From Linda, Child's Age 10 - 03/28/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
my daughter is overweight i try to help her eat healthy but its hard i think in my opinion everything we eat is bad. im 33 years old and she pretty much weighs what i do and shes only 10 so what do i do i feel bad for her and try to help but i am running out of ideas nothing seem to work anymore. I finally put her in sports so im hoping that may help some.
Reply from Ashlie - 05/04/12 - IP#:
From Kristy, Child's Age 11 - 03/21/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, my daughter is 11 years old and weighs 127 pounds. She is a gymnast, so i know some of the weight is muscle, but she should weigh no more than 110. She herself is upset about the weight, but she cannot seem to lose it. We do not keep pop at our home and very little junk food. She has been gaining alot of weight lately and im not sure what to do, can someone give me some advice.
Reply from Ashlie - 04/03/12 - IP#:
From janet, Child's Age 13 - 03/08/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
My 13yr old daughter has been gaining weight over last 12 mths and was very inactive. Over last 12 mths we have been motivating her and begrudingly does a weekly bike ride joined local fitzone gym where she goes once a week and also goes swimming once a week too. I have started cooking meals at home limiting choclate and crisps to a minimum, she does not drink fizzy drinks only water or tea but she does not seem to be losing any weight at all even with this increased activity, how can I help her more to lose the weight as she finds it embarassing at school in pe?
Reply from Ashlie - 03/16/12 - IP#:
From Heidi, Child's Age 13 - 02/07/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi...I'm new to this board,my son is quite over weight for his age,13,he suffers from anxiety and depression and is on meds for it.He's 5ft 2inch,and weighs as much as me 140lbs.He is very inactive and does no sports anymore,used to play soccer for 8 yrs,but doesn't do it anymore,can't force a 13 yr old to do something he doesn't want to do anymore.His eating habits suck,all he wants to eat is JUNK.Well started him on a diet yesterday,he came to us and said he wants to lose weight,by the way he has man-boobs,which he is very self consience about as well.I have been worried about his weight issue for a long time,all his friends are very social and seem to be interested in sports and girls etc,like a typical 13 yr old should be,but with my son,I know its the weight issue that is holding him back from being like his friends are.I hope that he will feel better about himself when he loses 15 ... (view more)Hi...I'm new to this board,my son is quite over weight for his age,13,he suffers from anxiety and depression and is on meds for it.He's 5ft 2inch,and weighs as much as me 140lbs.He is very inactive and does no sports anymore,used to play soccer for 8 yrs,but doesn't do it anymore,can't force a 13 yr old to do something he doesn't want to do anymore.His eating habits suck,all he wants to eat is JUNK.Well started him on a diet yesterday,he came to us and said he wants to lose weight,by the way he has man-boobs,which he is very self consience about as well.I have been worried about his weight issue for a long time,all his friends are very social and seem to be interested in sports and girls etc,like a typical 13 yr old should be,but with my son,I know its the weight issue that is holding him back from being like his friends are.I hope that he will feel better about himself when he loses 15 lbs,he seems determined to stick to it.I have cut all processed foods out,pop,pizza...just sticking to healthy lunches,veggies lean meats,fruits.I know it will be hard for him the first 2 weeks,but have told him he will feel better,and have more energy...and who knows maybe he won't need his meds anymore once his self esteem is back and he feels better about himself.Just wanted to share this with other parents going thru the same situation.Thankyou Heidi(concerened mom) (view less)
Reply from Ashlie - 03/16/12 - IP#:
From Lisa, Child's Age 12 - 02/03/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
My husband and I have desided to send our daughter to weight loss camp. She also has a friend whome I concider a littleoverweight and think she should go with my daughter this summer. How do I go about talking to her mother about this? It would make my daughter so happy to have friend with her, but this girls mother never mentions her childs weight.
Reply from Ashlie - 03/16/12 - IP#:
From Isabelle, Child's Age 12 - 01/11/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
I am writing this to encourage parents of overweight children to have their kids feet checked by an experienced podiatrist - you won't believe the difference it can make! This time last year my 11 year old son Ben was tipping the scales at 175 pounds, which for his age and height (5ft 2 in) put him in the obese range. He had tried multiple times to lose weight through diet and exercise, but the latter effort was being sabotaged by a common problem among overweight children -- problems with his feet. With Ben increasingly complaining of foot and leg pain during physical activity, I took him to see a podiatrist in Ardmore, PA named Eric Ricefield - and he explained to me taht xxcess weight damages the delicate and immature nature of children’s feet, leaving them at particular risk of deformities and abnormalities. Also, the extra weight puts extra pressure on the joints of ... (view more)I am writing this to encourage parents of overweight children to have their kids feet checked by an experienced podiatrist - you won't believe the difference it can make! This time last year my 11 year old son Ben was tipping the scales at 175 pounds, which for his age and height (5ft 2 in) put him in the obese range. He had tried multiple times to lose weight through diet and exercise, but the latter effort was being sabotaged by a common problem among overweight children -- problems with his feet. With Ben increasingly complaining of foot and leg pain during physical activity, I took him to see a podiatrist in Ardmore, PA named Eric Ricefield - and he explained to me taht xxcess weight damages the delicate and immature nature of children’s feet, leaving them at particular risk of deformities and abnormalities. Also, the extra weight puts extra pressure on the joints of the feet, leading to problems with the way the foot aligns and functions. Balance is affected as well, because heavy kids spend more time balancing on two feet when they walk. rather than one foot, making them extremely unstable All of which creates a huge Catch 22 for overweight children, because… • What’s a critical component of weight loss, especially for kids? Exercise. • But if you’re unstable and have inherent problems with your feet, exercise can be risky and lead to more serious problems. When Dr. Ricefield examined Ben he immediately saw that Ben’s weight had resulted in a severe case of flat feet and a misaligned gait that was more of a side-side motion than a forward stride. Ben was fitted for a corrective orthotic insert that gave him more support, adjusted his balance and allowed him to be more active. A year later, Ben is 32 pounds thinner. And he and I both swear that the turning point was getting his foot problems addressed. Some key learnings here: - If your child if your child has a weight problem, you should be getting their feet checked regularly for any weight related complications. •Before starting an obese child on an exercise program, it’s crucial that you get his or her feet checked by a podiatrist to make sure that he or she can support the specified activity. If you live in the Philadelphia, PA area, I'd recommend Dr. Eric Ricefield - he was great with Ben. Helpful and encouraging without being judgemental or intimidating -- he even called me several times over the course of the year to find out how Ben was doing. YOu can find him online at (view less)
Reply from Holly, Child's Age 12 - 09/04/12 - IP#:
Reply from Erin, Child's Age 10 - 01/18/12 - IP#:
From Kellie, Child's Age 7 - 01/07/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
My seven and a half year old son is considered obese...he weighs approx. 150 lbs...After getting bronchitis this winter the doctor he seen is on a "mission" to follow up with my son over his weight. They have even ordered him to have a sleep test because they say "overweight kids are at risk of sleep apnea" okay...but he doesnt have a problem with this, he also is supposed to see a nutritionist...My son is active, he plays soccer, hes top in his class almost, he isnt shy has a lot of friends, has no diabetes etc....He is overweight, but he also is happy and healthy. What rights do I have as a parent in saying no to these things? I know what is healthy and what isnt, I know that we make unhealthy choices sometimes but we do try to be more conscious...but, some things, we just are not going to change. I feel so much anger and resentment towards his pediatricians office now, I know I... (view more)My seven and a half year old son is considered obese...he weighs approx. 150 lbs...After getting bronchitis this winter the doctor he seen is on a "mission" to follow up with my son over his weight. They have even ordered him to have a sleep test because they say "overweight kids are at risk of sleep apnea" okay...but he doesnt have a problem with this, he also is supposed to see a nutritionist...My son is active, he plays soccer, hes top in his class almost, he isnt shy has a lot of friends, has no diabetes etc....He is overweight, but he also is happy and healthy. What rights do I have as a parent in saying no to these things? I know what is healthy and what isnt, I know that we make unhealthy choices sometimes but we do try to be more conscious...but, some things, we just are not going to change. I feel so much anger and resentment towards his pediatricians office now, I know I shouldnt but I do. The doctor who is ordering this istn his usual physician...she just happened to be the one who was ther the day he was sick and was the only one who could work him in. I am so upset about this, I do want my son to lose weight, but, sometimes, nto everyone is meant to be thin, and maybe he will be one of those people and it is okayt o me, because he is happy. I give him water, but like any kid, he likes Capris SUns, we went from whole to two percent milk, something i swore id never do, but one percent to us, just isnt good, i bought a gallon, well it went bad nobody drank it i threw it out. I buy fruit and veggies, but I also buy Goldfish & Hotpockets...I buy streudels, but I also buy Special K...Ive taught my son to be free thinking and independant....He is almost eight years old. Some things, just cant be changed, but some can, but, I just really wonder if anyone has been in my situaiton. My employers are sick to death of me having to take off (I am a hotel mgr and its my job tobe there) for these appointmnets to the point I am worried if I have to ask off again my job may be in jeaopardy. What do I do, get fired to take him to as leep study when I know he doesnt need it, I know thats a bit extreme and i probably wouldnt get firedf but still...I dont want my employers unhappy with me iether, especially in the economy we live in. I am a single mom who does the best I can, I dont make a lot of money but I make enough we have what we need and some of what we want. (view less)
Reply from amber, Child's Age 7 - 10/15/13 - IP#:
Reply from Annie, Child's Age 16 - 01/09/12 - IP#:
From Kay, Child's Age 17 - 01/05/12 - IP#: Click here to reply
My son just turned 17 and I'm very worried about him. In the fall of 2009 he quit the swimming club he had been a part of since he was 6 years old. He said he was bored. Since then he's put on over 100 pounds. All he does when he's not in school is eat. I've taken him to the doctor and the doctor him him that his weight is out of control and that he has to start losing weight now. But my son refuses to do anything. I know I nag him when I see him eating and snacking. All he says is that he's hungry. He doesn't seem to care how fat he is now. He dies wee in school and has friends and a girlfriend. His girlfriend is very heavy herself. She's a very nice girl so I don't want to hurt her feelings by talking to her about my son's weight, but it seems that both my son and she are just getting fatter and fatter. Can anyone give me some advice? Thanks
Reply from Alex, Child's Age 15 - 03/26/15 - IP#:
Reply from Ashlie - 03/16/12 - IP#:
From Anna Basler, Child's Age 3 - 12/09/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
I have a 3 year son that weights 27lbs and my sister has a 3 year old daughter that is 65lbs. Our kids love to play with one another throughout the week. I feel that her daughter is way overweight to only be three years old. She always seems to been hungry when I see her. During dinner this child's plate looks like an adults! It make me anger to see the way she's getting worse. Where from the south and my mom believes in soul food and having a child eat as much as they can. Therefore my son weighting only 27lbs my mother thinks he is not healthily I think it's where my sisters daughter is so much bigger than him. It's so sad to watch her play! She is alway thirsty and is out of breathe before she can get to where she's going. I really think she's way over weight. I think it's affecting her health but I can't seem to get anyone to listen or do anything about it! I'm afraid when she starts... (view more)I have a 3 year son that weights 27lbs and my sister has a 3 year old daughter that is 65lbs. Our kids love to play with one another throughout the week. I feel that her daughter is way overweight to only be three years old. She always seems to been hungry when I see her. During dinner this child's plate looks like an adults! It make me anger to see the way she's getting worse. Where from the south and my mom believes in soul food and having a child eat as much as they can. Therefore my son weighting only 27lbs my mother thinks he is not healthily I think it's where my sisters daughter is so much bigger than him. It's so sad to watch her play! She is alway thirsty and is out of breathe before she can get to where she's going. I really think she's way over weight. I think it's affecting her health but I can't seem to get anyone to listen or do anything about it! I'm afraid when she starts school other kids will make fun of her. I skin almost looks as if it's stretched so tight that there's no more room for her to gain anymore. Help! What can I say or do to help my problem with this situation without hurting someones feelings. Or is it me? Is normal for a 3 year old to weight 65lbs? (view less)
Reply from sadie, Child's Age 11 - 01/28/12 - IP#:
Reply from Annie, Child's Age 16 - 12/12/11 - IP#:
From Jackie, Child's Age 15 - 12/09/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
I am posting this to tell i have tried to tell my daughter to lose weight and i asked if there is anything she wants to lose weight for. She answered that their isn't anything and she doesn't mind her weight. Anyone else has an idea?
Reply from Lucy - 12/21/11 - IP#:
From Jackie, Child's Age 15 - 11/13/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey all, i am writing this here because i don't know what to do with my daughter. Last year she was active, slim and went played sports. But that all changed, she started gaining weight pretty fast a couple months ago. She goes to the Mcdonalds and buys a lot of candy and such now. Last week i saw here in her now too small bikini and i was shocked. My once slim girl was now really 'fat'. She also has stretchmarks on her belly. So i had a talk with her about her weight, but she just shrugs it off. She just says:"Yea i am a bit chubby, but who cares". I weighed here and she weighs 178 lbs. But after that talk she didn't ajust here eating habits and kept eating junk food, ignoring all my advice. I am happy she is confident with her body, as she has no trouble going out to swim in a bikini, but i really would like her to lose weight. Sorry for the long story but is there anyway i can cinvince my dauther to lose weight or is it the hormones?
Reply from Lucy - 11/21/11 - IP#:
From Kim, Child's Age 8 - 09/20/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, My 8yo daughter is 119 pounds and has been overweight since she was 3. She is an active kid who likes to eat. We control her portions and food at home, but it’s not so easy at day care, school, friend’s house, etc. I was so proud of her last Saturday because after her soccer game they handed out pizza and cupcakes and she chose a small slice of pineapple pizza and declined the cupcake. But the girls on her team really encouraged her to eat the cupcake – because she “played so well and it tastes so good”. I know she wanted one and that it was so hard to say no. How do you help your kids handle these social eating situations? Soccer is an excellent and fun exercise for her but they always have junk food after all the games. The moms don’t want to switch to fruit or better choice because “the girls worked so hard”. It’s very frustrating. It’s similar in other... (view more)Hi, My 8yo daughter is 119 pounds and has been overweight since she was 3. She is an active kid who likes to eat. We control her portions and food at home, but it’s not so easy at day care, school, friend’s house, etc. I was so proud of her last Saturday because after her soccer game they handed out pizza and cupcakes and she chose a small slice of pineapple pizza and declined the cupcake. But the girls on her team really encouraged her to eat the cupcake – because she “played so well and it tastes so good”. I know she wanted one and that it was so hard to say no. How do you help your kids handle these social eating situations? Soccer is an excellent and fun exercise for her but they always have junk food after all the games. The moms don’t want to switch to fruit or better choice because “the girls worked so hard”. It’s very frustrating. It’s similar in other situations, too but soccer bugs me the most because she started doing it to get in better shape…and keeps doing it because it is fun and she is no longer last in PE running, etc. (she sees the benefits). (view less)
Reply from Jessica, Child's Age 13 - 10/16/11 - IP#:
Reply from Ashlie - 09/28/11 - IP#:
From jenna, Child's Age 11 - 08/25/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
ok i am a overwieght preteen i wiegh 374 pounds over 25 st i cant go on like this i said to my mum i had a headace she was at work and no1 else could take me i went to the docters and said my real prombelm she talk to me and helped me tell my mum my wieght since then i have still gained 4 stone mum doesnt know she thinks i only gained a couple of pounds plz help me if your child have big wieght promlem let them help me at thanks
Reply from Ashlie - 03/16/12 - IP#:
From Jim, Child's Age 10 - 08/23/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
My daughter is 10 years old and weighs 150 lbs. Every say is a struggle with food in our house. My daughter eats 3 healthy meals a day with 2 healthy snacks too. We do not keep junk food in our house. I think she looks at food and puts weight on. We have done all we can for her, nutritionalist, endocrinologist, child psychologist all to mo avail. I know we need to get her moving more, as she is a sedentary kid but we do limit her tv to 2 hours a day. Our struggle is where to find her cloths. We are not in bad shape with tops, but are struggling finding her pants. Please, anybody with suggestions, please post.
Reply from Deb, Child's Age 8 - 03/19/12 - IP#:
Reply from Cleo, Child's Age 8 - 11/21/11 - IP#:
Reply from Ashlie - 08/30/11 - IP#:
From Angel, Child's Age 8 - 07/25/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi can somebody please tell me what to do, my daughter is 8 and she weighs 127 pounds.
Reply from Justine, Child's Age 10 - 08/13/11 - IP#:
Reply from Ashlie - 08/02/11 - IP#: