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From thea, Age 14 - 06/24/10 - IP#: 71.235.60.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 165.2 lb, Today: 169 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 148 lb - okay so i gained weight because i've been awful lately. next week im supposed to go to D.C. and im pretty scared because it seems like the only time i can control my cravings is when im at home. i don't know whats wrong with me. how do i lose motivation so easily?
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 06/24/10  - IP#: 99.237.131.xxx

From Joey, Age 17 - 06/23/10 - IP#: 67.68.37.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9.5", Start: 201 lb, Today: 199.8 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 125 lb - Hi guys , today I posted what I ate yesterday, but heres my today! Kashi cereal bar and grapefruit for breakfast, ceaser salad and unsweetened iced tea for lunch, plus black iced coffee (no sugar or cream) healthy stirfry for dinner( I had about 3 cups to muchg though.) I also had a slice of cheescake and two bowls of frozen yogourt with strawberry jam. So that was really bad :( I think im stress eating cuz of exams, I had about 4 glasses of water today, and did not get much excercise, so i will be amazed if i lose tomorrow.
It was hard to post this because of how much i let myself down, but I figured if i lied the only person Id be hurting was myself.
Im gonna start fresh tomorrow :)
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 06/24/10  - IP#: 99.237.131.xxx

From Joey, Age 17 - 06/23/10 - IP#: 67.68.39.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9.5", Start: 201 lb, Today: 199.8 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 125 lb - Hi guys. Yesterday I started my summer weight loss transformation.
I had some cereal with soy milk and raspberries for breakfast, two sausages for lunch, and some fish and stewed vegetables for dinner. I drank four very large glasses of water, skateboarded and got the mail, and worked for three hours, and I have a job where your always busy. Im gonna post what I do so you guys can give me some tips on here, and maybe make a weightloss friend or two. I want to be down to my goal weight by September 7, the day school starts. I have big makeover plans for this summer and need your help. Who else wants to walk into school next year and be a completely different person !
joey xoxo
p.s. Im a girl lol.
Reply from Rose, Age 16 - 07/02/10  - IP#: 69.123.101.xxx
Reply from Rose, Age 16 - 06/29/10  - IP#: 69.123.101.xxx
Reply from Jenna, Age 17 - 06/25/10  - IP#: 86.7.142.xxx
Reply from Joey, Age 17 - 06/23/10  - IP#: 67.68.37.xxx
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 06/23/10  - IP#: 99.237.131.xxx
Reply from thea, Age 14 - 06/23/10  - IP#: 24.2.190.xxx
Reply from fara, Age 15 - 06/23/10  - IP#: 24.17.192.xxx

From hii, Age 13 - 06/22/10 - IP#: 76.103.94.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'11", Start: 178 lb, Today: 175 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 170 lb - okay then..
well i'm really motivated still :D
bc next year we have swimming unit in the BEGINNING of the year :O. like 3 days after first day of school :( and i wanna wear a swimsuit and not be like "ew i hate my body" or anything like taht. I wanna be confident for next year. so anyways i have a dream person i guess you'll say lol. i really wanna have the body of alessandra ambrosio. she's so gorgeous and yeah. lol....
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 06/22/10  - IP#: 99.237.131.xxx

From Michelle, Age 16 - 06/22/10 - IP#: 67.233.156.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 228 lb, Today: 196.8 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 178 lb - Okay so like yesterday I got up weighed myself (I have to weigh myself everyday for the thin thighs in 30 days thing its actually kinda helpful) ate breakfast took a run but unlike yesterday I did my mile in 12 minutes :D this is honestly the best thing that can happen for me right now I have three goals this summer lose 20 pounds (18 more to go), practice the clarinet til my lips fall off and finish my American History class (I'm taking it online so I can take ballet during the school year I was in ballet for 8 years fat and all so this should be really fun to do at a smaller size) but of all those goals I never thought I'd be able to run a mile in 12 minutes or even run a mile for that matter I had one of the worst cases of asthma in Tallahassee Florida I went to the hospital at least once a month with asthma attacks from walking around my house my inhales wouldn't work for me my... (view more)
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 06/22/10  - IP#: 99.237.131.xxx

From Nicole, Age 17 - 06/22/10 - IP#: 98.195.142.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 216 lb, Today: 216 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 150 lb - I need some serious motivation to lose weight, but it's like, i'm okay with being fat. I have the confidence to strut my stuff, i've never let my weight affect my potential. I mean, i'm on my school's drill team, and i'm really good. But always in the back of my mind, and at home, is my grandma yelling at me to lose weight so i can be pretty. I always felt that i was pretty how i was, but i also know that what i weigh is unhealthy. I want to lose weight for my health, that was i won't have those weak moments of being jealous of my skinny friends or i can feel good about exercising. I want to be more active. I want to go shopping and not be worried about finding something in my size or about if it will look good because of my shape. But, everytime i try to get health, i quit. I lose all motivation. I need help. What are somethings that kept y'all motivated. I need more than one thing to keep me focused. Please and Thank You.
Reply from Rose, Age 16 - 06/29/10  - IP#: 69.123.101.xxx
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 06/22/10  - IP#: 99.237.131.xxx
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 06/22/10  - IP#: 24.98.91.xxx

From hii, Age 13 - 06/21/10 - IP#: 76.103.94.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'11", Start: 178 lb, Today: 175 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 170 lb - well i'm gonna weigh in next sunday for myself.
but i ran 3.5 miles yesterday n i ran 2 miles today. i may run 2 more but idk
i really hope by the end of summer i will be 145-150!! ;)

From stace, Age 19 - 06/21/10 - IP#: 98.176.122.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5.5", Start: 181 lb, Today: 181 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 115 lb - Okay I officially started my weight loss once again. I'm currently 128 pounds and gained 4 pounds >.< I was just indulging in so much sweets and junk for the past 2 months but I'm on my A game now!! :) I have been going through so much family turmoils and I thought this was my only way out. Anyhow, I was hoping if anyone can recommend toning dvds? I'm hoping to buy the 30 day shred dvd by Jillian Michael and another beneficial intense workout d.v.d that I was hoping you guys would recommend. thanks!
Reply from Ricky, Age 17 - 08/11/10  - IP#: 173.54.212.xxx
Reply from stace, Age 19 - 06/21/10  - IP#: 98.176.122.xxx
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 06/21/10  - IP#: 76.103.94.xxx
Reply from Mcihelle, Age 16 - 06/21/10  - IP#: 67.233.156.xxx

From Juliette, Age 17 - 06/21/10 - IP#: 99.237.131.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 165 lb, Today: 155 lb (BMI %tile: 79), Goal: 140 lb - So i'm still lingering at this weight. It's almost like, i'm doing enough not to gain back any weight, but at the same time, i'm not doing enough to lose some more. And i have exams to study for, so there's not much time to get exercise and focus on losing those 10-15 pounds. Hopefully, by the end of this week i'll be on track again. Does anyone have WiiFit? I do! I think it's pretty fun, but damn that thing can be pretty exhausting! I'm planning on working out to some of the exercises on the Wii this weekend. :) I'm going swimsuit shopping this week or in two weeks. yikes! You'd think that should be motivation enough for me to get up and going, but i'm still slacking off! agghh. Anyway! Good Luck to anyone else who has exams, and good luck to everyone else who's trying to get healthy! We can do it! =P ~ Juliette
Reply from Michelle, Age 16 - 06/21/10  - IP#: 67.233.156.xxx

From Michelle, Age 16 - 06/21/10 - IP#: 67.233.156.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 228 lb, Today: 197 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 178 lb - Soo I wake up this morning ready to weigh myself,I swam for 2 hours yesterday then got home and worked out some more ate a good amount of food. Here it is 197 gained a pound really that sucks. On a better note today I got up at 7:30AM ate breakfast, got dressed and then at 8 I took a run. I finished a mile in 14 minutes :) that's the fastest I've ever done my record was 17 minutes I totally owned a personal record. The cheerleaders at my school all size 0-8 run a mile in 13 minutes that makes me pretty darn happy their almost half of me but I did it :')
Reply from Mcihelle, Age 16 - 06/21/10  - IP#: 67.233.156.xxx
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 06/21/10  - IP#: 99.237.131.xxx

From XxXLotsOfLettersxXx, Age 15 - 06/20/10 - IP#: 71.98.105.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 160 lb, Today: 188 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 128 lb - Heyy.
How are you guys?
I want to ask a question...
Is it right for your boyfriend to tell you that you need to lose weight?
I was wandering because my boyfriend is always saying stuff like " you know I love you for who you are but you need to lose weight" or "you are so pretty but if you lost some weight you would look and feel better about yourself"
like if he sees me eating chips he'll be like "woah look how much calories are in those"
and I know he loves me and is just trying to help but he knows I'm really sensitive about that stuff , and it doesn't help when he's 6 feet 130 pounds and 17 , he's like a stick.
And I don't know... Some of the stuff he says even if he's trying to help it makes me feel like crap.
So my question is what do I say when he says stuff that hurts
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 06/21/10  - IP#: 99.237.131.xxx

From thea, Age 14 - 06/20/10 - IP#: 71.235.60.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 165.2 lb, Today: 163.2 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 148 lb - soo no one has really been writing any new posts so i decided to write one. this past week has been terrible for me. i ate take out almost every night, but luckily yesterday i got back on track.im starting fresh, and i want to be 156-158 by the beginning of july.wish me luck(;
Reply from Megan, Age 16 - 06/23/10  - IP#: 72.219.1.xxx
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 06/21/10  - IP#: 99.237.131.xxx

From hii, Age 13 - 06/20/10 - IP#: 76.103.94.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'11", Start: 178 lb, Today: 175 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 170 lb - omg i gained from 172! :(
i was on vacation for 8 days and i ate tons of food so i guess thats why i gained. well i'm really gonna start my diet and exercise plan today and i hope i can weigh 170 by the end of june/beginning of july.
hope you guys are doing well! :)

From sydney, Age 14 - 06/16/10 - IP#: 97.221.53.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 176 lb, Today: 175 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 125 lb - Hey guys, I have been struggling with my weight for a while. But this past school year was the absolute worst. There was this kid literally half my height making up rumors about me and doing all this mean stuff. He made signs about my weight and held it up in class and the teacher just laughed along acting like it was no big deal! Anyway, I also have scoliosis, I curved spine. It is becoming more servere because of my weight. I have pinched a nerve before and ended up on the floor for 3 hours! I just want to fix my weight soon for my mental and physical health! For some more support go to www.weightaminuteyouth.webs.com it helps I lost 7 pounds and ended up gaining it back from the binge eating after the bullying. But, plz help me I have to lose weight by 8th grade, I have to look good for the dance, p.e.(we all dread it), and just want to be able to run for miles. I am starting to train for a marathon for when I am 16 that way I have a lot of time to fix my issues and build up endurance. Thanks guys and please comment! & go to www.weightaminuteyouth.webs.com
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 06/21/10  - IP#: 99.237.131.xxx

From Amanda, Age 14 - 06/15/10 - IP#: 74.55.55.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 260 lb, Today: 310 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 100 lb - I can't believe TWO weeks of SuMmEr is alREADY gone! ALL I want to DO this SuMmEr is SLEEP. I'm happy to not have to WALK around SCHOOL which is hard because of my WEIGHT. HopeFULLy this summer I won't GAIN any WEIGHT because I'm alREADY too HeAvY and I HATE it! Being OVERweight is the WORST because it HURTS to WALK and its HARD to BREATHE and everyone MAKES FUN of ME! It's so UNfair to have so many PROBlems just because I have CRAVEings and sometimes OVEReat. And it's UNfair that I can't exerCISE because of my WEIGHT but I can't LOSE weight until I EXERcise!!!
PS My stupid BROther is supposed to weigh 80 and he's OVERweight too becuase he weighs 140. But he doesn't EVEN care! He can RUN in footBALL and I can BAREly WALK 5 minutes at SCHOOL. And he feels FINE but I feel so HEAVY its like carrying a MOUNTAIN all the time!!! UnFaIr!!!
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 06/15/10  - IP#: 99.237.131.xxx

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