From Jenn, Age 11 - 05/21/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'3", Start: 124 lb, Today: 139 lb, Goal: 100 lb - *sigh* i gained another 6 pounds. ive decided i really cant do this by myself. if anybody wants to be my partner in this that would be reaaaalllllllyyy great!
Reply from nikila, Age 12 - 06/13/07 - IP#:
Reply from Jenn, Age 11 - 05/25/07 - IP#:
Reply from marta, Age 11 - 05/24/07 - IP#:
Reply from marta, Age 11 - 05/23/07 - IP#:
Reply from kim, Age 16 - 05/23/07 - IP#:
From Cassandra, Age 12 - 05/21/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'10", Start: 120 lb, Today: 115 lb, Goal: 85 lb - hello. i need some suggestions here.
Reply from {j a c q u e l i n e, Age 14 - 05/23/07 - IP#:
From justice, Age 13 - 05/21/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 200 lb, Today: 200 lb, Goal: 145 lb - i am a girl and i would like for us to help each other
Reply from nikila, Age 12 - 06/13/07 - IP#:
From justice, Age 13 - 05/20/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 200 lb, Today: 200 lb, Goal: 145 lb - Hi, my name is justice and i am new to this site i am 13 and i would like to meet some people there have weight issues like me and that would like to write me and i can write you and we can encourage each other in this battle with weight and how we can overcome this.
Reply from Beka, Age 13 - 06/03/07 - IP#:
Reply from Rickie, Age 11 - 05/21/07 - IP#:
From Cassandra, Age 12 - 05/20/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'10", Start: 120 lb, Today: 115 lb, Goal: 85 lb - Does any 1 have any suggestions? you can take a guess or sumthing
Reply from tia, Age 12 - 06/11/07 - IP#:
From Taylor, Age 13 - 05/20/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'6", Start: 190 lb, Today: 190 lb, Goal: 140 lb - When i was in second grade i transferd into a public school and i started to eat more because thats what i saw my mom, and the people around me doing. Now im 13 and 190 pounds and utterly afraid of going to highschool. I am so afraid of being made fun of and i just dont like myself right now. I really need help losing weight so if anyone could help me, or give me some tips that would be AMAZING! 3
Reply from Beka, Age 13 - 06/03/07 - IP#:
From Mike, Age 12 - 05/19/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'8", Start: 186 lb, Today: 186 lb, Goal: 150 lb - Hello im 5"8 12 years old and 186 pounds. I play AAU basketball and i want to lose abot 30 pounds. How can i lose some weight and look better in my close
Reply from justice, Age 13 - 05/21/07 - IP#:
From Itzel, Age 13 - 05/19/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'0", Start: 165 lb, Today: 190 lb, Goal: 118 lb - i am feed up with being over weight i went to the scale about a week ago and i gaind 13 pounds! also my cloths feel so tight and i cant fit on leg into my jeans it is so frustrating then i lay down in my bed and eat out of the fridge in my room. i only have sweets,chips,soda and chocolate in there. i eat in my room all the time and watch the tv.the shows that i watch are documenteries about obesity in children or teens and adults. i feal so stupid every time i do this but i feal satisfied,and full. then two days ago i went to the store to buy clothes because my old ones couldent fit me. when we went i couldent find any thing that fits me so mu mom took me to a all girls plus store everything fits me but i felt bad becuse the clothes was huge my mom said that i could come here all the time. i got alot of clothes but they were still a little too tight so i only got 2xL sizes's.then we went... (view more)i am feed up with being over weight i went to the scale about a week ago and i gaind 13 pounds! also my cloths feel so tight and i cant fit on leg into my jeans it is so frustrating then i lay down in my bed and eat out of the fridge in my room. i only have sweets,chips,soda and chocolate in there. i eat in my room all the time and watch the tv.the shows that i watch are documenteries about obesity in children or teens and adults. i feal so stupid every time i do this but i feal satisfied,and full. then two days ago i went to the store to buy clothes because my old ones couldent fit me. when we went i couldent find any thing that fits me so mu mom took me to a all girls plus store everything fits me but i felt bad becuse the clothes was huge my mom said that i could come here all the time. i got alot of clothes but they were still a little too tight so i only got 2xL sizes's.then we went to Mc donalds and we both got two big macs a large soda and a large drink. and for dessert we went to get doughnuts i was so happy that i ate that but deep inside i felt awful. it sucks that my mom weighs 351 and my dad weighing 384 and my sister weighing like 250. i see all of those skinny girls and feal so jelous. in gym i have to run four laps around the school to equel a mile and i never finish i only finish i went to buy chips in the store and i got chips chocolate cookies candy and soda i finished it all then i watched television.what should i do?i need help! (view less)
Reply from Beka, Age 13 - 06/03/07 - IP#:
Reply from aneta, Age 12 - 05/26/07 - IP#:
Reply from madison, Age 11 - 05/25/07 - IP#:
Reply from Mary, Age 16 - 05/19/07 - IP#:
From Amanda, Age 13 - 05/19/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 135 lb, Today: 135 lb, Goal: 100 lb - Grr, ever since I stopped being physically active I’ve gained 35 pounds. Does anyone have any snack ideas that I could buy/make that are healthy but taste good ? Also does anyone have any ideas so that I become more motivated ?
Reply from kim, Age 16 - 05/23/07 - IP#:
Reply from cassandra, Age 12 - 05/19/07 - IP#:
From Allie, Age 13 - 05/18/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 197 lb, Today: 198 lb, Goal: 135 lb - Does any one have any good tips on how to lose weight for summer and my graduation?!
Reply from alysa, Age 12 - 05/20/07 - IP#:
Reply from Emily, Age 12 - 05/19/07 - IP#:
Reply from allie, Age 13 - 05/18/07 - IP#:
From Cassandra, Age 12 - 05/18/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'8", Start: 120 lb, Today: 115 lb, Goal: 85 lb - Ok.... my aunt is having a wedding this summer and i need to loose weight so that i can fit in my Junior Brides Maids Dress and the dress is very tight and my aunt says that i need to loose weight or i wont be able to fit in the dress and I want to but i cant seem to loose any weight. will some one please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from nikila, Age 12 - 06/13/07 - IP#:
Reply from sasha, Age 11 - 05/19/07 - IP#:
From Alysa, Age 12 - 05/17/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 140 lb, Today: 147 lb, Goal: 122 lb - Hi Everyone!!! What's up?
Reply from karianne, Age 12 - 05/18/07 - IP#:
From Jenn, Age 11 - 05/17/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 124 lb, Today: 133 lb, Goal: 100 lb - anyone else have any ideas for loosing weight? im trying to gather as many ideas for the summer as i can!
Reply from cassandra, Age 11 - 05/18/07 - IP#:
Reply from TRENEIKA, Age 12 - 05/18/07 - IP#:
From Sasha, Age 11 - 05/17/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 149 lb, Today: 149 lb, Goal: 120 lb - It is sometimes ok. But i have friends though. I cry sometimes. I try to go on diets but i never stick to them. I am a really fast runner. I am a couch potato. I hate going for check ups!!! Does anyone have any tips for me?? It will be muchly appreciated :) THANK U
Reply from cassandra, Age 12 - 05/19/07 - IP#:
Reply from cassandra, Age 12 - 05/18/07 - IP#:
Reply from cassandra, Age 12 - 05/18/07 - IP#:
From Olivia, Age 12 - 05/16/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'8", Start: 226 lb, Today: 226 lb, Goal: 140 lb - Im not so much into exercising but i would like to be! So does anyone have any fun active ideas?
Reply from Emily, Age 12 - 05/19/07 - IP#:
Reply from Jenn, Age 11 - 05/17/07 - IP#: