From Pixie AkA Tinkerbell, Age 15 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey all hope u guys fought temptation today LOL...well today I had no time for breakfast so I went straight to lunch, i had two pieces of of chicken like extra small thighs and a small side salad and a 12oz apple juice and for dinner im having meatloaf and mashed potatos...oh yeah I had two mini reeses cuz I got alot of great things today..oh yeah<3<3<3<3<3HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE <3<3<3<3<3
Reply from jenn, Age 12 - 02/15/05 - IP#:
Reply from Alexis, Age 16 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
Reply from ashkabashka, Age 14 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
From CrAzY D!!(DANYELLE), Age 13 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
i thought about it and now i have decided that i would like to be in the antichocolate club!!!!... email me or reply if thats kay!! .. BY THE WAY!! «--(¯v’¯)-««HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!--(¯v’¯)-«« -:¦:-(¨v’¨ )
From Stacy, Age 13 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
last night i weighed myslef and i have lost 10 lbs so far damn thats good. But Now im so F-in mad because my bf broke up with me today but last night when i was at his house he gave a flowers and teddybears,etc im so depressed
Reply from halle, Age 15 - 02/15/05 - IP#:
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
Reply from shan, Age 16 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
From Jacque, Age 16 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Does it give me a different IP address when ever i get on a different coputer than what i usually do?
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
Reply from Stacy, Age 13 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
From krkristi, Age 15 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
i dont get it, ive been gaining weight but im only eating aboud 1100-1200 cal a day and have softball 3 times a week, volleyball 2 times and do 400 crunches a night... whats happing?
Reply from jenn, Age 12 - 02/15/05 - IP#:
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
Reply from Rachael, Age 14 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
Reply from ashkabashka, Age 14 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
From Whitney, Age 15 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hola! Its me again! Wow today was wow! You know when u get one of those hearts filled with like all these assorted chocolates right? Well maybe its just me but since u don't know what exactly they are u gotta try each one and put the gross ones back...LoL thats what I'm doin now! Lmao! But yea omgoodness my teeth hurt so bad it hurts to eat so I think I'm just gonna stop...Just a fyi I got my wisdom teeth taken out Friday and it still kinda hurts. Owww...Newayz um other then that all I've eaten today is chocolate and pizza real good I know! But yea Idk its a new um day well hour no well new minute at least! LoL! But yea Idk whats up with my boyfriend we talked and he's all apologetic and does the whole baby I love u, u have no idea how much I care bout u blah blah blah so who knows...I'm waiting for him to get outta school...he goes to a different school in he can call me cuz I... (view more)Hola! Its me again! Wow today was wow! You know when u get one of those hearts filled with like all these assorted chocolates right? Well maybe its just me but since u don't know what exactly they are u gotta try each one and put the gross ones back...LoL thats what I'm doin now! Lmao! But yea omgoodness my teeth hurt so bad it hurts to eat so I think I'm just gonna stop...Just a fyi I got my wisdom teeth taken out Friday and it still kinda hurts. Owww...Newayz um other then that all I've eaten today is chocolate and pizza real good I know! But yea Idk its a new um day well hour no well new minute at least! LoL! But yea Idk whats up with my boyfriend we talked and he's all apologetic and does the whole baby I love u, u have no idea how much I care bout u blah blah blah so who knows...I'm waiting for him to get outta school...he goes to a different school in he can call me cuz I still don't know if we're doin nething tonight....Idk is that bad if You don't get to see the person ur datig on Valentines Day?!?! Ugh..but yea I better get goin back down to practice I'll post again lata tonight! *muahz* (view less)
Reply from s - 02/14/05 - IP#:
From Whitney, Age 15 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Heylo Everyone! Happy VaLeNtInEs Day! Ya know I love this holiday but it's also kinda depressing! So much chocolate everywhere! Lmao! Today is gonna be bad! Its so weird like I have a boyfriend and everything so you would think i would like this holiday but he's being a butthead so I think I'm gonna go go out with sumone else tonight! Hehe...He brouhgt it on himself thats all I gotta say! He basicially accused me of cheating on him and all this other stuff last night cuz I found out a whole bunch of lies he told me so I think he's cheating on me! Ughh! Idk but I am NOT cheating on him just so ya know! But yea so I've been kinda mellow today....But lets see this morning I weighed in at 168 lbs which isn't bad since I havn't really been trying but today I'm trying to get back into the swing of things...TRYING being key! LoL! But yea I'm gonna blast for now I'm gonna try calling the jerk to see whats goin on and I'll post again this afternoon hopefully! *muahz*
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
Reply from kadents, Age 13 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
From Jacque, Age 16 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Okay so i decided to be in the anti - chocolate club! Starting tomorrow and next tuesday 02/22/05 i'll post how much i lost.
Reply from jenn, Age 12 - 02/15/05 - IP#:
From ashkabashka, Age 14 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey all! i was formerly known as shwee... but that was the 148 pound ashley! say hello to the 143 pound ashley :-D! im so happy! Happy v-day!
Reply from ashkabashka, Age 14 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
Reply from anti-chocolate lola, Age 15 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
From anti-chocolate lola, Age 15 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
damn i feel so dam darn wel bad i had 5 slices of pizza 5 SLICES!!!! then i had 2 cakes and a slice of fruit loaf and that was just my dinner! HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
Reply from jenn, Age 12 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
From Kathryn, Age 17 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ok, so this is like what, day 6 of Lent, and its super killing me. I admit i have given in to temtation a few times. Actually its not really that, its just that i completley forget that im trying to stop eating choclate -- that shows how much it has become part of my diet i guess... BUT, whenever i think about it i avoid it. I also try to stay away from meat! and soda of course.. boy this is hard. But every time i want some choclate i think how nice it will be to have my pants fit loose!!
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
Reply from Rina, Age 15 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
Reply from Shwee, Age 14 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
From anti-chocolate lola, Age 15 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
to jacque im the person who thought u the anti-chocolate club and i wanna tell u bout it. Right lent is a christian thing where we remember jesus in the desert with no food but you dont have to be christian to do this. So we give up something we really love. Anyway i decided we could all give up chocolatw and i thought about the anti-chocolate club. So all u hav to do is say in a post that you are in the anti-chocolate club and give up lent until easter. and tell everyone if you loose anything how much you loose or how it has changed you :)
From anti-chocolate lola, Age 15 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
ooo happy valentins day nd read my post below :) <3
From rachel, Age 13 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
i am havin reali bad probems wiv me boyfriend he finks he is fat wen he is not but the fing e needs 2 no is tht i love him nd always will so happy valentines day babe love u! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx any1 else gt the same prob plz reply
Reply from anti-chocolate lola, Age 15 - 02/15/05 - IP#:
Reply from jenn to rachel, Age 12 - 02/15/05 - IP#:
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
Reply from anti-chocolate lola, Age 15 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
Reply from anti-chocolate lola, Age 15 - 02/14/05 - IP#:
From Alexis, Age 16 - 02/14/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Okay, so its almost one week into my lent promise and i can say that i've done very very well. I think the only thing i kinda slipped on was on Saturday nights dinner. I was up skiing at a ski resort and i was feeling very hungry beacuse all i had that day was a salad for lunch, and i had already worked out for 2 hours that day! So i had some fried chicken and french fries. Oh well. I still list 6 lbs after that so thats okay. I relaly cant believe that i've lost 6 lbs in the past week. i so cant wait to go to the beach with my boyfriend.. that'll be so nice Well Email me if you want: Be good and stay healthy!
Reply from jenn To shea, Age 12 - 02/15/05 - IP#:
Reply from anti-chocolate lola, Age 15 - 02/15/05 - IP#:
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