From Kim, Age 17 - 07/12/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 265 lb, Today: 265 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 200 lb - Help? i am getting bigger and bigger I need tips to lose weight i have a small river behind where i live and i can hang out in but it isnt big enough to swim in really i also have a big field i can use i dont have any equipment so any tips on exercises would be great
Reply from James, Age 16 - 08/01/10 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 07/13/10 - IP#:
From shay, Age 16 - 07/13/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 189 lb, Today: 189 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 130 lb - hello. i am new here and just starting a diet.. I have always been comfortable with my body, and i live on the beach and im always in a suit, and have felt okay with the way i looked.. until, i realized how extremely overweight i actuallly am. my doctor told me i had to lose weight, and thts when i started seeing it.. i used to be skinny, and my weight got worse and worse each year, but i never really noticed. i tried to put on last years jeans and i cant do it. i guess i need to lose weight. but i honestly, dont think i need to. because i feel fine with the way i am. i ll ust get bigger clothes.. can someone give me adive to get motivated?
Reply from natalie, Age 14 - 07/25/10 - IP#:
Reply from thea, Age 14 - 07/13/10 - IP#:
From lindz, Age 16 - 07/11/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'6", Start: 157 lb, Today: 155 lb (BMI %tile: 85), Goal: 125 lb - I FEEL SO DISCOURAGED!!! i started bicycling more and swimming more a few weeks ago cuz i am not at home with my workout machines and i gained almost all my weight back!!! How in the world did that happen idk what to do can someone plz help me!!!
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 07/12/10 - IP#:
From thea, Age 14 - 07/11/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 167 lb, Today: 167 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 148 lb - ughh so i've been restarting my diet a lot which is probably really bad. today is day three of the re-re-re start of my diet. the last two days haven't been so great.I need to get motivated and remember why i'm dieting which is to become healthy. or i'll just be on a neverending yo-yo dieting. well i wish everyone else goodluck! (:
From jessica, Age 18 - 07/10/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 6'0", Start: 255 lb, Today: 247.8 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 155 lb - im sooo proud of myself...ive been working my butt off this week and ive lose 5 more our family went out to dinner...i didnt have any rolls!! (btw those have 250 for each rolll ..more than i ever thought!!!) and got a ceaser salad...which was delicious!!! i had fish for lunch and a bowl of special k for breakfast i did a hour on the eliptical and ran 2 actually excited to weigh myself...i leave for school in 5 weeks...if i lose 5 pounds a week i know thats alot! but i can do it...i have alot to lose ill lose 25 pounds before school starts and hopefully be down a dress size....hope everyone is doing well :]
Reply from thea, Age 14 - 07/11/10 - IP#:
From Antoniaaaa, Age 13 - 07/10/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 154 lb, Today: 152 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 132 lb - YAY! ive lost about 2 pounds by just eating healthy and doing some excersize i want to keep going and i think i can :) i believe in myself .. has anyone been doing weight watchers or anything like that ? does it work ? thanks guys KEEP IT UP ! my next small goal is 150 pounds i hope i get there :D xxxx
Reply from Marya, Age 14 - 07/13/10 - IP#:
Reply from Jocelyn, Age 19 - 07/12/10 - IP#:
Reply from thea, Age 14 - 07/11/10 - IP#:
From lindz, Age 16 - 07/09/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'6", Start: 157 lb, Today: 139 lb (BMI %tile: 69), Goal: 125 lb - so i have lost 20 pounds but i still have insecurity and i feel disgusting my routines are getting boring and idk what to do to change them when i eat i don't eat much the little bit that i do eat makes me feel disgusted wit myself what do i do to stop feeling this way and how do i make working out more exciting like it used to be?
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 07/10/10 - IP#:
From Dave, Age 15 - 07/25/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Start: 260 lb, Today: 260 lb - Not much of a success story. I'm 15 and 260 lbs. If I had to classify my body type, I'd probably say Mesomorph, that being said, in the last four days of diet and exercise I've seen noticeable gains. I may have even lost a few pounds too. What I'm doing is cutting out all junk food and soda and eating mostly vegetables, fruits and protein rich lean meat. I try and drink a whole buttload of water everyday. The hardest part is probably getting myself to exercise enough. The diet's not bad, it's just getting off of my lazy arse. I don't have much of a weight goal at this point. I'm just trying to look better and get fit. Being fat does not suit me really =/
From magen, Age 14 - 07/06/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 212 lb, Today: 213 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 150 lb - okay i started my diet of 1300 calories a day on july 1 i lost 4 pounds n then on july 3,4,and 5 we had picnics n i ate n ate n ate. now im up to 213 heavier than i was not even a week ago! =( well im really sunburned n it hurts to move n i dont no what to do! i have 3 hours of cheerleadin to do tomaroow butt i donnt knioowwww anymore my first goal weight to go back to school in september is 185 i can do it its just keepin the weight off =( okay well im gunna goo!
From Ashley, Age 13 - 07/03/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 145 lb, Today: 145 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 125 lb - I havent done this in ever. I really need to lose weight. I have gotten to the point where I hate myself for being overweight. I have an eatting disorder bcus I kno Im overweight. I eat about 1 1/2 meals a day, with no snacks, and excercise daily...any tips on what I can do? they would b greatly appreciated(:
Reply from Ashley, Age 13 - 07/06/10 - IP#:
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 07/04/10 - IP#:
From Me, Age 14 - 07/03/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 195 lb, Today: 195 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 150 lb - Okay. I REALLY need help. It is summer, and I am going to be in high school in a month! I don't want to go there looking like I do now. I really need to lose some leg and stomach weight. Any help???
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 07/05/10 - IP#:
From Jenna, Age 15 - 07/03/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 192 lb, Today: 185 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 128 lb - Hey guys! I haven't posted on here in a while. Anyways, recentley i got down to 170 and then I gained some back ): and now I'm at 185. And I do really want to lose weight. And I know I'm unhealthy and all that. And I know that I'll feel better once I shed some pounds. But I just can't find the drive to lose the weight anymore. And I am trying I just keep slipping up. And honestley...i'm kind of afraid to lose the weight. I mean I've always wondered what it would be like to be skinny. But I've always been the "fat kid" and I feel like I wouldn't be me without that label...i don't know why I feel like this I just do :/ but anyways any tips or suggestions you guys would have to help me get back on track would be a big help. Thanks! (:
From hii, Age 14 - 07/02/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'11", Start: 178 lb, Today: 173 lb (BMI %tile: 87), Goal: 170 lb - Today I ran 6 miles!! YAY! that's like the most that i have ran EVER. I tried soo hard and it feels soooooo good to know that I ran that much. I'm sick of being always known as the "bigger girl" and I hope I can be able to lose all this weight. Good luck to you guys!! :)
Reply from Kristin, Age 14 - 07/14/10 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 07/04/10 - IP#:
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 07/02/10 - IP#:
From Sam, Age 16 - 07/01/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'0", Start: 140 lb, Today: 140 lb (BMI %tile: 92), Goal: 120 lb - Hey everyone! I'm new to this site. It looks like a great way to get tips from others who are also trying to lose weight like you. Well I'm going school shopping in 6 weeks, and I would like to be 20 pounds lighter. I was just wondering if it's possible to lose 20 pounds in 6 weeks. I was thinking about getting on the treadmill 6 times a day[burning 150 calories each time I get on] and then only eating 1200 calories a day. I'm pretty sure I can get on the treadmill 6 times a day, because I mostly stay home all day, so that would give me something to do. Tips? Thoughts? Thanks.
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 07/02/10 - IP#:
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 07/02/10 - IP#:
From hii, Age 14 - 07/01/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'11", Start: 178 lb, Today: 173 lb (BMI %tile: 87), Goal: 170 lb - today i weighed myself and i lost 2 pounds!! yesterday i didn't exercise and idk if i have time to exercise today bc it's my bday. by next birthday i really hope that i can become my goal weight of 130!! hopefully by the monday coming up i can weigh 172. hope you guys are doing well! good luck!! :)
Reply from Jillian, Age 17 - 07/01/10 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |