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From Ann, Child's Age 14 - 08/16/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter is 252 pounds and is only 14 and is 5 foot 3. I need help all she does is eat food and watch tv, her weight is going up I weighed her a week ago and she was 245 pounds she gained that much I need help. She doesn’t fit into a lot of clothes arguments happen because I won't give her more food I don't know what to do her weight is blooming. She is in the obese range I’ve tried and all she does is eat, she won’t walk to the doctors because it hurts when she walks and it’s takes her 10 minutes to walk to the bathroom. She has gotten so lazy she won’t even put on clothes and when she walks her legs and her belly giggle. Oven tried with her but someone it’s hard cause she is my only girl and I give her what she wants but now I can’t I need help she can’t fit in to clothes. She was a size 18 at the start of July and now it’s 16th august a week ago a size 30-32 but now I can’t find clothes for her anywhere. She is blooming and getting really big all of a sudden I’ve tried taking her to the doctors she won’t have non of it I need help please someone reply.
Reply from Ann, Child's Age 14 - 08/19/20  - IP#:
Reply from Ann, Child's Age 14 - 08/19/20  - IP#:
Reply from Kay, Child's Age 14 - 08/17/20  - IP#:

From Kay, Child's Age 14 - 08/12/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter Phoebe has gained 55 lbs in the past year. I noticed some weight gain before COVID, but since COVID the increase has become more rapid. Looking back, she was a healthy weight until she was 8, when her BMI started gradually increasing. I managed to get her on the scales yesterday and she weighs 230 lbs. She is only 5'2". I have two other daughters (one older and one younger) who have always been a healthy weight and neither me nor her father are overweight. We did investigate whether there was a medical reason for her weight gain, but everything was ruled out. As I suspected, she eats too much and exercises too little. I can't get her to move and we limit the amount of junk food in the house, but she still overeats on healthy food and it's hard to control, especially now she's a teenager. We try to talk to her about it, but she just tunes us out.
Reply from Ann, Child's Age 14 - 08/19/20  - IP#:
Reply from Kay, Child's Age 14 - 08/17/20  - IP#:
Reply from Ann, Child's Age 14 - 08/16/20  - IP#:

From David, Child's Age 17 - 08/09/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter Emma has put on lots of weight recently at the start of 2020 in January she was (5,5 short for her age really) and weighed 169.4 pounds and now as of yesterday after I begged her to get on the scale she weighs 194.6 pounds! And as I work quite a lot with long hours she is in the house by herself and I come home to find the cupboards raided and all of the crisps and chocolate and cakes eaten in the house I’m worried and am not sure what I should do.
Reply from Seonghwa, Child's Age 18 - 08/09/20  - IP#:

From Ann, Child's Age 14 - 07/29/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My child is only 14 years old and is 250 pounds. All she does is watch tv and eat food the other day I found food rappers under her bed in her clothes. My daughter gets out of breath a lot she struggles getting up of the floor and getting out of bed I have to help her. She has broken 4 beds jumping on then and 3 toilets sets. I told her she needs to lose weight but her bad keeps giving her food and I tell him to stop and he ain’t having non of it. I told her the other day we was going to the beach and she was wearing a bikini and she is quite big and I had to help her off the floor. She is only 14 and a size 22 and she wears clothes what a size 10 girls wear but she says she like it. I know it’s wrong but I get embarrassed I know I shouldn’t but she’s big and wearing bikinis and tank tops. I need help I try and tell her but she doesn’t listen.

From Karen, Child's Age 11 - 07/20/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter has gotten really big but I always ignored how big she was getting. I did not realize how big she was until I watched her need to catch her breath after just climbing a couple stairs. Now her girlfriend lives with us permanently and she is also huge. I weighted them the other day my daughter weights over 500lb and her girlfriend weighs 425lb
Reply from Karen, Child's Age 11 - 07/27/20  - IP#:
Reply from Jesse, Child's Age 11 - 07/26/20  - IP#:
Reply from Andrew, Age 31 - 07/24/20  - IP#:

From Dane, Child's Age 16 - 07/07/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hello Everyone, I'm concerned about my 15 year old son. He weighs 487lbs, I'm not with his father anymore, so he stays at his father for one week then me. His father is biggish 550lbs plus. I am wondering what I should do?
Reply from Kyle, Child's Age 22 - 07/08/20  - IP#:
Reply from Jesse, Child's Age 11 - 07/08/20  - IP#:
Reply from Dane, Child's Age 16 - 07/08/20  - IP#:
Reply from Kyle, Child's Age 22 - 07/07/20  - IP#:

From Justin, Child's Age 17 - 07/06/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hi everyone, I’m concerned about my son Adrian. We saw the doctor today and he’s 275 pounds at 5’10. He was always a chubby kid but this year in particular he was looking very heavy. I knew that he was in the low 200’s this time last year so this is a lot of weight to gain in a year. He is eating loads more compared to the past, he often eats seconds and thirds during supper and when school was in session he would stop at the store and buy junk on his way home.
I’ve encouraged him to eat less and move more, but there was always a level of resistance with exercise and he has spent this quarantine on the couch doing online school, playing video games and eating non-stop. If I buy less junk food from the market he will go out more and buy junk food.
I asked him about his weight on the drive home and he brushed it off. It is very evident that he let himself go physically and I do not know what else to do.
Reply from Seongwha, Child's Age 18 - 07/26/20  - IP#:
Reply from Justin, Child's Age 17 - 07/26/20  - IP#:
Reply from Seongwha, Child's Age 18 - 07/24/20  - IP#:
Reply from Justin, Child's Age 17 - 07/22/20  - IP#:
Reply from Seongwha, Child's Age 18 - 07/22/20  - IP#:
Reply from Justin, Child's Age 17 - 07/21/20  - IP#:
Reply from Seongwha, Child's Age 18 - 07/09/20  - IP#:
Reply from Justin, Child's Age 17 - 07/09/20  - IP#:
Reply from Jesse, Child's Age 11 - 07/08/20  - IP#:
Reply from Jesse, Child's Age 11 - 07/08/20  - IP#:

From Seong Hwa, Child's Age 18 - 06/26/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
do anyone know a website like this that is bit more active? I feel like I benefit from talking to people with same problems and ones I talked to were so nice but there must be some forum that is used bit more. I have trouble talking about these things in real life because no one I know has these problems with their kids. it is hard to find something like this, especially because of my bad English so if anyone has any suggestions or advice. thank you
Reply from anonymous - 06/30/20  - IP#:

From Jess, Child's Age 15 - 06/17/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I am very worried about my 15 year old son. Two years ago he was pretty skinny, 13 and 5 foot 1 (160lbs).Around this point he started visiting with his father (who I separated with when he was young).
His father was always chubby, and at this point must be over 400lbs. Now he has custody on the weekends.
Over those two years my boy has just gotten bigger and bigger, and I am very worried for him. His health has gotten really bad, he struggles to go up more then one flight of stairs, getting winded, and has complained of back pain and leg pain.
I have always tried to cook healthily and keep my kids active, though he never was big on athletics, when he is with me I try to get him out on his bike or at least walking, but it is getting harder and harder because of his size. Last fall, at his pediatrician appointment, he was five foot five and a scary 262lbs, I knew he was... (view more)

Reply from Justin, Child's Age 17 - 07/06/20  - IP#:
Reply from Jess, Child's Age 15 - 06/25/20  - IP#:
Reply from Seong Hwa, Child's Age 18 - 06/24/20  - IP#:
Reply from Tessa, Child's Age 14 - 06/21/20  - IP#:
Reply from Jess, Child's Age 15 - 06/21/20  - IP#:
Reply from Jess, Child's Age 15 - 06/21/20  - IP#:
Reply from Jess, Child's Age 15 - 06/20/20  - IP#:
Reply from Seong Hwa, Child's Age 18 - 06/20/20  - IP#:
Reply from Jesse, Child's Age 11 - 06/18/20  - IP#:
Reply from marge, Child's Age 15 - 06/18/20  - IP#:

From marge, Child's Age 16 - 05/31/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hello everyone my daughter is 400lbs im very concerned for her. She constantly says she is hungry. I dont know how to stop her from eating. Shes bullied alot and barely fits in seats and cars. I dont know how to talk to her about her weight. Quarantine is not helping. Please help!
Reply from marge, Child's Age 16 - 06/01/20  - IP#:
Reply from Dan, Child's Age 15 - 06/01/20  - IP#:

From Dan, Child's Age 15 - 05/31/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hello everyone
I'm new here, and I'm looking forward to meeting some other people.
I have two sons, a 15 and a 11 year old. I am a bit concerned about their weights. My oldest son weighs 493lbs (223kg), and my youngest weighs 321lbs (146kg). The covid lock down isn't helping with their weight too. My oldest son complaints about pain in his knee, and back. Just recently his stretch marks are hurting, and in the last 1-2 years, my oldest son has had rashes/sores on his skin, due to his skin rubbing together.
Reply from George, Child's Age 15 - 06/06/20  - IP#:
Reply from kyle, Child's Age 21 - 06/05/20  - IP#:
Reply from Dan, Child's Age 15 - 06/05/20  - IP#:
Reply from kyle, Child's Age 21 - 06/04/20  - IP#:
Reply from Dan, Child's Age 15 - 06/04/20  - IP#:
Reply from Jesse, Child's Age 11 - 06/02/20  - IP#:
Reply from Dan, Child's Age 15 - 06/02/20  - IP#:
Reply from Dave, Child's Age 16 - 06/02/20  - IP#:
Reply from Dan, Child's Age 15 - 06/01/20  - IP#:
Reply from Dave, Child's Age 16 - 06/01/20  - IP#:
Reply from Dan, Child's Age 15 - 06/01/20  - IP#:
Reply from Dave, Child's Age 16 - 05/31/20  - IP#:

From Tessa, Child's Age 14 - 05/24/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hello, it has been a crazy beginning of the year for all of us. DH works in the medical field, and I work in retail management/marketing for a supermarket so luckily we are both still employed and not facing down this crisis head on like so many people.
Lots of ups and downs. My oldest has basically reached his goal weight of 150lbs (at 5 foot 8) so we are all very proud of him.
That said, this virus and lockdown has hit right when our kids would normally be the busiest with sports and activities, and while we have been stressing maintaining an active lifestyle (playing basketball, biking safely, etc) both me and DH are working longer and more unpredictable hours so we can't really check up on my middle son's (Jack, 14YO) activity levels.
In early March, he did come to us and ask for help with his weight, which was a surprise as before he had been very argumentative about ... (view more)

From Bill, Child's Age 19 - 05/21/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I am writing over a concern over my son considerable weight gain in his freshman year in collage. He has had weight issues through High School. But I was surprised when came home early because of the Covid and school closing. My ex wife says he told her he has gained about 80 pounds. she does not seem to be as concerned as I am. looking for any advice.
Reply from Tessa, Child's Age 14 - 05/24/20  - IP#:

From Dave, Child's Age 16 - 04/11/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
How are you doing during those times we have now? Things going like normal, or is it hard to encourage physical activity and good eating habits? Here, luckily going for walks is still no problem, but school and university is closed until further notice.
Reply from Jesse, Child's Age 11 - 05/12/20  - IP#:

From Tammie, Child's Age 17 - 04/08/20 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hello, this is my first time posting here. My daughter is somewhat chubby (5 feet and 140ish pounds). My problem is, she seems to take food whenever she is left home alone. Somehow she is still losing weight (she was 170 ish pounds) but I’m not sure how. Anyway, what do I do about her sneaking food? A few months back I found evidence of her hoarding snacks in a drawer in her room. Every time she’s left alone, food turns up missing. She’ll go through half a jar of peanut butter, or half a box of cereal, or bread, in one sitting while me and her dad are not home. I even think she’s eating the sugar and flour. I don’t know what to do.
Reply from Christine, Child's Age 16 - 05/22/20  - IP#:
Reply from Jesse, Child's Age 11 - 04/09/20  - IP#:

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