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From Laura, Child's Age 10 - 10/21/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter is 10 1/2, 5' 1 1/2" and 134 lbs. Her BMI is in the 97th %ile. Blood tests have ruled out underlying causes. We are generally a nutritionally sound family - we drink only skim milk, we don't eat in front of the TV, etc. We indulge sometimes but for the most part stick to healthy foods. I'd like to know if your tween girls have had success in slimming down - either by losing weight or by maintaining weight while growing. TIA!
Reply from Lexi, Child's Age 10 - 10/23/04  - IP#:

From katie, Child's Age 9 - 10/12/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
my daughter is 9 and 4ft6 she weighs 116 ponds I do not want her self esteem hurt but would like her to lose to a healthy weight.Please give some advice on how to fix healthy meals and how to get her to exercise.
Reply from Krista, Child's Age 9 - 12/21/04  - IP#:

From LEAPFROG, Child's Age 5 - 10/03/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My nephew is 5 and is 47 inches tall and about 75 lbs. He has a high self esteem and thinks he looks great. He is very proud of his tummy. He get plenty of excercise and is very active, he does eat alot and has second and third helpings. He currently wears size 10-12 and has to have the pants legs hemmed up.I think it is most important to have good self esteem and not to drive your kids crazy about what they eat. I love my nephew and have never told him that he is too fat. I always say that he is cute and the best nephew. When he comes to visit I do try to make healthy food available and limit sweets but in a nice way, such as apple slices for snack and thing like that.
Reply from liz, Child's Age 8 - 08/29/05  - IP#:

From Erica, Child's Age 14 - 09/29/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Why must you be so critical of your child's weight? I know it's diffcult but critzing is not the answer trust me. That is what my husband and I did for about five years with our daughter and must admit sometimes do it with our son but we are trying to be not as harsh. The reason for this is our daughter had been a little overweight she was at her doctors appointment 5'5" and 160 then she went on a "diet" I thought it was great. Of course my husband was not around he moved to settle in another state and get a job before we moved (son, me and daughter). Of course I didn't know this diet was turning into an eating disorder, anorexica. With in four months by daughter was 5'5" and 113. Now with in a full year her lowest point has been 100. She is now working w/ a therpist to gain weight (weird i know) and overcome the other problems assoicated w/ anorexica but let me just say that if you tell your kids their fat and ugly, etc. eventually they could go on a diet. Lose that nessary weight and then eat thinner, thinner, and well have an eating disorder.
Reply from Suzanne, Child's Age 14 - 10/13/04  - IP#:

From brenda, Child's Age 12 - 09/26/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
my son Gianni weighed 224 on 09/20/04. For the last week I have been running with him and working out on the weight machine. He lost 5 pounds in this first week. I am o very proud. We changed our eating habits and still enjoyed a donut on Sunday morning. I've lost 1/2 pound running along with him. If other parens can take the time to run along side your children I think it might encourage them more. I hate running (Especially after doing running for the military 20 years) But I will do anything for my son. I told him I would pay him $2.00 for every pound lost and we would burn his size 44 pants when he gets smaller. He's not complaining about being hungry anymore and he does understand we are doing this to be healthy.

From Avril - 09/19/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Just to let you know, there is a parents chat room on this site that you parents can go to if you want. Just letting you know. RoCk OuT lOuD, aVRIL

From Jessica, Child's Age 7 - 09/15/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
how can I help my daughter understand that being overweight is not good if I am overweight and she thinks the world of me? Is 7 too young?
Reply from Cindy, Child's Age 8 - 12/06/04  - IP#:
Reply from Carolina, Child's Age 11 - 11/27/04  - IP#:

From Michelle, Child's Age 7 - 09/11/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
A friend suggested I try this method of getting some advice. I could write page upon page upon page but to make it short and readable......My daughter was always very healthy and within the 70th percentile until she was 15 months old. Then at 15 months old all of a sudden she was off of the charts. By her 18 month old visit she had gained 11 more pounds. We have continued on the weight gain trend since that time and now, at age 7 she weighs 130 pounds which is even hard for me to write. We have seen doctor after doctor after doctor since we have moved alot with my husbands job. They take one look at her and do diabetes and thyroid testing, then when the blood results come back normal, they talk about nutrition. I can honestly say that nutrition is not the problem. We even have been evaluated by 2 different nutritionists a couple of y ears apart who have agreed that it is not... (view more)
Reply from brenda, Child's Age 12 - 09/26/04  - IP#:
Reply from Grace, Child's Age 15 - 09/12/04  - IP#:

From Greg, Child's Age 17 - 09/09/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
my daughter hoalla currently weights in at 370 pounds she is only 5,8 but eats like a pig she keeps on out growing her clothes and she has a job so she has the money for the food any help would be great
Reply from Cindy, Child's Age 17 - 12/06/04  - IP#:
Reply from christina, Child's Age 46 - 10/08/04  - IP#:
Reply from Arianna, Child's Age 16 - 09/26/04  - IP#:

From helen, Child's Age 12 - 09/06/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
hi my daughter is 12 and is very overweight she is 5 foot 4 and weighs 70 kilograms how can she loose weight easily
Reply from katie, Child's Age 9 - 10/12/04  - IP#:

From jules, Child's Age 13 - 09/05/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
my child is 13 and 190 pounds but is big boned what should i do
Reply from Cindy, Child's Age 17 - 12/06/04  - IP#:
Reply from *Ray*Ray*, Child's Age 13 - 09/07/04  - IP#:
Reply from jules, Child's Age 13 - 09/06/04  - IP#:
Reply from Winona, Child's Age 17 - 09/05/04  - IP#:

From samra, Child's Age 13 - 08/31/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
i have a 13 year girl and she is overweight. she weighs about 183 pounds and her height is 5'6''. i would really appreciated if someone gave me some tips for her to loose weight. THANX!!!
Reply from Cindy, Child's Age 17 - 12/06/04  - IP#:

From Lorie, Child's Age 11 - 08/23/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My 11 year old daughter is overweight. She is about 5ft tall and weighs about 135 Lbs. I am very concerned about her. She gets so madd when I try to talk to her about it. Her best friend is a twig and when we go shopping for clothes and her friend comes she starts to cry about it because her friend can buy clothes and they wont have my daughters size. I tried to tell her that if she would stop eating so much junk food then she woldnt have this problem. I think she eats when she is bored or upset. She gets it from me. I dont know what to do without hurting her feelings. Can somone help me PLEASE.
Reply from Arianna, Child's Age 16 - 09/23/04  - IP#:
Reply from Dawn, Child's Age 9 - 08/26/04  - IP#:

From Jacklyn, Child's Age 13 - 08/19/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
my daughter wont talk to me i try to but she wont she always finds some way to get out of it i think she's not comfterable talking to me i overheard her say se's comfterable talking t someone who has similar proble her dad left a while ago and she thiks hehates him and she has no friends her screename is Pyrogirl579 and her e-mal is
Reply from Dawn, Child's Age 9 - 08/26/04  - IP#:

From Juliet, Child's Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daugther becca and her boyfriend recently broke up. as you can imagine that has been hell in our household...which anyone who has a 15 year old daughter will stand by that with me. she broke her leg in may and at that time i noticed her putting on weight but i thought she would loose it after she got her cast off. now that becca's leg is ok she is still having the same bad habits. she's works during the summer and when she get's home she's tired and she just eats, watches tv, and goes on aim. a couple of nights ago me,becca, and my other daughter went out to eat then we went for ice-cream. becca had put on a pair of jeans that looked extra tight even though i just bought them a week ago. while becca was eating her icecream the button on her jeans opened and we couldnt close them. when we went home i saw her weight was 158.5 wit a 33% body fat. i was on a site and it said ways you can ... (view more)
Reply from Becca, Child's Age 21 - 04/10/06  - IP#:
Reply from Melissa, Child's Age 15 - 11/13/04  - IP#:
Reply from janice, Child's Age 14 - 09/06/04  - IP#:
Reply from Juliet, Child's Age 15 - 09/02/04  - IP#:
Reply from Bill, Child's Age 15 - 08/24/04  - IP#:

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