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From Todd, Age 14 - 01/20/04 - IP#: 209.204.65.xxx  Click here to reply  
Todd here with the daily progress. Ergh! I had gym at like 745 this morning (middles school officially sucks, and so does 9th grade, but anyhow...), did 200 situps and 45ish pushups. Just got finished working out on the elliptical downstairs (did upwards of 40 minutes). Did ok in regards to food today, but had a gingerbread cookie for a snack (darn cravings). O well, I'm still 3 month away from the time I have set for my goal. I'll weigh myself in the morning... If pro is positive and con is negative, then isn't the opposite of progress congress? --- HAHA Don't mean any offense... I'm HYPER (and sweaty)... Until tomorrow, I'm out.
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/21/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx

From Lola, Age 14 - 01/20/04 - IP#: 62.254.64.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey you guys one of my friends told me this when her Mum was doing an experiment on it. Say you drink one bottle coke, soda, any fizzy drink, your bones will leak twice as much calcium, so although you may think I'll let myself have loads of coke today, then you are actually harming your body quite a lot! You probs already know this, but anyways. Believin in ya LOL Luv Lola

From flutist, Age 16 - 01/20/04 - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey, well this doesn't have anything to do with weight but i thought i would let everyone know about it cause it really worked for me. if you have a pimple and want to get rid of it fast put some lemon juice on a cotton ball and rub it on your face. it really works! it will be gone in a couple days. this is also good for people with oily skin.
Reply from :) - 01/20/04  - IP#: 4.7.44.xxx

From fatty, Age 12 - 01/20/04 - IP#: 195.93.32.xxx  Click here to reply  
I seem NOT to be loosing weight... I try ansd try but npothing is working... I tried starving but that didn't work and excersizing n stuff and eatin all healthy food butTHAT didn't work wghat am I gonna do I wanna loose 3 stone
Reply from hatter, Age 15 - 06/05/05  - IP#: 70.249.208.xxx
Reply from katie, Age 12 - 03/05/04  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 17 - 01/21/04  - IP#: 151.198.226.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from to fatty, Age 12 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 24.46.97.xxx

From lindsay, Age 15 - 01/20/04 - IP#: 68.61.71.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Today: 140 lb (BMI %tile: 83), Goal: 115 lb - hey everyone i weight 140 and im like 5'4 and i want to lost 25-30 pounds i would love to weight 110-115 tahts would be awesome and i want to weight that much by spring break.. i know i can do it but im going to do it by the low carb diet only eating 20 carbs a day.. and than i dance and when i dont ill do tea bo.. im excited but i want to know by anyone if they think i can do it..? and how much weight u can lose in a week or 2 on this diet.. just so i know wht to expect..? please reply that would be great thanks to all.. please commeny..
Reply from lindsay, Age 15 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 68.61.71.xxx
Reply from Steph, Age 16 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 24.66.94.xxx

From don't wanna say, Age 13 - 01/20/04 - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 145 lb - I am 13 years old, 145 pounds. I am so disguested with myself. My doctor says i am in a state of depression so i can't help it. I want to lose wheight though! FAST!! please if you can help me write me back. Thank you so much everyone! we are doing great. I would really like to lose wheight though so can you please help me? please help me!1
Reply from hatter, Age 15 - 06/20/05  - IP#: 70.129.35.xxx
Reply from katie, Age 12 - 03/05/04  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx
Reply from Angel, Age 13 - 01/21/04  - IP#: 24.91.153.xxx
Reply from HEY ANGEL, Age 17 - 01/21/04  - IP#: 151.198.226.xxx
Reply from Linda, Age 16 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx
Reply from Claudia to Lacey, Age 14 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from Claudia to Angel, Age 14 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from TO ANGEL, Age 17 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 67.35.33.xxx
Reply from Angel, Age 13 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 24.91.153.xxx
Reply from Angel, Age 13 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 24.91.153.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from ANGEL, Age 13 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 24.91.153.xxx
Reply from Lacey, Age 16 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 4.7.44.xxx

From Claudia, Age 14 - 01/20/04 - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ok well... I've been eating great and doing the FIRM thing every day. I heard that you might gain some like, muscle weight, well I don't know what it is because I gained two pounds even though I've been eating so good and everything. I lost some inches but I just gained weight so... I guess it's working because I lost inches btu it just sucks that I'm gaining weight. Anyways, for the people in the weight loss contest... I'm trying so so so so hard normally I would have definitely lost weight by now, but I haven't and I feel sort of stupid lol anyways I will probably lose in this weeks contest anyways. I'm just posting to say that I've been working really really hard so it's not like I gave up or something, but since I'm not losing weight I don't think anybody believes that I'm actually trying so hard : (
Reply from Claudia to Rachel, Age 14 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from Rachel, Age 13 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 24.31.201.xxx
Reply from kiki, Age 15 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx

From Marie, Age 14 - 01/19/04 - IP#: 68.13.6.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 150 lb, Goal: 125 lb - Hey everyone! Okay I have a question...Right now I am currently walking/jogging on the treadmill for 3-4 miles a day Sunday-Thursday and I do 90 push-ups and 90 curls and I don't eat breakfast or lunch because of school and when I come home I try to eat as healthy as I can/but sometimes i'll slip up and then sometimes I will eat dinner but try and cut down on portions a lot! I try to drink as much water as I possibly can, and normally stick to No pop maybe 1 or 2 pops a week MAYBE! I currently weight 150lbs Do you think I could be 125lbs by mid March! Please post back on your thoughts or suggestions it will be GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thankz alot Luv yaz *Marie*
Reply from Katie, Age 17 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx

From Quisha, Age 17 - 01/19/04 - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx  Click here to reply  
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx

From marilyn, Age 17 - 01/19/04 - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 6'1", Today: 190 lb (BMI %tile: 83), Goal: 150 lb - hey everyone im new here!!! im 17 years old , 6 feet and 1 inch tall and i wiegh 190 lbs i wann be 150 lbs by may!!! i am goin to the gym.... and doing 100 crunches each nite.... but i dont kno what to eat... i kno some of u are trying to lose weight too, and u have problems of ur own ... but my parents wont help.... because they said i will never be able to loose weight!! i asked my mom if she could cook healthier and she said no ... does any one have any meal and snack ideas?!! i joined a gym and payed for it out of my own pocket (I have a job)i REALLY NEED UR HELP!!!! PLEASE HELP ME OUT!!!! THANK U IN ADVANCE... i love ya all
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 21 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 209.172.247.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from Quisha, Age 17 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx

From clifford, Age 15 - 01/19/04 - IP#: 67.40.165.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 171 lb, Goal: 150 lb - Hey I had basketball today and we had to jog it out and loosen up at the end i didnt get out of breath by jogging it out and I am proud of myself. I am trying to get back to 167 by next sunday I am at 171 right now and I am going to eat only at meal times and only have one pop a day and excercise A lot i really want to do this for sweethearts dance on the 13th of feburary I want to be 150 do you think I can do this if I only have one pop a day during the school week and when I dont have school only drink water and only eat at meal times and only eat a little because last week i was eating more than usual and I was feeling sick before I finished everything and Id idnt want to waste that money i spent on school lunch. Well good luck to everyone to reach there goals.
Reply from samantha, Age 14 - 02/09/04  - IP#: 68.94.59.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 67.40.165.xxx
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 67.40.165.xxx

From Brittany, Age 17 - 01/19/04 - IP#: 68.252.8.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 222 lb - HEY GUYS! Listen, we need to start doing weigh ins again! It's an awesome way to get movtivation from eachother. How about we all work really hard to shed the lbs and every Saturday we post our new weights! If you guys are up to it, leave a message. It'll be great! I weight 222 right now, and I plan on losing 2-3 lbs by Saturday. Anyway lets do this! it helps! but you guys have to be willing and able to do this. MEANING DO IT! you guys can do it! I have faith in you all!
Reply from determined, Age 16 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 67.35.33.xxx
Reply from steph, Age 16 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx
Reply from Brittany, Age 17 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 68.252.8.xxx
Reply from Katie, Age 17 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from annie, Age 14 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 195.92.67.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from Brittany, Age 17 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 68.252.8.xxx
Reply from annie, Age 14 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 195.92.194.xxx

From bailie, Age 13 - 01/19/04 - IP#: 24.217.11.xxx  Click here to reply  
im soooooooo dissapointed in my self i havent been on here in a long time and think its b/c i feel bad b/c i quite my whole diet thing during christmas break i went from drinking only water to soda and mostly dont drink water anymore, i eat what ever when ever and like everyday at lunch i have to have a bag of m&m's. just the other day when i went to my cuzins house to stay the night and she is an overweight person (im definatly not trying to be mean) and she isnt really a person who cares if she gains any weight well when i came home i felt like i had gained 5 pounds in just 2 days!!! and i feel really bad when i eat and everything. plus during christmas break and even during school right b4 xmas break i would like feel all sick and stuff so my mom made me stop drinking green tea thinking that might be the prob. soo... i have decided that im going to slowly get back on track taking it a... (view more)
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx

From Diet Buddy, Age 12 - 01/19/04 - IP#: 24.46.97.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey... I dunno bout u guyz, but I think its 10 times easier interacting through AOL instant messanger (AIM)... Sooo post you AOL or AIM Screennames, weight, height and gender here, so everyone can make use from this postLYL*+*LeXi*+*
Reply from beth, Age 12 - 01/20/04  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx

From Determined, Age 16 - 01/19/04 - IP#: 67.35.34.xxx  Click here to reply  
To Rachel and Anne-
Think about what ur saying here. If everyone were to eat "right" and excercise to lose weight-THERE WOULD BE ENDLESS WEIGHTLOSS. its just not possible. so yeah you have to eat a whole lot less and excercise a whole lot more. i hate it when ppl are like, "well just eat better-its not that hard" cuz its b.s. and i dont fall for it. mayo clinic is the way to go. it works, its fast, its easy, its garunteed. by the way-DONT USE TRIMSPA. IT absolutely messes u up and u bleed from u anus and have anus leakage. DONT DO IT
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx

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