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From Katie, Age 16 - 12/06/10 - IP#: 67.163.222.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 240 lb, Today: 236 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 180 lb - Hello Loves,
Long time no post. last time i posted i was at 230 and had lost 14 pounds. i went to the doctors the other day to get checked out from a car wreck i was in, and i was back up to 241. id lost 5 pounds since then and Im keeping it that way. its only been a week i must say im proud. im hoping to lose 15 more pounds this month i have faith in myself as long as i dont emotionally eat :/ i actually psychically and emotionally wanna lose this weight this time. I Hate being the only Fat girl in my group of friends. i actually wanna have a boyfriend and go to dances and look pretty. hopefully by the time prom comes this year ill be out of the 200 and A-ok :D I find it useful to read books written by overweight authors that have took the time to loss weight and have recorded it. You might find diet girl to be motivational. Well thats all for today :d
I wish everyone the best of luck through their weight loss journeys. :D
Love Katie (:
Reply from Phil, Age 16 - 02/14/11  - IP#: 24.254.233.xxx

From denise, Age 16 - 12/06/10 - IP#: 24.12.32.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 163 lb, Today: 163 lb (BMI %tile: 92), Goal: 130 lb - Ive always been the chubby girl scince i can remember.ive never really fully been happy with my body image.i knew i was chubbier than the rest of my friends and i felt really left out.i was looking through pictures and realized that i was a good weight after all when i was younger and i was too self concious to see thats.ive tried dieting but i know ow is my time and i know will will lose weight and stick with this life change.im determined. ive started eating better and today is going to be the 3rd day ina row that ive excersized.if i don't excersize everyday i know im going be too lazy to do so the next day.so good luck and god bless to all of you others out their wanting a better life too.

From Marshall, Age 13 - 12/04/10 - IP#: 173.213.156.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 156 lb, Today: 156.7 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 140 lb - Lost about .8 Pounds
Calories For Today (Usually less on weekends cause I am on the computer so I dont eat as much)
7 Andes Mints= 175 Calories
3/4 Of A Half Gallon Of 1% Milk- 600 (I just find it suprising the amount of calories in milk.)
2 Bowls Of Cereal (One for Breakfest one for Supper- 960-1000 calories
Total- About 1775 Calories after i eat this bowl for supper that is actually a good amount of calories for wanting to lose weight and I am not getting ranch at salad bar at school now
I am proud of todays calories and that .8 of a pound i dont weight now
This helps though just keep track of the calories you eat each day and you will eat healthier
Depending on your size and stature you shouldnt eat over like 2500 and never NEVER under 1000 calories a day

From Ropati, Age 14 - 12/01/10 - IP#: 216.67.8.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 280 lb, Today: 401 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 180 lb - Hey peoples, I'm new to all of this so here it is. As you can see I'm an over-weight teen and it's been following me all my life. When i was in the fifth grade, i weighed 280lbs. and it's been down hll from there, well up scale, get it. My 8th grade year i weighed 365lbs. As you can see, I gained a lot of weight. I'm the kind of Fat Person that hides his pain through hilarity. Making others laugh to distract them from the way I look. But that's the thing, how do i know if they're laughing with me, instead of at me. That's the question I ask myself all the time. I'm now a freshman in high school starting with a clean slate. Walking the halls of high school Isn't so scary to me, well that's because I'm SO HUGE. You know, some of my friends use me as a walking brick wall to get through people. I don't mind, and then again, I do. Whenever people do they do that to me, I'm always lauhging,... (view more)
Reply from Jill, Age 17 - 12/03/10  - IP#: 24.121.236.xxx

From Catie, Age 16 - 12/01/10 - IP#: 67.81.17.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 155 lb, Today: 149 lb (BMI %tile: 87), Goal: 130 lb - hey guys. i've been struggling with my weight for as long as i can remember. I've never been EXTREMELY fat but at the same time i've never felt comfortable in my own skin. I've tried so many different things to lose weight but its just so difficult for me to stick to my plans. There is this guy i really like in school and i dont want to do anything about it until im confident with my body. i know everyone says if he likes you he wont care, but i care. I'm self-conscious and i dont want a guys hand all over me when i feel fat and have blubber... any tips?
Reply from Alicia, Age 17 - 12/03/10  - IP#: 75.170.55.xxx
Reply from Marshall, Age 13 - 12/03/10  - IP#: 173.213.156.xxx
Reply from Ropati, Age 14 - 12/02/10  - IP#: 216.67.8.xxx

From Marshall, Age 13 - 12/01/10 - IP#: 173.213.156.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 156 lb, Today: 157.4 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 140 lb - Hello i know i gained a little weight but I am gonna try harder I know that its because of the junk I eat because we have like lots of ice cream and pop at my house and I am gonna try and change that.
I need to try to get my homework done so I can get to tae kwon do when I need too.
P.e is really awesome too we learn a lot of stuff this week was Speed and agility next week is our first weight lifting week with our new gym
Tips- Its better to weigh after a shower or something because I weighed both ways and I was 4 pounds lighter without my sweatshirt and stuff
Please give me tips for
Tasty Healthy snacks and food and
Easy excercises you can do at home and have fun with
P.s- I think if i would remember to eat supper and find healthy stuff to eat I wouldnt crave the ice cream and stuff so much at night
So please give tips and no rude comments
Reply from lily, Age 16 - 12/01/10  - IP#: 67.81.17.xxx

From Amanda, Age 15 - 11/30/10 - IP#: 75.125.237.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 260 lb, Today: 335 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 110 lb - HOW can I stop BEing ADDICTed to FOOD???? Because I THINK that's why I OVEReat and have no WILLpower! I'm so HEAVY now I can feel my WEIGHT CRUSHing me ALL the TIME but I still get CRAVEings and OVEReat anyWAY!!! In SCHOOL I can't even LISTEN because of how UNCOMFORTable it is to be SO HEAVY but ALL I want is to go HOME and have ICEcream or COOKies to feel BETTER. WHAT do I do because its getting REALly hard to COPE with my WEIGHT and I DON'T think I can STAND GETing much BIGger. PS EXERcise is OUT of the QUESTION because of my WEIGHT I can barely even WALK between CLASSes at school, it feels like CARRYing a MOUNTAIN and SOMEtimes I have to LEAN on the WALL and rest and them I'm LATE.
Reply from Cupcake, Age 13 - 05/31/11  - IP#: 72.74.197.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 05/19/11  - IP#: 71.0.107.xxx
Reply from Marshall, Age 13 - 12/01/10  - IP#: 173.213.156.xxx

From john, Age 16 - 11/29/10 - IP#: 184.76.251.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 285 lb, Today: 285 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 180 lb - i would really like to lose the weight i just cant stick to it and i have little motivation. i need tips
Reply from Marshall, Age 13 - 12/01/10  - IP#: 173.213.156.xxx

From hii, Age 14 - 11/28/10 - IP#: 98.207.208.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'10.8", Start: 182 lb, Today: 182 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 170 lb - okayyy... so im starting all over again!!
i am now eating better and exercising!! today i ran 4.2 miles XD! next week, my goal is 180 n i will keep you guys posted! good luck to every1! :D

From Lucille, Age 19 - 11/27/10 - IP#: 207.172.205.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 208 lb, Today: 158 lb (BMI %tile: 82), Goal: 135 lb - HEY I JUST WANTED TO SHARE A COUPLE TIPS
DDR is an excellent form of exercise! it's pretty much the only exercising i've done while trying to lose weight..of course it's best when you can do it on the expert and heavy settings, but you can definitely work up to that!
ALSO slim fast is an excellent diet to follow
it is healthy and i think it tastes great and because the products are sweet and chocolatey i never really crave actual sweets.. a lot of people say this diet is bad because you gain the weight back as soon as you stop doing it. this did not happen to me , ive been off of it for months and have not put back on any of the weight. of course you can not go back to eating garbage or you will obviously gain it back, just make wise eating decisions.

From Blah, Age 14 - 11/25/10 - IP#: 67.87.207.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 160 lb, Today: 160 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 130 lb - I'm always Saying How Ima Sart My Diet & Loose Weight, But I Never Do, I wasn't so big before, I was actually alot smaller, But Eating Makes me Happier, & Feel Better, Pero Now, Im not giving in, Im Gonna Keep going till I succeed.
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 04/01/11  - IP#: 71.0.105.xxx

From Jess, Age 16 - 11/26/10 - IP#: 206.163.236.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 190 lb, Today: 151 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 130 lb - So my friend is coming home for xmas, and last time I saw him I was 168 lbs. I think if I try really hard I can get down to 143 before he gets here which will be 25lbs down. I have a little lss than a month to lose 8 lbs and I will try to update here once a week at least.

From McCartney, Age 16 - 11/22/10 - IP#: 98.222.151.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 180 lb, Today: 180 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 145 lb - In 8th grade I weighed 140. That is smallest I ever noticed myself being. I am now a junior in highschool. Over the past three years I have gained 40 lbs. I have went through stages where I excercised but never have been able to keep doing it. It drains my energy soooo bad. Yesterday I started excersising and eating well again and also have got my mom who has been obese for many years to start going with me. Please give me any tips you can. Thanks.

From Molly, Age 14 - 11/21/10 - IP#: 24.36.149.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 206 lb, Today: 206 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 199 lb - Hey you guys i am finally starting my weight loss i am so tired of feeling fat and like everyone is staring at me i just want to be happy so i am going to be posting everyday my weight progress i hope i lose this weight!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Phil, Age 16 - 02/14/11  - IP#: 24.254.233.xxx

From ashley B., Age 14 - 11/19/10 - IP#: 24.165.205.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 148 lb, Today: 148 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 120 lb - well i use to be really skinny but then i gained weight and cant fit into alot of my jeans so im dieting
Reply from McCartney, Age 16 - 11/22/10  - IP#: 166.137.9.xxx

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