From thea, Age 15 - 06/02/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 178 lb, Today: 178 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 128 lb - okay, so I'm really trying to get healthy this summer but I keep cheating before I even lose any weight like today I walked a mile to CVS to get candy and ice cream. I wish I could be that motivated to exercise. As much as I try I feel as if I'll never be able to be healthy... :(
Reply from Thea, Age 15 - 06/04/11 - IP#:
Reply from ISABELLE, Age 11 - 06/04/11 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 06/03/11 - IP#:
Reply from Random, Age 14 - 06/03/11 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 15 - 06/02/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 118 lb - Hey teens, I looked at Wendsy nutauriton inforuform, Frnch fries, are 600 calories, dont eat them, very unhelahty, get salds, instead, I did that a mounth a go, after I did my Mother day's shopping at the mall. That made my dad want to lose weight more, I am proveing my aunt, sister and my grandmother wrong!! somewhat, 118 pounds would be a healthy weight for me, instead eating big bugers eat small ones, I had raspberry ice tea. I only eat salds at fast food places, I check calories first, before I order it,
Reply from Melissa, Age 16 - 06/04/11 - IP#:
From Random, Age 14 - 06/02/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 140 lb, Today: 135 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 120 lb - Hey everybody! I don't know what to think when I look at my scale now!! I hadn't weighed myself for a while, but I was kindof thinking that my arms and stomach looked thinner, I wasn't really sure, though... I've been drinking a lot of tea lately and trying not to overeat, as well as using smaller plates, doing egoscue everyday, and I've started to find that bike riding is kinda fun (I used to hate it!). I just am not sure if this -5 pounds is just water weight or something... I really hope not! I saw "135" and I first felt ecstatic and then doubtful... I don't know if it's real fat-loss!
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 06/02/11 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 15 - 06/02/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 118 lb - There are ribons that are for thoess who reached their goal!! Hey guys why not have that as an encourment!!! I hope to reach my goal by mid July or Augest, this year, my goal is 118 if anyone replys to my advice about how to lose weight I would galdy reply back!!!! I am very active latly it is strang, I have not been like that for 5 years now.. I feel gulity now.. I am riding horses, Jumping is my favorite!! part for riding lessons.. If anyone is insterd
From Jessica, Age 15 - 06/01/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 118 lb - I know how it felt packing on pounds last year in June 2010 it was really rough, I wanted to be thiner not getting fatter, I was at risk hitting 170 pounds, that was like a nightmare, I horse back twice a week, I do Wedsendays, for an hour,, hey teens, it is now the sessean to be outside more, I would recmmand drinking a lot of water, riding bikes, scocctor, running, walking, jog, walk dog, or your friend's dog, or the neighbor's dog, ask your partnes.First, If you have a cell phone bring it with you, that way you get lost you can call partnes, what to do, I am not giving up to reach my weight goal, teens, 4'8 70 pounds, 5'0 107 pounds, 4'5 65 pounds, I would look up the BMI charts for you hight, chest, waist, even your arms, It would be a help for since you preteens are still gorwing, for example, you are 4;8 weight 70 pounds.. Teens, look up the BMI charts as well.. It works I looked... (view more)I know how it felt packing on pounds last year in June 2010 it was really rough, I wanted to be thiner not getting fatter, I was at risk hitting 170 pounds, that was like a nightmare, I horse back twice a week, I do Wedsendays, for an hour,, hey teens, it is now the sessean to be outside more, I would recmmand drinking a lot of water, riding bikes, scocctor, running, walking, jog, walk dog, or your friend's dog, or the neighbor's dog, ask your partnes.First, If you have a cell phone bring it with you, that way you get lost you can call partnes, what to do, I am not giving up to reach my weight goal, teens, 4'8 70 pounds, 5'0 107 pounds, 4'5 65 pounds, I would look up the BMI charts for you hight, chest, waist, even your arms, It would be a help for since you preteens are still gorwing, for example, you are 4;8 weight 70 pounds.. Teens, look up the BMI charts as well.. It works I looked up in one of my mom's cookbook, EatingWell, cookbook, They have an online, website To keep track for you weight, and calories, the taller you eat more, I would recmand it... I hope for the best of your weight losss. Jessica 15.. (view less)
From Cupcake, Age 13 - 06/01/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'0", Start: 151 lb, Today: 147 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 130 lb - Lost weight mostly because I havent been eating really anything.
Reply from Cupcake, Age 13 - 06/04/11 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 06/01/11 - IP#:
From Tiffani, Age 15 - 05/30/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 192 lb, Today: 200 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 125 lb - it is getting easier to lose weight but i am taking it slow. I love how it makes me feel. I want to help people around me be fit and healthy too but it will take some work. To help me out i have made a list of things that me and my family can do together or alone so we stay away from food. My fav one is listen to music and dance because i love music and even though i can't dance i try to have fun and make a fool of myself. LOL Life is so much better when you are more confident of your self.
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 05/30/11 - IP#:
From Cupcake, Age 13 - 05/29/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'0", Start: 151 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - I need a trainer. Can anyone give me advice or help me out with my diet?
Reply from Cupcake, Age 13 - 05/30/11 - IP#:
Reply from Soojin, Age 16 - 05/30/11 - IP#:
Reply from Soojin, Age 16 - 05/29/11 - IP#:
Reply from Cupcake, Age 13 - 05/29/11 - IP#:
From Alana, Age 14 - 05/28/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 152 cm, Start: 92 kg, Today: 85 kg (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 55 kg - Hey guys my names Alana! Im quite overweight, obese infact! i think it runs in the family to be honest! being a large weight has had an impact on most of my life, getting teased alot and always feeling alone. i used to eat non stop to comfort myself! my mom would order fastfood and chianese most nights cos it was my favourite! i never exercised at all and would sit on the sofa watching T.V, snacking most of the time. But now , im a changed person! i cut out fastfood from my diet and eat helthier. i only snack on fruit and veg and have started to exercise way more! i kno it probly seems hard , cos for me it was at first! i kept craving and loosing my breath when exercising but with determination, it helped me get through it:) in the past 4 months ive lost 7kg :)and plan to reach my goal weight! you guys can surely do it if i can:D! good luck! (Note: 152 cm, 85 kg is 4'11.8", 187.393 lb.)
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 05/28/11 - IP#:
From Anon., Age 16 - 05/27/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 149.8 lb, Today: 149.8 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 125 lb - I'm a fat cow and I hate myself. I have no idea how I gained almost 20 pounds this year, but it is NOT acceptable. This summer, I'm losing it all. And when I come back to school in the fall, people are going to do double takes.
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 06/01/11 - IP#:
From Tiffani, Age 15 - 05/27/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 192 lb, Today: 192 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 125 lb - hello my name is tiffani and i have had a really hard time trying to fit in because i am big for most people in my school. i have always wanted to be "skinny" but skinny doesnt mean healthy so i am working on my goal to be a healthy person instead of skinny. i haven't always had an overweight problem but i really wish that i would have stayed active and tried to be healthy. i hope that in the future i can influence people to be healthy and try to stay that way.
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 05/27/11 - IP#:
From Samantha, Age 14 - 05/26/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'6", Start: 181 lb, Today: 181 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 160 lb - Hey guys. I'm 14. I'm bigger then most of the kids my age. I wanna take it slow and go a little bit at a time because losing too much at one time is unhealthy. But, I've been known to push myself to the limit of almost hurting myself and I don't wanna do that but I don't feel comfortable now :) Please help. Kay thanks !
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 05/27/11 - IP#:
From jazmin, Age 17 - 05/24/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'1", Start: 148 lb, Today: 145 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 120 lb - all my life i felt something was wrong with sister is small and i love her but i dont knw why im father says i get it from his side. no one in my family knows this but i wake up in the morning and dont want to look in the hurts so much sumtimes that i want to hurt myself....i pinch or punch thats all but those moments make the frustration go ex knows everything im goin through , he's my bestfriend but my problem has caused me to become mean to him. right now as im writting this i feel its gone...i feel ugly again. i wrk out every day and no change tht i want to give class trip is cumming up soon and every one asks am i going swimming..i say no afraid tht i will b made fun off....i hope tht some one who undertands what im going through will reply...just sum one plz mzaybe we can wrk together to make this happen :)
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 05/25/11 - IP#:
From Cupcake, Age 13 - 05/24/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'0", Start: 150 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 147 lb - Hello. Im 5 feet tall and weigh 150 pounds. Im 13 years old. I really need to loose some weight. I dont eat very unhealthy but I keep packing on the pounds. I can never loose weight and weigh inder 147. It seems unpossible. Can someone give me tips or maybe help me out?
Reply from Cupcake, Age 13 - 05/30/11 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 05/25/11 - IP#:
From Cecelia, Age 14 - 05/24/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 152 lb, Today: 174 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 150 lb - Hi everyone. this is my first time posting on here, and I hope you all will be able to help. I just finished my freshman year of highschool. Over the course of this year, I put on 22 pounds. I've been denying it all year, because i didn't want to deal with it. A lot of my clothes don't fit. My stomach now hangs over my pants, and I have to suck it in to be able to button my jeans. I can no longer wear any of my snugger shirts, because of the way i stick out over my pants. I don't feel like I've been eating anything differently, or exercising less (I'm SUPER active- I'm a wrestler and I wrestle 4 days a week and also play soccer). I'm very muscular, but I also know that 174 lbs is too much for someone my age. I carry a lot of weight in my stomach, and as a result it hangs out from under my shirts, as well as bulging out when I sit down. It's getting big enough that my friends are starting to notice, and I don't want to get very obese. I'm starting to get bigger again, and I want to put a stop to it before it gets out of hand. What should I do?
Reply from Cupcake, Age 13 - 05/30/11 - IP#:
Reply from Cecelia, Age 14 - 05/29/11 - IP#:
Reply from jazmin, Age 17 - 05/24/11 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
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