From Maddie, Age 14 - 01/29/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 171 lb, Today: 148.5 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 108 lb - Hey! So I'm starting my new homeschool plan tomorrow. I'm doing 2 grades before summer so I can get ahead before I go back to my charter school. Really excited for Meg's contest! Planing to lose about 5 pounds within the 2 weeks. That'll get me to my first goal weight. This is getting easier and easier! Gonna take before pics later today. My family isn't being very supportive :(. They keep saying "Oh, c'mon! Just take the cookies!", of course I refuse, and my dad and I always used to share a bottle of diet Pepsi with him, but since I'm done with soda, he always plays a guilt trip with me. Anyways, I'm taking my weight loss 5lbs at a time. Eating more veggies, riding my bike EVERYWHERE, and drinking nothing but a glass of milk and water, eating Light yogurt instead of a McDonald's ice cream cone. I LOVE THESE BLOGS! Check them out How's everyone? Love, Maddie
Reply from Giovan, Age 13 - 01/31/12 - IP#:
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 01/30/12 - IP#:
Reply from Giovan, Age 13 - 01/30/12 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/29/12 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 16 - 01/28/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 147 lb (BMI %tile: 89), Goal: 104 lb - Sorry girls I made a misstook as my dad likes to say! I feel motaved being on here! Im so greatful that I did get to 200 pounds! I was half way once. But I said to myself enough is enough,I did this for my health and life. I want to look good in my clothes,and not get out of breth while trying to tie my shoese. My friend James is very support of! he understnads my stuggles with weight,I drink iced cold water in the summer ,but I am doing the same thing,also I got a BBQ to be going either mid June)July 2012. I want to look good in a swimsuit! I want to be in a girl's plus XL18-20 Jcpenny's or Sears. I can't wait to be in a size Juniours 3)4) once I reach 104 pounds by the time of my pinci for teen group thing. I will get a bunch of new clothes,I will reward myself a new dress! or swimsuit. I want a flat belly this so bad! What your goal weight for upcoming 5 mounths=June!! I want to be 108-104 !! I want to say that I did it! Jessica16.
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/30/12 - IP#:
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 01/29/12 - IP#:
From Lucy, Age 15 - 01/28/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 144 lb, Today: 143.5 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 120 lb - I lost three pounds! Granted, they we're three pounds that I gained, but I lost weight! Yay! It's exciting to know that all your hard work is worth seeing a lower number on the scale! I hope everyone had a purposeful week! Did anybody else lose any weight?
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 01/29/12 - IP#:
Reply from rosy, Age 14 - 01/28/12 - IP#:
From Charlotte, Age 16 - 01/27/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'11", Start: 260 lb, Today: 252 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 165 lb - After reading some of these messages and replies, I have this new feeling of motivation! There are some people here that are starting to care about there health at such a young age! If i had cared that much when i was younger I would not be in this position now. I think that thi is a great way for us to keep each other motivated and help each other when we think we can't do it! Keep it up guys!
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 01/29/12 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/28/12 - IP#:
From Lindsey, Age 16 - 01/26/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'10", Start: 214 lb, Today: 204 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 155 lb - Intake. Breakfast: 2 eggs, turkey saugage. School snack: Orange bell pepper, sugar snap peas. Pre-workout snack: Pumpkin spice Clif Bar. Workout: 30 minutes running / walking two miles. (My blisters worsened, so I could keep going). For strength, I worked on upper body. Delts, pecs, triceps, biceps, etc. Post workout meal: Amy's Mexican Casserole (frozen vegetarian organic brand) Dinner: Large salad with 1/3 red bell pepper, 1/3 tomato, 1/2 avocado, 2 tbsp. raspberry vinaigrette, 3 small bits on cheese bread my mum made, and a few bites of vegetables from her beef stew. (I am a former vegetarian, and I don't eat pork or beef.) My feelings are overall good. I didn't need any extra cheesebread, I know. But other than that, I am confident in my decisions. It's helpful to eat an abundance of veggies, because they make you full and... (view more)Intake. Breakfast: 2 eggs, turkey saugage. School snack: Orange bell pepper, sugar snap peas. Pre-workout snack: Pumpkin spice Clif Bar. Workout: 30 minutes running / walking two miles. (My blisters worsened, so I could keep going). For strength, I worked on upper body. Delts, pecs, triceps, biceps, etc. Post workout meal: Amy's Mexican Casserole (frozen vegetarian organic brand) Dinner: Large salad with 1/3 red bell pepper, 1/3 tomato, 1/2 avocado, 2 tbsp. raspberry vinaigrette, 3 small bits on cheese bread my mum made, and a few bites of vegetables from her beef stew. (I am a former vegetarian, and I don't eat pork or beef.) My feelings are overall good. I didn't need any extra cheesebread, I know. But other than that, I am confident in my decisions. It's helpful to eat an abundance of veggies, because they make you full and don't add significant calories to your day in comparison to other foods. It also felt really good to work my upper body really hard again. I've totally gotten over making faces during tough reps, lol. I havea question now, what is your guys' ultimate goal for your appearance? I'll let you know tomorrow, probably. I'm kind of embarrassed by it now because I am so far from it, so I'd like to see examples from you. :) (view less)
Reply from Lindsey, Age 16 - 01/30/12 - IP#:
Reply from shelby, Age 15 - 01/29/12 - IP#:
Reply from Rachel, Age 15 - 01/28/12 - IP#:
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 01/27/12 - IP#:
From TAYA, Age 14 - 01/26/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 169 lb, Today: 160 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 130 lb - This morning i woke up feeling horrible because i haven't been doing good on my diet but I was surprised I didn't gain anything. Started fresh today! :D
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/28/12 - IP#:
From Abbie, Age 15 - 01/26/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 147 lb, Today: 144 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 125 lb - So I wanted to tell you guys something. Not like the losing weight part I know that we're supposed to talk about, but since you guys are my Internet buddies, I thought well why not share it with you guys. So since we're girls, we have guy problems, well so do I. I told you awhile ago about this kid I like who lives in group home and he's gay well I met this new guy. He lives in the same group home as him and there both names are the same. Well I like him the newer one and my sister flirts with him every chance she gets. And there's me in the background going- hey don't you like Colton, what happened to him? And her response is " well I'm a natural flirt, it's not my fault". So there's my rant I'm kinda mad at her.
Reply from rosy, Age 14 - 01/28/12 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 16 - 01/26/12 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 16 - 01/26/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 104 lb - I don't drink too much soda, as I used to! but I drink a little and the rest water,once in a while is ok,, I get bad mraginas every then and now again, I drink coffe,tea,or Regular Coke,choclate dark chocolate or milk chocolate. have you girls heard of The Diet for Teengers Only? I should try to get before my Barrns&Noble gets rid of it..!! It cost 13.97 online. I want to get it. I have ADHD Soda,coffe,choclate helps me. Calm down,I end wound up.. My friend James likes to drink coffe a lot. Guys eat more then us. Girls. I would look up the calories for bone,type,bone frame, and hight. Drink lots of water. Why, because your vowl can get stuck.. That what happened to my older sister. I tried getting to cut down the soda she drinks. I don't want my niece to pick up her bad habits.. Im almost out of the double digts in my pants! I am almost canplately out of the double dights in my tops and shrits! Jessica16.
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/28/12 - IP#:
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 01/27/12 - IP#:
From Lindsey, Age 16 - 01/25/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'10", Start: 214 lb, Today: 204 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 155 lb - Intake. Breakfast: 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 3 turkey sausages. Snack (?): Grande green tea lemonade from Starbucks, 3 bites of banana walnut bread. Late-morning snack: Apple, 1/2 yellow bell pepper, sugar snap peas. Lunch: Turkey pastrami sandwich with provolone and artichoke spread. Dinner: 3 slices jalapeno and sundried tomato pizza. Dessert: Banana with peanut butter and honey, milk. No exercise. I'm okay with this. I feel good, especially with the amount of vegetables, fruits, and protein I am getting in. My biggest goals right now are to cut down on unnatural sugars (when I put sugar in coffee, tea, etc. I use raw sugar even, and I try to stick with whole grains, but you know how that goes lol) and soda. I'm trying to have one every other day, because they are addictive, and it is difficult. But I shall try!
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/26/12 - IP#:
From Lindsey, Age 16 - 01/24/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'10", Start: 214 lb, Today: 204 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 155 lb - Intaaake. BREAKFAST: One serving of oatmeal, banana, two turkey sausages. LATE-MORNING SNACK: Apple, 1/2 yellow bell pepper, sugar snap peas. LUNCH: Homemade turkey pastrami sandwich with provolone and artichoke spread, cracker with cheese. DINNER: Panera- 1/2 tomato mozzarella panini, cup of chicken noodle soup. AFTER DINNER SNACK: Grapes. I'm feeling good about this. No exercise due to a midday migraine. I also realized today that I am surrounded by really, really, REALLY cute male friends. Which is great, because I get to be with them all of the time, yet sucks, because I am the definition of the friend zone, lol. Oh well. I'm hoping to get to the gym tomorrow, too! And I'm in the market for Nike +2 Free shoes :}
From Abbie, Age 15 - 01/24/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 147 lb, Today: 144 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 125 lb - Happy news! I got weighed at school today and I'm 144 pounds weird right? Then my height instead of 5'5 like I thought, I'm 5'4. I was shocked.
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 01/25/12 - IP#:
From Sabrina, Age 13 - 01/24/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 150 lb, Today: 143 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 125 lb - Heyy guys, so the other day(monday lol) i got one of the most heartbreaking news ever.Michael,my crush might be moving D`: !!!!So incase he dosent i still want to go out with him,soo tomorrow i might ask kyle,his best friend,and my bff`s boyfriend if i asked michael to go out with me what he might say... but anyway with the whole exercise thing, i`ve been doing really well today is my rest day but it was suppost to be tomorrow but im going to skip tomorrow and eat very healthy!!!before michael leaves if he leaves i want to kiss him,but i also want him to put his arms around my waist then kiss me. :D i hope he kisses me in the rain,i think thats so romantic <3 lol off topic much!!!OOOOOOOOOH!guys okay so in my quarter class in school i have consumer science,were allwed to have/make tea!!!i loveee tea!okay well this is getting really random ok so ima gooo..... well wish me luck!byeeeee<3
Reply from Maddie, Age 15 - 01/26/12 - IP#:
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 01/25/12 - IP#:
From Jenny, Age 15 - 01/24/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 150 lb, Today: 127 lb (BMI %tile: 68), Goal: 110 lb - hey! so, someone came over that has been doing weight watchers and it has worked for them they lost over 10 pounds in a month! It's free too, i just discovered these sites today and im pumped up to try it :) yea so ill try this out, it tells you how many points a certain food is and you can search foods and you have a limit according to your weight, height, gender,.. if you want to lose weight ill keep you updated :D
Reply from Maddie, Age 15 - 01/26/12 - IP#:
From Rachel, Age 15 - 01/25/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 190 lb, Today: 184 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 140 lb - I am adding to my exercise routine. So after walking to school ( which takes 20-30 mins), 1hr n 15 minutes of hockey practice; I'm going to do my homework and than I'm going to walk in place ( because it's too cold to outside) for 20-30, at least 75 sit ups and waist twists ( to get rid of my gross love handles lol). But if this doesn't work, then I'll change it again until I get it right. I know in doing all of this I'll be bettering myself physically and mentally. I have a feeling it's going to be wraith it in the long run, I am going to feel good about how I look and how others see me and that will be the best feeling in the world :). I hope you guys are achieving in your weight loss goals. Oh and it any of you guys have any tips on getting rid of or shrinking love handles please let me know haha cause they REALLY have to go. Rachel
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/26/12 - IP#:
From heather, Age 15 - 01/24/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 193 lb, Today: 132 lb (BMI %tile: 84), Goal: 130 lb - feelin fantastic. :) how you guys doing?
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 01/25/12 - IP#:
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