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From Kaylee, Age 15 - 07/07/04 - IP#: 172.174.215.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey everyone, i hope yall are all doing good on yall diets and best wishes to all of you. Anywayz i'm planning on startin my diet tomorrow so if any of yall have any advice for me or anything it will be greatly appreciated. I would also like a lot of support if thats possible. Well i'll be back tomorrow night to tell you how well i did. Good Luck! Ashlee
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 07/08/04  - IP#: 4.131.20.xxx
Reply from Kaylee, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 172.174.215.xxx

From Katie, Age 13 - 07/07/04 - IP#: 67.226.228.xxx  Click here to reply  
All I am gonna eat in fruits, vegetables, and healthy meats. I am only gonna drink water......
Reply from Jesse, Age 13 - 07/10/04  - IP#: 216.175.30.xxx
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 216.74.216.xxx
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 4.131.16.xxx

From Mandi, Age 17 - 07/07/04 - IP#: 208.243.85.xxx  Click here to reply  
today i did something that actually kinda made me proud of myself. My biggest problem when it comes to my weight is giving in and then saying i'll start over tomorrow...and then tomorrow..and so forth. Well today i went in to the breakroom at my work to warm up my lean cusine and buy a diet pepsi and much to my disappointment the machine was sold out of diets (and that was the only selection) man i just about wanted to cry..my diet pepsi is just about the only good thing about lunch!! I so desperately wanted to drink something other than water (im so sick of water lately) so i did what i alway did and gave in and bought a regular pepsi. When i got back to desk i did the math and was amazed to find out that 1 8oz bottle of pepsi is 250 calories!!! Thats outrageous!! So as much as i enjoyed the few sips i took, and as much as i wanted something bubbly to drink i capped the bottle and chucked it. Thats right i wasted a dollar all in the name of my diet. I guess its little hurdles like these that keep ya on track. So if i can do it you guys can do it lol good luck!!
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 4.131.21.xxx
Reply from Anna, Age 16 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 68.248.212.xxx

From JAMIE, Age 15 - 07/07/04 - IP#: 68.56.154.xxx  Click here to reply  

From Katie, Age 13 - 07/07/04 - IP#: 67.226.228.xxx  Click here to reply  
I am gonna try my best to dedicate myself to eating right and exersizing. I keep telling myself that I am gonna start a diet the next day, but the next day, I never do. This time, I am gonna think of why I am dieting in the first plasce so that will keep me away from bad food.
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 4.131.16.xxx

From Elana, Age 15 - 07/07/04 - IP#: 65.7.177.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey im 13. My mom first noticed i was gaining weight when fat started hanging over my jeans and my shirts were getting stretched out. When i was 11 i weight 99 lbs. and when i turned 12 and hit puberty i started eating more and more. i quickly went from 100 to 130 when my docter told me i needed to loose weight i lose 20 lbs. and was back to 110. After a summer of sitting around i was 135. i didnt realize i gained weight. When i was 14 i went from 130 to 159 and thats where i am now. and thats where i am nowi have very supporitive friends and family and im popular and having an amazing loving boyfriend. I dont eat for emotional eating but just because i like food. Today for breakfast I had 3 doughnuts from Dukin Doughnuts, 2 Ego Waffles, and 2 pieces of leftover pizza from last night. Then about a hour later i got hungry again so i had a bag of popcorn. Then me and my boyfriend went out... (view more)
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 67.168.60.xxx
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 4.131.21.xxx
Reply from Ben, Age 14 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 68.119.244.xxx
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 67.168.60.xxx

From JAMIE, Age 15 - 07/07/04 - IP#: 68.56.154.xxx  Click here to reply  
Reply from JS, Age 12 - 07/08/04  - IP#: 148.167.126.xxx

From shortie, Age 13 - 07/07/04 - IP#: 149.174.164.xxx  Click here to reply  
I ate 3/4 of a gallon of cookies n cream icecream and a lot of pretzels and 3 microvable mac n cheeses I was doin ok 4 a while but then things have been going on in my family and i get depressed and eat :(
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 67.168.60.xxx

From Anna, Age 16 - 07/07/04 - IP#: 68.248.212.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey everyone. i started my diet on july 1st. i have been eating totally healthy and exercizing everyday and i weighed myself the morning and i LOST 4 lbs!!!! woohooo!:):):)
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 4.131.16.xxx
Reply from Katie aka Kate, Age 13 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 67.226.228.xxx

From cameran, Age 12 - 07/07/04 - IP#: 24.170.113.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi, my name is cameran and i am 12. i weigh 190 pounds what should i do to lose weight? i have tryed exersise 3 meals a day it just doesnt work because i love to eat! please give me some tips!
Reply from Stevie*Marie, Age 18 - 07/08/04  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 4.131.22.xxx

From chelsea, Age 15 - 07/07/04 - IP#: 64.12.117.xxx  Click here to reply  
Guys..I weighed In at 134 today so that's another pound gone. From 147 I feel so much better. I want to be 125 by the time school starts so that's 9 lbs. My healthy weight is 128 so I only have 6 pounds to go until I'm there. I just want to wish everyone the best ..good luck. Chels
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 07/08/04  - IP#: 63.183.112.xxx
Reply from Stevie*Marie, Age 18 - 07/08/04  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from Kara, Age 14 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from MissyK, Age 18 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 24.84.212.xxx
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 4.131.21.xxx

From HELLO KITTY - 07/07/04 - IP#: 66.169.203.xxx  Click here to reply  
yall theirs 1 type of chips yall can have their cheese nips their 120 calories for 20 chips and you can eat as much as you want of them and if you only eat a box and nothing else every day then thats 1400 calories its kool and you maybe can loose weight

From Matt, Age 14 - 07/07/04 - IP#: 69.160.65.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey guys i am 157lbs.i should be happy but i am not. i was 165 i lost 9lbs. and now i am getting strech marks around my legs. i dont want to suffer anymore plz some one help me. it hurts to know that i am that fat to get strech marks plz plz plz help me god bless you all thanks guys
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 4.131.16.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 14 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx

From KAY, Age 19 - 07/07/04 - IP#: 64.12.117.xxx  Click here to reply  
YeaaaaH i'm proud of myself b/c i woke up at 6:45 am to jog for 10 minutes...b4 work this morning...but i gotta run for a whole hour when i come back later and do weights...oh well...as sum1 else said b4 "if u wanna lose u gotta feel the pain." so u wont hear me complaining...HAVE A NICE DAY ALL!!
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 4.131.16.xxx

From Juli, Age 15 - 07/07/04 - IP#: 65.7.177.xxx  Click here to reply  
I'm 15 and i usually weigh 149 lbs. but in the last couple of months ive been eating a lot. For instance just in the last 4 wekes i gained 15 pounds. As of now i am 15 and 173 lbs. my mom doesent think im overweight and all my friends tell me im really fat. i cant control ANYTHING today for breakfast i had 4 poptarts and 3 dougnut holes then for lunch i had a Big Mac and large fries and for dessert i had 2 pieces of cheesecake. right now i am sitting a good 4 inches away from my computer and my desk is poking at my stomach. im wearing jeans right now that are 2 sizes to small from me and you can barely see the zipper because my stomach is folding over. right now i am eating. ive always been a little chunky but now i just keep gaining weight. i dont know what to do! email me @ kingmich17@yahoo.com
Reply from Ben, Age 14 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 68.119.244.xxx
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 4.131.22.xxx
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 67.168.60.xxx

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