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From Lisa, Age 15 - 02/25/05 - IP#: 70.57.237.xxx  Click here to reply  
about the message i posted yesterday it was in a way suppose to help like when you do mess up you think okay that was going to happen sooner or later so it's okay and move on and then not become upset and go off the diet.

From Montana, Age 13 - 02/25/05 - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1, Wt. Don't wanna say... - Merry Christmassssssss!!!!
Reply from Rach*, Age 14 - 12/26/05  - IP#: 69.204.106.xxx
Reply from Haylee, Age 13 - 12/25/05  - IP#: 70.58.55.xxx
Reply from *Celeste*, Age 13 - 12/25/05  - IP#: 24.180.103.xxx
Reply from {{**JUELSZ**}}, Age 16 - 12/25/05  - IP#: 68.78.26.xxx

From mwah, Age 14 - 02/25/05 - IP#: 65.29.144.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey guys! well wat would u suggest to do to lose 2.5lbs a week?? plz respond thx <3
Reply from Shellz, Age 15 - 02/26/05  - IP#: 80.192.1.xxx

From Montana, Age 13 - 02/25/05 - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1, Wt. Don't wanna say... - SOoooOoo how was everybodys day? Eat good? I think I did okay..exept the fact there are always left overz grrr...
Reply from Montana, Age 13 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx

From Kalie, Age 14 - 02/25/05 - IP#: 66.31.212.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi im kalie. my mom's been trying to convince me to lose weight for a while. all she does is tell me to and yell at me while im standing on the scale. im 5'1 and 245 lbs. 2 months ago i was at the doctor's at 220 lbs..my mom screams at me and tells me to lose weight. i want to but there's so many temptations of food in the house. i am so fat and i want help! please help me out...sincerely KAlie
Reply from Samantha, Age 13 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 71.32.95.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 66.220.240.xxx
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 64.172.59.xxx
Reply from Kaycie, Age 14 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 66.82.50.xxx

From Me, Age 13 - 02/25/05 - IP#: 64.76.63.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey, scarface i didn't eat only once a week, what i said is only cheesy foods once a week and 12 glasses of water and lost 30 lbs!!! like in a month, just eat healthy!! and drink tons and tons of water!
Reply from desperate, Age 14 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 152.163.100.xxx
Reply from Catherine, Age 16 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 24.19.141.xxx

From *~*~*, Age 14 - 02/24/05 - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey! I want to lose weight so I can look good this summer. Does anybody know any good diets and/or exercises? I really want to lose weight so I can feel better about myself. I weigh 200 lbs. Please reply with your comments. Thanks!
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 84.160.131.xxx
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 02/24/05  - IP#: 216.74.217.xxx
Reply from Erin, Age 14 - 02/24/05  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

From Erin, Age 14 - 02/24/05 - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
I need to know some good diets and some good exercises to do that are not boring like situps and stuff. I like to dance and do baton. I also like to swim. Reply if you know any good diets and exercises. Thanks!!
Reply from Torretto, Age 16 - 03/03/05  - IP#: 64.53.147.xxx
Reply from jenn TO torretto, Age 12 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 69.177.171.xxx
Reply from Torretto, Age 16 - 02/24/05  - IP#: 64.53.147.xxx
Reply from ~*~*~*~*, Age 14 - 02/24/05  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

From ladybug, Age 13 - 02/24/05 - IP#: 65.69.56.xxx  Click here to reply  
i just have to say a little something, everytime i post for help they clear mine away! i thought maybe i'm not overweight...WRONG i am okay i have talked to many doctors they all say i am so if you check that stupid weight calculator and it says that im not then that thing is f***** up!!! i came to this website for help because i AM overweight and i cry a lot and get made fun of so i put my problems on the post thingy and i ask for help idk i get maybe one or two replies then SOMEONE erases and and im tired of it i really am i came here for help and encouragment and all i get is nothing. i'm finding somewhere else to go for help cause obviously you people don't want me here! and this message isn't supposed to offened or be hurtful to anyone im just speaking my opinion a LITTLE louder then usual cause the rest of the time when im my sweet little self no one can see me!!!!!! xoxox
Reply from Houston, Age 17 - 10/10/06  - IP#: 168.171.60.xxx
Reply from Torretto, Age 16 - 02/24/05  - IP#: 64.53.147.xxx

From carlton, Age 14 - 02/24/05 - IP#: 24.231.41.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey all i hope you all progress and im 5ft 3in and i am 169pounds i need a plan to lose 50pounds
Reply from Scar Face, Age 14 - 02/24/05  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx

From kally, Age 17 - 02/24/05 - IP#: 24.119.35.xxx  Click here to reply  
k so i've pretty much been on a plan where i eat 1200 cals but not really many carbs at all.. just at breakfast, its worked real well.. but im wondering, am going to state hockey next week andd the hotel food is really all we'll be eating, and its like an enormous free breakfast buffet so to save money i'm just taking stuff from breakfast and keeping it for later... do you think if i would take like dry cereal and eat 1200 cals still though will i gain weight sinc ei haven't been having carbs? or will i stay the same since 1200 cals is 1200 cals!?!?
Reply from Scar Face, Age 14 - 02/24/05  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx

From lindsay, Age 15 - 02/24/05 - IP#: 68.61.71.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey evryone im 5'4 and like 138ish.. i am joining weight waters and want to lose 28 pounds.. i dont have a date i want to lose it by but i wanted to know how long it is going to take.. i work out like 5 days a week running and im going to add strengh training with weight.. any ideas please comment
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 02/24/05  - IP#: 64.172.59.xxx
Reply from jessica, Age 16 - 02/24/05  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx

From Samantha, Age 13 - 02/24/05 - IP#: 71.32.95.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi everyone! I am Samantha I am 13 years old! I weigh 198 pounds! I am 5'2 I was lucky anuff to find a boyfriend who does not care about me not being a skiny little prepy person! I really am lucky i found him. Any way I think all I need to tell you is..Im trying I have not lost any weight yet... But girls and guys out there I know school is hard! Also i know girls all the guys will call YOU FAT and it hurts you!! But the truth is be your self! The T.V is not helping any one! They are all promoting that "SKINNY" is the way to go! Ya the truth is it will make you feal better about your self! But GOD made us all diffrent and FAT, SKINNY, SHORT, TALL or anything you are your self and if you can belive in your self then you will know.. you are like this for a reason and if people dont like it the Screw Them!!!! We all may think that the " Skinny Girls" are so pretty and get all the boy... (view more)
Reply from ashley!, Age 15 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 207.51.157.xxx
Reply from Scar Face, Age 14 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx
Reply from Crystal, Age 13 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 71.32.95.xxx
Reply from jenn, Age 12 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 69.177.171.xxx
Reply from ladybug, Age 13 - 02/24/05  - IP#: 65.69.56.xxx

From fat girl, Age 13 - 02/24/05 - IP#: 168.184.90.xxx  Click here to reply  
I really am fat u should c wut other people say at my school
Reply from jenn, Age 12 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 69.177.171.xxx
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 02/24/05  - IP#: 64.172.59.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/24/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx
Reply from Katherine, Age 15 - 02/24/05  - IP#: 68.100.185.xxx
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 02/24/05  - IP#: 68.154.40.xxx

From Tinkerbell, Age 15 - 02/24/05 - IP#: 64.109.248.xxx  Click here to reply  
I didnt finish that last post..I wanted to say DOES THIS SOUND TO DRASTIC..HOPE NOT..AND DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS..REPLY BACK PLEASE..sorry for the caps!!
Reply from jenn, Age 12 - 02/25/05  - IP#: 69.177.171.xxx

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