From Melissa, Age 17 - 07/19/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 190 lb, Today: 172.4 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 135 lb - I was kind of discouraged. I just got back from a trip to New York City. I think I walked 25 miles on that whole trip but I did not eat good. I gained 3.6 pounds! But I figured I just gotta move on and start fresh so I can lose those 5 pounds by August 9. Wish me luck!
From Cupcake, Age 13 - 07/19/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'1", Start: 151 lb, Today: 155 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - Hey guys I just did a weigh in and found out Ive gained three pounds. This is the highest weight Ive ever been at. All my clothes are now a little snug on me now. My stomach measures 44 inches around. You can see my tummy stretch marks and my thigh stretch marks more whick is embarassing when I wear my bikini. Any tips?
From Cupcake, Age 13 - 07/17/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'1", Start: 151 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 130 lb - Ugh! I look really fat now. Im not sure of how much I weigh but my stomach and thighs have gotten really huge. I cannot button any of my pants over my belly. If I do the buttons look like they are about to pop. I cannot wear a large button down shirt because if the size of my belly. The buttons will pop on that. I feel horrible when I wear a bikini. My stomach jiggles when I walk. I eat healthy and exercise alot but I keep getting bigger and bigger
Reply from Mandi, Age 14 - 07/22/11 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 07/17/11 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 16 - 07/16/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 118 lb - Hey Teens it is ok to have cake on your brithday.. I had very little, food, not much, I am sweet 16, I am a woman now somewhat, in two years I will be condersed a grown up.. I am makeing progess loseing weight, and I did play games at my party.. It is ok to have soda on your brithday party, dont worry about it, as long you are having fun on your party. That all it matters.. I like my new body now, I mean I can run faster, I do not run out of breth so much.. I even tried my summer clothes from last summer a go.. They are way to big.. I am now 16.. No longer 15.. Good bye for ever.
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 07/17/11 - IP#:
From mikala, Age 13 - 07/16/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'11", Start: 230 lb, Today: 235 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 160 lb - i feel so fat.when i stared middle school evey thing was dif people who were my friends tesed me becuaes of how fat i was. when i was in 5th graed it dint madder but now it does . i feel so fat and i try to get my pounds down but i just get fater. i starve my self but i just get fatter and fatter someone help
From Jessica, Age 15 - 07/15/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 118 lb - Teens I know being so heavy is tough once teens you have reached your weight goals and at a healthy weight. You will feel good and good as new, I changlled my teen friends,to a race for runing.. We did a whole lap the four of us did it together, as a group.. I manged to finsh it.. And let me tell you It felt good to be able to run faster!!! I started to cry . I was like havent ran like this in a long time.. I took my flip floop off.. We ran for 3 laps.. It was so much fun.. Hey teens, I mean that is a fun excirse to do, with your friends, good way to burn calories.. I am very active teen.. I will run any where!!! I am a fast runner!! I can run a whole lap now without running out of breth!!!! me and a bunch of teens, run .. A lot.. I know it is crazy,but it is better then eating when you get emotial or bored.. Dont eat when you get that way, do something fun in the summer heat. Now.. Wear a hat, sunscren, and sunglass.. I hope to have encouged you guys.Bye My last time posting Jessica 15.
From mikala, Age 13 - 07/15/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'11", Start: 230 lb, Today: 230 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 150 lb - i feel so fat i wear a womans xxl omg i feel like crying please rit me back i hate my self for getting fat i need xcvice when my mom talks too me it does not help at all please help emial me at
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 07/15/11 - IP#:
From Ivy, Age 14 - 07/15/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 160 lb, Today: 154 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 120 lb - So I'm looking for a weight loss buddy. If anyone's interested email me at
Reply from mikala, Age 13 - 07/15/11 - IP#:
From magen, Age 15 - 07/14/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 200 lb, Today: 230 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 170 lb - really i gained that much weight somebody kill me now.
Reply from Ronnie, Age 14 - 07/15/11 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 07/14/11 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 15 - 07/13/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 118 lb - I was with my teen friends, who I trust most, I had made a good choice, no frnch fries, leucte healthy, and brown rice, and chicken quiczida.. And one scoop villna ice cream, one cherry, it was Splnda no sugar added.. One glass of diet coke.. I was laughing today.. I mean I got commemnts about my weight loss, and explained how I did it.. When my brain wanted me to eat frnch fries.. I said to myslef I dont the frnch fries.. I just did drawing, a pciture.. On a napkin.. At Frinedly's .. It was pretty crazy, I fliped a spoon it was so funny.. I had a good day.. I did not binge at all.. I srank. I am still working on to get healthy.. I was happy. Jessica 15
Reply from Ronnie, Age 14 - 07/15/11 - IP#:
From Jasmine, Age 13 - 07/13/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2.1", Start: 190 lb, Today: 178 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 145 lb - Hey! I Went grocery shopping yesterday and I picked up packs of veggies, salad mixes, fat free dressings, salmons, fruit, and some flavor water packets. Last night for dinner I had chicken with a salad, and for dessert some grapefruit. I've been drinking nothing but water and the occasional tea, so I'm on the right track! I did have some frozen yogurt as a treat with my friend that I haven't seen in awhile. Plus, it was 91 degrees out yesterday.
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 07/13/11 - IP#:
From Nicki, Age 14 - 07/13/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 138 lb, Today: 132 lb (BMI %tile: 83), Goal: 105 lb - Hi im trying to lose 26 pounds before school start in september (also my birthday is the 24), My mom makes me feel fat because she 5'2 and way smaller than me, and need some tips to lose those pounds because it really hard, hopefully i can find a weight loss buddy to make it little easier
From Cupcake, Age 13 - 07/13/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'1", Start: 151 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 130 lb - Hey guys. Ive been on vacatiom and Ive gainef weight even though Ive been exercising and eating healthy. I dont understand. Can anyone help me?
Reply from Nicole, Age 14 - 07/13/11 - IP#:
Reply from Nicole, Age 14 - 07/13/11 - IP#:
From Amy, Age 16 - 07/12/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 134 lb, Today: 292 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - Ugh. I'm going in the wrong direction. My Mom sat me down and had a talk with me about my weight. I've put on some more weight since I last posted. I still dont really want to lose weight, but my Mom says its getting out of control. With the way I've been putting on weight, I'm going to break 300 lbs in no time. Ive never gotten this heavy before. The only pants i can wear anymore are my sweat pants. I can button on pair of jeans but barely and my stomach hangs out over them. I used to be able to tuck my stomach into my jeans, now I can barely fasten them beneath my stomach. I don't know what happened! I need to try to start losing weight, but I have no willpower. Once I start eating I just keep going even once I start feeling sick! I have a boyfriend and the most embarrassing thing happened. My bf went to put his arms around my waist from behind, and he... (view more)Ugh. I'm going in the wrong direction. My Mom sat me down and had a talk with me about my weight. I've put on some more weight since I last posted. I still dont really want to lose weight, but my Mom says its getting out of control. With the way I've been putting on weight, I'm going to break 300 lbs in no time. Ive never gotten this heavy before. The only pants i can wear anymore are my sweat pants. I can button on pair of jeans but barely and my stomach hangs out over them. I used to be able to tuck my stomach into my jeans, now I can barely fasten them beneath my stomach. I don't know what happened! I need to try to start losing weight, but I have no willpower. Once I start eating I just keep going even once I start feeling sick! I have a boyfriend and the most embarrassing thing happened. My bf went to put his arms around my waist from behind, and he couldnt reach all the way around me! my shirt was riding up and he ended up touching my belly which is all fat and I could tell he was grossed out. Even though I know I should start eating better and exercising I just sit and eat food all day and I cant stop. I still dont mind being big like this, but I guess I'm kind of nervous about weighing almost 300 pounds... (view less)
Reply from Cupcake, Age 13 - 07/13/11 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 07/13/11 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 15 - 07/12/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 118 lb - I am peite, for my height, and my bone type, and body frame.. I dont understand why I can fit kids plus for tops. At Gap.. I have a sweatshirt it is cute. I tried it on Sunday night, I can fit right into now. I was so happy.. I like the feeling of my clothes now!! No more XXL in womans or Juniours. Now Large.. I put make up on to look pretty once I found out that I lost around 10 pounds I deicded to put nail polish on my toes.. That the way of celarbting for myself of reaching some of my goals!!!! I bush teeth so I dont overeat. That worked, I like to run now, I do not weigh 157 pounds anymore!!!! I will update my weight soon. After I gone on the sclae. I hope it is down. The point is to not give up!! keep trying and you will ampolish. I have learned giving up. You wont ampolish much or anything at all. I hope to have encourged to some of you who are new on here. I know it is going to be strange I will no longer be 15 35 miuntes after 2:00 Saturday. I will be posting 16. Jessica 15
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