montana~*, Age 13 - 11/03/05 - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1, Wt. Don't wanna kno.. - woahhhhh Half a block of top ramen wit the seasons is 850mg in sodium !!!!!

From Joanna, Age 15 - 11/03/05 - IP#: 68.46.171.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2, Wt. start:195 now:186 - hey, i havent been on a lot, i am almost to losing my 10 lbs and for some reason i keep going off track, and i am so excited about losing my 10 lbs bc at weight watchers they give you a ribbon and i have NEVER gotten this far b4... well i was wonderin if ne one had some advice for gettin back on track, oh nd im not active at all ne advice to get me goin?... and what is that bording school called the one for losing weight?...please answer!!

From Nicole, Age 15 - 11/03/05 - IP#: 67.51.27.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Wt. started 210 now 175 - Well Rachel I ordered that book i hope it work like you said. :)

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