From Kayla, Age 15 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey whats up? i need to find a way to lose like 5-10 pounds before school starts i am 15 and i weigh 175 and i am 5'9" i dont know what to do b/c i am a very active person and i do a lot of there any way i could lose a few pounds b4 school starts? if so plz help me or Instant message me on my aim sn Kayla02415
Reply from andrea, Age 14 - 08/02/04 - IP#:
From Emily, Age 13 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Lately i have been reasearching vegan lifesyles and i think i will become a vegitarian. I have a doctors appointment on the 9th so i will talk to her first. But something i am a little worried about is how calcium, but more particularly dairy products are supposed to help up to 40% in losing weight (assuming healthy diet and regular exercise) and i was wondering is there anyway not to eat dairy products but get whatever nurtients within them that makes weightloss easier. like is fortified soy milk just as good as a regular glass of skim milk or what.
Reply from Emily, Age 13 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from Michelle, Age 17 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from Katherine, Age 14 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
From Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I hope everyone did better than me today! I ate some junk, and I decided not to stay for the anniversary dinner at church (137 years)We are baptist, so ANY reason to celebrate, we eat! It is kinda dumb, but we have a dinner like once a month. I am going to get winsor pilates! YEAH, I am so glad, I want to be 140-145 by Christmas, if all possible, I am going to work really really hard and I have marching band all this week for 6 hours a day, so maybe I will lose some weight doing that. Oh ya, today at walmart, I saw the guy I like, lol. I am such a dork! But, ne way, Post if you have a comment, DO YOU THINK I CAN LOSE 40-50 pounds by Christmas, that seems a little soon, maybe valentines day would be better, plz reply.
Reply from nicole, Age 15 - 08/02/04 - IP#:
Reply from Caty, Age 14 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
From em, Age 14 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
im goin on holiday to aruba (a small caribbean island) in 2 weeks and i dont cum back till 2 days b4 scule so i wanna get fit for hockey and flatten my stomache b4 i bear myself in a bikini. besides thousands of sit ups duz ne1 got ne tips? im gonna hit the gym pretty hard but i dont mind cuz i like the gym! ne help greatly appreciated. gooood luck every1!! =D
Reply from Jackie, Age 15 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
From Adrienne, Age 16 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
im on mi period n i lost 2 lbs...2day i woke up round 12 n went 2 tha mall n dinner wit sara, matt, n nick, n their 18 yr old cuzzin but i 4get his name n sara went 2 maccoroni grill n each had half a roll of bread n i got a ceaser salad...i only finished half n i ate tha otha half 4 dinner...i also had a diet coke...n 2 choc chip cookies mi mom made 4 me hehe....varsity cheer practice starts 2morrow n i have it for 4 hours a day every day till skool starts....we hafta run 2 miles while bein timed n i dunno how much otha runnin every hopin 2 b 5'6 n weigh 125 by tha time skool also goin 2 start doin pilates every once inna while wen i have extra time :)
From mee, Age 15 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I'm like stuck i this ten pound range! I can pig out a wicked lot and not gain more but when I exercise and diet I don't lose anything either!!! Is it possible that your body just picks a weight and decides to stay like that no matter what you do?! Should just eat whatever I feel like and stop trying to lose anything?
Reply from Praline, Age 16 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
From Cait, Age 16 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
MY bestfriend just got back, and I feel so fat she is a size 1 and I am a 8-9. I have started running, and I am goin to lift weights and do calistetics. I need to look great by Homecoming! If anyone knows any good arm excercised that burn arm fat fast, I would love to hear bout them, I am goin to start arm circles again.
Reply from andrea, Age 14 - 08/02/04 - IP#:
From ann, Age 16 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
i went to a party last night and it made me realise if u wear the right style and size u can look good. i mean i weigh 245 and i got ppl sayin i looked great an dlike id lost weigh which i havent. stop stressing and give ur self a break losing weight aint every thing. maybe if there was less pressure u wld lose weight easier. i no i feel better since i stopped feeling guilty over every thing i ate. well gud luck
Reply from Mandi, Age 17 - 08/02/04 - IP#:
From Suzu, Age 16 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
...I'm in complete and utter pain at the moment.. Yesterday and today I had done 10 hour shifts... My feet are being tortured by the rough carpet.. GAH! Although, I'm glad I ait healthy both days for my lunches. I work in a grocery store, bleh... So this thing about the place I work is everything is already made, like they have hot food dishes all boxed and stuff... I never have those anyways, but I made myself a small egg salad sandwhich and had water.. yay for me. And of course I believe I burned about 1,500 calories or more since I'm always running around the place.. Good luck to all, buh bai~!
Reply from Suzu, Age 16 - 08/02/04 - IP#:
Reply from MissyK, Age 18 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
From Beth, Age 13 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
what does the green tea actually do???? I'm trying it but i'm getting bigger!
Reply from Sallie, Age 15 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
From Kaila, Age 14 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
WORKOUT ROUTINE ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!!! I have been usig pilates for the summer, and in just about 10 workouts i saw a huge difference in muscle tone everywhere on my body, and i lost weight, so i recommend WINSOR pilates!! (no other pilates works, winsor is specifically put together!!):)
Reply from Kaila, Age 14 - 08/02/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 08/02/04 - IP#:
Reply from ann, Age 16 - 08/02/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
From chelsea, Age 15 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey everyone. Man I am so happy. I am 128 now and I haven't been starving myself what so ever and I've been eating my favorite foods ( just not a lot but not to little either ) and I lost 19 lbs ( started at 147 if you didn't already know ) I only have 3 lbs to go before my back to school goal. I know I can do it. If it wasn't for this site and the people here...I don't think I'd be at this point. I've had really incouraging weight loss buddies and I love reading the posts of other people who are going threw the same thing as me. Let me just say that If you feel like there's no hope ...Don't give up. Love yourself for who you are now. The weight won't come off in a day but your attitude makes all the difference. Weather your 110 pounds or 300 pounds your beautiful no matter what. I know that my weight kept climbing higher and higher and I felt like I just couldn't get on the right track ... (view more)Hey everyone. Man I am so happy. I am 128 now and I haven't been starving myself what so ever and I've been eating my favorite foods ( just not a lot but not to little either ) and I lost 19 lbs ( started at 147 if you didn't already know ) I only have 3 lbs to go before my back to school goal. I know I can do it. If it wasn't for this site and the people here...I don't think I'd be at this point. I've had really incouraging weight loss buddies and I love reading the posts of other people who are going threw the same thing as me. Let me just say that If you feel like there's no hope ...Don't give up. Love yourself for who you are now. The weight won't come off in a day but your attitude makes all the difference. Weather your 110 pounds or 300 pounds your beautiful no matter what. I know that my weight kept climbing higher and higher and I felt like I just couldn't get on the right track because no matter what I did I'd mess up. I'd say OK tomorrow I'm going to try this diet ...and It never worked cuz I'd always mess up the next morning. Don't try fad diets guys. Eat what you want...and eat enough and stay active. Not active as in jogging or sit ups...I mean that's great too ...but walking with some friends ...going shopping...fourwheeling...skateboarding...don't be active for weight loss be active for the fun. I haven't been making myself exercise here lately cuz I didn't want to and It's funny...I lost more weight not exercising...well I was exercising cuz I was walking miles with my friends going places and I've been leaving the house more and doing things...Not only has it made me feel like I was a funner person but the pounds fell off.I just kept feeling happier and happier after each pound came off and I feel really good right now. Please guys...never give up on yourselves...Don't concentrate on your weight 24-7 and start loving life ...every second that you have...You might not be here tomorrow so live life to the fullest today as you would everyday. Take it from me...I was three seconds away from death in this accident I was in on the second of july this year...a 2600 ton truck slammed into the back of our F 250 and totaled in...Amazingly me and my brother and 3 friends walked away safe. We all have really bad whiplash and my friend Andrew is having minor heart problems but they can be fixed but we are all very lucky. I learned to love life and myself and try to accomplish as much as I can in the short time I may have because I might not be here tomorrow. If I had died that day I would have missed out on so much...and If I die today or tomorrow I will miss out on so much more...I'm making the best of what time I have...don't focus on weight to much..It will ruin the time you have. Thanks for listening and I believe in you guys cuz I'm doing it and you can do it too. Chels (view less)
Reply from Jackie, Age 15 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
From Kaila, Age 14 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi everyone, all my life i have considered myself overweight. i never seemed to care about it until about my 8th grade year. i had been lookin at pics of myself while playing basketball and i realized how much i hated the way i looked. so i sat down with my mom and stepdad and they talked to me telling me that i could make a change, and so i did. my motivation was, i am embarassed to admit, money that i would get from my parents if i lost a certain amount of weight. Then, i weighed 200 lbs!! now, i have lost between 40 and 48 lbs, and i weigh between 150 and 158. i am definitly happy that i have lost this weight, but i need to lose mayb 10 pounds and i would b ecstatic. i need the support and any ideas from ppl!!! thank u soooo much!
Reply from emily, Age 14 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kaila, Age 14 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
From Rosie, Age 15 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi guys. I hav lost about 47 lbs in the last year. I am willing to share any tips or answer any questions u hav about losin weight, im here 2 help!! so if u feel u need sum encouragement just write me a msg :P
Reply from Amanda, Age 14 - 10/26/06 - IP#:
Reply from Kaila, Age 14 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from Tiffany, Age 14 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from Nicole, Age 13 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from ann, Age 16 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
From Shay, Age 16 - 08/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey all! I come here almost everyday but I rarely post so you prolly dont know me. Around mid-January/ February I was 250 pounds. My goal was to get down to 175. At the start of the summer I got up early every morning and walked between 3-5 miles around the track at my school. I began drinking Apple Cidar Vinegar mixed in with my water. I felt so energized and after just one week of doing this I could see I was losing more weight. Then I found out I had to go to Summer School (which NOW I found out I really didnt have to go after all!), but I have been so tired lately to exercise. The past three weeks I have been 195 and no matter what I have stayed there. Tuesday night I decided to take two capfulls of the Apple Cidar Vinegar before I went to bed and I woke up 2 pounds lighter. Ever since Tuesday night I have been taking 2-3 capfuls when I go to bed and when I wake up and as of RIGHT... (view more)Hey all! I come here almost everyday but I rarely post so you prolly dont know me. Around mid-January/ February I was 250 pounds. My goal was to get down to 175. At the start of the summer I got up early every morning and walked between 3-5 miles around the track at my school. I began drinking Apple Cidar Vinegar mixed in with my water. I felt so energized and after just one week of doing this I could see I was losing more weight. Then I found out I had to go to Summer School (which NOW I found out I really didnt have to go after all!), but I have been so tired lately to exercise. The past three weeks I have been 195 and no matter what I have stayed there. Tuesday night I decided to take two capfulls of the Apple Cidar Vinegar before I went to bed and I woke up 2 pounds lighter. Ever since Tuesday night I have been taking 2-3 capfuls when I go to bed and when I wake up and as of RIGHT now I am finally down to 188. I started drinking the vinegar about a month ago and i looked it up online and I heard it is good for u. I just didnt post about it up here cause there seems to be a new thing every month that everyone on here wants (green tea, 3 day diet, ddr). But after THREE weeks of watching wat I eat and exercise (just not as much) and staying the SAME weight...and then drinking this stuff and watching wat I eat along with limited exercise...I finally broke my plateau so I truly believe it has something to do with the Apple Cidar Vinegar. Just thought I would share with you guys! (view less)
Reply from emily, Age 14 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from mee, Age 15 - 08/01/04 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
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