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From Shocked dad, Child's Age 13 - 08/28/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Um my boy has told me he wants to gain weight and this is concerning very concerning any advive
Reply from Ryan, Age 16 - 10/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Jolene, Child's Age 14 - 09/03/15  - IP#:

From Matthew, Child's Age 14 - 08/24/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter is looking really obese/overweight but we cant do anything as she refuses to get weighed by us and also at the doctors she will throw a tantrum because she doesn't want to get weighed. She is starting to look really big please help
Reply from Jolene, Child's Age 14 - 09/03/15  - IP#:
Reply from Tamela, Child's Age 14 - 08/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from A, Child's Age 20 - 08/27/15  - IP#:

From Michelle, Child's Age 14 - 08/24/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter now 14 has always been a little bit chubby but lately has put on a lot of weight. She refuses to get weighed at the doctors & so I became very curious and find a notebook where she recorded her weight she is 160cm tall and 70 kilos !!!! I cant say anything as she will know I was going through her things.she carries most weight in her stomach , legs and face. And she is starting to look like an obese woman. Please help me !!!! Desperate for answers and help.

From Concerned-Mom, Child's Age 17 - 08/22/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter is 17, 5 feet tall, and 195 pounds. She has been chubby her whole life and "overweight" for a few years. She gained 10-20 pounds per year since she was 14, and gained 35 pounds in the last year. Is she obese?? Why did she put on so much weight?? I try to cook healthy meals. She eats so much, she gorges herself at dinner every night, her portions are really big, but no matter how much food I give her she wants more. I feel awful withholding food from her so I just buy more food. She always snacks before dinner. The first thing she does when she gets home from school is get a bag of potato chips and lay down in front of the TV. She eats ice cream every night after dinner. I used to give her a small bowl of ice cream when she was younger. Now that she's older she gets it herself and her portions of it keep getting bigger. She will mindlessly eat it right out of the tub while... (view more)
Reply from Jessica - 09/24/15  - IP#:

From sandy, Child's Age 7 - 08/09/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My son is 6.1/2 he weights 88 lbs.but he is tall for his age,,but his weight has me scared..idk what to,do,hes not to be any place else bit his play out side,,but he also likes to play viedo games,,sometimes to much,i just need to do.something before he gets bigger..but idk what,,he is active,n his weight dont.seem to bother him,,but it bothersme because its jard to find cloths to fit around, his tummy,,he dont eat candy,,or cake n stuff like that but when he eats,,sometime he eats a bit ro much,,,i need help tonwhat to do in saying,no,,,,when i say no about certin things,at.times he will throw a fit,,n times.he wont,,,ao idk,,i just hope he will be as tall as my husband,,everyone says hea tall n he will grow out of it..i hope so,,my nephew was bigger,,when he was litle now hes 15,n he so skinny,,hopefully that will be my son,,

From Ian, Child's Age 10 - 08/01/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I am obese. Morbidly obese. I am about 30 stone and life is a daily struggle of pain for me. My son has helped me with a lot over his short life because of things my weight makes difficult but my eating habits have become his. I have tried very hard to keep him away from junk food, but I can't keep away and it has become a serious problem for him. He has become obese like me and life is starting to get difficult. He is constantly in pain in his knees and back. He is having trouble getting out of breath too easily. He is outgrowing his clothes quickly. In short he is becoming me and much earlier than I did. At his age I wasn't even 8 stone - still very much the fat kid in my day but my boy is struggling with almost 14 stone on his small frame. It hurts me to see him so overweight yet I cannot control my eating. I worry I am addicted to food and now he will be too.
Reply from Andrea, Child's Age 15 - 08/11/15  - IP#:

From Merdi, Child's Age 17 - 07/25/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter was never overweight. Then all of a sudden she gained a lot of weight. When I say a lot I mean a ton. She is fat and gross. She gained aver 80lbs in 6 months. She needs new clothes all the time and she still wears bikinis. When she sits wearing a bikini you can not see the bottom part. Her fat covers it. She weighs 195 lbs and is 5'3. I dont know what to do with her. She refuses to exercise and will not follow a diet. I am embarrased to be seen with her. How fat is she. Is she obese.
Reply from Andrea - 08/01/15  - IP#:

From Charles, Child's Age 12 - 07/25/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
An update 3 months on.
We've made little progress with my son's weight. He has been on a calorie restricted diet at home and we've been taking him swimming on the weekend for exercise but he hasn't lost any weight. He has in fact gained some (13 lbs) . The doctor is baffled by what's happening as are we. He eats healthy, small portions. He exercises. Help.
Reply from Andrea - 08/01/15  - IP#:

From MightyMommy, Child's Age 11 - 06/18/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I just don't know what to do with my son anymore. He's only 11. 5ft tall. But he ways 165lbs. I swear he's always eating because of boredom. I try so get him to go play. I've done the nutritionist thing amd he cried because he didn't want to go. I've doNE the sports... I've taken out the junk food. If he's bored he eats. I can't constantly entertain him to prevent his boredom. We don't do fast food and I cook healthy stuff... but 2 or 3 servings later.
And in an hour he wants a snack... then another.... them another. If he doesn't get it he cries and throws temper tantrums
He turns his father against me... who is convinced he will grow into the weight. What can I do? :(
Reply from Jolene, Child's Age 14 - 07/10/15  - IP#:
Reply from Michael, Child's Age 20 - 07/01/15  - IP#:
Reply from Ann, Child's Age 14 - 06/19/15  - IP#:

From Lucy, Child's Age 10 - 06/01/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter, Heather, is ten years old, and as I have split with my husband I get her four days a week to look after. Her gets her friday-sunday, I get Monday-thursday.
The problem is, Heather has been gaining quite a bit of weight recently - she's always been a tad chubby, I'll admit, but over the past year (since me and my partner split up) she's really ballooned, to my dismay. I don't know her exact weight or height (she hasn't told me) but she's definitely quite overweight now, painful as it is to admit as a mother. She has a noticeably round, protruding belly that she is very self conscious about, and has a lot of trouble finding clothes that fit nicely.
If I had her all the time this wouldn't be a problem as I'd just change her diet up so she eats healthier - indeed, that's exactly what I did a few months ago. When she continued to gain weight I talked to her, and learnt... (view more)

Reply from Andrea - 08/01/15  - IP#:
Reply from MightyMommy, Child's Age 11 - 06/18/15  - IP#:
Reply from Ann, Child's Age 14 - 06/05/15  - IP#:

From Ann, Child's Age 14 - 04/27/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My family is trying to make a change. Last week we went to the doctors and the issue of weight got brought up as it always does and I got defensive as I always do. The doctor insisted this time that all 3 of my boys (14, 12 and 9) get blood work done as he was concerned. We went and they had blood taken and then went back on Friday. All three had high cholesterol and not just a little elevated but dangerously high. The two younger ones also have prediabetes. Today will be the first day we dont stop at mcdonalds for an after school snack. We have started going for walks this weekend and I realized how out of shape I am. I'm only a handful of pounds over and it has been a long time since I did anything vigorous. After 5 minutes I had 3 red faced panting boys with me. After 10 minutes they were begging to go home and I was feeling the strain myself. I didn't try and change their eating this... (view more)
Reply from Ann, Child's Age 14 - 07/12/15  - IP#:
Reply from Jolene, Child's Age 14 - 07/12/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 05/22/15  - IP#:
Reply from Marcus, Child's Age 13 - 04/29/15  - IP#:
Reply from Ann, Child's Age 14 - 04/29/15  - IP#:
Reply from Marcus, Child's Age 15 - 04/28/15  - IP#:
Reply from Emily, Child's Age 17 - 04/28/15  - IP#:
Reply from Ann, Child's Age 14 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Marcus, Child's Age 15 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Ann, Child's Age 14 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Marcus, Child's Age 15 - 04/27/15  - IP#:

From Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/24/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Over the last few years (since about 10) my son has been getting fatter and my wife and I didn't notice. On vacation he'd keep his shirt on when we went swimming. At home he wore baggy clothes to hide his size. Yesterday I walked into his room and he had shirt off and saw he had breasts. Not small ones either, ones almost the size of his mother. His belly was huge, soft and covered in stretch marks. I had been repressing the idea that he was big but now the evidence was clear. I weighed him and measured his gut (210 lbs and 51 inches!) and found out he was borrowing clothes from his bigger friends so that we wouldn't notice he was gaining weight. He did not seem to be bothered by his weight at all and does not want to lose. How do I put him back on the right path?
Reply from Andrea, Child's Age 15 - 08/11/15  - IP#:
Reply from Andrea, Child's Age 15 - 08/11/15  - IP#:
Reply from Ted, Child's Age 18 - 07/21/15  - IP#:
Reply from Ryan - 07/17/15  - IP#:
Reply from john, Child's Age 15 - 06/07/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 05/20/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 05/18/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 05/02/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 05/01/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 05/01/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/30/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/29/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/29/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/29/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/29/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/29/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/29/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/28/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/28/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/28/15  - IP#:
Reply from 13, Child's Age 13 - 04/28/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/25/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/25/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/25/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/25/15  - IP#:
Reply from Charles, Child's Age 12 - 04/25/15  - IP#:

From Bea, Child's Age 15 - 04/23/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter keeps gaining weight. I know she weighs about 200 lbs. her stomach is huge,looks pregnat. She exercises with her brothers, but, even though they are quite slim, she keeps growing. We cook quite healthy and exercise as a family, but her belly is massive, bouncing and jiggling and sticking out of her clothes. I love her, but I don't know what to do.
Reply from Helena, Child's Age 9 - 09/17/15  - IP#:
Reply from Darcia, Child's Age 11 - 05/26/15  - IP#:

From Karl, Child's Age 11 - 04/17/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I am still struggling with my step-sons weight. As I said before, I've been married to his mother for about a year and didnt want to bring it up while we were dating or engaged but he is huge and no one seems to care. I've tried bringing it up with my wife but she says he's fine. He's not though. I don't know what to do. Can someone please help? Either reply on here or email me directly

From Lisa, Child's Age 17 - 04/16/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I believe my son is getting fat. He his 5'5 and is probably done growing. He was very skinny growing up until about a year ago. Last November he weighed 127 lbs on our scale. Now he ways around 140 lbs on the scale. However, I decided to test our scale's accuracy by putting 100 lbs of dumbbells on it, and it only came out as 95.6 lbs! So when I do the math, accurately my son was probably around 133 lbs last november and is now a little over 145! He used to be athletic when he was young but not so much in his teen years. Last year, his clothes were usually either 16-18 xl child size or small sized shirts, and wore size 28 pants. Now he has to wear medium sized shirts and his size 30 pants are ready to pop open! His waist is around 36 inches! Just last year it was not even 34... The majority of his gains are going to his belly and his chest. I am worried because he is most likely done growing, and his father is pretty large. Also, he is very picky and doesn't have a large appetite, however it has been increasing recently. Is he overweight? Should I trust my bathroom scale or no?
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Lisa, Child's Age 17 - 04/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Lisa, Child's Age 17 - 04/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/25/15  - IP#:

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