From annie, Age 12 - 07/17/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 139 lb, Today: 139 lb, Goal: 110 lb - meh. its just so hard to lose weight. whenever i go on a diet for a few days, i just get kinda tired and break down. i go swimming every day, but after that, i usually end up eating bad stuff again. any advice or comments or w/e?
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 07/17/07 - IP#:
From Chrissy, Age 12 - 07/17/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'7", Start: 210 lb, Today: 190 lb, Goal: 170 lb - Hi i'm chrissy and last year i weighted close to 220 pounds so far i've lost about 30 pounds and i'm feeling great and looking great but i still got 20 to go so wish me luck..
Reply from Tiffany, Age 12 - 07/20/07 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 07/17/07 - IP#:
Reply from annie, Age 12 - 07/17/07 - IP#:
From Kara, Age 12 - 07/16/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 163 lb, Today: 160 lb, Goal: 125 lb - Hi. I run on the eliptical for 30-60 min. five days a week in adition to doing an excercise video for at least 30 min. I have been doing this for 3 months now and haven't lost a lot of weight even though i eat right and excercise. If anyone has any tips please reply.
Reply from Dalilah, Age 13 - 07/24/07 - IP#:
Reply from Kindal, Age 13 - 07/17/07 - IP#:
Reply from Chrissy, Age 12 - 07/17/07 - IP#:
Reply from Krista, Age 14 - 07/17/07 - IP#:
From Lindsey, Age 11 - 07/16/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'7", Start: 165 lb, Today: 165 lb, Goal: 145 lb - Hi everybody! I am trying to lose hmm... probably 15 pounds before school starts in August. I want it dome by August 14, when I get my picture for my ID taken. Does that sound good? I have been going to the gym pretty often and doing cardio for about 50 minutes every time. I usually do elliptical and the bike. And about 100 crunches on the machine every time. (Only because that is where I hold all of my weight, for the most part.) So if you didn't know about them, and are very helpful websites. I wish you all luck and please tell me what you think about my weight loss goal! It is much appricaiated! Peace and Love, Lindsey
From Rebecca, Age 13 - 07/15/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 140 lb, Today: 138 lb, Goal: 100 lb - Went Camping. Pigged. bad Story.Back 2 healthy tommorow.
Reply from Chrissy, Age 12 - 07/17/07 - IP#:
Reply from Rebecca, Age 13 - 07/16/07 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 07/16/07 - IP#:
From alexis, Age 12 - 07/15/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'8", Start: 145 lb, Today: 145 lb, Goal: 100 lb - i love playing basketball but this extra weight is in my way. i try so hard to keep my diets going but i give in to the power of food. i swim every day but i just cant get the weight off. please help.
Reply from Chrissy, Age 12 - 07/17/07 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 07/16/07 - IP#:
From Krista, Age 13 - 07/15/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'7", Start: 300 lb, Today: 213 lb, Goal: 180 lb - if any one that is serious baout paying for a personal trainer that lives in the waterbury conttecticut area please email me at because i have an awesome personal trainer for you ne way i cant wait for 2009 because one of my cuzins and i will be going to the same skool this is the one that is over 400 pounds and the highskool that i am going to host a bigggest loser contest every year so i think this is my chance to help him loose weight and i am going to get off the bus at his house and walk with him every single day doesnt that sound good bye love yaz email me for ne help needed
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 07/17/07 - IP#:
Reply from Krista, Age 14 - 07/16/07 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 07/16/07 - IP#:
Reply from Krista, Age 14 - 07/15/07 - IP#:
From Ben, Age 11 - 07/14/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 201 lb, Today: 210 lb, Goal: 120 lb - Okay... I was taking a shower today.. - I realized... O M G;;; My breasts are so big! so was my stomach! I was disgusted!!! I talked with my dad and he is going to help me.. How ong does it take to lose 90 pounds?
Reply from Chrissy, Age 12 - 07/17/07 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 07/16/07 - IP#:
Reply from alexis, Age 12 - 07/15/07 - IP#:
From alexis, Age 12 - 07/14/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 181.5 lb, Current: 178 lb, Goal: 160 lb - heloo my name is alexis can any one help me because i have started these diet pills called nanoSLIM it help me lost 3 pounds can someone tell me some exersises i can do in my room some easy ones ican do in my room like situp and how many and so on you can also email me at thank you
Reply from Chrissy, Age 12 - 07/17/07 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 07/16/07 - IP#:
From Sasha, Age 11 - 07/14/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'3", Start: 146 lb, Today: 155 lb, Goal: 115 lb - Ok my doctor said to put me on a diet so i am currentley on one. I always want junk food so i eat it. But I'm 5'3 and I'm tall so i dont look as big as i sound. I'm a very fast fast runner but i tend to run out of breath. For dinner i have vegetables and like chicken and stuff. MY MOM is kind of annoying shes like dont eat this dont eat that! I need help what should i do for a excercize, what should i eat, and stuff like that! IF I COULD BE AT LEAST 115 IT OWULD BE A MIRICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Chrissy, Age 12 - 07/17/07 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 07/16/07 - IP#:
Reply from Ben, Age 11 - 07/14/07 - IP#:
From Cher, Age 12 - 07/13/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'3", Start: 155 lb, Today: 140 lb, Goal: 100 lb - it is possible and healthy to lose 40 pounds in a year right?
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 07/16/07 - IP#:
From Alysa, Age 12 - 07/13/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 140 lb, Today: 147 lb, Goal: 122 lb - Okay so I think i've been doing pretty good lately... I havn't been eating as much as i used to because when i used to get hungrey i would eat enough food to feel me up but then i wouldn't stop eating... but now i am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yayyyyy okay so i've been eating alot less lately!!! i lisen to this radio show and they say that some of the hunger pains you have might actualy be water pains or something because most people don't have enough water and when you drink water some of those pains go away!! i've been drinking lots of water lately!!!!
Reply from alysa, Age 12 - 07/21/07 - IP#:
Reply from alexis, Age 12 - 07/14/07 - IP#:
From Ben, Age 11 - 07/13/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 201 lb, Today: 210 lb, Goal: 130 lb - Well... What should I eat for supper? BTW.. im starting my weight loss today. I hope to lost 80 pounds in 2 years. I will be on this site the whole way. =)
Reply from sasha, Age 11 - 07/17/07 - IP#:
Reply from zoey, Age 12 - 07/17/07 - IP#:
Reply from sasha, Age 11 - 07/14/07 - IP#:
From samantha, Age 10 - 07/13/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'7", Start: 193 lb, Today: 230 lb, Goal: 130 lb - OH MY GOD! I`m so fat. Eny tips for me?
Reply from anonamous - 10/09/07 - IP#:
Reply from Tiffany, Age 12 - 07/20/07 - IP#:
From joey, Age 10 - 07/12/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'9", Start: 149 lb, Today: 163 lb, Goal: 90 lb - These days when i walk my stomach feels so heavy i have tosit down