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From look look look, Age 16 - 01/14/04 - IP#: 209.86.97.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 176 lb - i have most of the fat in my stomach and thighs and I weight 176 lbs, about on an average, if i go on a reasonable diet and exercise 4 times a week to lose one dress size and/or how many lbs are there to a dress size about?
Reply from aicha, Age 14 - 01/17/04  - IP#: 212.77.192.xxx
Reply from Mar - 01/15/04  - IP#: 65.49.240.xxx

From NEEDS HELP BAD, Age 15 - 01/14/04 - IP#: 209.86.97.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Today: 173 lb, Goal: 125 lb - im 15, 5'5 and 173 lbs. I would like to weigh 150 lbs by May 2004 and weigh 125 lbs by August 1, 2004....so that is 23 lbs in 4 months and then 25 lbs in the next 2 months...is this possiable for someone with an addiction to sweets? I NEED HELP! PLEASE, THIS IS MY LAST CHANCE TO BE SKINNY IN AUGUST FOR A PERSONAL REASON...HELP

From Mandy, Age 16 - 01/14/04 - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey guys, haven't posted in awhile.. maybe its cuz im too guilty well i gained the 8 punds back that ive lost since coming here and a couple of more.. my mom and i just joined weight watchers last week and its been a week but i didnt follow the program at all not feeling so great right now.. feeling kinda down.. hopefully after tonights weigh in (ouch) maybe that will get me on track.. well love u all good luck to everyone this week. ~*MaNdY*~

From anne, Age 16 - 01/14/04 - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx  Click here to reply  
to all of my weight loss buddies via email- sorry i haven't written but i haven't been on the internet much and haven't even checked my email since my internet started working again. it's relaxing not being on the internet but i'll write in a while!

From Danielle, Age 16 - 01/14/04 - IP#: 68.45.164.xxx  Click here to reply  
Start: 259 lb, Today: 248 lb - god im so frustrated.i was doing so good....i was so heavy ..well i still am.but a couple months ago i was 259 and iv been working really hard..though its not alot i got down to 242 and i was happy.now all of a sudden its like my diets not working.and now iv gone up to 248 its really frustrating and now i see myself as so so much bigger then i was..i hate all this.and it seems my confidence is going way down hill..for example this guy that im like .totally inlove with..i want to tell him that im into him..but i feel just b/c im heavy hed blow me off...i am heavy..but i dont LOOK as big as i really am..i guess its the way i hold my weight or wat ever.but i still look big...i dont know wat to do...its getting really frustrating..and like..i wish that there was something about me a guy wud like...im not ugly or HUGE looking.but..i dunno talk to you all later
Reply from Amber, Age 16 - 01/14/04  - IP#: 24.50.254.xxx
Reply from Amber, Age 16 - 01/14/04  - IP#: 24.50.254.xxx

From Amber, Age 16 - 01/14/04 - IP#: 24.50.254.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey I started my diet Monday i lost one pound I know it;'s not alot but i am pround of the one proud!!!!HAHA !!!Any ways what are some good ways to help people not think about food and keep them movin I want some exercises but not videos!! PLease help!!I need to loose the 74 pounds by June !!!
Reply from Katie, Age 17 - 01/15/04  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from Tahlia, Age 15 - 01/15/04  - IP#: 144.136.251.xxx

From Randi, Age 18 - 01/14/04 - IP#: 209.176.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Today: 156 lb (BMI %tile: 92) - Hey everyone. I am trying to lose weight and I am getting now where. I am 5'2 and my weight is 156 pounds. If anyone can help Please e-mail me at angel_baby04_17@yahoo.com or leave a message. thanx
Reply from courtney, Age 17 - 01/15/04  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx

From Mar - 01/14/04 - IP#: 65.49.240.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Today: 175 lb, Goal: 155 lb - Hi! I havent been on for a while....but i have some comment s...some questions....you know!
Okay, first i got two kinda-questions today...I asked my mom how much i should loose n she's like 10 or 15 pounds....she doesnt know im 5"6 and weigh 175...she thinks im like 140....and my amazing friend at dance and i where talking baout our costumes and how wer eboth uncomfertable with our bodies(shes smaller than me, but still kinda big) and she's like, your not chubby, you just have muscle! ...yay. But anywyas, I dance 5-7 hours a week...and am goingto start doing one exercie video everyday...Im going to a concert and want to look really good for it....and im going with a bunch of people including my evil enemies...who alwyas insult me for my weight cuz theyre both TINY and are mean to me for no reason whatsoever!!arrg!!! SO yeah...i want to loose like...20 pounds in....2 and a half... (view more)

Reply from Krystle, Age 18 - 01/15/04  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx

From Claudia, Age 14 - 01/14/04 - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx  Click here to reply  
Okay...I just finished my 10th Firm Workout. Actually, I've done it about 11 times, but I've done it 10 days in a row...I didn't take a day off in-between, I just did it every single day. It's hard! I have The Firm Super Body Sculpt, so it has the upper body, lower body, and abs all in one. I do the whole thing every night. Anyways, I'm mostly posting because, I know it's a bit early, but for the weight loss competition, I decided that I might not weight myself this Sunday either. I might weigh myself but I'm not sure. I think I might have lost weight nw because I totally got way back on track YAY! Also, I've been doing The Firm, anyways, I'm not sure if I'll weigh myself yet. I do know though, that I lost like about 1 inch from my legs since like...10 days ago, and about 1 inch from like...my stomach, I'm not too sure though because it might be like what I ate that my stomach is smaller... (view more)
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/14/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 01/14/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/14/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx

From TTT, Age 15 - 01/14/04 - IP#: 24.71.223.xxx  Click here to reply  
How can u lose weight the fastest please give me some video recommendations! thanks TTT
Reply from linda, Age 16 - 01/14/04  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx

From lilsta, Age 15 - 01/13/04 - IP#: 212.140.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Start: 154 lb, Today: 152 lb - yo all! look ive only started to go on a diet so i might seem a grommit compared to you lot dwin it 4 3 months. ive started cause of being chubby on the legs n hips n d belly, well every wher really.LOL. Well i weighed 154lbs n ive lost 2lbs in 2 days gwd eint it.LOL. yer well i eat 2 meals a day brekfast and dinner. I have cereal for brekfast n a big meal 4 dinner which my dad or mum cooks. i run and surf. GOOD LUCK YA ALL WIF UR DIETS. Cheers now. lil
Reply from sean, Age 16 - 01/15/04  - IP#: 62.254.0.xxx
Reply from Mandy, Age 16 - 01/13/04  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx

From meagn, Age 17 - 01/13/04 - IP#: 216.15.78.xxx  Click here to reply  
i really would like to get to kno the persone who posts her messages as READ THIS...... u are soo motivating to me maybe we can help eachother on our diets together... or if any 1 else wonts to be like diet buddys we can talk

From hey, Age 15 - 01/13/04 - IP#: 195.93.32.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 140 lb, Goal: 112 lb - hi, i weigh 140lbs and i really wanna lose weight!!! i want to get to eight stone!! so i have to lose2stone!! i am goingto have a piece of fruit and a low fat yoghurt for breakfast, a salad from lunch and sumfin low fat for dinner!! wot do u think? i am also goin to do around 45 mins exerise perday which i shall fit in some how!! do u think that sounds alright???
Reply from Amanda, Age 17 - 01/13/04  - IP#: 66.94.208.xxx

From courtney, Age 17 - 01/13/04 - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 6'1", Start: 198 lb, Today: 142 lb (BMI %tile: 18) - hi, i have lost about 40 pounds in less then a year! i am not hear to ask for help.... i am hear to give u help!i was once 6'1 and 198 lbs i am now 6'1 and 142 lbs and counting just post any questions u might have and ill post new messages.... feel free to ask anything!~
Reply from lindsey, Age 14 - 01/13/04  - IP#: 209.30.192.xxx
Reply from steph, Age 14 - 01/13/04  - IP#: 12.223.182.xxx

From stephanie, Age 16 - 01/13/04 - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi, i'm just starting working out and trying to eat health again and i'm looking for a diet buddy. if anyone else wants one too email me. quiet_chick102@hotmail.com
Reply from lindsey, Age 16 - 02/21/04  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 17 - 01/13/04  - IP#: 66.94.208.xxx

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