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From allisa, Age 13 - 06/24/02 - IP#: 68.13.169.xxx  Click here to reply  
i posted on here before and it was a really messed up post and some people thought of it wrong. i just want to make it clear that i don't "diss" over weight people. i want to help. on my last post here, it was really messed up, it didn't come one the way i wanted it to and i am sorry about that. i usually don't sound so stupid like that.

From Tiffany, Age 15 - 06/24/02 - IP#: 68.61.102.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey people well I started my diet 2 days ago and ive gained 4lbs I was 169 now im 173 which is huge i hate having the huge fat stomach!!!
Reply from nicole, Age 12 - 06/24/02  - IP#: 210.54.229.xxx

From Natalie, Age 17 - 06/24/02 - IP#: 204.33.124.xxx  Click here to reply  
Well, I haven't met my goal weight YET, I am actually just starting out. I will post LOTS of updates as I progress! I am 17, 5'9" and weigh (hold on, let me go weigh myself!) 150lbs. I remember that I weighed my all-time high of 155lbs last summer and I didn't do anything about it. Well, I will do something about it now. I am going to keep a diary and write down all the food I eat. I am alsogoing to start getting up at either 6:30 or 7 am to run a little before I go to work around 10am. I think I will eat a breakfast made up of some fruit, grains, and some kind of protein, lunch can be a sandwich with some veggies, and dinner will be less of whatever my mom makes. And I will have snacks IF I AM HUNGRY, not if I am bored. And the snacks will be healthy.
I have finally become sick of ice cream. it is a really cool thing bc I used to be bulimic and ice cream is what I... (view more)

Reply from i like hayden c., Age 12 - 06/30/02  - IP#: 24.234.209.xxx
Reply from Giovanna, Age 14 - 06/26/02  - IP#: 152.163.206.xxx
Reply from shelly, Age 13 - 06/25/02  - IP#: 62.254.0.xxx

From Lila, Age 16 - 06/23/02 - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey everyone! I'm 5'5,128 lbs. I'd like to get down to 110 lbs so I don't need to lose too much but it's just really hard for me to stick to a diet and exercising. I really want someone to be my diet buddy so we can help each other through it. If you're interested, email me at Delia0610@yahoo.com
Reply from Sukey, Age 15 - 06/28/02  - IP#: 64.180.78.xxx
Reply from Jenny, Age 13 - 06/25/02  - IP#: 24.66.94.xxx
Reply from Shanell, Age 13 - 06/25/02  - IP#: 152.163.207.xxx

From Debbie, Age 14 - 06/23/02 - IP#: 64.12.102.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey! i was wondering what different kind of plans u guys r all on? if anyone wouod like to share or give ne advice to me.i would apperciate it very much b/c the plan im on has helped but not that much. thanks!
Reply from Sara, Age 15 - 06/24/02  - IP#: 152.163.204.xxx

From Nikky, Age 14 - 06/23/02 - IP#: 198.81.17.xxx  Click here to reply  
look I have written two times before and i have not gotten that much advice. Everybody keeps talking about their weight goal and how they are far or not far away fromr eaching it. What is that. Another thing. I am really really really really overweight. I look in the mirror and all i see is this fat person. It is horrible, even my mom says that i need to loose weight. Can somebody help. I am 14 and i weigh 290lbs. I need to loose 150 lbs to be a healthy 14 year old girl. What can I do?
Reply from Sara, Age 15 - 06/24/02  - IP#: 152.163.204.xxx
Reply from shelly, Age 13 - 06/24/02  - IP#: 62.254.0.xxx
Reply from nicole, Age 12 - 06/24/02  - IP#: 203.96.111.xxx
Reply from Jennifer, Age 18 - 06/23/02  - IP#: 206.150.163.xxx

From Ashli, Age 12 - 06/23/02 - IP#: 152.163.197.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey evry1!!!!! kk i have a like major question okk does this sound healthy to u for breakfast i had coco crispies and around 11 i had like a handfull of chips and a small thing of soda ( very small) and thenfor lunch a salad
Reply from Sara, Age 15 - 06/24/02  - IP#: 152.163.204.xxx

From Sable, Age 13 - 06/23/02 - IP#: 205.188.197.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey everyone i about 5'3- the 5'5 range and i weigh 153-155 and i am tryin to loose AT LEAST 30 lbs if not more but i mean if i even loose 20 that would be good, i was justwondering it anyone has heard of " Pilates body-band workout" well it comes in this kit with 3 lond resistence band purple- beginner green -moderate and blue- like the highest u can go i was just wondering if anyone has used this before and if it bulks u or something cuz i wanna loose weight but i wanna be toned HELP!!!!!!!!!!

From Jennifer, Age 18 - 06/23/02 - IP#: 206.155.174.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hello :) My name is Jennifer, and i am looking for some people to keep in touch with to help me out with my weight loss plan, and i would love to help you out too. Losing weight can be so hard and stressful, and i think it would be very helpful to have some people to talk to, and keep in touch with to help you through the way. If anyone is interested in keeping in touch with me, i would love to keep in touch with you through email. I have lots of advice, and hopefully i could get some in return. Anyways.....anyone interested.....email me :) Superjenn02@hotmail.com
Reply from Bernie, Age 16 - 06/25/02  - IP#: 213.1.134.xxx
Reply from candie, Age 18 - 06/25/02  - IP#: 141.157.95.xxx
Reply from nicole, Age 12 - 06/24/02  - IP#: 203.96.111.xxx
Reply from Melody, Age 16 - 06/23/02  - IP#: 203.221.80.xxx

From Ana, Age 16 - 06/22/02 - IP#: 66.69.73.xxx  Click here to reply  
I have a question for all of you guys out there.
Have any of yall had problems with scales? I wieghed myself twice today, the scale at my house said 129, then i went to the gym and the scale said i weighed 137!! What is up w/ that? P.s. the scale at the gym is one of those old fashioned tall metal scales, is that the difference?
Reply from Jennifer, Age 18 - 06/23/02  - IP#: 206.155.174.xxx

From michelle, Age 13 - 06/22/02 - IP#: 62.254.0.xxx  Click here to reply  
Reply from shelly, Age 13 - 06/24/02  - IP#: 62.254.0.xxx
Reply from mme, Age 12 - 06/23/02  - IP#: 80.225.73.xxx

From Laurie, Age 14 - 06/22/02 - IP#: 67.82.119.xxx  Click here to reply  
i posted yesterday that i weighed like 138 ( i weigh 137 this morning lol) and i got replys on how did u do it. I exercise a lot i try to walk n i jump on the trampoline and i dance and then i swim i do it all in one day n i have like 3 smaller meals a day like a bagel & oj for breakfast a sandwich a kool-aid or sumtin like that for lunch and whatever my mom makes for dinner if your mom doesnt cook healthy food then find something healthier to eat!!! Good luck and dont give up when u see that you havent lost weight yet it takes time!!!
Reply from Laurie, Age 14 - 06/22/02  - IP#: 67.82.119.xxx
Reply from krissy, Age 11 - 06/22/02  - IP#: 4.47.84.xxx

From Rachelle, Age 14 - 06/22/02 - IP#: 205.200.48.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi, i was wonderin what I should do to lose 10lbs in about a month. I excercize by walking everyday and doing about 100-200 situps a nite. i dont eat junk n i find myslef still big! help!
Reply from Jennifer, Age 18 - 06/23/02  - IP#: 206.155.174.xxx

From Katie, Age 13 - 06/21/02 - IP#: 208.155.75.xxx  Click here to reply  
Heres some knowledge to whoever wants it, Don't use the word Diet, think your making "life style changes" because you are, once your off your "diet" if you don't keep the exercise up and not eatting all the junk foods, or you'll most likely gain the weight you've lost back , and some times more. So every morning I wake up and say to myself; I'm gonna lose this weight; I'm gonna exercise and eat right; I deserve to be the weight I want,because I can do it , I know it; I'm gonna take control. I also found this really great tool called a pedometer, It calculates how far I walk, how many calories I burn, and how many steps I've taken , It also helps me think I can do It. I wish you guys the best of luck on your weight loss, I hope you can take these tip to help you. Reply if you have any questions.
Reply from Katie, Age 13 - 06/22/02  - IP#: 208.155.75.xxx
Reply from sarah, Age 12 - 06/22/02  - IP#: 80.225.23.xxx
Reply from nicole, Age 12 - 06/22/02  - IP#: 203.96.111.xxx

From Katie, Age 13 - 06/21/02 - IP#: 208.155.75.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey guys, im on this diet that I designed myself, Every day I wake up in the early morning and take a brisk walk with my mom for an hour, Then I come home and watch 2 different exercise shows that each last 30 minutes the shows are called "Fit & Lite" and "Daily Workout" (it's only on weekdays) the I follow this four week meal plan, you can find it at http://www.lifetimetv.com/shows/denise/meals/index.html If you decide to try this diet give it 5 - 10 days, till you see results and keep it up! Good Luck to you all, Katie
Reply from Katie, Age 13 - 06/22/02  - IP#: 208.155.75.xxx
Reply from krissy - 06/22/02  - IP#: 4.47.84.xxx

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