From Sydney, Age 14 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi I sydney and i weigh 160, I'm like 5'5'' and I am working out everyday with a resistance band which I can tell I am gradually toning up (I'm proud)but my diet I think maybe slowing me down a bit from reaching my goal...what do you think? If you ave any good food habits that have helped you or any advice otherwise, please let me know, Thanks my email is ,Sydney
Reply from marylin, Age 14 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
From kristi, Age 15 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
ok today i had b special k bar (90) lunch- 2 100 cal packs and propel (220) snack lean pocket (280) dinner toco salad (250) is that ok for today softball practice tonight oo
Reply from Lauren, Age 15 - 03/09/05 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Mariee, Age 16 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Stacie, Age 17 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from jenn, Age 12 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from cocoa, Age 13 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
From lindsay, Age 16 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey well today my mom bought me the weight watchers package so im going to start tomorrow.. my goal weight is 120 and im 5'4 and weight 142 right now.. i run so how much weight do u think i can lose in a week just out of curiusity.. thanks
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Jasmine, Age 17 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from lindsay, Age 16 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from marylin, Age 14 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Jasmine, Age 17 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from lindsay, Age 16 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
From ashley, Age 14 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
i'm having trouble. for the first time in forever i had a huge binge, and i got so angry at myself that i couldnt stop eating, so i ate more, and then i like went into my backpack and ate like 5 laxatives which i know dont work to help lose weight, you still absorb the calories, but it gets rid of water weight. i have these from a period in my life when i was anorexic and bulemic, i'd eating nothing and flush myself out, and i'm so mad at myself,why did i have to eat so terribly??!? im on the points system and they have 35 flexi points and i dont think i ate more than that range hopefully... hopefully. oh god, i dont know what to do. i feel like im in a car swerving and i cant stop. ugh and i had lost 10 pounds. please, help me for once. i know a lot of you guys hate me for my opinions, but i really need help. god i need help. omg i just want to die.
Reply from L!nd$eY, Age 13 - 03/09/05 - IP#:
Reply from mandie, Age 16 - 03/09/05 - IP#:
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 03/09/05 - IP#:
Reply from Kendra, Age 19 - 03/09/05 - IP#:
From Jen, Age 14 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey guys! I am so glad i found this website because I am desperate to lose weight. Kk... here' s pretty much my story. I've been fat all my life and I have no one to blame because everyone else in my family is so thin. I can only blame myself because I love food! I hate my body so much... I am 5'1 and weigh nearly 300 pounds and life pretty much sucks. Even things like sleeping are hard because it hurts to roll over! My mom got me a nutritionist a couple of years ago when i was 10 or 11 but i never followed the directions she gave me so my mom refuses to spend the money and get me one again. I try working out but i can't even do a sit-up or a crunch. Does anyone else here have similar stats and is in a similar situation which they can maybe possible help me? Post back please!
Reply from matt, Age 15 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from kristi, Age 15 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from mariee, Age 16 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from jenn, Age 12 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
From Blaya, Age 14 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
If you jump on the trampoline for 15 minutes a day and eat less and eat healthy would it make a diference in your weight? I want to go on like a non-major diet, but I want it to actually work. Please help me out!!! Thank you!
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from marylin, Age 14 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Jasmine, Age 17 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
From Lauren, Age 15 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey ! PPLZ wutss up ? Nuttin at all going on hea .. look i need to lose some weight for the summer im going on a nice cruise and i want to b in a bikini .. a sexy bikini for the summer ... so0o any one got any answers or suggestions on how to lose weight !! [ the healthy way ]
Reply from Catherine, Age 16 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Sydney, Age 14 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
From Nicole, Age 14 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
I have stretch marks and i know they dont go away but will they fade at all when i lose weight.
Reply from Nicole, Age 14 - 03/09/05 - IP#:
Reply from Amber, Age 14 - 03/09/05 - IP#:
Reply from Heather, Age 18 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
From Me, Age 17 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
i am so unfit. just dne 4-5 mins of steping my heart was poundin. but im gona do this. must get thinnerr! lol.
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
From jordy, Age 15 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey im jordan i hate how i look and fell, can someone please tell me some facts on how to exercise more so its fun and what to eat so i get halthier and loose 15 pounds before summer thanks everyone!!!!
Reply from Angie, Age 15 - 03/18/05 - IP#:
Reply from mariee, Age 16 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from jenn, Age 12 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
From Marylin, Age 14 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Wow jenn u like to talk, go to so we can chat!
Reply from Jasmine, Age 17 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from me, Age 18 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Fifi, Age 17 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from jenn, Age 12 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
From Jasmine, Age 17 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
To help here is a thing I saw in a magazine. Ask Your Doctor About Sensible Goals Your doctor or other health worker can help you set sensible goals based on a proper weight for your height, build and age. Men and very active women may need up to 2,500 calories daily. Other women and inactive men need only about 2,000 calories daily. A safe plan is to eat 300 to 500 fewer calories a day to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. Exercise 30 Minutes Do at least 30 minutes of exercise, like brisk walking, most days of the week. The idea is to use up more calories than you eat. You need to use up the day's calories and some of the calories stored in your body fat. Eat Less Fat and Sugar This will help you cut calories. Fried foods and fatty desserts can quickly use up a day's calories. And these foods may not provide the other nutrients you need. Tips... (view more)To help here is a thing I saw in a magazine. Ask Your Doctor About Sensible Goals Your doctor or other health worker can help you set sensible goals based on a proper weight for your height, build and age. Men and very active women may need up to 2,500 calories daily. Other women and inactive men need only about 2,000 calories daily. A safe plan is to eat 300 to 500 fewer calories a day to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. Exercise 30 Minutes Do at least 30 minutes of exercise, like brisk walking, most days of the week. The idea is to use up more calories than you eat. You need to use up the day's calories and some of the calories stored in your body fat. Eat Less Fat and Sugar This will help you cut calories. Fried foods and fatty desserts can quickly use up a day's calories. And these foods may not provide the other nutrients you need. Tips for Cutting Calories and Fat Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products like bread and rice. Eat only small, single servings of foods high in fat or calories. Eat less sugar and fewer sweets. Drink less alcohol or no alcohol. Choose foods whose labels say low, light or reduced to describe calories or fat. Choose 1 percent or skim milk products and reduced fat cheeses. Replace ice cream with fat-free frozen yogurt. Replace sour cream with fat-free or low-fat plain yogurt. Make sure fish, poultry and meat are lean. Trim skin and fat. Broil, roast or steam foods. Eat a Favorite Rich Food, Sometimes That may keep you from craving it. But eat only a small amount. Make sure your other foods that day are low in fat and calories. Eat a Wide Variety Of Foods Variety in the diet helps you get all the vitamins and other nutrients you need. Watch Out for Promises of Quick And Easy Weight Loss Fad diets aren't good because they often call for too much or too little of one type of food. As a result, you may not get important nutrients you need daily. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't true. What About Diet Pills? Diet pills you buy without a prescription won't make a big difference in how much you lose each week or how long you keep the weight off. If you do use them, read the label carefully. Because of possible side effects, like high blood pressure, never take more than the listed dose. Also, be careful about taking cough or cold medicines with diet pills you buy without a prescription. These medicines may contain the same drug used in diet pills, or a similar drug with the same effects. If you take both products together, you may get too much of the same type drug. This can hurt you. Before taking a cough or cold medicine while using diet pills, ask your pharmacist if it's OK. Prescription diet pills may help some people. If you use them, follow the doctor's directions carefully. Before Signing Up For a Weight Loss Program, Ask Questions Does the Company: Explain possible health risks from weight loss? Explain all costs? Include weight control over a long time? Have proof of success, not just praise by other people? Give a clear, truthful statement of how you're going to lose weight, including how much and how fast? Teach how to eat healthfully and exercise more? Do you have more questions about weight loss? Ask your doctor. This is not what I wrote, this is all from a magazine!!! So if any complaints, I am really sorry, please accept my appology! (view less)
Reply from Jasmine, Age 17 - 03/09/05 - IP#:
Reply from ashley, Age 14 - 03/09/05 - IP#:
Reply from imfatndugly, Age 13 - 03/09/05 - IP#:
Reply from Lauren, Age 15 - 03/09/05 - IP#:
Reply from just me, Age 12 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Catherine, Age 16 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Jasmine, Age 17 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
From Rose, Age 13 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
If any one has ne tips for ticking on a diet please let me kno!!! it wuld help me out a ton!!
Reply from Jasmine, Age 17 - 03/09/05 - IP#:
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 03/09/05 - IP#:
From 999, Age 16 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
well i was reading the post down below about the ab thing, and i was wondering if that is why i am not getting any abs..this is what i do every day, in the gym i do about 250 crunches, then 100 more on another machine, then at night i do about 300 crunches again, and then i do about 80-100 crunches on 6-second abs which is alot more crunches, is this over doing it??
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from kels, Age 16 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
From Danielle, Age 17 - 03/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey guys i need major help i think iv completly blown it ...i seem to not be caring anymore bout diet and i know i shud and iv practically giving up on the exersice ... i dont eat breakfast or lunch then i come home and eat something ..anything really...usually have a salad for dinner then a couple bannanas thru out the day ..i know im not eating right....any tips? plz help i know you shouldnt put a limit on time but ..i want to loose about ...25 lbs by july ..that may be alot , thats ok ..i can loose only 20 if neccisary ....but i know ..that graduation which is 17 months away .i want to of lost about 60 lbs guys
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