From SG, Age 13 - 10/04/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
First off, if you are overweight, and want to lose weight with some quick diet or something like that (Atkin's diet, that counts, stuff like that), you need to EXERCISE. No "quick fix" diets will work. Now that I have that out of the way, I am 13 (as above shows) and I am overweight, obviosuly. However, I am pretty active (Playing hockey every other day now, and wiffleball (The version where you actually run bases and stuff) and random sports), but I don't seem to lose any weight. I eat right usually, having something, like some cookies, or cake, or whatnot, and it's really frustrating. Anyone out there have these same experiances?
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 10/12/03 - IP#:
From marie, Age 15 - 10/04/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
is the atkins diet dangerous?
Reply from hatter, Age 15 - 07/07/05 - IP#:
Reply from pop, Age 16 - 10/04/03 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 10/04/03 - IP#:
Reply from maggie, Age 13 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
From whitney, Age 15 - 10/04/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Today: 230 lb - hey gurls i know how u feel i am bout the 230 and it hurts to be called names and being moked n stead of havin just a weight problem i have lotsa of othere stuff goin along with it! i have flat feet wich makes it hard to exersize and do the things i want to do!! i hve had bout 6 feet operations already.. I hate myself and i feel like killing my self some times too!! Depression runs in my family so its twice as bad!! i hate it and i was a morman and i wonder if there really is a god why would he do sumthing so painfull to overweight teens every day i wonder why me!! i have always looked at my self and didnt really see that i was over weight and if kids hadnt made fn of me i wouldnt even care.. but there arnt alot of nice people in this world when it comes to fat people. its also hard to fit in because u cant find your size in clothes and u alway get dipressed when u go cltohes shopping. ... (view more)hey gurls i know how u feel i am bout the 230 and it hurts to be called names and being moked n stead of havin just a weight problem i have lotsa of othere stuff goin along with it! i have flat feet wich makes it hard to exersize and do the things i want to do!! i hve had bout 6 feet operations already.. I hate myself and i feel like killing my self some times too!! Depression runs in my family so its twice as bad!! i hate it and i was a morman and i wonder if there really is a god why would he do sumthing so painfull to overweight teens every day i wonder why me!! i have always looked at my self and didnt really see that i was over weight and if kids hadnt made fn of me i wouldnt even care.. but there arnt alot of nice people in this world when it comes to fat people. its also hard to fit in because u cant find your size in clothes and u alway get dipressed when u go cltohes shopping. i could go on and on but i dont feel like it so i was just gonna say that i have tryed tonsa diets and they never helped theyjust make u more dipressed and unhappy i have tried pills also same thing happens we have considerd surgery but im too young s on oct 4 ima go to see a personal trainer to try to see if i can loose weight there at the gym... its gonna cost 300 dollars but my dad dosnt care he wants to help me. my big bro was fatter than me he was bout 250 and he went to the gym every day and now he is alot skinnyer than me and he lost it in a few weeks. the personal trainer said that u can loose 4% of ur body fat if u work at the gym for 6 weeks. my dad says its about 30 pounds so i want to try it out!!!! and i pray to god it works so i will note u back or or add me to ur hotmail @ or aol at ltlangelchik i want some other peoples e-mails or instant messengers so i can tal to people about it!! (view less)
Reply from hatter, Age 15 - 07/07/05 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 10/04/03 - IP#:
Reply from annie, Age 15 - 10/04/03 - IP#:
From Erin, Age 15 - 10/04/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ok, this may be upseting to some of you, but I am only telling you these things for your benefit. About 5 months ago, I used to always be on the computer looking for ways to lose weight. Then I found this place. It did absolutely NOTHING! for me, so what I want you all to do, is shut down your computers, get your butts out of your chairs, AND GO DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE! I was talking to a health director once, and he said that the easiest, fastest, and most effective thing to do for losing weight is change those terrible eating habits. You all are probably saying that it's hard, but all it takes is a little voice in side your head giving you some self control. But when you change those eating habits, you also need to do excersise, other wise your losing weight, but not your excess skin, and it will be all saggy and you'll be even more upset with yourself. Please take my advice! I did,... (view more)Ok, this may be upseting to some of you, but I am only telling you these things for your benefit. About 5 months ago, I used to always be on the computer looking for ways to lose weight. Then I found this place. It did absolutely NOTHING! for me, so what I want you all to do, is shut down your computers, get your butts out of your chairs, AND GO DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE! I was talking to a health director once, and he said that the easiest, fastest, and most effective thing to do for losing weight is change those terrible eating habits. You all are probably saying that it's hard, but all it takes is a little voice in side your head giving you some self control. But when you change those eating habits, you also need to do excersise, other wise your losing weight, but not your excess skin, and it will be all saggy and you'll be even more upset with yourself. Please take my advice! I did, and within 3 months I had lost around 35 lbs by following a healthy day plan, with a little room here and there for a SMALL snack, and I have never been happier. So good luck, and I hope you will follow my advice. (view less)
Reply from Jamal, Age 19 - 10/10/03 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 10/05/03 - IP#:
Reply from CLIFFORD, Age 15 - 10/04/03 - IP#:
From Jackie, Age 15 - 10/03/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey guys listen. This is going to sound mean, and your not gonna wanna be my pal after i say this because it may not be what you want to hear. but i dont care because it needs to be said. I came here all the time last year, I was sadly one of those people who checked the bulitten board every day. This site did NOTHING for me. All it did was make me sit on my butt by the computer. You people need to get up off this computer and GO DO SOMETHING. You sit on this computer looking up information on how to loose weight thinking your doing somthing to make you loose weight but your not. You know the right way to loose weight - eat right and excersize. Stop looking for diets that will help you loose weight faster or stupid fad diets or diet pills. None of those work! You just have to stop spending time on the computer and go excersize or something. I dont care if you hate excersize, and I dont... (view more)Hey guys listen. This is going to sound mean, and your not gonna wanna be my pal after i say this because it may not be what you want to hear. but i dont care because it needs to be said. I came here all the time last year, I was sadly one of those people who checked the bulitten board every day. This site did NOTHING for me. All it did was make me sit on my butt by the computer. You people need to get up off this computer and GO DO SOMETHING. You sit on this computer looking up information on how to loose weight thinking your doing somthing to make you loose weight but your not. You know the right way to loose weight - eat right and excersize. Stop looking for diets that will help you loose weight faster or stupid fad diets or diet pills. None of those work! You just have to stop spending time on the computer and go excersize or something. I dont care if you hate excersize, and I dont care if you cant resist temptation all the time and have to eat a whole bag of cookies. Thats what self controll is for. Self controll. Trust me, I used to be like that, thinking that just because I was looking up information about diets on the internet that I was loosing weight because i was so "educated" about it. But now Ive stoped doing that and Im loosing weight the right way, and Ive already lost five pounds. Im sorry if I have ofended you in any way or sorry if I was rude but I felt that you guys just come here asking so many questions, when all you need to do is eat right and excersize. If you have a question or want to make a comment IM me at Thespian831 ~ bye guys. (view less)
Reply from Jackie, Age 15 - 10/04/03 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 10/04/03 - IP#:
Reply from lovelygurl101, Age 14 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
Reply from Jackie, Age 15 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
Reply from Jay, Age 14 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
From Celia aka Angel, Age 11 - 10/03/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi im new here but im pretty sure i lost a couple pounds after doing Jumprope Club ^^
Reply from Confused, Age 11 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
From marie, Age 15 - 10/03/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Reply from hatter, Age 15 - 07/07/05 - IP#:
Reply from Dawn, Age 14 - 10/04/03 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 10/04/03 - IP#:
Reply from Celia, Age 11 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
Reply from CLIFFORD, Age 15 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
From clifford, Age 15 - 10/03/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey everyone i believe i have lost 8 pounds so i believe i am at 170 so if it is true go me if i am a pound or to heavier then i just gotta try harder next time but i am so proud of myself and it was a bad week cuz of my bday.
Reply from hatter, Age 15 - 07/07/05 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 10/04/03 - IP#:
Reply from Angel, Age 11 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
From Kate, Age 13 - 10/02/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi i need your help i really wanna lose like 15-20 lbs do u know any good diets or exercises that i can do if u do can u email me at
Reply from Kels, Age 13 - 02/01/05 - IP#:
Reply from becki, Age 16 - 12/01/03 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
From Emily, Age 13 - 10/02/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Can anyone tell me how to do the atkins diet w/out paying for special stuff on websites and stuff? everyone says it works good and i think it would work well for me! ( as long as i can stay away from fresh baked bread and butter slathered baked potatoes :))
Reply from emily, Age 17 - 12/01/03 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
Reply from Maggie, Age 13 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
From Dawn, Age 14 - 10/02/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7", Start: 255 lb, Today: 166 lb (BMI %tile: 92) - Hey everyone....i use to be 225 now im 166 and at 5'7...ive lost 59 lbs
Reply from Brianna, Age 15 - 10/19/03 - IP#:
Reply from Dawn to Strawberry, Age 14 - 10/04/03 - IP#:
Reply from marie, Age 15 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
Reply from Emily, Age 13 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
Reply from To Marie From Emily, Age 13 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
Reply from CLIFFORD, Age 15 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
Reply from Strawberry, Age 15 - 10/02/03 - IP#:
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 10/02/03 - IP#:
Reply from BRITTANY, Age 14 - 10/02/03 - IP#:
From Sayard, Age 16 - 10/02/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Can I still eat meet and cheese while I'm dieting if I only eat small portions of it??
Reply from SARA, Age 17 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
From Milla - 10/02/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello. Does anyone have any weight loss tips. I sure could use some.
From this is from msn health, Age 16 - 10/02/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
...About Small Eating ChangesWater, water, water, water. (Your skin will look great, too!)Order half portions at restaurants, or share a full portion with somebody. Or ask for a to-go container when you order your food, and pack up half the portion before you even start eating. Cut back on butter and mayo. Limit fried foods to once or twice per week. Use less or no sugar in your coffee or tea. Replace ground beef with Boca products or ground turkey. Try at least one new food every week. If you're bored with what you're eating, you're more likely to give up. Eat fresh, raw veggies instead of chips with sandwiches. Measure your portions until you're sure you know what a cup, a half-cup, and a tablespoon look like. This will help you practice portion control, an essential key to weight-loss success. Try not to drink high-calorie beverages. Dip your fork in a side of salad dressing before... (view more)...About Small Eating ChangesWater, water, water, water. (Your skin will look great, too!)Order half portions at restaurants, or share a full portion with somebody. Or ask for a to-go container when you order your food, and pack up half the portion before you even start eating. Cut back on butter and mayo. Limit fried foods to once or twice per week. Use less or no sugar in your coffee or tea. Replace ground beef with Boca products or ground turkey. Try at least one new food every week. If you're bored with what you're eating, you're more likely to give up. Eat fresh, raw veggies instead of chips with sandwiches. Measure your portions until you're sure you know what a cup, a half-cup, and a tablespoon look like. This will help you practice portion control, an essential key to weight-loss success. Try not to drink high-calorie beverages. Dip your fork in a side of salad dressing before each bite, instead of pouring it directly on your salad. You'll find that you are satisfied with much less than you usually put on. Find healthy alternatives to all your favorite foods. If you don't really love it, don't eat it. Never eat out of a bag or box. Take out a measured/counted quantity of food and put it in a bowl. This way, you know exactly how much you're having. Always eat something for breakfast. Read food labels. Check serving sizes. Add vegetables to everything. Plan meals in advance; use that information to make out a complete shopping list. Give guests food to take home. Write down everything you eat and drink, without fail.Plan ahead for special occasions by accounting for higher-calorie foods before you eat them. (view less)
From Kari, Age 13 - 10/02/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ummmm this may sound stupid but what is pilatees ????PLEASE ANSWER!
Reply from rachel, Age 15 - 10/05/03 - IP#:
Reply from Hanne, Age 14 - 10/03/03 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |