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From Heather, Age 14 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 206.31.43.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi all!!
I am 245lbs and 5'8. Right now I am watching my calories limiting myself to 1500 caloires a day which I think is plenty. And I am also going to a gym 2 hours a day. The gym thing can be expensive but if you stick with it, it really helps. I burn about 400 calories a day at the gym. It does work cause I saw a kid in my grade there last night and he was kind of chunky before school ended. I havn't seen him since school ended and he looked like he had lost at lease 20-30lbs! I asked him how he did it and he said that he has been on a diet for about 3 months and he went to the gym at least 3 times a week. So if you wanna lose weight and are willing enough to do at least SOME excersise I reccomend you go to a gym!

From Brittney, Age 14 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 63.16.23.xxx  Click here to reply  
TO LUCY: You are absolutely not overweight. That is a realistic weight for your height. Being 5'7 means you probably have a large bone structure, and are a strong person. Did you know that the star soccer player Mia Hamm weighs 145 pounds? TO AARON: Study a little before you misguide people like that.
Reply from i LOVE hayden c., Age 121 - 08/03/02  - IP#: 24.120.40.xxx
Reply from Hannah, Age 15 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 216.229.74.xxx
Reply from Camille, Age 14 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 63.78.42.xxx

From casey, Age 13 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 62.254.128.xxx  Click here to reply  
heya guys- i hope you can help me out, because i am sooo confused!! My mom is a doctor, and she says that if i want to lose weight i have to cut down on fats like cake and fries etc, and eat a lot of bread, pasta fruit and stuff like that. But my dad says i need to eat the same as what i normally eat but half as much, and my sister says i can't eat any carbs like bread or pasta because they make you fat and that i need to eat more protein. Who should i beleive? Which would work best? I have also started exercising, which is the only thing that my family agreed on for weight loss. I am 5'3 and 118. Has anyone got any ideas on what actually works: hgh carb, high protein or half the amount.
Reply from candy, Age 14 - 07/10/02  - IP#: 202.156.2.xxx
Reply from Sukey, Age 15 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 64.180.78.xxx
Reply from ana, Age 16 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 66.69.73.xxx
Reply from Camille, Age 14 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 63.78.42.xxx

From Hannah, Age 15 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 216.229.74.xxx  Click here to reply  
I need a weightloss buddy/pen-pal! I am 15. I weigh 196 and i am 5'6" tall. Hope to hear for some one.bye bye,Hannah
Reply from Kay, Age 16 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 208.46.230.xxx
Reply from Heather, Age 14 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 206.31.43.xxx
Reply from i like hayden c., Age 12 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 24.234.209.xxx

From Lucy, Age 13 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 12.219.226.xxx  Click here to reply  
I just typed a message and I forgot to mention that I am 5'7" and I weigh 143 pounds. Am I fat?
Reply from Sukey, Age 15 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 64.180.78.xxx
Reply from Brittney, Age 14 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 63.16.23.xxx
Reply from aaron, Age 13 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 207.6.198.xxx

From Sukey, Age 15 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 64.180.78.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey everyone im a 15 year old female from canada...and im 5 foot 4 and 128 pounds...and i wanna be 115-120..so about 10 pounds i wanan lose...and i really want a weight buddy! i have msn....my email addy is sukhjot_13@hotmail.com or u can add me on aim ...my sn is devilicous14...ok well thanks people! god bless!

From chris, Age 11 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 209.208.61.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi i was wondering if i was overweight i am 4'7 and 140 lbs.
Reply from Sukey, Age 15 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 64.180.78.xxx
Reply from Krissy, Age 11 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 4.47.84.xxx
Reply from i like hayden c., Age 12 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 24.234.209.xxx

From Lucy, Age 13 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 12.219.226.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey everybody. I'm 13 2/3 years old. I weigh 143 pounds. Am I fat?
Reply from Sukey, Age 15 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 64.180.78.xxx
Reply from Sukey, Age 15 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 64.180.78.xxx

From Debbie, Age 14 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 152.163.197.xxx  Click here to reply  
i was wondering if anyone knew if sherbert icecream was fatining. my friend says it isnt and is ok to eat on a diet.
Reply from sarah, Age 16 - 07/20/02  - IP#: 209.98.117.xxx
Reply from yea, Age 16 - 07/10/02  - IP#: 207.218.213.xxx

From i like hayden c., Age 12 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 24.234.209.xxx  Click here to reply  
I was wondering if anyone out there thought i was really tall for my age i am 5'7 and 12 1/2years old. i would really like someones opinion on this thanks
Reply from deseray, Age 13 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx
Reply from Kelly, Age 14 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 68.13.169.xxx
Reply from kay, Age 12 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 152.163.205.xxx

From Kenita, Age 17 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 63.149.76.xxx  Click here to reply  
I will be a senior this year and I am in need of desperate help to lose weight. I weigh 225 pounds, and that is so embarrasing. I get so depressed when I go to the malls and see all these clothes that are sizes smaller then me, and I really want to fit those sizes. I really don't know what to do, I just need help. So can anyone please give me some advice and help me?
Reply from candy, Age 14 - 07/10/02  - IP#: 202.156.2.xxx
Reply from Kate, Age 13 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 207.6.198.xxx

From Molly, Age 13 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 12.219.226.xxx  Click here to reply  
Does anyone know if SlimFast works?
Reply from Kelly, Age 14 - 07/10/02  - IP#: 68.13.169.xxx

From Camille, Age 14 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 63.78.42.xxx  Click here to reply  
its 3:00 am over here, I'm tired, but at least I'm not hungry, lol. Oooh ladeeedee, I forgot what I was going to post....Oh yeah! Ok first off I just found this site randomly, I thought the site name was pretty funny so I had a look around for fun. I was surprised to see how many young guys around my age are here. I mean I always thought it was the teen girls who were self-conscious about the way they look, but I was proved wrong when I read some of the posts on the weigh-in page and in here.
Reply from Krissy, Age 11 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 4.47.84.xxx

From Peter, Age 13 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 24.161.29.xxx  Click here to reply  
HI i posted before .. The weight calculator dosent wonrk on my computer. I dont Know Why ? i was just wondering whats a good ammount of weight to loose . Im normal build (not real muscular) 5'6" - 5'7" tall and aroung 217 - 220 lbs. Hope u will help . Thanx
Reply from Sukey, Age 15 - 07/09/02  - IP#: 64.180.78.xxx

From Kathrine..( not real), Age 15 - 07/09/02 - IP#: 213.1.60.xxx  Click here to reply  
I lost a friend on here ( shellyhereuk@yahoo.com ) her name was michelle. My old email, angel something.. ( u know it ) got hacked and i had 2 get a new one. If u see this michelle email me at play2win15@hotmail.com so that i can give you my new email. I have so much 2 tell you and i have missed you :( so please, if you know her, tell her about this. thanks.

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