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From teola, Age 13 - 10/08/10 - IP#: 97.175.97.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 265.5 lb, Today: 265.5 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 125 lb - I love food. But hate being obese. I need to losse weight. Clothes are hard to find & today I went to sit in this chair on my patio & couldn't fit my bestfriend was there so I was really embarrassed so I sat on steps then couldn't get up so her & my dad & brother had to help me I just need help
Reply from zach, Age 15 - 10/12/10  - IP#: 76.183.78.xxx
Reply from teola, Age 13 - 10/08/10  - IP#: 174.223.224.xxx
Reply from robert, Age 14 - 10/08/10  - IP#: 67.141.132.xxx

From Molly, Age 16 - 10/08/10 - IP#: 206.225.103.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 240 lb, Today: 270 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 230 lb - Gained 5 pounds more this week. I tried a salad and I hated it. This whole losing weight thing is hard. I cheated a little by getting a big mac meal today. It was atleast 100 times better than the salad! Ughhh.
Reply from yohana, Age 19 - 10/16/10  - IP#: 68.185.203.xxx
Reply from James, Age 17 - 10/09/10  - IP#: 74.233.71.xxx
Reply from James, Age 17 - 10/09/10  - IP#: 74.233.71.xxx

From sante, Age 14 - 10/07/10 - IP#: 71.235.60.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 170 lb, Today: 170 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 145 lb - im addicted to food. I know it's bad to overeat but it tastes so good when I'm doing it.
Reply from Molly, Age 16 - 10/08/10  - IP#: 206.225.103.xxx

From robert, Age 14 - 10/07/10 - IP#: 77.221.185.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'11", Start: 215 lb, Today: 215 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 180 lb - im am 5'11 weighing 215 and cant stop. im the only person considered obese in my family besides my aunts and little cousin.but my weakness is soft drinks. i have gained so much weight from just soft drinks. my brother is 4 years older than me and is 70lbs less than me.when im with my aunts the only thing to drink with them is soft drinks.and they dont care how much i eat.so when im with my aunts i propaply will gain weight .but between the 7th and 8th grade i started off 145 and ended 185.and now in the 9th grade i weigh 215.so you can see i have gained a lot of weight.
Reply from zach, Age 15 - 10/12/10  - IP#: 76.183.78.xxx

From Amanda, Age 14 - 10/06/10 - IP#: 75.125.237.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 260 lb, Today: 335 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 110 lb - HIGH school is HOrrIBLE and I DON'T want to go BACK for another DAY! The CAMpus is so much BIGer than my old school but we get the SAME time between CLASSes. I've alREADY been LATE THREE times in a MONTH because of GETting TIRED. The WORST is when I have to WALK across the WHOLE school to get to MATH class and then CLIMB up the STAIRS because its on the SECond floor! It's REALly HARD to go UP the stairs because walking made me TIRED alREADY and my StOmAcH is so HEAVY! I wish I could go in the ELEvator but thats for TEACHers and HANDIEcapped ONLY! When I get to MATH I'm too TIRED to listen and I'M DUMB in MATH anyWAY so I might FLUNK. I HATE being OVERweight because of all these PROBlems!
Reply from Gabby, Age 16 - 10/11/10  - IP#: 71.189.156.xxx

From Julia, Age 14 - 09/30/10 - IP#: 143.238.118.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5.5", Start: 154.3 lb, Today: 154.3 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 132 lb - hey guys im back again. i tried to do so much i am enthusiastic about losing weight but i never seem to follow through ... i have gained 2 pounds since about may/june but i should have lost it :( so this monday coming up i am starting my healthy eating and excersize plan which will go for approximately 10-12 weeks in which i will hopefully lose 10 kilos for summer. (i live in australiia) and so that i stay motivated i am wasting time by planning EVERYTHING out so if i say ''i want to quit'' then i can think . ive come so far i took time to plan it im not quitting now :) ive been unhappy about my body for too long now and i think its time for a change :) <3 <3 thanks for listening guys :) -- juliaaa.
Reply from antonia, Age 14 - 10/24/10  - IP#: 124.184.1.xxx
Reply from marie, Age 16 - 10/13/10  - IP#: 76.28.252.xxx

From Cat, Age 17 - 09/29/10 - IP#: 98.196.9.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 250 lb, Today: 262 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 150 lb - I just cant stop... i dont know whats wrong with me... My grandma trusted me 2 be home alone and the first thing i do is make myself 4 huge burgers that were like super greasy and a massive plate of salty fries.. idky i do this.. i need 2 stop but i dont know how. and i like drank 62 oz of apple juice and ive caught myself eating entire loafs of bread.. i need help :( any ideas?
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 05/21/11  - IP#: 71.0.107.xxx
Reply from Cat, Age 17 - 10/27/10  - IP#: 98.196.9.xxx
Reply from Jamie, Age 18 - 10/04/10  - IP#: 87.194.210.xxx
Reply from Andrea, Age 13 - 10/03/10  - IP#: 68.193.242.xxx

From Molly, Age 16 - 09/22/10 - IP#: 206.225.103.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 240 lb, Today: 265 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 230 lb - I can't stop eating! I love to eat til I'm overfull at every meal and I find it hard to say no to any food offered to me. I had McDonald's twice, both meals over 1,500 calories. I had two dinners and my dessert was a huge sundae with tons of hot fudge. I am down to one pair of jeans and the rest are sweatpants because my belly is too big to fit into my size 24 jeans anymore. I just don't know what to do! I hate working out. Any tips?
Reply from Phil, Age 16 - 02/14/11  - IP#: 24.254.233.xxx
Reply from Gabby, Age 16 - 10/11/10  - IP#: 71.189.156.xxx
Reply from Ethan, Age 17 - 10/02/10  - IP#: 98.77.56.xxx
Reply from hii, Age 14 - 09/26/10  - IP#: 98.207.208.xxx

From Thea, Age 14 - 09/20/10 - IP#: 71.235.60.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 169.4 lb, Today: 167 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 148 lb - I forgot to say i've been dieting for three days now. Everday i jog five laps with my friend and i also have gym class everyday. Today, I swam for gym, did five laps, & a taebo workout tape !:D
Reply from marie, Age 16 - 10/13/10  - IP#: 76.28.252.xxx

From Thea, Age 14 - 09/20/10 - IP#: 71.235.60.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 169.4 lb, Today: 167 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 148 lb - Hey guys, im back...AGAIN! Well this year has been awful for I've gained 15 lbs since January. I've been yo yo dieting ever since and obiviously that hasn't worked seeing as i way 167 now. Well I'm a freshman in highschool now and I really want to get involved in sports. I want to do indoor track during the winter but when I told my family she practically laughed in my face. You don't know how heartbreaking it is to have no one believe in you. Thankfully, I have my bestfriend as an exercise buddy! If feel as if with her and motivation I can finally become healthy and stay that way! Wish me luck guys!

From Tyler, Age 15 - 09/19/10 - IP#: 76.183.78.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 220 lb, Today: 195 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 150 lb - Anyone else unable to get into the chat room?
Stay STRONG and FOCUSED on your weight loss.Remember, no one else can do this for you.Yall can do it.

From Diamond, Age 16 - 09/13/10 - IP#: 96.227.146.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 210 lb, Today: 211 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 135 lb - So here's the thing with me. I don't absolutely HATE the way I look but i don't approve of it. Im pretty in the face and I can dress really cute but in my eyes I will look 10 times better If I lost the weight. Since I'm tall I don't look as big as I actually am but that still is not an excuse. I already know i can lose the weight but the motivation is just not there! But Im trying to motivate myself everytime I look in the mirror. So for now on I'm eating healthier and excercising. (i.e workout videos, power walking, fittness gym, dance, softball) I didn't know I had some many options to excercise I just never gave them any thought.

From Anya, Age 17 - 09/13/10 - IP#: 68.81.143.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'0", Start: 190 lb, Today: 190 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 120 lb - I'm really hating myself... I'm tired of being this weight and looking this way. I've always been overweight and I've never felt pretty and I come from a family of beautiful people. I've always fely less then what they are and my family never do anything to discourage how i feel. It's like pretty and thin always win in my house. I have two older gorgeous thin sisters and it's obvious my family cares more about them then they do about me my mom always wants to show them off and I don't think even one of her co-workers even know I exist. People find out who my mother is and they're shocked I'm her daughter I get very embarassed meeting people my mom knows and they know my sisters and little brother but they have no clue who I am and they go "Your lying?!" "seriously you've got to be her niece not her daughter", that hurts sooo much. I... (view more)
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 03/27/11  - IP#: 71.0.105.xxx

From hii, Age 14 - 09/12/10 - IP#: 76.102.160.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'11.5", Start: 178 lb, Today: 181 lb (BMI %tile: 89), Goal: 170 lb - AHH! idk i have been execising reallyyyyyyy well this past week. and i hav been cutting down on my eating. but the scales says 181?! that means i gained 6 pounds!? ahhhh :P
Reply from Jenny, Age 15 - 10/15/10  - IP#: 76.175.134.xxx

From ylat, Age 16 - 09/12/10 - IP#: 72.89.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 166 lb, Today: 166 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 140 lb - I never thought I would get to the point where I had to call myself "overweight" I have always been curvier than other people, I have big breast and hips and a small waist, what you would call a pear shaped girl. I have been dieting since I'm about 8 years old, and this subject has become more of a trauma than anything else. I'm always sad because of my weight,I don't do stuff that I would actually like to do because of my insecurities like dancing in public, and because of this I HATE to be seen in public whether it's in the mall or at my school's play. I just hate myself, I feel that I would be such a different person if I lost weight. But the problem is that I have tried every single diet that you could imagine, Atkins, Weight Watchers, The Cayenne pepper cleanser, not eating, eating just rice, name it and I can tell you all about it. (view more)
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 05/23/11  - IP#: 71.0.107.xxx

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