From mohhamet, Age 13 - 07/11/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
look my body mass index is 32so i nedd to lose some weight help me?
Reply from Camille, Age 14 - 07/12/02 - IP#:
From Kalie, Age 12 - 07/11/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey im 12 and i weigh 120 everyone calls me like fatty and stuff how do i stop people from doing that?
Reply from J, Age 12 - 07/19/02 - IP#:
Reply from krissy, Age 12 - 07/11/02 - IP#:
From ???, Age 15 - 07/11/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
can anyone tell me if the cabbage soup diet works you can see it here:
From Kathy, Age 13 - 07/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey.. i was just wanted to know if im over weight or not. im 13, 5'1 (yep im pretty short!) and 110-113lbs. and also... anyone have any tips on how to lose 10-15lbs by august 26? thanks. you can email me at or AIM me @ xSwTLtLAsNGrlx
Reply from J, Age 12 - 07/19/02 - IP#:
Reply from Rachel, Age 14 - 07/16/02 - IP#:
Reply from Michelle, Age 12 - 07/11/02 - IP#:
Reply from i love hayden c., Age 12 - 07/11/02 - IP#:
Reply from Mike, Age 13 - 07/10/02 - IP#:
Reply from joey, Age 12 - 07/10/02 - IP#:
From kathy, Age 15 - 07/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I know how some ppl say about not to eat after 6 or 7 whatever but are the rules the same if you stay up till 5 o clock in the morning? so PLEASE IF YOU HAVE AN ANSWER REPLY!!!!
Reply from RACHEL, Age 14 - 07/16/02 - IP#:
Reply from krissy, Age 11 - 07/10/02 - IP#:
From Victoria, Age 12 - 07/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Am I fat? I weight 142 pounds and I am 5 foot 4 inches tall? I think I am and I want to lose weight but when I lose the weight I always seem to gain it back if you have any tips for me on losing weight please e-mail ma at
Reply from Ainslee, Age 13 - 07/11/02 - IP#:
Reply from Sukey, Age 15 - 07/10/02 - IP#:
Reply from joey, Age 11 - 07/10/02 - IP#:
From Rachel, Age 16 - 07/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i have a question for Krissy. can u tell me why jumproping is good?? do u work out with jump rope? and how long do u do it?? sorry for asking u so many questions. i'm just really curious. thanx
Reply from Krissy, Age 11 - 07/10/02 - IP#:
Reply from clare, Age 17 - 07/10/02 - IP#:
From charity, Age 13 - 07/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey everyone i was wondering if this sounded like a good meal for the day (for breakfast) coco pebbles ( lunch) umm bean burrito (for dinner) what ever my mom cooks but small portions please respond AsAp 3 XoXo Charity oXoX 3
Reply from Kelly, Age 14 - 07/10/02 - IP#:
From amy, Age 12 - 07/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi! my name is amy and i am over weight i want to lose like 10 pounds by september because i turn 13 september 8 help i neen tips quick!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from joey, Age 12 - 07/10/02 - IP#:
From Michelle, Age 12 - 07/10/02 Click here to reply
Okay, I'm one of the 'oldies' on this board (I've been on here for about 2 and a half years) and it has helped me, but I also struggle with some issues that are hidden behind everything that I can hide them behind. I've told no one, and I'm not about to tell anyone I know. I've lost about 30 pounds so far in the past 2 years, and i really need and want to lose about 20 more. Here are my problems which I have realized: I am compulsive and obsessive about my body. It's either eating or exercising, usually both, and I also have a poor body image, and I can look in the mirror one minute, see myself as pretty, look in the mirror the next second, and see myself as the ugliest thing in the world, and it doesn't help now that almost all my friends are getting boyfriends, and I just feel left out and not wanted. This is definately one of my low points, but I don't want to have them at all. Anybody have any suggestions?
From Catherine, Age 15 - 07/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Does ne body know ne quick tips for losing weight this summer? Im 5'3 and i weigh 125, my goal is 105. IF u can please give me some advice that would be GREAT! Especially if u know any workout to slim down thighs, so please reply or e-mail me at
Reply from Rachel, Age 14 - 07/16/02 - IP#:
Reply from my, Age 13 - 07/11/02 - IP#:
From Holli, Age 15 - 07/10/02 Click here to reply
Ive not done it yet but i used 2 be 12stone 1 ( 169 pounds ) i felt so sick. I become ill then i went down to 161 ( 11 stone 8 ) is what i am the now, id like to get down to about 9stone ( 124 pounds ) it will take me a bit but im not worried. Im a size 12-14 in clothes and im 5.6. I know i might not sound much but i really am. the great thing was though fitting into a tight 12 pair of pilot jeans :) when i lost weight. A thing for ppl as well, i wanna get down to a size 10 for everything so i bought a size 10 top and jeans and i hung em up in my cupboard. When i get down to 10stone ill try them on then 9stone, then if i wanna get down to 8stone ill do the same. Im doing this because it shows u how much u lost. Take a pic before and after ur deit and after ur diet try on a pair of ur old jeans! email me for to be friends : thanks! ( got msn 2 )
From Kelly, Age 14 - 07/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i have a problem and i can't exactly figure it out. u see, i use to be over weight but i lost like 10 pounds and now i am pretty good, but just a few days ago i went to a BBQ. every one brought somthing (espesially desert) and it was all on a table all together, like food heaven! so i couldnt' help but pig out. so i figured "well there goes my weight loss." but! the next day when i checked on the scale to see how bad it was, it turns out, i actually lost like 2 pounds! i figured the weight would gain up on me, but it didn't! can some one please explain this to me!
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 07/11/02 - IP#:
Reply from Maria, Age 14 - 07/10/02 - IP#:
From Stella, Age 12 - 07/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I want to lose weight before school starts, and so I have to lose like 30lbs(i want to be 95lbs). Right now i'm 123 and 5ft, and I was wondering if it was ok to skip lunch?
Reply from J, Age 12 - 07/19/02 - IP#:
Reply from kelly, Age 14 - 07/09/02 - IP#:
Reply from Sukey, Age 15 - 07/09/02 - IP#:
Reply from krissy, Age 11 - 07/09/02 - IP#:
From kelly, Age 13 - 07/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Can you guys tell me if i'm overweight? cuz i think i am. im 13, 5'2" and i weigh 90 lbs. I think its alot cuz all of my friends weigh alot less than me.
Reply from J, Age 12 - 07/19/02 - IP#:
Reply from Krissy, Age 11 - 07/10/02 - IP#:
Reply from candy, Age 14 - 07/10/02 - IP#:
Reply from Kay, Age 16 - 07/10/02 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |