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From carrie, Child's Age 16 - 07/26/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I would like to thank you henry for the tips you have given me for my daughter. I have had a talk with her yesterday about her weight and i said wat i felt without hurting her feelings as much as possible and then i let her reed the message i wrote about her in the site i could see that she was really hurt by this but she understood as well how woried i am about her and she finally let me weigh her i was however shocked by how much she weighs she weighs 232 pounds and is only 5.2 her waist is 39 inches i told her that this is a problem and that she has to lose weght and that i am going to watch whatever she eats from now on and that i am going to be really hard on her from now on and i have informed the whole family not to give her junkfood anymore. She feels that i am on her back and i don't know if i am being to hard on her but on the other side she is very obese and if i don't tell... (view more)
Reply from Andrea, Child's Age 21 - 07/26/03  - IP#:
Reply from Cynthia, Child's Age 14 - 07/23/03  - IP#:

From Colleen, Child's Age 5 - 07/23/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hello,My niece is 5 and she weighs 65lbs. Help! Finding clothes to fit her is a nightmare. Her parents are in a low income class so buying from Jeeny Bean really is my last option. Any suggestions or contact information would be great.Thanks

From David, Child's Age 16 - 07/19/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Can anyone tell me how much a 16 year old boy, 5'9, should weigh? Also, how big should his waist be? My son weighs 180 lbs and wears size 36 pants. I know he's overweight, but I'm not sure just how much. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it.
Reply from Richard, Child's Age 14 - 07/28/03  - IP#:

From carrie, Child's Age 16 - 07/19/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hello everyone, i am a mother of 3 children ages 14, 16 and 21 the problem is my 16 year old daughter she has always been a large girl but within the last 2 years she has become extremely fat and within the last year she has been having health problems she won't admit this but i can see that she is not comfortable in her own body its hard for her to walk and climb stairs and she is always out of breath and i can see that she is not able to sit proper anymore because of her stomack wich is enormous. I am wery woried abour her she used to be a very beautiful girl even though she was a little plump but her looks are ruined because of the weight and you can't see her pretty face anymore because of the triple chin and blown up cheeks. I don't know how much she weighs because she wont let me weigh her but i guess that she very obese she has no freinds and all she does is sit on the couch and... (view more)
Reply from Another Teenager, Child's Age 16 - 10/29/03  - IP#:
Reply from carrie, Child's Age 16 - 07/24/03  - IP#:
Reply from Jessie, Child's Age 8 - 07/22/03  - IP#:
Reply from Henry, Child's Age 14 - 07/19/03  - IP#:

From Mandy, Child's Age 10 - 07/15/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I need help. This has more to do with being a parent then it does about my overwieght daugter. Her name is Elixa, and she is a spoiled brat. I had two girls before her, and even though I am a small, unstrong person, I was a little hard on them to cover for my husand (died shortly after my last daughters birth). Any way, after my 2 oldest joined the army, I went easy on my last daughter, and I let her slip. I dont know what happened, but she became spoiled rotten, and I wasn't able to fix her. She got what she wanted, as much as she wanted, including food. (Click here to see rest of message).
Reply from Mandy to henry, Child's Age 10 - 07/16/03  - IP#:
Reply from Henry, Child's Age 14 - 07/15/03  - IP#:

From Lucia, Child's Age 11 - 07/13/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hello, I want to talk about my very obese daughter named Sara, who is 213. She is the biggest child I have ever seen or known, and she is just getting bigger and bigger, and now she's thirty five inches around the waist. I have tried to put a diet on her, but we've only made small progress. You see, all her life she has stuffed her face with food, and only recently have I tried to stop her and put her on a diet. But I was too late..(Click here to see rest of message).
Reply from it's me yet another teen, Child's Age 13 - 11/13/03  - IP#:
Reply from u guesed it another teen!, Child's Age 13 - 11/13/03  - IP#:
Reply from misty, Child's Age 12 - 08/29/03  - IP#:
Reply from Ray Ray, Child's Age 12 - 07/14/03  - IP#:
Reply from Arianna, Child's Age 14 - 07/13/03  - IP#:

From cheryl, Child's Age 9 - 07/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
i am concerned, i have been trying for about 2 years to help my son loose weight, and change his way of eating. hes a really picky eater.hes 5'2 weighs about 126. hes teased, and gets winded very easily. i just want some advice how to help him without making him feel picked on. the strange thing is, hes always playing. not sitting in front of the tv.worried momcheryl
Reply from Melanie, Child's Age 13 - 07/10/03  - IP#:

From Jan, Child's Age 13 - 07/01/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hello. My name is Jan my daughter's name is Liz, she weighs 200 pounds. She doesn't like it but she just gets fatter. I have taken away all the sweets in the house and have her on a good diets but she just gets fatter. She is at friends house's a lot, but when I ask her is she's eating right she always says "Mom! I'm eating right leave me alone. Please help me! I dont want my child to gain anymore weight!
Reply from Jan, Child's Age 13 - 07/08/03  - IP#:
Reply from ann, Child's Age 15 - 07/07/03  - IP#:
Reply from Ray Ray, Child's Age 12 - 07/05/03  - IP#:
Reply from Jan, Child's Age 13 - 07/03/03  - IP#:
Reply from Arianna, Child's Age 14 - 07/03/03  - IP#:

From debbie, Child's Age 11 - 06/30/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hi. My 11 year old daughter is 5'2 and weighs 101 pounds. she is very skinny but she always says that she is fat. u tell her that she isn't but she won't beleive me and she is very pretty and is very self conscious about herself. i don't no what to do.plz help me
Reply from Arianna, Child's Age 14 - 07/03/03  - IP#:

From Dean, Child's Age 16 - 06/28/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I dont know why my messages have been deleted. Anywaysdeb has still not broken up with mike. As a result she now weighs 222 pounds. I'm going to try to "talk" with the boy tomorow. Any help/sugestions are welcomed.
Reply from Dean, Child's Age 16 - 07/03/03  - IP#:
Reply from Arianna, Child's Age 14 - 07/02/03  - IP#:

From Heather, Child's Age 9 - 06/28/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hi Everyone! I am new here but so glad I found this site. My son is 9 and 4'9" and weighs 110, actually he weighs 107 now. I just thought I would let you know what we have been doing and hope it helps. Last week when my son finished school I decided it was time to start getting healthy and I discussed this with my son. He seemed happy to make the change so that made it easy. I never really call it a diet, just being healthy. We totally changed the way we eat. We measure out our servings, we choose light and lowfat foods. We also got some weight watchers smartones desserts so that he wouldnt have to give up having treats. He does not dink sugary beverages. He only has 1/2 cup of O.J. with his breakfast. The rest of the day he drinks water and has 3 cups of skim milk a day. He enough food so that he dosnt feel like he is starving or that he is on a diet and so far it has been... (view more)
Reply from heather, Child's Age 10 - 01/21/04  - IP#:

From Anonymous, Child's Age 13 - 06/23/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
How Much should a normal 13 year old girl weigh??
Reply from red, Child's Age 13 - 07/26/03  - IP#:
Reply from James for Kailey, Child's Age 7 - 07/08/03  - IP#:
Reply from Kailey - 07/02/03  - IP#:
Reply from James, Child's Age 6 - 06/29/03  - IP#:
Reply from Kailey, Child's Age 13 - 06/26/03  - IP#:
Reply from Theresa, Child's Age 12 - 06/23/03  - IP#:

From BIl, Child's Age 13 - 06/05/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My son is 13 and weighs 230lbs. I dont know what to do anymore. Hes much bigger then me and has a larger clothing size(size 34 jeans). I dont know where to buy him clothes anymore. His sister works for McDonalds and brings him home two burgers, two fries and a soda and he eats it all. I cant stop it because im not home at the time. Instead of going outside he sits on the couch getting bigger and bigger. For lunch at school he dosent eats what i give him and buys pizzas and candy from the machines. Whenever hes out in public he tries to suck i his huge belly. At school he has friends but says that hes the fattest in his grade. I am actually not overweight and he wasnt like this before. Sometimes i dont think that he cares that hes fat. I dont know what to do anymore, PLEASE HELP!
Reply from Robyn, Child's Age 12 - 01/03/04  - IP#:
Reply from tina, Child's Age 9 - 08/21/03  - IP#:
Reply from Vicky, Child's Age 11 - 06/07/03  - IP#:

From Sherri, Child's Age 11 - 06/04/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I can't believe I am even considering this but I guess it is on my mind and this seems to be a very safe place to get advice from other parents who truly understand my dilemma. My daughter is 11, weighs 137 and is 4 ft 9 in. She is extremely athletic & plays a variety of sports along with cheer classes and twice weekly private tumbling. She has always been alittle bigger than other girls her age and, of course, I have always been concerned with health issues but most importantly I've been more concerned with her self esteem and overall happiness. (Click here to see rest of message).
Reply from angela, Child's Age 11 - 05/15/04  - IP#:
Reply from Ann, Child's Age 12 - 06/25/03  - IP#:
Reply from Theresa, Child's Age 12 - 06/07/03  - IP#:

From Lakeisha, Child's Age 12 - 06/03/03 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My child is so overweight she drinks 2 liters of coke a day!
Reply from Bob, Child's Age 12 - 06/07/04  - IP#:
Reply from ???, Child's Age 3 - 03/02/04  - IP#:
Reply from Drew, Child's Age 12 - 01/03/04  - IP#:
Reply from Ashley, Child's Age 12 - 07/09/03  - IP#:
Reply from LAKEISHA, Child's Age 12 - 07/08/03  - IP#:
Reply from Mike, Child's Age 13 - 07/02/03  - IP#:
Reply from ami, Child's Age 6 - 06/29/03  - IP#:
Reply from lakeisha, Child's Age 12 - 06/28/03  - IP#:
Reply from Dean, Child's Age 16 - 06/28/03  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 06/27/03  - IP#:
Reply from Renee, Child's Age 18 - 06/26/03  - IP#:
Reply from Jill, Child's Age 11 - 06/25/03  - IP#:
Reply from B, Child's Age 14 - 06/16/03  - IP#:
Reply from Ray Ray, Child's Age 12 - 06/09/03  - IP#:
Reply from Theresa, Child's Age 12 - 06/03/03  - IP#:

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