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From Denee, Child's Age 16 - 08/03/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
my child is 16 5'6 and 240 pounds I see her crying every night and I wish I could help her but everytime i bring up her weight she gets mad at me. School is coming up soon and she does not want to go because she will be laughted at and made fun of please if you can help me e-mail me at
Reply from kelsee, Child's Age 14 - 08/06/05  - IP#:

From David, Child's Age 17 - 08/03/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I came here to post some very bad news. My wife Caris has been keeping you updated about our daughter who was 500+ and almost immobile. I just thought I'd let you know that she passed away 3 days ago. She had just started on a supervised weightloss programme and had been donig very well. I guess it was too late for her. :(
I'm also very shocked and saddened to find out that another obese child from this board has passed away this week also.
Please don't let this happen to your child, stop them before they get as big as our Jen did.
Reply from Helen, Child's Age 12 - 12/29/06  - IP#:
Reply from darlene, Child's Age 6 - 08/19/05  - IP#:
Reply from Reed, Child's Age 16 - 08/15/05  - IP#:
Reply from kelsee, Child's Age 14 - 08/04/05  - IP#:
Reply from nicole, Child's Age 12 - 08/04/05  - IP#:
Reply from Kayome, Child's Age 13 - 08/03/05  - IP#:
Reply from Gabby, Child's Age 15 - 08/03/05  - IP#:

From matte, Child's Age 8 - 08/03/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I guess I have the same problem, both I and my son overeat a lot. Are you or anyone else in the family heavy too?
Who pays for his food? Couldnt you buy less food? Is he mobile enough to buy his own food? How about a lock on the fridge. Does he drink a lot of sodas? I started buying sparkling water instead, my son got used to that after some time.
I guess your doctor is right unfortunately, if he keeps gaining like this he will not survive, what did he say when the doc told him that?

From Harold, Child's Age 16 - 07/29/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I have to share a sad, sad story eith you. Last week, my daughter died in her sleep, she weighed 200 lbs and was very tall(being nearly 6ft). She was thinking very posotivly as the next day she was going to join a gym and get hel;p for her weight. She never had that oportunity so i am encouraging you, to help your children through this difficault challange. I know it's difficault as I myself was an overwigh child, being nearly 300pounds at 15 I won the battle and am just so shocked and sad that my lovely daughter Abigayle never even took the first step. God bless you and your children.
Reply from Kayome, Child's Age 13 - 08/03/05  - IP#:
Reply from Marie - 08/02/05  - IP#:
Reply from nicole, Child's Age 12 - 08/01/05  - IP#:
Reply from nicole to kelly, Child's Age 12 - 08/01/05  - IP#:
Reply from Kelsee, Child's Age 14 - 07/31/05  - IP#:
Reply from jenna, Child's Age 13 - 07/31/05  - IP#:
Reply from Me, Child's Age 14 - 07/29/05  - IP#:

From Haley - 07/28/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
hey ppls i am looking to help ppl as myself to loose weight and i was wondering if someone would like their kid to bond with ppl like them and make friends their size and loose weight together i am 5 feet tall and 142 pounds and i would like someone to help me so we can help eachother my email address is

From Jean, Child's Age 13 - 07/22/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter is 13 years old and about 5'1. She weighs about 135 at the most. She thinks she is overweight, but I don't know. She would really like to be 115 pounds before school starts, but she doesn't know how to lose the weight. She is a very picky eater, and during the summer, she gets so bored and all she does is eat.But it is very hard to lose the weight for her. She doesn't know what to do.
Reply from Lauren, Child's Age 13 - 01/29/06  - IP#:
Reply from Jenn, Child's Age 13 - 08/19/05  - IP#:
Reply from Kayome, Child's Age 13 - 07/31/05  - IP#:
Reply from Marie - 07/28/05  - IP#:
Reply from Leah, Child's Age 11 - 07/25/05  - IP#:
Reply from Marie - 07/25/05  - IP#:
Reply from rob - 07/22/05  - IP#:

From Geena, Child's Age 12 - 07/22/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Everyone i need help with my daughter she is almost 13 and 5'7 weighs 230 i am 43 an though i am overweight i weigh less and that makes her feel bad. She really wants to diet but it is hard because she is a vegetarian. I am a single parent and have a VERY busy life and most times can't go to the grocery store so we end up eating out. She is already a fairly tight size 18 and i don't want her to get biger. CAN ANYONE HELP?
Reply from Beth, Child's Age 14 - 07/29/05  - IP#:
Reply from Marie - 07/25/05  - IP#:

From Tessa - 07/22/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I was reading some of the comments posted here and i was a little dissapointed. For those who are reading this i do not mean to offend anyone, but some of you are only concerned with the weight factor of your childs health. I know I am only 15 and have not had a child of my own, but a lot of what i am reading is "I love my children but they're so heavy." and it's right for you to be concerned with your childs weight but not be criticizing them in the process of helping them. I am not going to name names but one woman stated that her daughter's stomach was quote "big, fat, and flabby." would you want your parents to talk about your body in this manner? No one wants to be told that it's just mean. My point is you should tell your kids the positive things about their body and not the negetive and that will most likly build self esteem. One of the most important keys to weight loss is self esteem and believing in your self. Thank you for taking time to read my comment (and to some rambling) - Contessa
Reply from Yale - 08/03/05  - IP#:
Reply from Beth, Child's Age 14 - 07/29/05  - IP#:
Reply from Gabby, Child's Age 15 - 07/29/05  - IP#:
Reply from Orcy, Child's Age 14 - 07/27/05  - IP#:
Reply from Marie - 07/25/05  - IP#:

From Caris, Child's Age 17 - 07/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Thanks for all the replies to my posts. I'm not sure if you've been reading about my daughter but I thought I'd give you a quick update.
The doctor wouldn't do a house call at first, but I went back and demanded that he did it. I told him that my daughters life was in danger and that I would sue if he didn't help me. Well he finally agreed to come around to check her out. After doing that he aranged for an ambulence to pick her up and take her to the hospital so that she could be weighed, and have everything checked. and also to see a nutritionist.
We found out that she weighs 541lbs so she was a bit over what I'd guessed and has a BMI of 98.9. They've let her come home and put her on a special diet. She has to go back to the hospital every week to be weighed and be checked over. The doctor has also put me in touch with a group that does water aerobics for bigger women a few... (view more)

Reply from Caris, Child's Age 17 - 07/22/05  - IP#:
Reply from sarah, Child's Age 14 - 07/18/05  - IP#:
Reply from Kelsee, Child's Age 14 - 07/16/05  - IP#:
Reply from Sammy, Child's Age 13 - 07/14/05  - IP#:

From concerned dad, Child's Age 7 - 07/10/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Our son is 7-1/2, is 49" tall, and weighs 137 lbs. He's a real happy kid, has a lot of friends, and is real active. He has a real big appetite, takes seconds and thirds at all meals, and loves his snacks. I'm heavy and my wife is real heavy. I think we should all try to cut down, because our son has put on about 45 lbs in the last year. My wife doesn't think my son has any problems and says we shouldn't do anything which could make him feel he has a problem. Any advice from other parents out there? Thanks.
Reply from joe, Child's Age 14 - 07/24/05  - IP#:
Reply from matte, Child's Age 8 - 07/19/05  - IP#:
Reply from Tyler, Child's Age 14 - 07/10/05  - IP#:
Reply from Kelsee, Child's Age 14 - 07/10/05  - IP#:

From Kelsee - 07/07/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hey Parents :)..I just wanted to say, there are a few kids (including me) on this board. and many of us came from the teens board and are experiencing/ have experienced what your kids are going through..our adivce and tips may be even more helpfulthen other adults. im not saying what you say is wrong, you can be just as helpful. but you should really listen to waht the kids are saying.
Reply from nicole, Child's Age 12 - 07/19/05  - IP#:

From Delia, Child's Age 13 - 07/06/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hello everyone,
I'm new to this site and I suppose that most everybody here has the same kind of problem that I do. My 13 year old son is about 20-30 lbs overweight. It doesn't help that he's short, either. Anyway, it breaks my heart because he's very self conscious about it. I've tried to help him, but nothing seems to work. We went to Weight Watchers, which sucked because there aren't any CHILDRENS WW in our area, so we had to go to an adult one. This was totally boring for him. So boring, in fact, that he lost interest. He was pretty good about sticking to the program, but being that he's 13 and spends a lot of time at other peoples houses and stuff like that, I can't keep track of everything he's eating. The other thing is -- he's growing. I turned around the other day and realized that he's now taller than me, so naturally, that would affect the scale. I think our... (view more)

Reply from Anna, Child's Age 14 - 08/03/05  - IP#:
Reply from matte, Child's Age 8 - 07/18/05  - IP#:
Reply from Kelsee, Child's Age 14 - 07/07/05  - IP#:

From chelsey. - 07/05/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
ok. i have to say something and its not ur childrens fault that they might be overweight!!! im not saying that its the parents fault but you parents can solve this problem ( not sayign that its easy to though) i know im only 13 but just hear me out. overweight children go threw alot like being made fun of espiecally from other kids.So be4 you start putting your children on diets why dotn you sit down and talk to them 1st and see how they feel about all of this.It would make everythign a hole lot better. <3 chel!
Reply from Julie, Child's Age 16 - 07/25/05  - IP#:
Reply from dena, Child's Age 14 - 07/10/05  - IP#:
Reply from Kelsee, Child's Age 14 - 07/07/05  - IP#:

From Kelsee - 07/02/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Reply from Susan, Child's Age 8 - 6/9/05 - IP#: parbb-c1453
I am really proud of you for losing some weight and I think you are a very intelligent young lady. Keep up the good work and continue to give the parents some excellent advise. Your advise is coming from your heart, because you honestly know what these children are dealing with. I bet your mom and dad are very proud of you. God Bless you.

Susan- wasnt it you who just said that? whats with the change of heart?

From Kelsee - 07/02/05 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Wow Susan. Don't flip out. i was trying to help. and my perfect life? Im overweight to...honestly i no much more about what your child is going through then you would ever know..and I wouldnt call my life grandma has cancer, and theres plenty more of that stuff. so im sorry if my opinion is different then yours, but i would respect what other people have to say.
Reply from chelsey., Child's Age 13 - 07/05/05  - IP#:
Reply from Kelsee, Child's Age 14 - 07/02/05  - IP#:

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