From lesa, Age 11 - 02/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi,if any one has wheight problems please contact me ~~~~~~~~^*& if you would like to have a really nice friend so please ,please be my friend>>>>>>>>>>.......>>>>>>>>>>if you did not know yet ,god made you the way you are so dont let the mean kids at school pick on you becuase you should think of your self as beautifal not how they think of you as ugly:)
Reply from Stephanie, Age 13 - 03/18/02 - IP#:
From allisa, Age 13 - 02/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
ok, if any of u ever read the poetry book Falling Up, then you might have seen this poem. i just thought it could lighten up your spirits about loseing weight. i think it is pretty funny, but if you don't not my problem. ok here it is - If only I could see the scale, I'm sure that it would state, That I am loseing ounces, pounds, and tons of weight. "Eat some pancakes, your as skinny as a rail." That is what it would say, if I could only see the scale. you like? i just thought this could lighten the mood. (some may not get it, reply if you don't)
Reply from overweight, Age 11 - 03/03/02 - IP#:
From Dani, Age 15 - 02/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi. i'm dani. I was just wondering if any one knew any other exercises for the stomach. i've tried crunches and sit-ups but neither work for me. i'm 5'6 and 139. I've lost 25 pounds since last summer. I need to lose like 30 more. does any one know any good calf muscle exercises? i don't eat breakfast and lunch and I normally eat under 1000 calories a day so will someone please tell me how many calories a day i'm suppose to eat. okay her are some tips that help me to feel better. no matter what your weight is, you have to think that you can lose weight. i know it seems hard but it isn't. tell your parents to throw all the junk food in the house away. i don't eat fast food no more cause i now see how much grease they put on the food. i'm sorry but for me the sight of grease is disgusting. also don't drink diet anything. i did the diet sprite thing and it makes your stomach feel... (view more)hi. i'm dani. I was just wondering if any one knew any other exercises for the stomach. i've tried crunches and sit-ups but neither work for me. i'm 5'6 and 139. I've lost 25 pounds since last summer. I need to lose like 30 more. does any one know any good calf muscle exercises? i don't eat breakfast and lunch and I normally eat under 1000 calories a day so will someone please tell me how many calories a day i'm suppose to eat. okay her are some tips that help me to feel better. no matter what your weight is, you have to think that you can lose weight. i know it seems hard but it isn't. tell your parents to throw all the junk food in the house away. i don't eat fast food no more cause i now see how much grease they put on the food. i'm sorry but for me the sight of grease is disgusting. also don't drink diet anything. i did the diet sprite thing and it makes your stomach feel funny. water is so good especially with ice. try lifting weights you tone up your muscle while losing weight. put music as loud as you want it and just start dancing. do cartwheels. eat less calories. i like pickles so eat pickles if you like them they have no calories and if you eat one real slow it will fill you up. i hope these tips help somebody. if someone wants to be like a diet buddy you can e-mail me at (view less)
Reply from dani, Age 15 - 02/22/02 - IP#:
Reply from Mare, Age 10 - 02/22/02 - IP#:
Reply from robby, Age 13 - 02/21/02 - IP#:
From ema, Age 13 - 02/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i am 130 lbs and 5"3 and am overweight. i ate cake today.
From Diana, Age 19 - 02/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, I'm about 5'8'' and weigh around 160lbs I have finally decided to admit that I really need to loose weight and do something about it. I'm gonna try to eat a healthy diet and get to the gym about 4 times a week. I need some motivation to get started though, and mabey some tips that have worked for other people. unfortunatly i get really anxious and have a hard time waiting for results with out getting mad and frustrated. I'm not huge or anything, I am very muscular already, but I haev a lot of fat on me. So anything that can get me going and keep me going is gonna be very helpful. I wanna get down to about 125-130 pounds hopefully by June or July thanks
Reply from kate, Age 19 - 02/22/02 - IP#:
From Minkychan, Age 15 - 02/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey, I'm 15 and I'm 5'8 tall and 202 lbs....I want to be a healthy 160 lbs before I start worry about looks, cause I'm sick of being constantly tired and unhealthy. I've started cutting pop out, cold turkey, and am trying to cut down on proportions in meals. I'm currently doing toning for my arms and legs so the muscles will be build and I can burn fat faster.... I'll be getting a a part time job soon,and I was wondering if there were any suggestions of a type of job that would help me burn calories and exercise? By the way, I'd like a partner in losing weight....any takers? E-mail me at
Reply from Patrick Dunne, Age 13 - 02/25/02 - IP#:
Reply from Kay, Age 15 - 02/21/02 - IP#:
Reply from Michelle, Age 14 - 02/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from allisa, Age 13 - 02/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from Gretchen, Age 15 - 02/20/02 - IP#:
From Harmony, Age 14 - 02/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I can't say that i'm overweight, because I'm not, but I have this belly that annoys me now and then. I heard that excercising helps, but I have NO idea what to do! I am downright lousy in gym class, and I get tired so easily when active, that I CAN'T tone myself that way! Could you please tell me what can be done?
Reply from Gretchen, Age 15 - 02/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from allisa, Age 13 - 02/19/02 - IP#:
From Sara, Age 12 - 02/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I need help losing weight, I just can't lose it on my own. I've tried, but I'm still gaining at an extremely fast rate. I'm gaining 2 or 3 pounds a week! I know that sounds impossible, but I am. I would like to get some support so I need a diet buddy. My e-mail address is, please will someone e-mail me before I have lost all weightloss hope. I am 5'3" and I weigh 231 pounds. Help me!
Reply from Amber, Age 12 - 02/19/02 - IP#:
Reply from Jennah, Age 19 - 02/19/02 - IP#:
Reply from shelly, Age 13 - 02/19/02 - IP#:
From Kirsten, Age 13 - 02/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello! I am new here, and if anybody has some advice 4 me, it would be great. I am 140 lbs. @ age 13. Diets are difficult to maintain, and I would really like some help or advice. Thanx!
Reply from shelly, Age 13 - 02/17/02 - IP#:
From Amber, Age 13 - 02/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, my name is Amber. I am really wanting to lose weight. During spring break I am going to Panama, Flordia. I don't want to be embarassed about putting a bathing suit on. If you have any advice please help me. Thank you so much!
Reply from Amber, Age 12 - 02/19/02 - IP#:
Reply from allisa, Age 13 - 02/19/02 - IP#:
From Laurie, Age 13 - 02/18/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I think this song is really inspiring i mean when were dieting its usually cuz u dun like the way u are but just remember this you are the worlds greatest: I'm that star up in the sky I'm that mountain peak up high hey! i made it I'm the worlds greatest! and im that lil bit of hope when my backs up against the ropes i can feel it im the worlds greatest - R.Kelly i jus wanted to say too that its prolly how u will feel when ur done dieting...keep it going!!! and dont ever give up on ur dreams... and dont forge to dream cuz when u do...nothing can come tru for u!
From Michelle, Age 14 - 02/18/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I know all you guys that are new here are probably feeling bad about yourself right now and thinking "how am i ever going to do this" but you just have to have some hope. If it gives you any hope that you can do it, this will probably help: When i can to this site in December 2000, i had already made up my mind that i was too heavy and i really wanted to lose weight. I was 170lbs-175lbs, 5foot 1inch, and i was about to wear a size 20 womens. I knew i was desperate, but i didn't need to do anything desperate, i found out. I found people on this sight that were willing to help and i really needed that. I couldn't do it on my own. So i started following some of the tips that everybody was giving and all the motivation and support, and i started in good faith that i could do it. I started with cutting calories. I found out that i was eating about 2500 calories a day and sitting around doing ... (view more)I know all you guys that are new here are probably feeling bad about yourself right now and thinking "how am i ever going to do this" but you just have to have some hope. If it gives you any hope that you can do it, this will probably help: When i can to this site in December 2000, i had already made up my mind that i was too heavy and i really wanted to lose weight. I was 170lbs-175lbs, 5foot 1inch, and i was about to wear a size 20 womens. I knew i was desperate, but i didn't need to do anything desperate, i found out. I found people on this sight that were willing to help and i really needed that. I couldn't do it on my own. So i started following some of the tips that everybody was giving and all the motivation and support, and i started in good faith that i could do it. I started with cutting calories. I found out that i was eating about 2500 calories a day and sitting around doing nothing! No wonder i was so fat i thought to myself. I cut down my calorie intake to about 1800 calories (in the future it came to about 1500). I lost about 10 pounds. The first 10 pounds are the easiest to lose. A few months later i started exercising like running in place and riding my bike often. Then summer came. My grandparents own a resort on a lake and it was my first summer living there on the weekends. I made a ton of friends and best of all i was going all the time. I lost about 5 pounds and i didn't even keep track of what i was eating. Then, the summer was over and i was about 155 pounds. I was doing good, but i needed to get back on track. i stayed the same until January 2002 and by then i had decided to go for my original goal of 130 pounds. I am currently at 148 pounds, 5 foot 2 inches, and a size 12/13 juniors. I am still pretty far away, but i have come so far. I use to tell myself, if only i could be 150 pounds, i could be perfect. Now it has become 130, but when i get there, i'll stop this time. I hope i will never be above 150 pounds again. These last few pounds have been so hard, i became obsessive for a while, but decided it wasn't worth it. I hope this will help you overcome those bad days, cause i had a lot of them, but i know the good days are ahead, waiting for me. Good luck to all of you. I would love to hear your input on this story. Thanks! (view less)
Reply from Michelle to ana, Age 14 - 02/18/02 - IP#:
Reply from shelly, Age 13 - 02/18/02 - IP#:
Reply from Ana, Age 15 - 02/17/02 - IP#:
From lesa, Age 11 - 02/18/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi,i was wantingto know if any one can be my friend. ~~~~~~~~~!!!###$$$%%%^^^&&&***((()))
Reply from jessica, Age 11 - 02/18/02 - IP#:
From shelly, Age 13 - 02/17/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Here a few of m favourite tips:-* only drink ice water ( ever water straight from the fridge or water with ice init) cos it takes bout 40 calories for the body to remain the same temperature after drinking it. n water has no calories in it at all!* don't keep sweets in ur house. if its there, chances r u'll eat it* believe in urself. any diet in the world will not work if u dont cos in the end, its all down to u* imagine ur self skinny everytime ur goin through a bad patch where u really want a chocolate or cant be bothered to exercise.* exercise every week. 3x is a minimum and everyday is brilliant. at least for 1/2 that is* only do exercise u enjoy. i love netball,swimming,gymratting,aeorbics and dancing but my mate hates them all! if u dont like it,dont do it its simple* u R allowed chocolate. don't forbid urself to eat ur favourite food or ur resolves crumble faster than a elephant... (view more)Here a few of m favourite tips:-* only drink ice water ( ever water straight from the fridge or water with ice init) cos it takes bout 40 calories for the body to remain the same temperature after drinking it. n water has no calories in it at all!* don't keep sweets in ur house. if its there, chances r u'll eat it* believe in urself. any diet in the world will not work if u dont cos in the end, its all down to u* imagine ur self skinny everytime ur goin through a bad patch where u really want a chocolate or cant be bothered to exercise.* exercise every week. 3x is a minimum and everyday is brilliant. at least for 1/2 that is* only do exercise u enjoy. i love netball,swimming,gymratting,aeorbics and dancing but my mate hates them all! if u dont like it,dont do it its simple* u R allowed chocolate. don't forbid urself to eat ur favourite food or ur resolves crumble faster than a elephant on the rampage. allow ur self for example a small piece of chocolate a day. OR alow urself 150 calories for anything. u can save them up for speical occassions,* any1 who says ur fat,ugly or "u cant do it" r losers. u can. god made u beautiful/handsome whatever size u r. if u decide to lose weight, its ur decision onlyhope they help. Good luck for u all. ne1 wanna contact me at Thnx (view less)
From Diana, Age 19 - 02/16/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, I'm about 5'8'' and weigh around 160lbs I have finally decided to admit that I really need to loose weight and do something about it. I'm gonna try to eat a healthy diet and get to the gym about 4 times a week. I need some motivation to get started though, and mabey some tips that have worked for other people. unfortunatly i get really anxious and have a hard time waiting for results with out getting mad and frustrated. I'm not huge or anything, I am very muscular already, but I haev a lot of fat on me. So anything that can get me going and keep me going is gonna be very helpful. I wanna get down to about 125-130 pounds hopefully by June or July thanks
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |