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From Carly, Age 14 - 02/01/03 - IP#: 66.188.235.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 174 lb - I need some support here. i've always thought that i was an average weight! everytime i weighed myself it was around 140. but i guess our scale is messed up. today i went to the doctors and when they weighed me it came up as 174. i'm 34 pounds heavier than i thought i was! i guess i should of known i was overweight though, i mean right now as i sit here if i pull my shirt up i see my stomach sticks out and if i looked at the side sitting down i have half a roll. i feel so horrible
Reply from hungary, Age 17 - 04/09/03  - IP#: 198.77.48.xxx

From Ray Ray, Age 11 - 01/31/03 - IP#: 65.56.234.xxx  Click here to reply  
~JB~ hey i juss wanted 2 tell u i prob won't b in the chat room 4 like 2 dayz but i am totally siked bout goin 2 cali i so hope i can c u... love u lotz, Ray Ray p.s.missin u!!!
Reply from JB, Age 12 - 02/23/03  - IP#: 205.208.215.xxx
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 11 - 02/01/03  - IP#: 65.56.237.xxx
Reply from Mandy, Age 17 - 02/01/03  - IP#: 24.192.202.xxx

From Alex, Age 13 - 01/31/03 - IP#: 68.105.127.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Today: 153 lb (BMI %tile: 96) - Hey i just turned 13 and i'm not overweight, and i'm quite popular... i weigh 153pounds and am 5'4, i just wanted to know some tips for losing a couple quick pouds in about 3-4 weeks, i like this girl see... so if you have any tips... email me a sk8punk808@hotmail.com or just post a message... thanks. Later!

From reggie, Age 13 - 01/31/03 - IP#: 63.36.7.xxx  Click here to reply  
Reply from Lauren, Age 13 - 02/01/03  - IP#: 66.156.19.xxx

From sharDa`, Age 14 - 01/31/03 - IP#: 199.182.172.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Today: 160 lb (BMI %tile: 98) - Hey everybody.This is my first time on here and I just came across this website looking for tips on how to loose weight. So I want to ask you all if you know how to help me loose some weight. I'm about 5'1" and 160+ pounds. If you have any ideas, e-mail me at gurl2000ansum@hotmail.com. Thanx

From ... - 01/31/03 - IP#: 68.112.191.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey everyone. I am 18 years old. I have been with my boyfriend for 14 months and then he broke up with me. Now he is going out with this skinny girl. I just have to lose weight. I have not eaten anything in the past two days and I lost about 5 pounds. I dont know, I am not really hungry and i take vitamins...so do you guys think this is ok? I mean, I drink lots of water and i take my vitamins...so let me know what you think!? I am so lost and confused. I think he broke up with me because I am fat. So now i am losing it all so he will want me again!!!
Reply from Alaula, Age 14 - 02/07/03  - IP#: 24.167.177.xxx
Reply from .............., Age 14 - 02/01/03  - IP#: 62.30.192.xxx
Reply from Georgina, Age 14 - 02/01/03  - IP#: 195.93.48.xxx
Reply from Amy, Age 18 - 02/01/03  - IP#: 68.112.191.xxx
Reply from ... - 02/01/03  - IP#: 68.112.191.xxx
Reply from lynn, Age 15 - 02/01/03  - IP#: 216.220.249.xxx
Reply from ... - 02/01/03  - IP#: 68.112.191.xxx
Reply from Liz, Age 18 - 02/01/03  - IP#: 144.136.144.xxx
Reply from Brittney, Age 15 - 01/31/03  - IP#: 67.250.200.xxx
Reply from LeeAnn, Age 15 - 01/31/03  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx

From Faith, Age 14 - 01/31/03 - IP#: 203.177.57.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey to every one out there who needs my advice just email me at gandaxide_nics@yahoo.com... I will give you a meal plan to lose weight you wont be hungry i will make sure that you will feel less stressed...
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 11 - 01/31/03  - IP#: 65.56.234.xxx

From me, Age 15 - 01/30/03 - IP#: 63.191.9.xxx  Click here to reply  
how many pounds is 1 stone?
Reply from henry, Age 14 - 01/31/03  - IP#: 67.72.80.xxx

From Ray Ray, Age 11 - 01/30/03 - IP#: 65.56.29.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Today: 210 lb (BMI %tile: 98) - ok ppl i'm 210 pounds 5'4 i really need to lose weight but i can't seem 2 i mean i can't stay away from food...i'll go on a diet but then like 2 days lata i'm off it again...plz help me lyl,l ray ray (rachel) emial me at Rach33917@yahoo.com but if u emial me put the numbers 334455 in the subject thing (don't ask...)
Reply from Frank, Age 15 - 02/02/03  - IP#: 200.56.95.xxx
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 11 - 01/31/03  - IP#: 65.56.234.xxx
Reply from henry, Age 14 - 01/31/03  - IP#: 67.72.80.xxx

From Legolas Lover, Age 13 - 01/30/03 - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Today: 185 lb (BMI %tile: 96) - Hey Everyone! I really need to go on a diet! I'm 5'8" and weigh about 185 lbs! I know thats alot! And thats why I need to really go on a diet! I mean everytime I go on a diet I always cave within a day or two. Do any of u guyz do the same thing? Well I'm determined to make this diet work! And I think it would be easier if I tried to do this with a diet buddy. So if theres anyone out there that feels the same way I do please respond or e-mail me at GlitterBabe750@aol.com Thanx for hearing me out!
~Luv ya Lotz~
Legolas Lover

From Jay, Age 13 - 01/30/03 - IP#: 152.163.188.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey everyone im back! but not for long im just stopping in im still grounded :-( but i think ill be ungrounded soon! well cya ya all later! (hopefully)
Reply from Matt, Age 13 - 01/31/03  - IP#: 67.30.236.xxx
Reply from Jay, Age 13 - 01/31/03  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 11 - 01/31/03  - IP#: 65.56.234.xxx
Reply from henry, Age 14 - 01/31/03  - IP#: 67.72.80.xxx
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 11 - 01/30/03  - IP#: 65.56.29.xxx

From Kylie, Age 15 - 01/30/03 - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 148 lb - Hey yall,i am 15 and i weigh 148..ugghh... and i reeeeellly need to lose weight and i need to lose it super fast!! i want to get down to atleast 120 or even 115 by spring break..thats March 19 so i have like 2 months to give skinny! i have to do this!! i wear a medium in shirts and a 6/7 in jeans i hope to get to a small or extra small in shirts and a size 3/4 in jeans! so if ANY of you out there have a plane or diet that worked for yall pleeeeezzz tell me u can e-mail me at Krazziky87@aol.com thank ya soo much!! love yall --kylie and good luck to all yall!!
Reply from lynn, Age 15 - 02/01/03  - IP#: 216.220.249.xxx
Reply from I have a good point, Age 16 - 01/31/03  - IP#: 66.41.99.xxx
Reply from lynn, Age 15 - 01/31/03  - IP#: 216.220.243.xxx

From Yuna, Age 16 - 01/30/03 - IP#: 24.71.223.xxx  Click here to reply  
*grin* Its me, again.. although somewhat sadder.. Living off of vegtables is such hard work, Hmm? Erm, anyway.. I've been thinking about those Tae-bo tapes. Are they really that good? I wish my mom would buy me more vegtables and fruits. Everything around here is full of Carbs! I try to stay away from them.. Anyway, wish me luck, I'm doing good.

From cesca, Age 13 - 01/30/03 - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
i want to try the special k diet of eating it twice a day for two weeks but does it work?p.s. ive joined and i need a friend
Reply from jen, Age 15 - 02/01/04  - IP#: 81.135.129.xxx
Reply from Joanna, Age 16 - 01/30/04  - IP#: 209.177.34.xxx
Reply from amy, Age 16 - 01/30/04  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx

From Christine, Age 16 - 01/30/03 - IP#: 213.1.68.xxx  Click here to reply  
If anyones here can they go to the new chatroom (6:45 PM GMT)
Reply from Update, Age 16 - 01/31/03  - IP#: 81.131.76.xxx
Reply from henry, Age 14 - 01/31/03  - IP#: 67.72.80.xxx

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The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
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