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From kelly, Age 17 - 11/22/04 - IP#: 24.119.211.xxx  Click here to reply  
if i still have only 1200 cals per day, and i have like 400 of thm after 10 pm though will i gain weight?
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 11/24/04  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 16 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 152.163.100.xxx

From candice, Age 17 - 11/22/04 - IP#: 204.210.239.xxx  Click here to reply  
during the weekend i eat normally and dont really worry ab food and i end up having like a sandwich and snack for lunch no breakfast and a hamberger and fries or something for dinner but during the weekday i have cheerleading everyday so i wake up and have cereal (1 bowl) then drink an instant breakfast (low cal) for snack and for lunch i have like a power bar or veggies then for dinner i have some more veggies with dip....
Reply from Alannah, Age 15 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 172.128.160.xxx
Reply from skinnyrunnergrl, Age 14 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 152.163.100.xxx
Reply from casey, Age 14 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 206.148.72.xxx

From Claudia, Age 17 - 11/22/04 - IP#: 4.46.192.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hello everybody this is my first time in this website so im a liitle bit shy about telling my problem. I am really over weight,i weight 260 and i need your advice on how to stick with a diet i tried so many times but i always failed.I have very low confidence in myself please somebody HELP!!!
Reply from ~* Kat *~, Age 19 - 11/23/04  - IP#: 152.163.100.xxx
Reply from ?, Age 15 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 65.137.29.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 16 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 152.163.100.xxx

From lauren, Age 17 - 11/22/04 - IP#: 212.219.8.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey people,ive got some useful tips for you here which you may want to try out. i lost four pounds last week by just doing these small changes i ate what i wanted as long as it was a reasonable portion but made sure i had a salad for lunch. For example a typicals day's diet was cereal for breakfast, an apple as a mid morning snack, a salad at lunch, and what ever my mum cooked at dinner. i worked out for half an hour each night. i did ten minutes of skipping (jump rope) which burns 100 calories!!! also i have got a dvd which has lots of toning exercises which lasts around twenty minutes so istuck that on. it just basically consists of exercises for your bum, legs and abs. i also danced around to my favourite songs for ten mintues. anyway it really helped :D if you want any more info or diets that you can try then email me at curly_girlie8804@hotmail.com good luck and keep up the good work!!!
Reply from Jackie, Age 16 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 24.14.141.xxx

From Jane, Age 14 - 11/22/04 - IP#: 24.180.130.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey I am going to start being a vegetarian because supposedly it helps you lose fat. is anyone a veggie or have been one?? does or did it work??? thanks!
Reply from melissa, Age 10 - 04/20/06  - IP#: 70.245.140.xxx
Reply from Dani, Age 16 - 11/23/04  - IP#: 68.37.63.xxx
Reply from Katherine, Age 15 - 11/23/04  - IP#: 68.100.185.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 16 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 152.163.100.xxx

From Matt M., Age 14 - 11/22/04 - IP#: 69.160.84.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey guys i want to exercise but i dont want to over do it so if some one has a plan or idea so i wont over do it plz let me know thanks
Reply from LAUREN, Age 12 - 11/27/04  - IP#: 66.56.227.xxx

From fatty, Age 14 - 11/22/04 - IP#: 141.150.203.xxx  Click here to reply  
did any1 here do kickboxing.Does it help
Reply from Mercedes, Age 13 - 12/03/04  - IP#: 217.225.207.xxx
Reply from Marina, Age 17 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 24.215.12.xxx

From Amanda Lynn, Age 15 - 11/21/04 - IP#: 66.255.214.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey I was thinking about trying palaties or soemthing? Are they a good idea when trying to lose weight?
Reply from Amanda Lynn, Age 15 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 66.255.214.xxx
Reply from courtney, Age 17 - 11/21/04  - IP#: 69.75.244.xxx

From meredith, Age 14 - 11/21/04 - IP#: 67.249.222.xxx  Click here to reply  
I really want to go from 145 to 125. I used to be on atkins before summer and I got down to 134. I gained it all back though. Is there any indoor excersizes I can do. I have this thing were I dont want people to see me running outside. Cause my neighborhood is very nosey.
Reply from eva, Age 15 - 11/21/04  - IP#: 64.229.38.xxx
Reply from fatC, Age 13 - 11/21/04  - IP#: 70.240.194.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 11/21/04  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx

From candice, Age 17 - 11/21/04 - IP#: 204.210.239.xxx  Click here to reply  
i woke up and had black coffee for breakfast...for lunch i had a yogurt,fast breakt bar and wheat thins...for dinner i had a snack bar by slim fast and carrots with fat free dip...
Reply from 111, Age 13 - 11/21/04  - IP#: 4.26.223.xxx

From Taylor, Age 13 - 11/21/04 - IP#: 171.66.176.xxx  Click here to reply  
please help me ok so i weigh 245lbs and that wayyyy over weight and im excersizing and everythin but still i cannot lose weight no matter what i do i do sit ups and weight lifting and walking but i cant do that much cause i recently broke my foot but i have to be able to hike alot in yosemite and liek i need to lose weight and get in better shape... so please try and help me w/ this and like just tell me some excersizes or anything to help me lose wieght like diets really i open to anything
Reply from runnergurl11, Age 14 - 11/25/04  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx
Reply from ?, Age 15 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 65.137.29.xxx
Reply from ~* Kat *~, Age 19 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 152.163.100.xxx
Reply from *missy*, Age 14 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 67.10.213.xxx
Reply from kathryn, Age 16 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 80.131.92.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx

From Kathryn, Age 16 - 11/21/04 - IP#: 80.131.92.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ok, tell me what you think: Combined with light (light cuz im just starting and im not very strong) exercise do you think my diet (no, not a "diet",but a diet in the actual sense of the word, as in, what i eat in a day) is healthy enough that it will help me reach my goal of dropping 40-50lbs by next june? Here it is: (Note--im in germany for the year, so my diet is VERY different from at home) Breakfast: 1,2 or 3 slices of bread (usually not white) with nutella and a glass of (VERY whole) milk. (there is no skim milk in germany, theres just one, and its like 3.5%) Lunch: It varies, my host mother always cooks something hot and healthy, like pasta or pizza and usually a salad too. plus a tall glass of coke, sprit or fanta. I usually have a little snack, either some yogurt or some chocolate in the afternoon. Dinner-small meal. Always bread, i usually have 3 peices, with butter, and then... (view more)
Reply from kathryn, Age 16 - 11/23/04  - IP#: 80.131.79.xxx
Reply from ?, Age 15 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 65.137.29.xxx
Reply from Grace, Age 15 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 24.62.180.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 11/21/04  - IP#: 66.220.240.xxx

From Matt, Age 15 - 11/21/04 - IP#: 206.45.179.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey, i'm 5"7 and i weigh 185 i would like to get down to 160 by april-may ish. i would like to lose my belly and get some abs and look good(i don' wanna be really muscular just toned . starting tomorroe i am going to the weight room three times a week at 7:20 in the morn. at skewl and running the other 2 if i keep this up and do some other exercises do you think i can do it?? and i ould appreciate and help thanx.REPLY ASAP THANX:D:D:D
Reply from *missy*, Age 14 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 67.10.213.xxx
Reply from Iwannabefabuloss, Age 14 - 11/21/04  - IP#: 70.240.194.xxx

From justine, Age 13 - 11/21/04 - IP#: 24.190.67.xxx  Click here to reply  
well im really overweight but i dont look that big but i feel sooo big. i tryed out for high school winter track and i had to do this test cause im in middle school, and i went throught this week of being sore and i didnt maje it cause i didnt run the mile and a half fast enough but i really tried my hardrest, so i still run a mile and a half every week day after dinner. i play bball and softball. it helps me lose a little weight but im upset that i didny make track cause my sister lost ALOT of weight from that and i know i could do it. i just need some support cause im really upset!!!!! :(((
Reply from runnergurl11, Age 14 - 11/25/04  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx
Reply from brit, Age 13 - 11/21/04  - IP#: 4.26.223.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 11/21/04  - IP#: 66.220.240.xxx
Reply from kathryn, Age 16 - 11/21/04  - IP#: 80.131.92.xxx

From FatC, Age 13 - 11/21/04 - IP#: 70.240.194.xxx  Click here to reply  
PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Umm...ok, i usually eat lunch at school b/c i can NEVER remember to make my lunch, anyway all of my school's food is soooo nasty and gross and greasy and by just looking at it you can just tell it's worse than McDonalds. So, I know its not good to skip meals but I dont really see any other choice. No matter what I do, I just cant remember to make my lunch. If I do bring my lunch I usually bring soup and a sandwhich but that gets a little old. Of course I'm in Junior High, so it's not like I can leave campus and get somrthing healthy and eat it there. Actually, my school does have salads, occasionally, and they're not all that bad, but this one friend always asks if I'm on a diet. I'm embarrassed to yes but I'm embarrassed to say no, cuz then its like she doesn't recognize she NEEDS to be on a diet. Also, I'm in all GT (Gifted and Talented--similair to... (view more)
Reply from Grace, Age 15 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 24.62.180.xxx
Reply from jen, Age 15 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 142.177.178.xxx
Reply from *missy*, Age 14 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 67.10.213.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 11/22/04  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx
Reply from brit, Age 13 - 11/21/04  - IP#: 4.26.223.xxx

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