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From green tea, Age 13 - 01/23/04 - IP#: 64.202.1.xxx  Click here to reply  
but my question is to know does it work and how much should i drink a day....(green tea)
Reply from greentea, Age 14 - 01/24/04  - IP#: 64.202.1.xxx
Reply from chunkybabe, Age 10 - 01/24/04  - IP#: 68.36.206.xxx

From Taylor, Age 13 - 01/23/04 - IP#: 198.81.26.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey people, I'm 150 opposed to 151. I'm gonna lose weight till I"m 140 and see how i look. With my body type, i don't look fat at all, so if i lose too much weight, like going down to 125, i'd be too skinny. That how my mom is, she only 130 lbs and an in. taller than me. Oh, and one amazing thing. I've been running, walking z/dog, and other stuff last weekend, and i noticed that just from that little bit of exercise, i'm not tired going up the scjool stairs anymore! It's really amazing once you start losing weight.P.S. I was 154 after the holidays!
Reply from chelsea, Age 14 - 01/23/04  - IP#: 66.167.147.xxx

From ++MeL++, Age 13 - 01/23/04 - IP#: 66.82.168.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey wattup, has n e of u heard of the SPECIAL K challenge where u lose up to 6lbs in 2 weeks?? well i started the challenge and i have been on it for a week now and i have lost 3-4lbs! omg u dont know how HAPPY i am to see these results so far. it boosted my confidence way up. for the challenge all u hav to do is eat SPECIAL K for breakfast and replace lunch/dinner with it., drink as u normally do, eat ur lunch/dinner as u normally do, and for snacks...eat fruit, veggies, or a SPECIAL K cereal bar. and wut did i do u say?? lol well of course i did the whole replacing special k wit blah blah yea u kno dat part...and wut i drank wuz water/orange juice/skim milk (jus 2 b on da healthy side), ate an orange if i was till hungry, ate lunch/dinner normally except i didnt hav too much, did yoga/body electric/treadmill for 30-60 min., and did a small excersize dat is only about 5min every nite b4... (view more)
Reply from ++Mel++ 2 Amy, Age 13 - 01/24/04  - IP#: 66.82.168.xxx
Reply from amy, Age 16 - 01/24/04  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from B, Age 13 - 01/24/04  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx

From luvly 1, Age 15 - 01/23/04 - IP#: 63.186.41.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey yall wuts crackin? I recently decided, (for like the 3rd time) that I was going to do the atkins diet, and doit succesfully. Well it appears that 3 times a charm because the diet became easy to stick to after the first few days, and I've lost 3.5lbs and counting (and this ways only in one week.) Plus I think that one of the major differences from the last couple of times I tried this ways that I told my family (not just parents),friends, and people around me that I was doing this. They all supported me, and told me I was in their prayers. Its been two weeks now and I've yet to check the scales, but one thing I know 4 sure, is that I am defineatly in control of my eating now, I dont get the constant cravings for sugary sweets, and I can pass up a friends offer for fries, or candy without hesitation. A word of advice to anyone struggling with their diet: if you feel like you need a food that you cant have, think about it like this, "will it be worth the extra pounds once the taste has passed?"
Reply from Kathy, Age 16 - 01/24/04  - IP#: 67.167.14.xxx
Reply from Oh yea i forgot, Age 15 - 01/23/04  - IP#: 63.186.41.xxx

From hillary, Age 16 - 01/22/04 - IP#: 67.35.41.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey yall-its hillary. i lost a pound!! haha ok so now im 172 versus 175. yay! haha. anyway, today i went to my fav vegetarian restaurant and had a peice of choc cake. UH OH! i couldnt help it even thou i wasnt even hungry!!! U know how dr phil says there is an emotional reason to every overweight persons overeating? my is definetly comfort food and i think im afraid that even if i lose weight-that i still wont like myself. pretty dumb, huh? oh well....ima start drinkin 8 oz water a day like yall say. im 5"6, 172 lbs and 16 yrs old. if anyone would like to keep in touch regarding weight goals, just tell me. luv yall -hillary (hallie)
Reply from hillary, Age 16 - 01/23/04  - IP#: 67.35.37.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/23/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/23/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx

From Lacey, Age 14 - 01/22/04 - IP#: 198.53.17.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey people
i have a question do any of you no about the green tea diet?
how many cups a day do you have to drink to make it work
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/23/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx

From lindsey, Age 14 - 01/22/04 - IP#: 209.30.163.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey this is to melissa - u replied to one of my messages and asked if i lived in some complex on some ave. lol sorry i cant remember the names...but sorry i dont! just wanted to tell u! bye ybe!

From Going Crazy, Age 19 - 01/22/04 - IP#: 12.75.211.xxx  Click here to reply  
REally does anyone know what I'm talking about someone posted that if you drink 16 16oz glasses of water a day you can eat whatever and you'll loose weight they also said something about how their Mom's friend did this diet a like for two years and she went from a 32 to a 10 if you are the one who posted that reply please and / or if anyone knows what I am talking about tell me okay I'ld really like to talk to someone about this ie the person who posted it in the first place it was like a couple of weeks ago I think and it was someone's reply to someone else okay please write back.
Reply from Crazy to Claudia, Age 19 - 01/23/04  - IP#: 151.198.226.xxx
Reply from Crazy To Hilary, Age 19 - 01/23/04  - IP#: 151.198.226.xxx
Reply from Claudia oops, Age 14 - 01/22/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/22/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from Hillary, Age 16 - 01/22/04  - IP#: 67.35.41.xxx

From 16 a day, Age 19 - 01/22/04 - IP#: 12.75.211.xxx  Click here to reply  
Seriously I want to talk to the girl that posted about the 16cups of water a day at 16oz a peice Please respond if your here

From helen, Age 14 - 01/22/04 - IP#: 62.253.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
do n 1 else comfort eat???if so do ya no of a gd way 2 stop?
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/23/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from Brittany, Age 17 - 01/22/04  - IP#: 68.248.72.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/22/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx

From flutist, Age 16 - 01/22/04 - IP#: 205.188.208.xxx  Click here to reply  
ok fdsg i know your really courtney!!! do u think that everyone on this stie is stupid? u have the same IP number. people come to this site got get support and if your going to act like that and change your name then you shouldn't be comming he cause if u don't give people the support they need they they won't give you any support either.
Reply from flutist, Age 16 - 01/22/04  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx

From helen, Age 14 - 01/22/04 - IP#: 62.253.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
i need 2 lose 30 pound.fast!dose n e 1 no a good way???please reply.

From flutist, Age 16 - 01/22/04 - IP#: 205.188.208.xxx  Click here to reply  
i just weighed my self and i lost about 3 pounds. i'm so happy i'm going to keep going even thought it's hard roght now cause i have exams.

From Annie, Age 14 - 01/22/04 - IP#: 195.92.67.xxx  Click here to reply  
HI im Annie im really new to this site but it is really helping and moativating me, it is really good to here what other people have to say on this site and that everyone goes through the same things. I currently weigh 165 pounds and i need to lose about 40 by april it is going okay.I hope i get to know some of you a little bit.I think most of you live in America , im from the U.S but live in England so i know that there is a five hour time difference so i propaly wont be able to talk to people in the chat room anyway good luck on the diets everyone.
Reply from Shannon, Age 15 - 02/03/04  - IP#: 24.71.223.xxx
Reply from susan, Age 13 - 01/22/04  - IP#: 65.128.128.xxx

From HELEN, Age 14 - 01/22/04 - IP#: 62.253.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
im 5'2 and 154 pounds.im a fat blob!dose n e 1 no a good way 2 lose weight fast???pls help
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/22/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx

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