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From Liz, Age 18 - 02/21/03 - IP#: 144.136.144.xxx  Click here to reply  
Also, on that topic that I was just talking about, did anyone ever see the movie, "Shallow Hal"?? If that is not an example of prejudice I dont what is. I did a really big assignment on it last year, and did you know that the lead character, Rosemary, who was large was seen eating food, ordering food or holding food 10 times in that movie?? Or that she broke 2 chairs?? And the fact that her "inner beauty" was seen as a beautiful model was obviously discriminating. This is what I'm talking about Agie: discrimation from a society that doesnt understand or accept. Any comments I'd love to hear them!
Reply from Yuna, Age 16 - 02/22/03  - IP#: 24.71.223.xxx
Reply from Georgina, Age 14 - 02/22/03  - IP#: 195.93.50.xxx
Reply from Liz, Age 18 - 02/22/03  - IP#: 144.136.144.xxx
Reply from emma, Age 16 - 02/22/03  - IP#: 132.241.65.xxx
Reply from leigh - 02/21/03  - IP#: 65.163.106.xxx
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 02/21/03  - IP#: 24.192.202.xxx
Reply from lila, Age 16 - 02/21/03  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx

From Skyler, Age 16 - 02/21/03 - IP#: 132.241.65.xxx  Click here to reply  
To anyone who can help me...I cant seem to get my gut to go away...and if anyone knows what type of lower stomach and even upper stomach excercises I could use to get my stomach toned I would really apreciate it.
Reply from stacey, Age 14 - 02/23/03  - IP#: 206.148.104.xxx
Reply from Candy, Age 13 - 02/22/03  - IP#: 205.188.208.xxx
Reply from ana, Age 15 - 02/22/03  - IP#: 68.84.179.xxx
Reply from 1, Age 13 - 02/22/03  - IP#: 172.194.143.xxx

From Rachel, Age 16 - 02/20/03 - IP#: 24.192.202.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi everyone. i need suggestions on healthy snacks. something other than fruit and vegetables. if any of u have any suggestions, reply thanx!
Reply from Georgina, Age 14 - 02/22/03  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from Erin, Age 16 - 02/21/03  - IP#: 132.241.65.xxx
Reply from leigh - 02/21/03  - IP#: 65.163.106.xxx
Reply from Pinksy1, Age 17 - 02/20/03  - IP#: 152.163.189.xxx

From allisa, Age 14 - 02/20/03 - IP#: 68.13.169.xxx  Click here to reply  
for those that know me i am really not over weight, BUT i do tend to pig out when i come home from school. somtimes i snack out alot and can't eat dinner. i have stoped loseing weight like i use to and i gained 10 pounds! i started doing 100 sit ups a nice but that doesn't do anything at all! i really need help!!!!!!!! how can i stop myself from eating so much after school?
Reply from roxie, Age 16 - 02/21/03  - IP#: 207.5.203.xxx
Reply from agie, Age 13 - 02/20/03  - IP#: 198.81.26.xxx

From Alex, Age 11 - 02/20/03 - IP#: 67.201.162.xxx  Click here to reply  
I try and try but I just can't lose weight. Will I ever be able to enjoy life? Even my friends make fun of me.They are half my size. i tried everything. Cuting my food in half. Get better foods for snacks, not eating,EVERYTHING!!!! Someone anyone HELP ME!!!! SOS???
Reply from Lena, Age 12 - 03/06/03  - IP#: 68.70.90.xxx
Reply from Hanna, Age 16 - 02/21/03  - IP#: 132.241.65.xxx
Reply from Georgina, Age 14 - 02/21/03  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from rox, Age 16 - 02/21/03  - IP#: 207.5.203.xxx

From Adriana, Age 13 - 02/20/03 - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Today: 128 lb (BMI %tile: 87), Goal: 110 lb - Hey! I weigh 128 and I'm about 5 foot 2. Some people might say I'm not fat, but I sure seem fat! I really want to lose about 18 to 20 lbs...if anyone has some suggestions on what I can do, please help! Thanks :)
Reply from rox, Age 16 - 02/21/03  - IP#: 207.5.203.xxx
Reply from blank - 02/20/03  - IP#: 142.165.217.xxx

From unknown - 02/20/03 - IP#: 142.165.217.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey i was wondering if any1 could give me some useful tips on calorie counting or a website that i could go to, to help me out with that.thanks to any1 who replys!

From Kevin, Age 16 - 02/20/03 - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 178 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 78) - Hayes Man here. Remember how I said I went from 5'6 178 to 5'7 155?. Well, now I'm down to 150 and I didn't do a thing but lift weights. I'm back on the running now and even though I didn't even want to, I'm under 152 for States this Friday. If a former couch potato like me can eat a large pizza and still be on weight the next morning, then anyone can as long as they exercize it off.

From B.K, Age 13 - 02/20/03 - IP#: 172.194.248.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 110 lb, Today: 115 lb (BMI %tile: 73) - Hey, people, what's up? I've never actually posted anything here b4, though I do check the page; and you can often find me lurking in the chat room. Anyway, I'm 5'2, 115 lbs i was 110 two days ago and gained 5ibs, and looking for a weightloss buddy. If you are have similar stats, or are in a similar situation with your weight (mine is over eating) Then to talk to u. My email is Bkelley5574B@aol.com

From KaThY, Age 13 - 02/19/03 - IP#: 24.90.74.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi ppl.. Every summer i go to an island with a bunch of family freinds and family n each year i feel like i am the fattest out of all of them and i really want to feel more confident this summer n accually loose weight and also impress people. I have been on a diet scince 2 weeks and i lost 4 lbs. but when i'm doing my workouts in the begging im pumped then i just get tierd and dont want to do anything can someone please help me....
Reply from BK, Age 13 - 02/20/03  - IP#: 172.194.248.xxx
Reply from liz, Age 18 - 02/20/03  - IP#: 144.136.144.xxx
Reply from Pinksy1, Age 17 - 02/19/03  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx

From Kate, Age 13 - 02/19/03 - IP#: 170.215.194.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Today: 148 lb (BMI %tile: 79) - i really need tips on how to excercise...i start to run on the treadmill, but i get tired, so i do ab slidesn and crunches....what else should i do...also, im 5'9 and 148lbs...does that sound ok?
Reply from hanna, Age 16 - 02/21/03  - IP#: 132.241.65.xxx
Reply from agie, Age 13 - 02/20/03  - IP#: 198.81.26.xxx
Reply from liz, Age 18 - 02/20/03  - IP#: 144.136.144.xxx

From kelly, Age 14 - 02/19/03 - IP#: 148.78.249.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey, I just wanted to let y'all know what I do for motivation: I surround myself in pictures of pretty, skinny girls. that way, when I get unmotivated about losing weight, I remember what my goal is and I work even harder!
Reply from Jewel, Age 15 - 02/21/03  - IP#: 132.241.65.xxx

From Kelly, Age 14 - 02/19/03 - IP#: 148.78.249.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Today: 147 lb (BMI %tile: 85), Goal: 130 lb - Hi everyone. I'm about 5'6 maybe a lil taller cause I think I just had a growth spurt. Anyway, I weigh about 147 lbs. I want to loose about 17 lbs so I can weigh 130. That's what I put on my permit when I got it cause I didn't want peeps knowing how much I really weigh. But I really do want to weigh that! Someone please help me! I have a really busy life and it's hard to find time for excercise; I do it when I can. I'm also planning on going out for track soon. I bought a bikini/tankini thing, and I want to feel comfortable with people seeing me in it. I have a big belly. Everyone tells me I'm not fat, but I know I am. All my friends are really skinny and they eat all the time and never excercise. I excercise whenever possible and I don't eat much, but I'm still fat. Anyone who could help me, it would be greatly appriciated! My b/f just moved and since he won't be seeing me much, I want to look good for when he sees me. He tells me that I'm perfect, but I don't think I am. Please help! Thanks!
Reply from liz, Age 18 - 02/20/03  - IP#: 144.136.144.xxx

From Betty, Age 13 - 02/19/03 - IP#: 64.12.106.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey This is a good diet.
Eat a small breakfest like cereal. Or waffles. Then for lunch eat your big meal like hamburgers or what ever you eat at night. Then for at night time only eat a small meal like a sandwich. A Subway would be good at night. Aroud 6:30 P.M. to 7:15. Try not to eat much after that. Also during the day excersise to burn calories. I have done this and it really work for me. I met my goal and feel great. I can finall go to the beach and dont worry about putting on a swimsuit. Try this out it will out you out.
Reply from Katie, Age 13 - 02/19/03  - IP#: 208.155.75.xxx

From Paige, Age 15 - 02/19/03 - IP#: 211.28.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
i have a really big problem i've been trying to lose weight for two yrs now, on and off but it's so hard i've been doing ahletics since i was 5 and dancing since i was 7 so i don't know why i'm over or neily overweight. having my parents on my back saying that i'm chunky and i need to lose weight doesn't help i really want to lose weight but my parents won't help like they won't buy stuff to help and all i can do is exercise like i have the last 10 yrs my parents give me really fatty food so i can't do anything but eat it cos it look good i think i have a really bad problem if anyone has tips or even a really good exercise that help please i'm begging for help please reply thanx so much xoxoxox
Reply from Alex, Age 14 - 02/19/03  - IP#: 168.9.35.xxx

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