From Emily, Age 13 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi guys! Im 13 and 195 lbs.! I want to be around 130 by the time i start high school which is in about a year and a half. I know thats along time, but i want to lose weight healthy so i dont hurt my body even more! Does anyone have any suggestions on diets and exercise! I tried the weight watchers diet and i didnt do well on it. Thanks for the help.
Reply from Emily, Age 13 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from Emily, Age 13 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
From Lauren, Age 15 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey Everyone!I really really like this website. I was searching around today and I found it! You guys, I am so depressed! Tomorrow is my 15th birthday! Last year on my birthday I told myself I was going to loose the weight! I havent! I try to go on diets but they NEVER last for more that a day! I am 5'9 and I weight 170 lbs! I really really want to get down to 140 before summer...and thats about 3 1/4 months! Please help me you guys! I am ready to get serious I just need help on how to do this from you guys! just don't know how desperate I am...I am ready to loose the weight! I'm ready to be where I shouldve been about 6 months ago! I am ready to have fun this summer! But first I have got to get there...and thats what you guys are for. So please reply to this. I am in need of serious help!
From stacie, Age 13 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
HI, I'm not a diet but i am watching what i eat like no junk food or soda and just being realistic about what foods are healthy and whice arnt. ARE HOMEMADE RICE-KRISPIES OK TO EAT?????????????????????????
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from l, Age 14 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
From Kelly, Age 15 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
okay, so here's my story, i'm 15 and i weigh 160-164 lbs (my weight varies a lot from day to day) about 2 months ago i weighed 154 and about 6 months before that i weighed 145, i wasn't happy at 145, less happy at 154 and extremely depressed where i am now. my boyfriend loves me to death and he tells me that i'm not fat and that i look perfect, so do all my friends. but i know they just don't want to hurt my feelings. but i'm not happy the way i am and i want to lose the weight. also i'm going on a cruise in about 4 weeks and i want to lose 10-15 lbs by then so i can actually look good in my swimsuit. my ultimate goal by summer is to be around 125-130. that's in 3 months. i know i can do it but i need support. i'm doing taebbo and eating healthy and doing some weights. even if i don't lose pounds i want to lose inches for sure. so anyway, wish me luck and let me know if you know any ways to lose more weight before my cruise in 4 weeks!
Reply from Ashley, Age 14 - 03/31/04 - IP#:
Reply from Megan, Age 15 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from steph, Age 16 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
From Katie, Age 17 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Had the best night out last night!!!! I know its not really about weight loss but I met this really great guy and I know hez been txting my mate all day trying to get my number!!! (yay for me!)- I'm still overweight but I feel so much better about myself now i've lost some (Its wierd I feel more confident now bigger than I did when i was smaller and put a bit on!) I got to 200 today - thats 30lbs gone!! I cant believe I've done it! And I cant wait to be under the 200 pound mark, but hopefully that should come next week!!! I still really wanna be 170 by may 23rd, but im thinking I only got 13 weeks so its a bit unrealistic, so im gonna try for 20lbs - which If i lost 1-2lbs a week I could do. Oh yeah I got 2 problems at the moment, the first is my legs and bum are a size 14 (uk size - dunno what in america) but my stomaches a size 16 - which means I either gotta wear jeans tight at the... (view more)Had the best night out last night!!!! I know its not really about weight loss but I met this really great guy and I know hez been txting my mate all day trying to get my number!!! (yay for me!)- I'm still overweight but I feel so much better about myself now i've lost some (Its wierd I feel more confident now bigger than I did when i was smaller and put a bit on!) I got to 200 today - thats 30lbs gone!! I cant believe I've done it! And I cant wait to be under the 200 pound mark, but hopefully that should come next week!!! I still really wanna be 170 by may 23rd, but im thinking I only got 13 weeks so its a bit unrealistic, so im gonna try for 20lbs - which If i lost 1-2lbs a week I could do. Oh yeah I got 2 problems at the moment, the first is my legs and bum are a size 14 (uk size - dunno what in america) but my stomaches a size 16 - which means I either gotta wear jeans tight at the the stomache or saggy at the bum - need exersize tips for my tummy), The second thing is that even though i'm shrinking my breasts are not theyre 38 dd/e and are on 6he grow! I thought they'd shrink but they are starting to give me back peoblems whilst exercising - My mum says if I get down to 135 then she'll pay to get me a breast reduction, but this sounds kinda drastic, and i just wanted to know if u guys knew anything to help???? (view less)
Reply from Tanaya, Age 15 - 02/23/04 - IP#:
Reply from speaks, Age 15 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from amy, Age 16 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from Speaks, Age 15 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from Speaks, Age 15 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from Stacie, Age 13 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
From H2O, Age 13 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
You've probably heard the over-stressed fact that you should drink 8 glasses of water every day. Unless you can spare taking a break every 15 minutes to use the bathroom, you probably aren't one of the few people who stick to the 8-glass ritual.However even if you can't quite swallow a full 8 glasses of water in 24 hours, you should definitely try to just drink as much water as you can every day of the week. Need some convincing reasons?Water consumption helps raise your body's metabolism. Your body will be able to break down foods quicker which results in less fat/weight gain.Drinking water before eating a meal can help suppress your appetite. Your stomach is fuller, therefore your will feel stuffed sooner and eat less.Water flushes out fat, sodium, and other substances from the body. Water improves your overall health and is even said to prevent/cure many simple illnesses (headaches,... (view more)You've probably heard the over-stressed fact that you should drink 8 glasses of water every day. Unless you can spare taking a break every 15 minutes to use the bathroom, you probably aren't one of the few people who stick to the 8-glass ritual.However even if you can't quite swallow a full 8 glasses of water in 24 hours, you should definitely try to just drink as much water as you can every day of the week. Need some convincing reasons?Water consumption helps raise your body's metabolism. Your body will be able to break down foods quicker which results in less fat/weight gain.Drinking water before eating a meal can help suppress your appetite. Your stomach is fuller, therefore your will feel stuffed sooner and eat less.Water flushes out fat, sodium, and other substances from the body. Water improves your overall health and is even said to prevent/cure many simple illnesses (headaches, allergies, neck pain, and more).Other H2O Tips:• If you're out in the heat or sun for an extended period of time, drink plenty of water. Even if you don't feel thirsty, your body needs (and is craving) water.• It's a good idea to drink one glass of water about a half hour before working out. After your workout, drink another glass of water to refresh your body.• Instead of drinking soda when you're out at a restaurant, order water. It quenches your thirst, reduces your appetite, and helps your body digest the food at a faster rate (view less)
Reply from Speaks, Age 15 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
From Cherry, Age 15 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi all! Okay, I need to lose about 40-45 lbs by July. I know that sounds like a lot, cause it is a lot. I am thinking about doing this: Using the "Beauty Bootcamp Diet" By Diane Irons (Its supposed to help you lose up to 15 lbs in 2 weeks, and since I am on my way to 210, I think I might lose more than that but I am not getting my hopes up too much.) (you can go here to see the entire diet for free: (or you can buy the book for $20 but you really don't need it, the site has everything you need really.),5050,267306,00.html So I want to use that for 2 weeks, which will prolly result in a anywhere from 10-20lbs weight loss, then I am not sure exactly what I will use after that, because there is 20lbs, so I would need to lose 20 more pounds, I was thinking about fasting (only water) for a few days to a week or so...If n e one has n e suggestions post back...Thank you!
Reply from sabrina, Age 14 - 03/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from Steph, Age 16 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from kristi, Age 14 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
From susan, Age 13 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
if you want to look skinnier sit and stand up straight. always hold your head up.also if you are overweight dont wear baggy shirts, it just makes you look bigger. wear shirts that go just below your waist. also wear pants that arent too lose but make sure they aren't too tight either. *Good Luck*
From lindsey, Age 14 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
could someone tell me some examples of some low fat foods?
From Claudia, Age 14 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
How come the weight loss contest that used to be on sundays is never here anymore!? : (
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 02/23/04 - IP#:
From Lee, Age 15 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello everyone,GOOD LUCK TO ALL PEOPLE TRYING 2 LOSE WEIGHT!!! I have a problem which is gonna make me go nuts, I started to go on a diet 2 weeks ago and i just spoil it every 3 days... I dont think i have any will power... ANYone know how i can stick to it???
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from (a$$!3, Age 16 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
From Melanie, Age 13 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ok, how much weight do you think that i could lose in 5 days if I worked-out for 65 mins a day and went on the Special K diet 9where you eat Special k for two of our meals)???????? Could I lose 5 pounds by friday????????Let me know please. Thanks
Reply from Lauren, Age 15 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
From Casey, Age 13 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi,I used to dance Irish Step Better known as the Riverdance...and It tones everywhere especially your legs and thighs! It is hard to discribe the steps but I will do my best, These are not hard at all and I noticed reults the first hundred I did!Back two threes~ Start out with your two feet together then step back with you right and angle your right foot so it looks like an L, then take a step forward with your left and take a step forward with your right(draging your right foot back in place like an L)Then do it with your other foot...once you get the hang of it do it with a little jump while you take eack step...thats when iy starts to work your muscles...Good luck!
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
From Cathy, Age 18 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey guys, I am around 5'5 and 148 pounds. I want to be down to 130 pounds by July. I want to go slow, since I am not looking for a miracle. I found a great website at - it's a BMI calculator specifically targeted at people between 2 and 20. I find it better than a lot of the calculators out there. (BMI calculator for adults are not the same for teens)
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from Cathy, Age 18 - 02/22/04 - IP#:
From clifford, Age 15 - 02/22/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey everyone I am back at 169 today i am so happy i am going to try to be at 167 by next sunday. I have new goals 150 by spring break which is first week in april, 145 by end of school which is like may 26th and 135 by the time i start sophmore year. I hope I can do this because my mom said when i turn 16 which is like in 6.5 months I can start to go on the gurl trips with her and they may be going to mexico this next winter and I want to go to so yea. If I loose alll the weight I want i will hopefully be able to look cute in shorts and a bikini for mexico. I may have a lot of time with just me on the beach or at the pool cuz they are open for like all night my mom said. SO i hope I can loose this weight by the goals. GOOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE ELSE TRYIN TO GET TO THEIR GOALS!!!!!!!!!!
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