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From Jessica, Age 16 - 08/28/11 - IP#: 71.2.33.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 118 lb - I only had one serving of beans and chesse, at my grandparntes, house one serving of rice, also, one cup of coke, and only one slice of cake.. Well I had an upset stomach from the Walmart brand peanutbutter.. It taste gross, my stomach does not like it,, I feel better being a size 12 pants!!! I feel like a new gril already! don't give up,, girls,, I was thinking of walkig to the bridge not far from me,, well it flooed.
My brain wanted me to have a second slice, I said no,, I can live without a second slice,, I did it,, again,, I am trying to reach 118 pounds!! I can't wait for that!! I was worried about gettiing 2 type deitabess,, I dont want to get fat ever again... In my life,, I do tease the boys,, at times,, I want to be a girls plus 14!! that my goal, I know that crazy,, but I can do it!! I know I can!!! I am almost a M in Juniours, Mississ clothing, I don't... (view more)

Reply from Aliza, Age 15 - 08/29/11  - IP#: 99.140.189.xxx

From Sabrina, Age 13 - 08/28/11 - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 149 lb, Today: 148.8 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 129 lb - Hey guys,
Today went pretty good in my opinon,Brunch-(woke up at 10:47 a.m)2 peices of taylor ham,2 fried eggs and 3 pieces of french tost w/little syrup also i had a cup of coffee.(I WAS REALLY HUNGRY!lol!)didnt snack at all but i did have SIP of soda from my sis.For dinner i had two bowls of corn flakes.I didnt exrcise on the bowflex bc i was busy making stuff for my locker i need to decorate tomorrow!we have a 2 hr delay bc of flash flooding!(thanks alot irene!)but serousily i hope every1 is ok!wish me luck!<3 :D
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 08/28/11  - IP#: 71.2.33.xxx
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 08/28/11  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx

From Taylor, Age 16 - 08/28/11 - IP#: 24.126.140.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 263 lb, Today: 209 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 200 lb - 9 more pounds to go ! :D yayyyy meee :)
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 08/31/11  - IP#: 24.126.140.xxx
Reply from Aliza, Age 15 - 08/29/11  - IP#: 99.140.189.xxx
Reply from Aliza, Age 15 - 08/28/11  - IP#: 99.140.189.xxx
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 08/28/11  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx

From Melissa, Age 17 - 08/28/11 - IP#: 24.2.110.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 190 lb, Today: 170 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 130 lb - Last night I got home late. My parents know how motivated I am to exercise every night...my dad asked me when I it home if I was going to go exercise. I said no because it was already 11:00. Then he asked, "Well how dedicated are you?" it made me realize something. If I'm truly dedicated to this it doesn't matter what time it is or where I am - I need to eat healthy ad exercise no matter what! So, I exercised until 11:40 last night. It felt great renewing my motivation and dedication to my health :)
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 08/28/11  - IP#: 71.2.33.xxx

From Aliza, Age 15 - 08/27/11 - IP#: 99.140.184.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 170 lb, Today: 147 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 120 lb - So i didnt get to post yesterdays dinner, here it is: 1 bowl chicken soup broth, 2 pieces of bread, 2 peices potato pie stuff (square peices), white rice, a little of a salad bag with french dressing, water, 3/4 of a piece of peanut bttr brownie. Pretty healthy :)
Now today I ate: breakfast: banana with a little skippy-natural pb, 1/2 cup grape juice. Lunch: Salad bag with cut up pepper, tomato, and cucumber with some sunflower seeds and dried fruit :) -w/ french dressing. a peice potato stuff(same thing as last night), 2 peices of bread, Water, a little grape juice/wine, 2 bakery cookies w/ chocolate (about 3" by 1.5" big). Snacks: 2 small clementines, plum, 1 serving coffe/ vinilla and choc ice cream. Dinner: banana, 2 cheese quasadillas, 2 cups 2%rdcdftmlk, water. So there's my day. Its weird how when im not eating it feels like food controls my day more! But... (view more)

Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 08/28/11  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx

From Sabrina, Age 13 - 08/27/11 - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 149 lb, Today: 148.8 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 129 lb - Hey guys,
well today i caved in.:( i had a bowl of honey nut cherrios,oj.then for lunch i had some salad with italian dressing.I had munchie craving so i had a whole pop tart foil thing and then i finished the other one that i didnt eat yesterday:( but i had an apple and then did some bowflex.for dinner i had a chicken sandich with cheese and lettus from burgerking.(during the day i had 2 soda cans of cola:( but i could use some inspireing words :) srry i messed up... :,( well please wish me luck:(<3
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 08/28/11  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 08/28/11  - IP#: 24.126.140.xxx
Reply from Aliza, Age 15 - 08/28/11  - IP#: 99.140.184.xxx

From Taylor, Age 16 - 08/27/11 - IP#: 24.126.140.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 263 lb, Today: 211 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 200 lb - well i havent been on here in a while :D i lost 1 pound thoughh :) and it nice too see new people writting on here ! :D
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 08/28/11  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx

From Jackie, Age 14 - 08/27/11 - IP#: 72.192.249.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 146 lb, Today: 142 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 134 lb - Okay, so during spring break I packed on 10 lbs, & I didn't really care on losing it until now that I'm going to high school in about a week. I've lost 4 lbs by controlling the amount that I eat...but I want to know if there are any good workouts that help achieve a flat stomach & toned legs? & are there any good shakes or tea that help with weightloss? PLEASE HELP.

From Sabrina, Age 13 - 08/26/11 - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 149 lb, Today: 148.8 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 129 lb - Hey guys,Today i had 2 fried eggs,1 peice of toast with jelly,oj and tea.lunch i had the other half of my turkey,lettus,and light creamy italian hogie with milk and tea.Sancks-cucumer slices,1poptart(not the 2 in the foil)apple.Dinner a bowl of honey nut cherrios.ALSO i had 1 sobe life water.I worked out 2day also jmprope and bowflex each bout 10 min.Well wish me'luck!::)<3

From Aliza, Age 15 - 08/26/11 - IP#: 99.140.184.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2.8", Start: 170 lb, Today: 147 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 120 lb - Hey guys!! Im tryin so hard with my food!! I really hope it helps! So I'm not gamma b able to post my dinner 2night but I don't want to forget the food I ate today, so here it is; 1 bowl of oatmeal with 2%rdcdftmlk and a few shakes cinnamon sugar, small cup fruit juice, wtr, 3/4 pizza bread ( cheese and sauce on this crunchy bread stuff), banana, 2 small slices cantaloupe, small slice cucumber, 5-10 corn chips, low fat-trader joes fig bar, water, 1 1/2 cups 2%rdcdftmlk. That's it :) so far today's going well!!! I hope I keep it that way :-) wish me luck! I'll try 2 post dinner with my food 2morro night :) o ya! I think I might've lost a pound!!! Yay!! So thats about it good luck every1!
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 08/26/11  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx

From Sabrina, Age 13 - 08/26/11 - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 149 lb, Today: 148.8 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 129 lb - Hey guys!!!!!!!Guess what??????Iost 1lb and .8oz!!!im soo happy!only 19 more to go!!!wish me luck!
Reply from Madelyn, Age 17 - 08/26/11  - IP#: 76.126.248.xxx
Reply from Aliza, Age 15 - 08/26/11  - IP#: 99.140.184.xxx

From Melissa, Age 17 - 08/25/11 - IP#: 24.2.110.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 190 lb, Today: 170 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 130 lb - So. Sore. That Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred is HARD! I feel super good when I'm done but it sure does make my muscles tired. I feel muscles I didn't even know existed. So far I really like the DVD and hopefully with time I'll improve :)

From Sabrina, Age 13 - 08/25/11 - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 149 lb, Today: 149 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 129 lb - Hey guys!,
today was great!I had 1 fried egg sanwich(1fried egg,2 peices of toast!),1 small glass of oj,and hot black tea with lemon and 1 tsp of sugar.In between meals i went to work out!::) i did the bowflex for like 1hr/1/2 add all together and i did jumprope for about a half hour added together.All togetber today ive had about 6 cups of tea bc thats what i snack on in stead of doritos::)for lunch i had a baked potato and tea.(it was filling bc i mades mashes'potoatoes out of the middle of the potato.)For dinner we picked up hogies.I had 1/2 of my turkey,lettus,and light creamy italian hogie.(other half is tomorrows lunch!)also i dont think my chat is working at the moment!well wish me luck!<3 u guys::)

From Aliza, Age 15 - 08/25/11 - IP#: 99.140.176.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 170 lb, Today: 147.5 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 120 lb - k so today i think went well- i only ate when i was hungry( i lasted thru all my cravings :))-i made sure 2 have some type of vegi cuz yesterday i had none :(. so heres what i ate today: Breakfast: 1 bowl of pb captain crunch with 2% reduced fat milk (that seriusly needs an acronym!!! any suggestions?), and a small clementine. Lunch: 2 whole wheat quasadillas with cheese, strawberry yogurt with a little granola, a small cup fruit juice, chewy granola bar, a peice cantalope, WATER. Snack: small serving coffe ice cream (about 100cal). Dinner:whole wheat sesamie bagel w/ a little cream cheese, banana, 1/2 cucumber w/ french dressing, WATER and more WATER (when i work out i drink tonz! :))
so i think 2day went well... wish me luck 4 2morro!!! my scale is still diff than the 1 @ the gym so @ my house it said 143.5 instead of 144 so ya :) hopefully im losin weight!! :)
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 08/25/11  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx

From Jessica, Age 16 - 08/25/11 - IP#: 71.2.33.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 118 lb - Has anyone on here tried strveing themselfs? on here, I thoguht of doing that. But then I said to myself that a domb thing for me to do to myself, so please teens do it,, becuase I had a freind in Pe class begning this year, she looked horible, I was totally scared, for her. I had to explain you going to make youeself very sick.. And I was crying, in tears.. I was 162 pounds at the time,, I was emotal eater. Until Febuary 14, 2011.. Since then, I have not been an emotal eater. My male friend James, helped me, stop, being an emotal eater..
Strveing yourselfs, is very dangreourss,, and smoking is very bad, my older sister is a strss smoker. It makes me, sad,, and I called my male friend, I was strss out and disocurged.. I felt like my life was falling a part.. If you teens are strss out.. Worst thing is to do run away from home. My sister weighs more then, like 30-40 pounds heavier... (view more)

Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 08/25/11  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx

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