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From Raquel, Age 18 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 24.39.220.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi there, over the summer I did a 10 day fast, I lost 15 pounds in 10 days but my mom made me get off my fast because she said I looked awful. I started at 205 and went down to 195 where I stayed there for a couple of months, I'm 5'7 btw. So this past month and a half (Jaunuary-February) I've lost 23 pounds, I want to lose another 25 to be at my goal weight of 150. I hope I can do this! My diet consists of cereal, skim milk, veggies, fruits and I wouldn't have it any other way. I work out with the Firm every night and I take the longer ways through the hallways at school since its too yucky to walk, I rest either once or twice a week from exercizing.
Reply from Sarah, Age 13 - 02/23/05  - IP#: 205.251.78.xxx
Reply from Andrea, Age 19 - 02/23/05  - IP#: 64.136.27.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/23/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx

From Lauren, Age 15 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 82.3.32.xxx  Click here to reply  
i am really shocked as for the last 2 days i have really bin piggin out for breakie i had an easter egg lol and i just got in frm skewl n had beans cheese on toast and 2 mini cakes and yet i've still bin losing loadza weight in a week i have gone from 186lbs to 182 since saturday but im not gonna keep eatin like i do ill go back to eatin healthy maybe 2 morrow lol
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx
Reply from *ray*ray*, Age 13 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 66.67.103.xxx
Reply from jacqueline, Age 12 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 69.0.49.xxx

From Katherine, Age 15 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 68.100.185.xxx  Click here to reply  
Last time i weighed myself, i was 141 pounds. then today i weighed myself around 5. I know its bad to weigh urself in the middle of the day. The scale said i was 142.5. How much can ur weight flucuate during the day?? thanks!
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/23/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx
Reply from Devon-Jane, Age 15 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 69.156.148.xxx
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 64.172.59.xxx
Reply from Lindsey, Age 13 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 67.5.230.xxx
Reply from Katherine, Age 15 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 68.100.185.xxx
Reply from Eddie, Age 14 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx
Reply from Sasha, Age 13 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 4.235.48.xxx

From mellissa, Age 13 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi i weigh alot all my friends r like tooth picks..anyway everyday i say im going on a diet but i never accomplish that.... If anyone nos how to lose 20 lbs fast and easy plz tell me ......
Reply from ladybug, Age 13 - 02/23/05  - IP#: 65.69.56.xxx
Reply from Kathryn, Age 17 - 02/23/05  - IP#: 212.184.12.xxx

From jacqueline, Age 1 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 69.0.49.xxx  Click here to reply  
HI again. I just wanted to tell u guys what i ate and what i am going to eat today. Can u plz tell me if it is good or if i have to eat more or less? thankz. Breakfast-cereal=150 cals Snack-ranch wheat thins=140 cals Lunch-sandwich=200 cals + wheat thins=130 cals Snack- apple=between 80+100 cals Dinner-sheppards pie(it's veggies, meat, and mashed potatoes)=400 cals. I added them all up and it gave me about 1200 cals. I think that is fine. I just wanna make sure. Thankz ~jacqueline
Reply from kels, Age 16 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 63.77.244.xxx
Reply from jacqueline anne+ray ray, Age 12 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 69.0.49.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx
Reply from *ray*ray*, Age 13 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 66.67.103.xxx
Reply from jacqueline To Anne, Age 12 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 69.0.49.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx

From kristi, Age 15 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 4.33.229.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey guys, ok so today i went out for lunch but i made a good choice everyone was having fris and coke, and i got a salad with fat free ranch and a diet coke, i know its bad but i got it anyways, for breakfast i had special k cerel and when i came home from school i had an apple, im still kinda hungry so im gonna get something else, and for dinner im going to have a smart ones which is 250 cal... um i have softball tonight, for 3 hours, do u think im ok with what im eating and stuff?
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/23/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx
Reply from catherine, Age 13 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 12.75.143.xxx
Reply from Hayley to LINDSAY, Age 15 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 64.172.59.xxx
Reply from Camille, Age 17 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 70.80.118.xxx
Reply from Lindsey, Age 13 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 67.5.230.xxx
Reply from Sasha, Age 13 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 4.235.48.xxx
Reply from kels, Age 16 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 63.77.244.xxx
Reply from kristi, Age 15 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 4.33.229.xxx
Reply from Eddie, Age 14 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx
Reply from candi<3, Age 13 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 65.34.128.xxx

From Eshleh, Age 14 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 66.69.218.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey, I have been on this site for a while now, but i'm starting weight watchers tomorrow. 20 points a day, and i AM going to do it. For anyone who really cares to read this, i just want to be my old self again. I'd really like to be comfortable with my body, and to think losing weight is easy. I used to think so, I was active and really tried. I also wasnt so stressed. But life would be so much nicer thin. I feel like it would open so many new opportunities, more chances to do things. Like running fast without all that weight dragging you down, wearing new clothes, meeting new people... it just sounds so wonderful. And so im really going to start. Having this come true would be the happiest moment of my life. I sound all dreamy, lol. but im tired, reply if you want, this was more of a... writing it down to make it official thing. -eshleh
Reply from katie, Age 13 - 02/23/05  - IP#: 62.252.224.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/23/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx
Reply from Tina, Age 14 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 67.53.6.xxx

From haylea, Age 18 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 212.219.8.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ok, i struggled with weightloss about two years ago. It all started after i said i had a crush on some guy. A girl at school overheard and said "You have no chance with him, he doesnt go for whales." and then started laughing. I wouldnt mind, i only weighed 149lbs. I went on a crazy diet where if i was hungry, the only thing i would have would be an apple and a diet coke. I ate this about 10 times a day, and this meant that my calorie intake was roughly 1000 cals per day. I lost 11lbs in the first week and then 6lbs every week after that until i was down to 98lbs. I looked horrible and although people were starting to say that i looked ill, i coudnt see it and i thought i looked great. It was only until i tried on a pair of jeans and i had to buy an age 12-13 that i relaised that i had gone overboard. I returned to my normal eating patterns and gained 45lbs. I want to get down to roughly 120lbs now and wonder which diet you would recommend or how much exercise i should do each week. Thanks
Reply from haylea, Age 18 - 02/23/05  - IP#: 212.219.8.xxx
Reply from ashley!, Age 15 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 206.222.221.xxx
Reply from mandie, Age 16 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 63.195.114.xxx
Reply from kels, Age 16 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 63.77.244.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx

From candi<3, Age 13 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 65.34.128.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey whats up? well you see i have this little problem...well its not little its sorta huge well thet're sorta huge...im talkin about my thighs can sum one plz help! i need sum excersixes...i kno the usual..biking swimming skiing (i live in florida thats not an option) but please sum one give me sum excersizes so that i can tone my inner and outter thighs PLEASE REPLY thnx lol candi<3
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/23/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/23/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx
Reply from kels, Age 16 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 63.77.244.xxx
Reply from Eddie, Age 14 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx

From Tina, Age 14 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 67.53.6.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey, I've never been on this sight before, so i don't know if anyone ever even answers these things, but i needed some help. I'm in synchronized swimming, if anyone knows what that is... but anyway, my best friend is in swim too, and she is 1 year older than me. Well, lets just say that she has no problems with her weight of around 100 pounds, so she always makes me feel a little inferior, especially since she gets the most attention. But she is still my best friend, and here's why im writing. Next season (september) she's going to be moving to a higher team, and usually I'd be moved up with her even though I'm not old enough because 1) my coach has faith in my and 2) im pretty good at swim. But i don't think that she's gonna move me up this year unless i do something about my weight. I weigh 225 pounds, I am 5'5 and i am 14. I need some advice of people who have gotten to their... (view more)
Reply from me, Age 13 - 02/23/05  - IP#: 168.184.90.xxx

From Hayley, Age 15 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 64.172.59.xxx  Click here to reply  
I thought I was really goin to lose the weight this time, but now I'm slipping into my old habits of letting snacking and little things ruin my good eating days. I exercise around 5 times a week and I eat well, but sometimes I just eat more than I'm supposed to, or I snack, and it ruins my ENTIRE WEEK! You would think that would motivate me to just crack down but I can't. I have struggled with this for so long and I jus got back from my aunts house and it looks like I've gained like 2 more pounds. I'm so sad and frustrated, I just feel like I can't do this before summer. Another summer of not wearing a two-piece and feeling self-conscious. WHAT CAN I DO TO BREAK OUT OF THIS RUT??!! (it's definitely a mental thing, because i know HOW to lose the weight, it's just DOING it that's the trouble)
Reply from ashley!, Age 15 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 206.222.221.xxx
Reply from kels, Age 16 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 63.77.244.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx

From Kayla, Age 14 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 209.240.205.xxx  Click here to reply  
HEY THANKS GUYS I HAVEN'T GOT ANY REPLY'S AND I REALLY WOULD LIKE UR HELP...i'm so much bigger than all the other girls at my school...and i excercise sometimes...and i eat rite sometimes...but i want to look more like them...PLEASE HELP~!~ WHAT DO I DO???
Reply from Lindsey, Age 13 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 67.5.230.xxx
Reply from Sasha, Age 13 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 4.235.48.xxx
Reply from Kayla, Age 14 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 209.240.205.xxx
Reply from tag, Age 13 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 67.165.39.xxx
Reply from Catherine, Age 16 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 24.19.141.xxx

From brianna, Age 13 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 24.196.141.xxx  Click here to reply  
i need some1 2 talk 2 about my weight issues can some1 help me? u can reply or starangelwi@aol.com or brianna_luv_04@yahoo.com
Reply from vatherine, Age 13 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 12.75.143.xxx

From Anna, Age 14 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 222.148.35.xxx  Click here to reply  
Okay, so I'm not exactly FAT. I weighed 111 the last time I weighed myself (which was about a year ago) and I was about 5'1 or 2. I was normal at the time, not too fat, not too skinny, but now, I've been gaining weight, and the last time we had a health thing at school, I was the second heaviest girl in class. And girls who even LOOK fatter than me are lighter. My thighs aren't that ridiculous, I don't have double chins, but my stomache is HUMONGOUS. It sticks out SOOOO much and I'm so embarassed whenever I change into my gym clothes. It flops out. I guess it's because I eat waaaaaay too much. I don't have a lot for breakfast, because I'm not a big morning person, and I have about the same amount oflunch as everyone else, but
Reply from kels, Age 16 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 63.77.244.xxx
Reply from Grace, Age 15 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 24.62.180.xxx
Reply from jacqueline, Age 12 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 69.0.49.xxx
Reply from Anna, Age 14 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 222.148.35.xxx

From jacqueline, Age 1 - 02/22/05 - IP#: 69.0.49.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi everybody!! My diet was goin great until i went out to eat with my family and some friends. I went from 215 to 201lbs. Then i went back to 204.5lbs. I didn't even eat that much! I only ate about 1450 cals that day. OMG!!! Well, does anybody know and good snacks to eat and some better exercises? I am doing denise austin workout tapes but they are getting sooooo boring! Tomorrow I am sleeping over my friend's house 4 fun and she said that we are having pizza and maybe salad. Is it ok if i have one piece of pizza? Then after we are watching a movie. She said that we could make icecream sundaes or we could have popcorn and some snacks. What should i do? I am soooooooo scared that i am goin to eat too much. This week, we have a vacation from school, and I want to be able to lose about 3 lbs by next Monday. I could really use some tips. PLZ POST!!!!!!!! Thankz to all and good luck to everybody with thier goals!!! ~jenna
Reply from kels, Age 16 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 63.77.244.xxx
Reply from jacqueline, Age 12 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 69.0.49.xxx
Reply from Catherine, Age 16 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 24.19.141.xxx
Reply from Catherine, Age 16 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 24.19.141.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/22/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx

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