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From candace, Age 14 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 68.116.156.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey i've done pretty good all week (starting sunday) and like 1200 cals a day and ive worked out every day. but today i dont think i did too good. do you guys think i did?? breakfast-light yogurt (70), lunch-1/2 turkey/ham sandwich w/ honey mustard (180) and an orange (i think oranges have like 100??) and then after school i jogged 1 mile and a quarter and did 5 100 meters strides. i did 500 crunches too. then i had 1/2 a banana. then i went to walmart and i ate like way too many grapes, i know their good, but too many isn't good for weight loss right??? and then i had a couple strawberries. then for dinner i had spagetti and meatballs (380) and garlic bread (170). then i had a butterfinger granola bar (chewy bar"....110 cals). i also had calories in things like gum, tums, and ya know..little stuff like that, and mints. did i do okay?? i know not great, but i dono
Reply from Ivy, Age 21 - 03/24/05  - IP#: 69.69.25.xxx

From Kendra, Age 19 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 24.84.212.xxx  Click here to reply  
Morning, guyz! Yup, I'm trying to post every day to keep my mind away from overeating and not exercising hehe. This really keeps me on track. I don't know if I'm going to have time to exercise today, so I'll probably just have time to walk to the bus stop and back, and maybe dance for about half an hour tonight. Sigh...guess I'll have to be careful about eating. ~*Kendra*~
Reply from kendra, Age 16 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 204.249.125.xxx
Reply from *Ela*, Age 15 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 195.93.21.xxx

From Kelly, Age 14 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 69.163.194.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey if anyone is on please post to this... sorry I'm just really bored
Reply from Kelly, Age 14 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 69.163.194.xxx

From Marie, Age 14 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
- For the past few weeks I think my weight has been 171 . . but I haven`t gone down, and I havent went up either. My weight is just like sitting there. Is this what they call "Plateuing" (sorry i cannot spell that word, hopefully you know what i'm trying to say)? If it is .. how do you stop it? Is that a sign that i'm dieting wrong? I'm afraid i'm going to gain something and I don't know what to do. I been eating a good amount of calories, i thought i was doing good, obviously i'm not. = ( Advice please. P.S. - If i'm not the only one who had this problem, can those who did have this problem give me some tips on how to start losing weight again. Thanks.
Reply from Katherine, Age 15 - 03/25/05  - IP#: 24.215.160.xxx
Reply from Ivy, Age 21 - 03/24/05  - IP#: 69.69.25.xxx

From Jessica, Age 14 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 198.81.26.xxx  Click here to reply  
where is every one today? is any one here? lol
Reply from *Avril*, Age 13 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 68.18.176.xxx
Reply from Katherine, Age 15 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 68.100.185.xxx

From Jessica, Age 14 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 198.81.26.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey can any one tell me what kinds of food that is yummey but not bad for you?
Reply from hilary, Age 13 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 68.115.98.xxx
Reply from amy, Age 14 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 152.163.100.xxx

From nikki, Age 14 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
can someone pleazzzze reply!!!!!!!!!!! :-(
Reply from hilary, Age 13 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 68.115.98.xxx

From Angie, Age 15 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Good night everyone! And by the way . . im am 5'2 and weigh about 147 lbs. . if NE 1 is around the same range as me and wants to keep in touch with me as "weight loss buddy". . or whatever you wanna call it, let me kno cause i could really use some one to lose the wieght with.Ill be back tomorrow! <3 Always. . Angie
Reply from Lindsey, Age 16 - 03/24/05  - IP#: 66.56.133.xxx
Reply from Lora, Age 14 - 03/24/05  - IP#: 24.189.81.xxx

From Katherine, Age 15 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 68.100.185.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey everyone!! i get my permit today, and i was wondering, do they ask you how much you weigh?? if they do.. do they like print it out on your permit? also.. is it okay just to tell a littttle white lie about how much you weigh??? thanks!
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 03/24/05  - IP#: 70.57.237.xxx
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 68.158.11.xxx
Reply from mk, Age 15 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 70.57.134.xxx
Reply from ashley!, Age 15 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 206.222.221.xxx
Reply from Alexandra, Age 16 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 208.58.65.xxx
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 84.160.129.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 14 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 198.81.26.xxx

From Jessica, Age 14 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 198.81.26.xxx  Click here to reply  
Why does the world have to make such yummey foods. why is it that all the good yummey foods are always the bad foods. why is it? lol!! its not fair
Reply from *Avril*, Age 13 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 68.18.176.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 14 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 198.81.26.xxx
Reply from Katherine, Age 15 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 68.100.185.xxx

From Amy, Age 14 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 152.163.100.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey it's me agian- I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!! my mom and her husband goes to the lake every weekend in the summer with there friends have party- my mom and everyone is in a bikini but NOOOOO not my i'm just the daughter that is fat!! gggrrr that makes my soo made- i haven't been in a swimming suit since 4th grade!! i'm fat and miserable!!
Reply from me, Age 14 - 03/24/05  - IP#: 200.63.250.xxx
Reply from anti-chocolate lola, Age 15 - 03/24/05  - IP#: 217.42.227.xxx

From nikki, Age 14 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
im 170 pounds and omly 5'3 I need to lose weight by june cuz im having a sweet 15. please someone help meee!!!!!
Reply from katie, Age 14 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 67.149.148.xxx

From hilary, Age 13 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 68.115.98.xxx  Click here to reply  
sometimes i wish i could choose all the foods my family has and just chuck out everything that tempts me and fill the house with good foods and those are the only ones i can eat and you dont really overeat on healthy foods cause they are junk food and addictiong so i just wish i could do that doesnt anyone else?
Reply from Ivy, Age 21 - 03/24/05  - IP#: 69.69.25.xxx
Reply from Alexandria, Age 14 - 03/24/05  - IP#: 69.73.4.xxx
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 68.158.11.xxx
Reply from jamie, Age 13 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 68.115.98.xxx

From Amy, Age 14 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 210.49.173.xxx  Click here to reply  
OMG i did bad today but its the first time it 5 weeks that i have had chocolate so i thinbk i deserved it and IT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN plus i have been doing good i have lost 8.5 pounds in 5 weeks so thats good 4 me. I have been jogging at 6:30 in the morning for 1.5 miles and then walking to skool which is 3.2 miles and then i work out when i get home and eat healthy. Good Luck to everyone else.
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 64.163.212.xxx
Reply from jenn, Age 12 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 69.177.171.xxx

From Kathryn, Age 17 - 03/23/05 - IP#: 84.160.129.xxx  Click here to reply  
omg, i feel like i am going to roll over and die - sometimes i just hate being a girl-- but then again if i were a guy i would have to shave my face - but i dunno if that really makes up for it. Anyhow, the way im feeling right now, no way can i do an exercise, sitting up is hard enough - any suggestions on stuff to do during "that time of the month"? Thanks!
Reply from avril, Age 13 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 68.18.176.xxx
Reply from Kendra, Age 19 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 24.84.212.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 14 - 03/23/05  - IP#: 198.81.26.xxx

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