From christian, Age 12 - 05/15/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 146 lb, Today: 145 lb, Goal: 120 lb - ok ughh in the past couple months ive gone form waist of 29 to 36 and weight form 120 to 146 and im tired of being called fat i mean serioiusly..what are some good excersises and good diet to eat..# of calories? i have no idea can yall please tell me! i mean i want to be healthy again i really do so please take time to help me.....thanks
Reply from nikila, Age 12 - 06/13/07 - IP#:
Reply from Jenn, Age 11 - 05/21/07 - IP#:
Reply from cassandra, Age 12 - 05/18/07 - IP#:
From christian, Age 12 - 05/15/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'1", Start: 146 lb, Today: 144 lb, Goal: 118 lb - ughh! today i ddi so bad..i had a piece of chocolate cake 3 bags of cheetos mcdonalds sausage biscuit and hashbrown 2 ice cream bars and when i wasa home alone i was mad becasue of a grade i gto in school and i took a huge hnadful of cake leftover from a mothers day party and shoved it into my mouth i ate uncontrollobly
Reply from Tiffany, Age 12 - 07/21/07 - IP#:
From Alysa, Age 12 - 05/14/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 140 lb, Today: 147 lb, Goal: 122 lb - Okay so you guy/girls summer is soon! So i'm really going to try and stay busy during the summer so i'm not always eating and on the computer... I'm going to try really hard to loose weight!!! I want to look good in 7th grade!! I think i'll try and start tomorrow... Just eat healthier... Well thanks you peeps!!
Reply from marta, Age 11 - 05/27/07 - IP#:
Reply from Jenn, Age 11 - 05/17/07 - IP#:
From Emily, Age 12 - 05/14/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'5", Start: 135 lb, Today: 145 lb, Goal: 110 lb - Ok.i ate soo much today.4 bowls of cereal. I think im addicted to it, 5 pieces of chicken, 1 plate of spaghetti, 1 cup of yogurt, an orange, and strawberries and chocolate, and some icecream. I am still hungry!!!!!!!! My mom told me to stop eating so much because i have gained more weight but i dont know why i have been sooo hungry lately. im not usually like this. CAN ANYBODY PLEAZ GIVE ME TIPS TO MOT THINK ABOUT FOOD AND MAYBE SOME EXERCISES I CAN DO IN MY ROOM.(Dont say to drink alot of water because that makes me hungrier) i need help
Reply from Jenn, Age 11 - 05/21/07 - IP#:
Reply from Amanda, Age 13 - 05/19/07 - IP#:
From SHEEN, Age 13 - 05/14/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 150 lb, Today: 140 lb, Goal: 120 lb - i am currently 140 lbs. and i feel so fat. what can i do to help lose weight.? what snacks and foods could i try? if you have any answers please respnd!
Reply from Mary, Age 16 - 05/19/07 - IP#:
Reply from Kara, Age 17 - 05/14/07 - IP#:
From gabrielle, Age 13 - 05/12/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'6", Start: 210 lb, Today: 200 lb, Goal: 125 lb - im fat and i cant get none of these loose weight pills or exercise cause im to young so can nu tell me what i need to do please write me back at the beging before i moved to ga i was 125 now im 210 i think and people talk about and im sick of being fat i just dont like how i run eat or breathe please help me write me back thankz love ya bye
Reply from Tiffany, Age 12 - 07/21/07 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 05/14/07 - IP#:
Reply from Emily, Age 12 - 05/13/07 - IP#:
Reply from Kara, Age 17 - 05/13/07 - IP#:
From Julia, Age 13 - 05/12/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'8", Start: 182 lb, Today: 179 lb, Goal: 150 lb - Create a workout plan and do it every night! Sets of push ups, sit ups, and weight lifting will really make a difference in the end! :)
Reply from nikila, Age 12 - 06/13/07 - IP#:
Reply from sasha, Age 11 - 05/17/07 - IP#:
From Alysa, Age 12 - 05/09/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 140 lb, Today: 147 lb, Goal: 122 lb - You know what... I havn't even started that diet yet! My mom hasn't gone to the store to get the stuff!! Plus i had a really bad sore throat for 2 days... so all i could eat was soup... Also... I think i may just forget about that diet because i'm never going to stick to it... I can't stick to anything! I tell myself i'm going to eat better i tell my self i'm going to excersize more...but i don't do it! What is wrong with me! I want to get a bikini so i can look at it for motivation...But i havn't done that yet either.... Uhhhh I really want to start tommorrow..but i probably won't... Okay i'm going to start tommorrow!!! I need to!!! Okay any tips would be appreiciated!
Reply from PAUL, Age 32 - 05/17/07 - IP#:
Reply from christian, Age 12 - 05/15/07 - IP#:
Reply from Julia, Age 13 - 05/11/07 - IP#:
From sydney, Age 13 - 05/09/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'3", Start: 241 lb, Today: 242 lb, Goal: 200 lb - i need tips helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllpppp i want to look pretty not like a walrus
Reply from Tiffany, Age 12 - 07/21/07 - IP#:
Reply from sydney, Age 13 - 05/09/07 - IP#:
Reply from sheila, Age 13 - 05/09/07 - IP#:
From Venus, Age 11 - 05/08/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 310 lb, Today: 310 lb, Goal: 150 lb - Well yes i am overwhieght and i should care i just hate to talk about it! I love to eat but really i dont think i eat alot for my size. Actually I LOVE SPORTS! I love P.E. i even have a b+ in it and i love sports so much i just wish i could look liek other girls. i wanna be like them so muchZ!!!!
Reply from nikila, Age 12 - 06/13/07 - IP#:
Reply from Diamond, Age 12 - 05/09/07 - IP#:
Reply from sheila, Age 13 - 05/09/07 - IP#:
Reply from Alysa, Age 12 - 05/09/07 - IP#:
From Diane, Age 11 - 05/08/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'11", Start: 114 lb, Today: 115 lb, Goal: 90 lb - Hi!! Sry I haven't been on for a while. My actual weight is 115.5. I just wanted to say I just found out that drinking prune juice makes your undigested waste in the stomachh digest. You should drink only 1 cup in the afternoon. And that is all. Bie Bieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
Reply from nikila, Age 12 - 06/13/07 - IP#:
From sydney, Age 13 - 05/08/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'3", Start: 241 lb, Today: 242 lb, Goal: 200 lb - i need tips on how to loose 40 pounds fast before my field trip to holiday hill on june 14 HELP ME lol
Reply from Caroline, Age 13 - 05/14/07 - IP#:
Reply from {j a c q u e l i n e, Age 14 - 05/08/07 - IP#:
Reply from Cher, Age 11 - 05/08/07 - IP#:
From Itzel, Age 13 - 05/05/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'0", Start: 165 lb, Today: 177 lb, Goal: 118 lb - well i did it again. i over ate.for brake-fast i ate three eggs sunny-side up,a PB&J sandwhich chocklat milk, two waffels fride potatos beans and a big burrito.since my dad was at work and my mom went to the bank,they didnt know that i ate that(wouldent care even if they did see me!) then i sat on the couch watching T.V while eating doughnuts and chips.when my mom got home we went grosery shopping and got alot of junk food not one fruit or vegitable just grapes.i got chips cupcakes pudding soda and a bag of chocolate just for me.we got home and layed on the couch pigging out with my older sister in the living room. we started talking abut our weight and how we eat too much but she didnt really care she said "being over weight dosent mean you die. a person is supposed to eat ,some more than others but we still are avarage weight"then we went to the near by store and got ice two gallen... (view more)well i did it again. i over ate.for brake-fast i ate three eggs sunny-side up,a PB&J sandwhich chocklat milk, two waffels fride potatos beans and a big burrito.since my dad was at work and my mom went to the bank,they didnt know that i ate that(wouldent care even if they did see me!) then i sat on the couch watching T.V while eating doughnuts and chips.when my mom got home we went grosery shopping and got alot of junk food not one fruit or vegitable just grapes.i got chips cupcakes pudding soda and a bag of chocolate just for me.we got home and layed on the couch pigging out with my older sister in the living room. we started talking abut our weight and how we eat too much but she didnt really care she said "being over weight dosent mean you die. a person is supposed to eat ,some more than others but we still are avarage weight"then we went to the near by store and got ice two gallen buckets and pigged out watching T.V. soon my parents (which are very overweight!) told us if we wanted to go for a walk at the park, we said sure when we got there e were supposed to run and stuff but we just sat on the benches.a super skinny teen girl came up and said in her super short shorts "look its the fat family hope you die of obesity i tride to chase her but i got tired after barly starting then she said "i think thats the only time you'veever exersized in your intire life!" then my dad said dont listen to her and took up to a burger joint were i pigged out so much because what that girl said to me was really depressing. (view less)
Reply from Aryana, Age 12 - 06/20/07 - IP#:
Reply from {j a c q u e l i n e, Age 14 - 05/08/07 - IP#:
Reply from rach, Age 13 - 05/07/07 - IP#:
Reply from Alysa, Age 12 - 05/07/07 - IP#:
From Morgan, Age 13 - 05/05/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 120 lb, Today: 147 lb, Goal: 100 lb - Yes.Yes. I lost 3 pounds. Rebecca gained.
Reply from Kara, Age 17 - 05/13/07 - IP#:
Reply from Alysa, Age 12 - 05/07/07 - IP#:
From Rebecca, Age 13 - 05/05/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 129 lb, Today: 139 lb, Goal: 100 lb - Bleh. I gained some wight. I had a sleepover and pigged.
Reply from Kara, Age 17 - 05/13/07 - IP#:
Reply from {j a c q u e l i n e, Age 14 - 05/08/07 - IP#:
Reply from Alysa, Age 12 - 05/07/07 - IP#: