From Holly, Child's Age 6 - 09/06/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
Oh, I am so embarrassed at how much space that took up!!! I'm sorry, I promise to keep my messages shorter from now on! :-)
Reply from Nicola, Child's Age 11 - 03/28/02 - IP#:
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 09/09/01 - IP#:
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 09/09/01 - IP#:
From Holly, Child's Age 6 - 09/06/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
My 6-year-old weighs 62 pounds and is just under 4 feet tall, which puts her in the overweight category on the BMI site I checked out. We watch no television at all during the school year and only the occasional video over the summer (maybe once a week). We are vegetarian and eat no fast food, as it's too hard to find anything we can eat. Activity-wise, my daughter tends to like quiet, imaginative sorts of play... she can sit for hours constructing block stables for her model horses or "zoos" for her stuffed anumals. We are working on increasing the activity. She has started playing soccer and is excited about that, but it's only once a week, and parents bring THE WORST SNACKS to share at games. (Every parent takes a turn bringing snack.) She was also on our neighborhood swim team this summer, which she also liked. (Again, on the downside, the meets feature a LOT of food, and... (view more)My 6-year-old weighs 62 pounds and is just under 4 feet tall, which puts her in the overweight category on the BMI site I checked out. We watch no television at all during the school year and only the occasional video over the summer (maybe once a week). We are vegetarian and eat no fast food, as it's too hard to find anything we can eat. Activity-wise, my daughter tends to like quiet, imaginative sorts of play... she can sit for hours constructing block stables for her model horses or "zoos" for her stuffed anumals. We are working on increasing the activity. She has started playing soccer and is excited about that, but it's only once a week, and parents bring THE WORST SNACKS to share at games. (Every parent takes a turn bringing snack.) She was also on our neighborhood swim team this summer, which she also liked. (Again, on the downside, the meets feature a LOT of food, and that became part of what she ended up liking about swim meets.) She likes to ride her bike, but there's not a lot of safe places to do that nearby. I should take her bicycling more, but I also have a 7-year-old daughter and a 1-year-old son, so it gets complicated. (I plan to put a baby bike seat on my bike this fall, and I'm hoping we'll be able to go ride bikes all together.) She has a BIG appetite, especially at dinner time, so she often goes to bed with a lot of food in her tummy. She is also an emotional eater, which we're aware of and trying to work on. She doesn't like many vegetables, though I can get her to eat some with dips or dressings (celery and cream cheese; carrots and peanut butter, etc.) She likes salad, as long as it has cheese on it. She likes fruit to a point, but has to be convinced to eat it for a snack. Food seems to be a constant source of stress for me, whether it's in relation to my kids or just myself. (I struggle with the same 10-15 pounds every few years... just don't feel good emotionally, physically or mentally when I'm at the upper end of my range.) With regard to the children, if I stick to my guns about healthy eating (for instance insisting on a second portion of salad or veggies if they want more pasta), everybody gets frustrated and upset and mealtimes are quite unpleasant. My two girls are EXTREMELY picky eaters, so it's hard enough to find anything they like at all, then I feel like I have to fight them not to pig out on it. Sometimes it seems that my 6-year-old would eat the entire serving bowl of spaghetti if I let her. Sue -- I'm really excited to hear from someone who has met with success with this issue. I am not yet to the point of approaching this problem WITH my daughter and am wondering if/when I ought to. She has been upset by the size of her tummy before, and I've tried to tell her that she is beautiful and I love her no matter how big her tummy is, while also letting her know that there are things she can do to make it smaller if she wants to. I think she's just been too young to truly grasp that stuff so far. She just started first grade, and her best friend is this skinny little thing who can eat whatever she wants, so when the two of them are together at the friend's house, I think my daughter overeats. The friend's little sister told my daughter she was fat and had "fat nipples" and it still makes me tear up to think about that. She's only 6!!! She deserves to just be "normal" like everybody else. I see this problem getting continually worse if I don't do something, but I don't know what else to do. I know we're coming into the age of teasing in a big way -- it started just a little bit toward the end of kindergarten, and I don't expect it will stop, since she's bigger now than she was last year, and a sensitive child by nature. Should I sit down and talk with my daughter about all of this, and try to get some sort of "program" going? She is a gorgeous girl, with long, thick blonde hair and sea-green eyes. She has a brilliant imagination and is the most kind, sweet, compassionate person you could imagine. I don't want to make her feel bad, but I also don't want her to feel bad because of her size. I'm sorry to ramble hear, but I've been actively searching for help on this issue and reading whatever I can get my hands on, and haven't found anything to be too helpful yet. I am hopeful that someone here (Sue?) might have some words of wisdom for me! Thanks for wading through all this. (view less)
Reply from ashly, Child's Age 10 - 11/09/02 - IP#:
Reply from Bill, Child's Age 13 - 09/07/01 - IP#:
From Lisa, Child's Age 13 - 09/02/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
As a mother that is now 34 years old, I have fought a weight problem all my life. My daughter is very self-conscious of her weight. Losing weight is one of the hardest things anyone can do!! My daughter and myself have tried a rollercoaster of weight loss ideas but can't seem to stick with one. The best one we've tried is Weight Watchers! Try working together as a pair. *Always remember, it's whats on the INSIDE that counts! If a person has a sweet personality, loving and Godly spirit, and joyous that is what counts! GOD LOVES US ALL JUST THE WAY WE ARE - but he does want us to be healthy. Overweight is only a problem if it hurts our health - we're all beautiful in God's eyes!!!
Reply from Nicole, Child's Age 14 - 12/16/02 - IP#:
From Felicia, Child's Age 11 - 08/31/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
This goes along with my last one. She is 5 foot 1 inches tall. Thanks.
Reply from tony, Child's Age 11 - 03/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 09/02/01 - IP#:
From Felicia, Child's Age 11 - 08/31/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
HHHHEEEELLLLPPPP PPPPLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE!!!! My 11 year old daughter weighs 167lbs! How can I help her to loose weight? What can I do? Thank you.
Reply from am, Child's Age 13 - 10/14/02 - IP#:
Reply from Sara, Child's Age 11 - 03/06/02 - IP#:
From Jane, Child's Age 11 - 08/26/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello my son is 4'11 and 145lb I've talked with him about loosing weight but int doesn't seem like he wants to should I just forget about it or should he shed some pounds?
Reply from Vanessa, Child's Age 10 - 08/31/01 - IP#:
From Max, Child's Age 13 - 08/25/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello my son has been playing basket ball all his life but a little while ago he got hurt so he couldn't play but now that he's all better he's still just sitting around he's goten very lazy and has gained lots of weight he use to be 5'1 and 100lb with a six pack now he's 125 or 130lb and he's gotten a big gut how can I get my son off the couch and go play out side some more please help
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 4 - 01/27/03 - IP#:
From Ron, Child's Age 12 - 08/25/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
My son is 5'1 and 165lb he doesn't seem to care that much exept for his belly he seys all his friend's stomaches are flat and that his is huge how can I help my child?
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 09/02/01 - IP#:
From maggie, Child's Age 12 - 08/25/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
My child who is 5'4 and 170lb use to like to play out side and ride his bike but for the past year or so he's gotten very lazy he's skipped some of his chores and he's just been playing video games all day he's gained lots of weight but it doesn't seem to have bothered him what can I do?
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 4 - 01/27/03 - IP#:
From Vanessa, Child's Age 10 - 08/22/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi i have a beautiful daughter who is 10 years old. She is 4 foot 7 and weighs 115#s. She gets teased sometimes at school and seems to be getting self concious about how she looks. She really does not like sports at school. We have been walking in the evenings. I have talked to her about this and she said she wants to loose some weight. I am trying to cut her fat and sugar intake. I have decided not to have her eat hot lunches (I worked in a school cafeteria) instead i pack her lunch. Any one have any great healthy sandwich ideas? Nicole is so beautiful i don't want her weight to become a big part of her life. I want to teach her to make healthy food choices. I have been doing alot of research about healthy eating. Any advice would be appreciated. God Bless Vanessa
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 09/02/01 - IP#:
From Bob, Child's Age 16 - 08/17/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
I split from my wife about 1 year ago, and I left 4 happy daughters, each healthy enough. Katie(15y/o) and was 130, Laura (13y/o) was 150, Alicia (10y/o) was 100, and Sharon (9y/o) was 80. Now, after about 1 year in her care (I see them once every 2 weeks) their weight has increased dramatically. Katie (16, 5'8") is now 240, Laura (14,5'5") she posts here by the way) is somewhere in the region of 270, they both agree that they want to lose weight, but they don't know where to start. Alicia (11,4'11) is 198! but the worst of all is Sharon, who is 10 and very short (3'7), and weighs 230lbs. I don't know what to do, Sharon is always stuffing her face full of hamburgers, chips, and fried foods, she's the one who worries me most, because Katie and Laura are trying to lose weight, (and Katie has succeded, she's gone down from 290 to 240, she's doing well) and Alicia has decided to cut down a little, but Sharon just scoffs her day away in front of the TV, and she is spoilt rotten by my former wife, she has everything she wants, including her own private fridge!Yours worrying.Bob
Reply from Jed, Child's Age 11 - 07/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from Kasia, Child's Age 17 - 04/01/02 - IP#:
Reply from Sara, Child's Age 8 - 08/20/01 - IP#:
From Don, Child's Age 16 - 08/09/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
I have a 16 year old son, who weighs 420lbs, and says that he likes being that way. He has trouble walking short distances, and doing everyday activities. Please help me, because I don't want him having health problems when he is older.
Reply from Tara, Child's Age 8 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 08/11/01 - IP#:
From Brenda, Child's Age 12 - 08/07/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
My child weighs 130 and is 12 years old and she's 5'2"could you please tell me if she is or isn't overweight, and could you tell me what to do for a dietthank you very much!!!
Reply from Jed, Child's Age 11 - 07/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 08/11/01 - IP#:
From Terri, Child's Age 9 - 08/05/01 Click here to reply
I have a 9 year old daughter that is overweight. She weighs 118 lbs. To me she doesnt look fat but just a little heavy. She wants to lose and get down to 80 lbs. She does sit ups and simple exercises but gets bored of them fast. I am looking for anyone who has any tips on making her exercise routine fun for her so she looks forward to doing it. If you can help I would really appreciate it. Thanks . Terri
Reply from Luisa, Child's Age 13 - 08/25/01 - IP#:
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 08/11/01 - IP#:
From Bob, Child's Age 14 - 08/03/01 Click here to reply
I need some help for my son. He is overweight, not too bad, but still overweight. He is 5'8" and he weighs 162 lbs. He doesn't like to go swimming because he's embarassed of his stomach. He can't stand to go shopping with anyone because he is embarrased of his size, which, by the way, is 33. I want to help him, but he won't talk about it with anyone. How can I get him to talk to me?
Reply from Luisa, Child's Age 13 - 08/25/01 - IP#:
Reply from Luisa, Child's Age 13 - 08/04/01 - IP#: