From zoey, Age 12 - 06/08/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'1", Start: 117 lb, Today: 119 lb, Goal: 95 lb - does any 1 know of ecersices i can do in my house bc im so embrassed to do them outside. Oh and how do you do crunches? thanksXxX zoey
Reply from nikila, Age 12 - 06/13/07 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 11 - 06/10/07 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 11 - 06/10/07 - IP#:
Reply from Jenn, Age 11 - 06/08/07 - IP#:
Reply from kim, Age 16 - 06/08/07 - IP#:
Reply from zoey, Age 12 - 06/08/07 - IP#:
From annie, Age 9 - 06/08/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'5", Start: 12 st 13, Today: 12 st 9, Goal: 9 st 5 - I am addicted to junk food and eat it all the time. My Mum didn't set a very good example though as she weighs 27 stone. When I was 4 i weighed 5 and a half stone. This year I have put on 2 stone which is a bit worrying and i have to wear womens clothes please help (Note: 12 st 9 is 177 lb.)
Reply from Matthew, Age 17 - 06/12/07 - IP#:
Reply from zoey, Age 12 - 06/08/07 - IP#:
From Carolina, Age 12 - 06/07/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'0", Start: 122 lb, Today: 122 lb, Goal: 115 lb - I am at risk of being overweight and by dropping just 7 pounds I will be a healthy weight! So tomorrow is the first day of my diet! breakfast: whole grain cereal with mixed fruit. lunch: tuna with wheat toast and green tea, dinner: oatmeal with chicken!! 1200 calories! i hope thats good!!!!
Reply from na122-, Age 12 - 06/09/07 - IP#:
From sean, Age 12 - 06/07/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 146 lb, Today: 146 lb, Goal: 125 lb - hey evryone.. well things havent been going well lately and i need your support.. over the past year ive gone form 120 lbs to 145 waist of 29 in. to 35 in....i now wear a size adult medium i have huge love handles..i eat a lot like today i ate 7 pizza rolls, a quarter pounder with cheese, fries some gold fish oreos and 4 slices of dominos pizza. im not lying i promise..uggh i need to be around 125 please help me what r good excersises i mean im just very overweight
Reply from na122-, Age 12 - 06/09/07 - IP#:
Reply from zoey, Age 12 - 06/08/07 - IP#:
From ????????, Age 12 - 06/07/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 136 lb, Today: 136 lb, Goal: 100 lb - Hi, i'm 12 and i hate looking at myself. some of my friends are sooooo skinny, and they eat so many things! one eats 1 whole bag (king size) of chips everyday with hostess cupcakes, and more junk food. he barely exersizes! he is on his butt watching tv or playing video games like 24/7. i eat healthy and i exersize a lot, but i don't lose that much weight! some people in school call me fat, and i don't feel confident looking in the mirror or putting on clothes! i compare myself to many of my friends, and it stinks! please give me tips on losing weight!
Reply from ???, Age 11 - 06/13/07 - IP#:
From Devona, Age 13 - 06/07/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'5", Start: 148 lb, Today: 145 lb, Goal: 135 lb - well i'm not realli big i just want 2 lose meh stomach and than i'm gud. i want 2 be able 2 wear bikinis and stuff and flunt meh body in front of guys lol. well meh and meh friends r goin 2 join thee fitness center thiz summer so hopefully wen skool starts i'll be 10pds smaller!!
Reply from Rebecca, Age 13 - 06/15/07 - IP#:
From Velicia, Age 13 - 06/07/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 150 lb, Today: 148 lb, Goal: 135 lb - i want 2 losew wait sooo i can look gud 4 meh boo maris!!! he likes the wayy i am cuz i'm not tat big but i want 2 lose at least 10 pds soo i can wear swimsuits and stuff!
Reply from Taylor, Age 11 - 06/10/07 - IP#:
Reply from Ashley, Age 13 - 06/07/07 - IP#:
From Kristin, Age 12 - 06/06/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'1", Start: 175 lb, Today: 175 lb, Goal: 140 lb - Hi im 12 and weigh 175 pounds and i hate it. Some people say im fat some dont. I think im fat and need to loose some weight fast. Help!
Reply from joey, Age 10 - 06/26/07 - IP#:
Reply from Tia, Age 12 - 06/15/07 - IP#:
From liz, Age 13 - 06/05/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'6", Start: 155 lb, Today: 153 lb, Goal: 115 lb - guess what i found a way to loose 5 pounds in a week ! all you need to do is get 60 ounces of water 1 tablespoon of sugarfree cranberry juice 1 dandalion root tea bag and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and drink it ! it will easily make you loose 5 pounds of bloated water weight. k byee
Reply from ???, Age 11 - 06/13/07 - IP#:
Reply from Alysa, Age 12 - 06/06/07 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 06/05/07 - IP#:
From Lindsey, Age 11 - 06/04/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'7", Start: 165 lb, Today: 165 lb, Goal: 130 lb - Hey evry1! I havn't been on in such a long time! So how's evrybody? I have been doing pretty well lately! I had gotten up 2 170 (YIKES!) and i lost these five pounds in the past, lik, week. I have still been eating well, and i have not been excersizing as much as possible (i am finally going to the gym for the first time in weeks this afternoon!) but i am still succeeding! So i wish you all good luck and I hope i can come on here more often than i have been! Bye! Lindsey
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 06/05/07 - IP#:
Reply from sierra, Age 13 - 06/05/07 - IP#:
Reply from Alysa, Age 12 - 06/04/07 - IP#:
From sierra, Age 13 - 06/03/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'10", Start: 136 lb, Today: 136 lb, Goal: 100 lb - im a really pethetic person when it comes to losing weight. i know how to give others advice but i dont know how to deal with myself.i know you probably dont care but if you could take a moment of your life to give me some advice on the best weight loss ways. please. im desperate! for you that have a heart... theres this boy in my school and my neighborhood that ive liked for quite some time, i finally think i should take some action and ask him out but im only gonna do that if i lose some weight. please help
Reply from ???, Age 11 - 06/13/07 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 06/04/07 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 13 - 06/03/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'0", Start: 126 lb, Today: 120 lb, Goal: 107 lb - i want to lose 13 pounds as fast as possible. summer is almost here and i want to go swimming and be able to wear mini skirts and shorts and not look bad. please help!
Reply from BRANDI, Age 12 - 06/03/07 - IP#:
From Itzel, Age 13 - 05/30/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'0", Start: 165 lb, Today: 193 lb, Goal: 118 lb - well i told my parents that i want to loose weight and they bought me a 3 pound weight. i hope that it works i just dont know how much weight i will lose.i want to loose enough weight before june 21 also any other ideas. i havent gaind any weight well OK just three pounds. and i told my parents about loosing the TV and regridurator in my room and they said no because they dont know were to put it.but they did say only helthy food and one muffin is alloud in there.i hope it helps .and i tried out for the swim teamand ade it its 2 hours 5 days a week but it starts june 30th. so do you guys think that i will loose enough weight with the weights please answer back.
Reply from zoey, Age 12 - 06/08/07 - IP#:
Reply from BRANDI, Age 12 - 06/03/07 - IP#:
Reply from Alysa, Age 12 - 05/30/07 - IP#:
From Cher, Age 11 - 05/29/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 155 lb, Today: 141 lb, Goal: 115 lb - how do u think i did today. breakfast=fruit lunch=steamed veggies with salt snack=ice cream(i noe, kinda bad) dinner=im gonna have a lean cuisine or a healthy choice thingy
Reply from Alysa, Age 12 - 05/31/07 - IP#:
Reply from Lauren, Age 12 - 05/29/07 - IP#:
From Lauren, Age 12 - 05/29/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'1", Start: 144 lb, Today: 144 lb, Goal: 120 lb - Hi I just started and this and i would like to know what you do to lose weight and how do you lose weight if you have any ideas please!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell me!!!!!!!!
Reply from BRANDI, Age 12 - 06/03/07 - IP#:
Reply from hadley, Age 12 - 06/02/07 - IP#:
Reply from Alysa, Age 12 - 05/31/07 - IP#: