From Jenny, Age 15 - 01/20/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 150 lb, Today: 127 lb (BMI %tile: 61), Goal: 105 lb - Aye so o have been eating less than 1000 calories a day and I work out for an hour every day and I don't eat junk food, my parents are calling me anorexic now because I didn't want to eat take out pizza, instead I had toast, I'm jw if it's ok To eat stuff like that once in a while, and if you guys do or just avoid it completely
Reply from Rachel, Age 15 - 01/21/12 - IP#:
Reply from Jenny, Age 15 - 01/20/12 - IP#:
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 01/20/12 - IP#:
From Bridget, Age 14 - 01/20/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 155 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 92), Goal: 105 lb - Hey so i can't say I made that much progress but I am doing better because I am measuring everything by the bowel size like instead of having a bow at of chips I put them in a small bowl so that's a good thing :)
From Maddie, Age 14 - 01/20/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 171 lb, Today: 149 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 109 lb - Well, I gained back 1.5 pounds :( Maybe muscle I've been doing alot of biking so...? Hey so I'm posting my meal plans for today :) Breakfast 2 slices whole wheat toast, (no butter!) 90 calorie Quaker granola bar (Was desert last night, but I was full so I saved it for breakfast) Lunch 1/2 can Campbells tomato soup, lettuce, carrots, and celery (Sorta like a salad, but no dressing or croutons.)(Saved the other half of the can for tomorrow or a evening mini-meal) Dinner 1 serving of what ever my moms making Exercise: Been sick all week :( But still going to take my dogs for a walk :) Still working on fixing my scale :( My dad keeps forgetting the battery! My goals each month: Jan- no goal, just work to Febs Feb - 139 Mar - 129 Apr - 119 May - 109 !!! I LOVVVVVEEEE exercising! Now I exercise 1 hr extra each day (When... (view more)Well, I gained back 1.5 pounds :( Maybe muscle I've been doing alot of biking so...? Hey so I'm posting my meal plans for today :) Breakfast 2 slices whole wheat toast, (no butter!) 90 calorie Quaker granola bar (Was desert last night, but I was full so I saved it for breakfast) Lunch 1/2 can Campbells tomato soup, lettuce, carrots, and celery (Sorta like a salad, but no dressing or croutons.)(Saved the other half of the can for tomorrow or a evening mini-meal) Dinner 1 serving of what ever my moms making Exercise: Been sick all week :( But still going to take my dogs for a walk :) Still working on fixing my scale :( My dad keeps forgetting the battery! My goals each month: Jan- no goal, just work to Febs Feb - 139 Mar - 129 Apr - 119 May - 109 !!! I LOVVVVVEEEE exercising! Now I exercise 1 hr extra each day (When I'm not sick :() Like yesterday, I took my dad Mini out for a special park day and we walked non stop for 1 hr and 30 minutes! BTW: Whats your exercise routine? Mine changes from day to day so i won't get board but I make sure it all adds up so I can burn more then I eat. I know this sounds weird... but I keep a box of 90 calorie brownies (Fiber One) and have one each time my mom buys brownies for the family (Which is every other day!). An 1 inch brownie is around 200 calories but the Fiber One brownies are 90 cals and their 2 inches. Love, Maddie (view less)
Reply from Lindsey, Age 16 - 01/20/12 - IP#:
From Rachel, Age 15 - 01/20/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 190 lb, Today: 187 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - I feel like I'm not doing so good on my dieting, expectantly when I'm PMSing. It sucks, I'll feel Hungary all the time and I feel like eating constantly which doesn't help. But I'm getting much better at controlling it. I've also decided that Im going to weigh myself every morning so I get a weight that will be better. I used to when myself when I remembered during the day and it made my weight change a lot, so hopefully that'll help too! Rachel
From Lindsey, Age 16 - 01/19/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'10", Start: 214 lb, Today: 204 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 155 lb - Hey, I know I've been posting a lot, but I'm just going to keep up with posting intake. It makes me feel like I'm being held accountable for what I eat. SO, TODAY. Breakfast: One serving of pumpkin spice oatmeal made with water and a splash of milk. Snack: One serving of raw sugar snap peas and half of an orange bell pepper. Lunch: Turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomato and a side of grapes. Dinner: Bowl from Chipotle- brown rice, black beans, bell peppers, onions, chicken, corn, medium salsa, and a tiiiiiny amount of sour cream. I didn't quite finish it. Okay, that's all. Oh, and no exercise, I'm still sicky. :c
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 01/20/12 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 16 - 01/19/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 104 lb - Sometimes I get so furitred I will call my friend James! I was about to strss eat on the day after Thanksgiving it was James told me go for a walk! I did that with my pet girl dog Lucky! I love rough housing with my dog! I am so exicted about seeing James 6 days after Valtine's Day!! I love getting the hugs from him he so sweet. Despite of rough times as a child. I do have aspbugers that why I am not a people person guys. Dont be offended ! you might not have heard of Autism or Asbugers I am still thinking of doing tye die tshrits in the spring! I want to try it out! and make Jean purses from my Jeans that are going to be too big on me! I tell pouns! you are paired up! because when there is a lot of people togther that means they are paired up! I like to be funny at times! Jessica16.
From Lindsey, Age 16 - 01/18/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'10", Start: 214 lb, Today: 204 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 155 lb - Hey guys, two posts in a row is lame, but I feel like I should mention this to you. While it is true that to lose weight, a calorie deficit must be achieved no matter where you get those calories, I really hope that isn't what you guys are doing. I mean, counting calories is a good thing if that works for you, but I want to urge you all to keep your consumption HEALTHY, at least 85% of the time. This means eating as clean much as you can (meaning all natural, local, organic, etc.) to truly help your body. It'll help keep you fuller longer, and unprocessed foods make you feel better in the long run, anyway :) This is all about HEALTH, and "low-fat" and "low-sugar" foods are not always good for you. I'm only posting this because I drank a Coke Zero today, and I really wish I hadn't. Artificial sweeteners are worse than real sugar :c Alright, I'm done now, but I hope you guys seriously keep this in mind :)
Reply from Lindsey, Age 16 - 01/19/12 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/19/12 - IP#:
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 01/19/12 - IP#:
From Lindsey, Age 16 - 01/18/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'10", Start: 214 lb, Today: 204 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 155 lb - Hey guys! Thanks for replying about my Mexican dinner last night. I ate one chicken tamale and a small portion of homemade rice. I feel pretty good about it. It's way better than I would have done in the past :) Good news is I'm getting better (being sick with a head cold), so I'll be back to school by tomorrow, and HOPEFULLY the gym! I'm excited. Anyway, my intake for today has been: One chicken tamale (yeah, okay, they're really good!), one slice of whole grain bread with 1 tbsp. of peanut butter, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese,and an ounce of edamame. My best friend is bringing me chicken soup later for dinner c: So, I have a question- what do you guys drink, and do you track your water intake? :)
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/18/12 - IP#:
From heather, Age 15 - 01/18/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 193 lb, Today: 136 lb (BMI %tile: 87), Goal: 130 lb - I'm starting to get back on track and do better. I want to weigh 130 by the end of February. I need to tone my flabby arms!!!!! ANYONE THAT CAN HELP ME!?!?!?
Reply from Heather, Age 15 - 01/18/12 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 16 - 01/18/12 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/18/12 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 16 - 01/18/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 147 lb (BMI %tile: 89), Goal: 104 lb - My friend James is very nice! he would never call me mean names,trust me I have known him for a long time! since I was like 5 or 6 years old. I was so strss out one time I held my arms on his hands. Sometimes we get funny coumments! one of was is he your twin brother? or boyfriend? we both lauhged! no he said she is just a friend of mine! it was so funny! I had glass of water in my hand! he never laughs at me! I found him again at 12! we lost touch after he the playhouse that is in the gecory away from my 25 miuntes away from me. No dates yet! I asked him would you date me even I was healtheir? he said yes! or even I was still loseing weight anwser was yes! He is so funny! he will tell funny jokes! Just make new frineds if they start being so mean to you that my advice Jessica16.
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 01/19/12 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/18/12 - IP#:
From magen, Age 15 - 01/17/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 248 lb, Today: 230 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 199 lb - Hmmmm... well its tuesday and i didnt do a thing today!:/ i better step it up tomarrow! if i want to loose some weight this week... my 16th birthday is sunday so im hoping to be under 230 by then :D 228 2 pounds would be a wonderfull birthday presant :D hopefully getting my gym membership sometime this week if i get enough birthday money!
Reply from Magen, Age 15 - 01/18/12 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/18/12 - IP#:
Reply from Tara, Age 16 - 01/18/12 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 16 - 01/17/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 104 lb - I been drinking lately! whoo yeah! no more of size Juniours 13(14) Jeans! I am so happy to have srank back to size 12 Juniours! I can most likey wear a size Juniours 11)12) that would be very exicting! by June I want to be in a size 2 Juniours because I am pettie! my doctors told me that would be pefect! my goal size tops is a girls 16+ or 14+ I have a picin coming in 5 or 6 mounths before my 17th brithday! it crazy that I went from being an emiotal eater at 13 now 16(1)2 years old. Time flew by .. Womens Xl at Wlmart or Juniours how anoying I am so furistred I want to be in a size S I hope to be in size by June! why states for my track compastion and BBQ as well! Jessica16.
Reply from magen, Age 15 - 01/18/12 - IP#:
From Lindsey, Age 16 - 01/17/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'10", Start: 214 lb, Today: 204 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 150 lb - Hi guys, I haven't been on here in years. I've been struggling with my weight my whole life, and now I'm finally putting in the effort! And it's actually working! So far today I've eaten a peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread, a slice of cheese pizza (always have to live a little!), an ounce of edamame, and a sliced red bell pepper. I feel good about it, but I'm sick, and can't work out. Plus my family got a ton of junky mexican food to eat later. :c What should I do?! Thanks, guys
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 01/19/12 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/17/12 - IP#:
Reply from Jenny, Age 15 - 01/17/12 - IP#:
From Lucy, Age 15 - 01/17/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 144 lb, Today: 146.5 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 120 lb - When I weighed myself this morning, I seriously screamed a little. I weigh 146.5, the heaviest i've ever been in my entire life. I guess it took a number on a scale to really get me motivated, because I ate right today and i'm about to go do my excersize, because I NEVER want to see the number 146.5 ever again!
Reply from Lucy, Age 15 - 01/17/12 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/17/12 - IP#:
From shelby, Age 15 - 01/17/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 287 lb, Today: 282 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 145 lb - feeling soo good today only had about 400 callories today so far and about 4 bottles of water going to go do some exercise here in a few on the wii and weigh myself in on it helps soo much it keeps track of your bmi and your weight and shows a chart of your fluctuations in weight
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/17/12 - IP#:
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