From Taylor, Age 15 - 04/11/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 253 lb, Today: 252 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 145 lb - hii guys im Taylor im kinda new to this website.i really want to lose weight but some people dont relize that its not that easy.i know its not suppose to be easy,but its also kinda boring lol :p..but now i am very motivated for some reason and i really want to lose all this weight i'v been caring around for my whole life.YES i said it i'v always been big i wonder what i would look like smaller..i hope i dont have loose skin ughh or a ugly stomach lol i started a weight lose journal to keep my i just have to get myself to have fun while exercising.i will keep everyone updated...thanxx for reading
Reply from Rahn, Age 13 - 10/12/10 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 04/12/10 - IP#:
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 04/11/10 - IP#:
Reply from chase, Age 13 - 04/11/10 - IP#:
From Courtney, Age 16 - 04/10/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 233 lb, Today: 230 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - Hey guys :) my names Courtney, ive been on here before but i stoped and idk why...i gained alot back but this time im ready to get back on track for good. I think last time i just got unmotivated, but this time im not gonna let myself do that. Im happy to be starting again. And i think i might of convinced my mom to let me get a membership at the Y! but for now i got my "walk away the pounds" cd workout and i got DDR which is totally fun, so i guess ill up date u guys later cuz my computers about to die :P
Reply from Courtney, Age 16 - 04/14/10 - IP#:
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 04/11/10 - IP#:
Reply from chase, Age 13 - 04/11/10 - IP#:
From chase, Age 13 - 04/09/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 365 lb, Today: 365 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 150 lb - I'm just wondering if yall can get into the new chat room??
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 04/12/10 - IP#:
Reply from chase, Age 13 - 04/11/10 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 04/11/10 - IP#:
Reply from chase, Age 13 - 04/10/10 - IP#:
From hii, Age 13 - 04/09/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'11", Start: 175 lb, Today: 174 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 160 lb - i really hope that i can be 160 in 5 weeks then 155 in 8 wks! :)
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 04/11/10 - IP#:
From scarlett, Age 17 - 04/08/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 184 lb, Today: 179 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 110 lb - i lost 5 pounds! within like 1-2 weeks :) i'm so happy right now! i know it's not a lot, but i'm getting there!
Reply from Michelle, Age 15 - 04/09/10 - IP#:
Reply from magen, Age 14 - 04/09/10 - IP#:
Reply from hayley :), Age 14 - 04/08/10 - IP#:
Reply from stace, Age 18 - 04/08/10 - IP#:
From Michelle, Age 15 - 04/08/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 228 lb, Today: 202 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 199 lb - Okay so yesterday I went to Tampa to go to Busch Gardens, I was craving chocolate cake so bad cause I'm on my period and I've been telling myself to not say I can't eat something just eat less of it, so it was time to practice what I preach I bought a 4 layer chocolate cake, yes ladies and gents FOUR LAYERS but I cut it in half so it was two layers then I eat a spoon full and decided it was to sweet for even that much so I cut that half in half and IT WORKED! I didn't want anymore chocolate cake I through the rest away. I'm so happy ;)
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 03/13/11 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 04/11/10 - IP#:
Reply from magen, Age 14 - 04/09/10 - IP#:
From chase, Age 13 - 04/06/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 365 lb, Today: 365 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 150 lb - I just want all of you to keep working towards your weight loss goals. It's MUCH easier to give up, than to keep on trying.Sure losing weight is hard work, but you're working toward a goal that will improve your health, and make you feel better about yourselves. Me? I'm 13, and find myself in the seemingly impossible position of needing to lose OVER 200 POUNDS!! Some of us ned to lose LOADS of me.Others need to only lose a bit of weight to feel better about themselves. Whatever your goals, whatever your dreams never give up!! Keep dieting and exercising, keep working to achieve your dreams and make your life better. Never give up yall,you can only really fail if you never try in the first place!!
Reply from Blanch - 04/21/10 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 04/11/10 - IP#:
Reply from stace, Age 18 - 04/06/10 - IP#:
From stace, Age 18 - 04/06/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5.5", Start: 181 lb, Today: 139.6 lb (BMI %tile: 66), Goal: 120 lb - Gooooodbye 140s!! helllloooooo 130s lol. And on to the 120s! :D I am so overwhelmed because I wasn't even this small in High School EVER! -__- I'm so happy! :D Also I love posting my success or down falls on this site because it enables me to see all my progress. :D
Reply from Stace, Age 18 - 04/12/10 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 04/11/10 - IP#:
From Jennifer, Age 16 - 04/06/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 211 lb, Today: 312 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 180 lb - Hi folks, I don't know what you did on Easter but I just ate. I completely binged for the last five days and I feel like crap. I'm gaining so fast, I really don't know where to get new clothes because everything is getting so tight. I've gotten so big, I can feel it when I move, walk, sleep. I don't think that I'll be able to lose that weight again. Did anybody else lose more than 100 pounds ever? For me, it's so hard to stop eating. I can only stop if I'm completely stuffed. It's so hard!
Reply from james, Age 17 - 04/08/10 - IP#:
Reply from Nomi, Age 16 - 04/06/10 - IP#:
From Michelle, Age 15 - 04/05/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 228 lb, Today: 202 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 199 lb - So I'm ganna get out of these 200s soon I'm really happy because a year or so ago I wouldn't be able to do any of this I'm doing now, I just finished 4 miles with my mom. So this weeks goal is to count calories, take my one a day vitamins everyday just like last week but this week instead of 40 minutes of Cardio 20 minutes in the morning and 4 miles after school (50 more minutes just this time walking and jogging) and not eating after 7 I've done this for the past 3 days lets hope I can make it through the rest of the week : )
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 04/11/10 - IP#:
Reply from stace, Age 18 - 04/05/10 - IP#:
From Daniela, Age 15 - 04/05/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 221 lb, Today: 212 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 160 lb - So, this my third time trying to lose weight hardcore like, within the last 4 years and I'm determined to do it this time. My weight has never held me back, I'm still confident and considered one of the more popular people in school but I just hate being so...fat. I feel gross and now is the time to finally get rid of it once and for all. So, since last month, I've been doing this workout that was in my 17 magazine, it's by the guy that trains Beyonce and Shakira, and I loveee it. It's hard but I feel amazing afterwards, it takes me about half an hour to complete it and then I do another 30 miutes of cardio (lately, I've chosen to jog on the treadmill) every Monday, tuesday, wednesday and friday; on sundays if I have nothing better to do than I'll do it then as well. All I've changed in reference to my eating my habits is drink a lot more water. I drink 4 water bottles everyday and... (view more)So, this my third time trying to lose weight hardcore like, within the last 4 years and I'm determined to do it this time. My weight has never held me back, I'm still confident and considered one of the more popular people in school but I just hate being so...fat. I feel gross and now is the time to finally get rid of it once and for all. So, since last month, I've been doing this workout that was in my 17 magazine, it's by the guy that trains Beyonce and Shakira, and I loveee it. It's hard but I feel amazing afterwards, it takes me about half an hour to complete it and then I do another 30 miutes of cardio (lately, I've chosen to jog on the treadmill) every Monday, tuesday, wednesday and friday; on sundays if I have nothing better to do than I'll do it then as well. All I've changed in reference to my eating my habits is drink a lot more water. I drink 4 water bottles everyday and that's about all I drink besides the occasional glass of milk. I can't believe I've lost ten pounds already, and this week I'm going to start to try to stay away from sugars and snack more (6 small meals a day). Hope you all have a great week and keep trying! I know I will(: I'll check back in with you all as soon as I can. (: (view less)
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 04/11/10 - IP#:
Reply from stace, Age 18 - 04/05/10 - IP#:
From Magen, Age 14 - 04/05/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 210 lb, Today: 205.8 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 120 lb - OMG i was just 213 n now im down to 205.8 im so happpy its not even funny! Im past my 1 month of muscle gain only n now i should drop the pounds like water im so so so so so so so so happy im like jumping up n down littterly i havent weighed this in so so so long! :))) i cant wait till i get down to 190 thats my first goal :) my goal by september is 160! i have to weigh that b/c i made a bet with my mom! that if i loose 50 pounds i can sign back up for cheerleading! :)) well see you all soo0n im so super happy! :)
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 04/11/10 - IP#:
Reply from stace, Age 18 - 04/05/10 - IP#:
From stace, Age 18 - 04/04/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5.5", Start: 181 lb, Today: 140.8 lb (BMI %tile: 68), Goal: 120 lb - xD xD xD I know that I have been coming on this board for the past week complaining about my period causing me to binge! But now that I'm off I lose the water retention and a few MORE POUNDS. I'm at my LOWEST at 140.8 :D I thought even after the water retention I was going to stay around 143 lol. I'm so happy and confused! Maybe that 2 hour hardcore cardio helped yesterday?? :-/ I'm sooooo excited to be in my 130s sooooooooooooooooon! xD Don't give up folks we will all lose the weight off with persistence and lots of hard work! :D
Reply from stace, Age 18 - 04/06/10 - IP#:
Reply from scarlett, Age 17 - 04/06/10 - IP#:
Reply from stace, Age 18 - 04/04/10 - IP#:
Reply from Michelle, Age 15 - 04/04/10 - IP#:
Reply from stace, Age 18 - 04/04/10 - IP#:
From Michelle, Age 15 - 04/04/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 228 lb, Today: 202 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 160 lb - This week nearly killed me it was intense I worked out for 40 minutes everyday all high intensity and kept my calories between 1,656 to 1,988 but all that work and counting paid off because I lost 5 pounds this week :) which means I've only got 2 pounds til onederland (the 100s) and 4 pounds til I hit my 30 pounds lost I'm so happy I was only aiming for 1 pound. Ohh really important I've been taking one a day vitamins and they have really been making me eat less it terns out I've been eating so much these past few years (sense I became a vegetarian) because I don't get all the nutrients I need out of food alone and my body thirst for that there for making me think I was hungry when I never really was. That's all for this week how is everyone?
From scarlett, Age 17 - 04/03/10 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 184 lb, Today: 184 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 110 lb - i was always a really thin kid. i wasn't stick skinny, but i was thin. from about 12-14, i got really fat. and i hated it. when i was 15, i lost so much weight. i was about 120 pounds. i didn't even exercise, it just randomly came off. i'm now 184 pounds. i was NEVER this big. and i hate it. I know, if I wanted a change, I'd make it. But, it's easier said than done. And people who struggle with weight, know exactly what I'm talking about. So gimme a break. I'm NOT saying I'm a victim! I'm miserable. I'm not trying to make people feel bad for me, but I wish things would change. If I'm sad, I eat. If I'm mad, I eat. If I'm happy, I eat. I've tried dieting so many times. I'd lose weight here and there, and I'd be good for a couple weeks. But then I'd indugle in really bad food one day, and then it would all come back, and I'd gain it all. I went to the park today, and had a really... (view more)i was always a really thin kid. i wasn't stick skinny, but i was thin. from about 12-14, i got really fat. and i hated it. when i was 15, i lost so much weight. i was about 120 pounds. i didn't even exercise, it just randomly came off. i'm now 184 pounds. i was NEVER this big. and i hate it. I know, if I wanted a change, I'd make it. But, it's easier said than done. And people who struggle with weight, know exactly what I'm talking about. So gimme a break. I'm NOT saying I'm a victim! I'm miserable. I'm not trying to make people feel bad for me, but I wish things would change. If I'm sad, I eat. If I'm mad, I eat. If I'm happy, I eat. I've tried dieting so many times. I'd lose weight here and there, and I'd be good for a couple weeks. But then I'd indugle in really bad food one day, and then it would all come back, and I'd gain it all. I went to the park today, and had a really good workout. I was playing with my brothers kid, and playing football with my brothers, and it was really good. I mean we were there for 5 hours! But as soon as I came home, I ate so so much. It's like I couldn't stop myself. I jsut need some insight. I'm just wondering pretty much, if any of you had serious weight problems, and lost weight.. just to tell me your success story. How did you do it? What exercises, what'd you eat, how'd you stay so focused? I really need a change. For myself. Please and thank you! (view less)
Reply from stace, Age 18 - 04/04/10 - IP#:
Reply from Michelle, Age 15 - 04/04/10 - IP#:
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