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From Tammy, Child's Age 4 - 01/03/06 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I have a four year old son who is overweight. He weighs 65lbs and I am about at my wits end trying to find clothes to fit him. He wears an 8 and his little legs are only 17 inches long so the jeans are about a foot to long. I can sew them but I was wondering if anyone knew of a place to buy jeans to fit chubby little guys. Just cutting down a pair of jeans doesn't make them fit comfortably. I am sick of hemming sweat pants!!! HELP!!!!
Reply from shannon, Child's Age 4 - 01/28/06  - IP#:
Reply from Lorie, Child's Age 8 - 01/11/06  - IP#:
Reply from joe, Child's Age 14 - 01/04/06  - IP#:

From Pat, Child's Age 18 - 12/26/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
this is a update on my daughter shes put more weight on and wont do anything she doesnt get out of bed except to use the restroom, she gets out of breathe from that. I talked to her about going to the doctor but she doesnt want to go. she cant stand on her own power anymore and wont quit eating. she yells and whines when shes hungry and her siblings will bring her food. i dont know what to i cant force her to go to the doctor shes 18 and she just keeps growing i know she gotta be up to 600 by now maybe more shes only 5'3, someone please help any ideas i dont want to lose her.
Reply from Nicole, Child's Age 12 - 01/01/06  - IP#:
Reply from joe, Child's Age 14 - 12/27/05  - IP#:
Reply from joe, Child's Age 14 - 12/27/05  - IP#:

From Teresa, Child's Age 12 - 12/22/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter is Aleisha she has posted on here. She knows how to tell other people to diet, and some that she has told has actually lost weight. But she cannot get herself to try and lose weight. She is very unhappy. She is 4'11 and weighs 131lbs. She isn't very big just slightly big. But she is growing bigger and bigger. Her doctor even called her "pudgy". She has many friends but no boyfriend and no self esteem. If anyone has any ideas to help her lose weight please tell me. Almost all of her family are "big" including her father and I so that could be another cause. She may feel she needs to be big to fit into the family. But if anyone could please email her with suggestions because she does want to lose weight and don't worry she doesn't care to admit about her weight problem. Please give me suggestions to help her lose weight before she gets to big to do anything about it.
Reply from Laura, Child's Age 8 - 12/23/05  - IP#:
Reply from nicole, Child's Age 12 - 12/22/05  - IP#:
Reply from Teresa, Child's Age 12 - 12/22/05  - IP#:

From Jackie, Child's Age 18 - 12/16/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter is now a senior in her high school, she is almost ready for college. However she is 360, and she has had no friends for the past three years. After school she sneaks cookies up to her room and eats. I feel as thoough she has missed out on the greatest years of her life. People make fun of the way her but moves as she walks and she has had no boyfriends. They call he big Melinda, and laugh at her. A boy once tried to ask her out for on of the dances, however it was only a joke and her feeling were very hurt. What should I do?
Reply from Miranda, Child's Age 12 - 12/29/06  - IP#:
Reply from alexa, Child's Age 12 - 01/03/06  - IP#:
Reply from Zach, Child's Age 18 - 12/23/05  - IP#:
Reply from Matthew, Child's Age 12 - 12/16/05  - IP#:

From Tisha, Child's Age 6 - 12/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I have a friend who has a 140lb 5 year old. His mother is over 300lbs and is 6'2 and the father is 6'3. It's his birthday tomorrow he will be 6 and is hoping to get a pair of tennis shoes that light up. The problem is he wears a men's size 7 1/2. He is such a loving child and just wants to have the kind of clothing and shoes that the other children in his age group have. Where can I find shoes for little guys that have big feet? He is so sad because none of the children shoe stores we looked at carry his size.
Reply from Hannah, Child's Age 12 - 12/29/06  - IP#:
Reply from Rickie, Child's Age 9 - 12/08/05  - IP#:

From Patty, Child's Age 10 - 12/03/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hello, My daughter is 10 years old and is 4"10 she weights somewhere around 132-138 depends on what day of the week it is. She is in dance 3 nights a week, swimming on wed, and is in basketball on sat. She also loves to jump on her trampoline. We eat fairly descent balanced meals and shes not a big junkfood junky.. HOWEVER>>>she still carrys her weight in her belly> She wears a size 16 1/2 pant. Sometimes 14 1/2 but what Im trying to say here is can someone give me advice as far as talking to her ?? I mean as a child growing up my mother was on me constantly and the more she nagged the more I gained. And now in my early 30's I am also overweight. I am afraid of hurting her or causing her the same agony I went thru. She is fairly popular at school and like I said active as can be...BUT she tells me all the time she wishes she were thinner...please help out if you can! send me a note if you can help out thanks!
Reply from Miranda (A different One), Child's Age 12 - 12/29/06  - IP#:
Reply from Miranda, Child's Age 12 - 12/27/05  - IP#:
Reply from Devan, Child's Age 15 - 12/18/05  - IP#:
Reply from dayna, Child's Age 13 - 12/10/05  - IP#:
Reply from patty, Child's Age 10 - 12/05/05  - IP#:
Reply from Marie, Child's Age 12 - 12/05/05  - IP#:
Reply from john, Child's Age 34 - 12/05/05  - IP#:

From Nina, Child's Age 5 - 12/01/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
hi, my child is 5 years old. She is always hungry, and i dont know why, like after she eats a big meal..the next 30 mins shes hungry agian...she obese...the kids make fun of her and she comes home crying saying i wish i was that girl (pointing to models in a magazine actually a size 00) I try to reasure her but it dosent help...i need you guys to help me ...thanks...she weighs 100 pounds and is 3'7..i need help ASAP!!
Reply from Miranda, Child's Age 12 - 12/29/06  - IP#:
Reply from Aleisha, Child's Age 12 - 12/22/05  - IP#:
Reply from Brianna Constantine, Child's Age 8 - 12/03/05  - IP#:

From ? - 11/28/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
my child is only 12 ans 500 pounds...please help..her life is at risk
Reply from Miranda, Child's Age 12 - 12/29/06  - IP#:
Reply from Aleisha, Child's Age 12 - 12/22/05  - IP#:
Reply from claire to fran, Child's Age 15 - 12/12/05  - IP#:
Reply from fran - 11/29/05  - IP#:
Reply from Matthew, Child's Age 11 - 11/28/05  - IP#:

From Nciole, Child's Age 12 - 11/25/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My child weighs 195
Reply from Megan, Child's Age 11 - 12/10/05  - IP#:
Reply from rachel, Child's Age 12 - 11/26/05  - IP#:

From Nicole, Child's Age 12 - 11/24/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My child is overweight and I am too. I am trying to get her to lose weight but she said it is difficult. What am I suppose to do about it? I need help badly!
Reply from mandie, Child's Age 12 - 01/10/06  - IP#:
Reply from ?, Child's Age 12 - 11/24/05  - IP#:

From Vincent, Child's Age 15 - 11/23/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
hi guys. When my I first posted here my daughter was nearing 400 and now im happy to say shes down to 302. Shes still quite large, but still its a big improvement and really makes a big deal to her. She now tries to get up early and jog every morning. She doesnt make it up everymorning but its such an improvment from staying in bed untill 1 pm and doing nothing. With youalls encouagment iv got her hyped on working out and I told her that if she gets down to 200 she can have a BMW so shes really into it. Any advice about diets would still help also activities that she can do by herself because she really is to embarressed to go to a weightloss program and admit to everybody that she is obese. Anyways thanks.
Reply from Miranda, Child's Age 12 - 12/29/06  - IP#:
Reply from dayna, Child's Age 13 - 12/10/05  - IP#:
Reply from Matthew, Child's Age 11 - 11/28/05  - IP#:
Reply from Vincent, Child's Age 15 - 11/27/05  - IP#:
Reply from dan, Child's Age 11 - 11/27/05  - IP#:
Reply from Vincent, Child's Age 15 - 11/26/05  - IP#:
Reply from dan, Child's Age 16 - 11/26/05  - IP#:

From Anonymous - 11/10/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
why does it seem like kids eat so much more nowadays? It seems like they are really eating much larger portions....of very unnutritious things...I think this is a main problem..along with the fact that every activity revolves around eating....I don't have kids yet but I worry that someday they will become very fat...because of the society we live in....hmmm..
Reply from Miranda, Child's Age 12 - 12/29/06  - IP#:
Reply from joe, Child's Age 14 - 11/11/05  - IP#:

From Carolyn, Child's Age 4 - 11/10/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
where can one buy clothes for a plus size 4 year old girl? To get clothes to fit, several inches have to be cut off and they don't look like a 4 year old.
Reply from Aleisha, Child's Age 12 - 12/22/05  - IP#:
Reply from Laura, Child's Age 16 - 12/15/05  - IP#:
Reply from patty, Child's Age 10 - 12/03/05  - IP#:
Reply from olivia, Child's Age 9 - 11/21/05  - IP#:

From Melanie, Child's Age 4 - 11/03/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I don't have overweight children, but my neighbor used to be very overweight as a child. She was 10 at the time. I had been away for a few months, and noticed significant weight loss when I got back. I asked her mother how she lossed it, and she told me through piano lessons. I was shocked.
She told me that the lessons gave her child discipline and self esteem. Practicing also diverted her attention from eating during the afternoon. Honestly, telling kids not to eat is like telling someone not to think of pink and purple polka dot rabbits. (That's the first thing you think of). Find a hobby for your child, or better yet an instrument. It has been proven that children do better in school, have more self esteem and discipline when they start learning an instrument.
It helps to have a great teacher and mentor also. My neighbor's piano teacher is still teaching in New York City. If anyone wants his number just email me or you can find a caring, dedicated teacher in your area.
Good luck.

From Pat, Child's Age 18 - 10/26/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hi my daughter is 5'3 and im not sure how much she weighs but its over 500 shes almost immobile and she wont quit eating, she just eats. she will call out for 3 large pizzas and she finishes them off i dont know what to do. she started gaining weight when she was 14 and it has piled on excessively the last year. im so scared for her and me and my wife dont know what to do. we try to keep food from her but she whines shes starving and cries her stomach hurts. we have had here on numerous diest and she will lose weight but she says she is starving so much so we give her food and she gains more than she lost do you guys hav any ideas. Please help
Reply from Miranda, Child's Age 12 - 12/29/06  - IP#:
Reply from Aleisha, Child's Age 12 - 12/22/05  - IP#:
Reply from dayna, Child's Age 13 - 12/10/05  - IP#:
Reply from fran - 11/29/05  - IP#:
Reply from Matthew, Child's Age 11 - 11/09/05  - IP#:
Reply from Pat, Child's Age 18 - 11/08/05  - IP#:
Reply from Jeremy, Child's Age 13 - 11/02/05  - IP#:
Reply from Megan, Child's Age 15 - 11/02/05  - IP#:
Reply from Matthew, Child's Age 10 - 10/28/05  - IP#:
Reply from Jeremy, Child's Age 13 - 10/28/05  - IP#:
Reply from Marie, Child's Age 12 - 10/28/05  - IP#:
Reply from Andrew, Child's Age 8 - 10/28/05  - IP#:

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