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From Jeimi, Age 17 - 03/23/08 - IP#: 67.87.194.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 240 lb, Today: 220 lb, Goal: 190 lb - omg yay i'm so happy i lost 3 more pounds i was haveing portion control problems but i still have changed some bad things like i try not to eat at night, i drink alot of water and i try not to drink soda or juice i sometimes do but only once in a while. I also try to workout as much as i can well hope everyone else is foing good.
Reply from Jeimi, Age 17 - 03/24/08  - IP#: 67.87.194.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 19 - 03/23/08  - IP#: 67.70.202.xxx

From Beth, Age 19 - 03/23/08 - IP#: 72.72.243.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 240 lb, Today: 203 lb, Goal: 160 lb - Hey everyone so today didn't go to well.I didn't eat very much I just wasn't hungry and I know thats bad because I need to eat.Im so close to being out of the 200 range.Its so hard I have been working hard and exercising and I still can't seem to lose those last 2-3 pounds which is discouraging bc if I can't lose this 2-3 pounds then will I ever make it to my goal of 160?? Sorry I just need to vent im so frustrated I feel giving up but I have worked way to hard to do that.ahhh I hope it starts to get better soon :( Happy Easter everyone.
Reply from shelby, Age 14 - 03/23/08  - IP#: 72.23.154.xxx

From Sara, Age 17 - 03/23/08 - IP#: 76.112.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Start: 330 lb, Today: 280 lb, Goal: 200 lb - Easter, yeah I ate a lot. Too much, but hey I been working hard. I deserved it. I don't eat meat because I am a vegetarian, so it wasn't that bad. On the plus side, monday and so on I will be working out hard to lose 10lbs for Florida. [= I can do it! I just got to work hard for it. 10 tens till Florida, and I can do it! Anyways, if you did bad on Easter don't kill yourself over it...work harder monday..[=
Keep going guys!
Reply from Kristen, Age 16 - 03/24/08  - IP#: 76.83.230.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 19 - 03/23/08  - IP#: 67.70.202.xxx

From Emily, Age 13 - 03/23/08 - IP#: 4.239.255.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 130 lb, Today: 157 lb, Goal: 105 lb - UGGHHH! im sooooo mad!!! the past week all ive been eating is chocolate bunnies and gummie candy!!!then today, i had sooo much ham, butter drenched corn, mashed potatoes, 2 brownies, 5 deviled eggs, and my grandma literally made me eat 1/2 of a banana cream pie she made!...and i had a giant chocoalte bunny today too...thats like my 6th one!!!!!! the past week i have gained 10 pounds soo far and i cant stand how my stomach looks! i feel soooo starved though no matter how much i eat!!! i really wish i didnt pig out...see i have to go to therapy for ocd and binge eating disorder cuz i can eat over 12500 calories in a few hours...nobody knows how i can eat that much!...i cant stand it anymore and i hate this weight on me and how people think im pregnant cuz of my stomach! I NEED HELP SOO BAD! IS THERE ANYBODY ELSE OUT THERE THAT CAN EAT TONS OF FOOD(like atleast 1000) AND STILL WANT MORE WHETHER U ARE REALLY HUNGRY OR NOT?
i hope ur easter went well!...my whole week sucked!
Reply from leigh, Age 16 - 03/23/08  - IP#: 66.57.182.xxx
Reply from andrea, Age 17 - 03/23/08  - IP#: 98.197.202.xxx

From sk8ergirl, Age 16 - 03/23/08 - IP#: 64.12.117.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 221 lb, Today: 187 lb, Goal: 160 lb - ughhh what am I going to do?!? I exercised SOOOOO MUCH YESTERDAY!! Yet I gain a pound! I am so mad plus because its Easter and there is going to be an Easter dinner with a lot of food and deserts and then there is my birthday cake that were all going to dig into! Yikes what do i do?!? I NEED to get down to 185 by tomorrow!! UGh I cant wait till my birthday when I get to go play baseball with my best cousin!
Reply from Jeimi, Age 17 - 03/24/08  - IP#: 67.87.194.xxx
Reply from Sara, Age 17 - 03/23/08  - IP#: 76.112.96.xxx

From Nailpolish, Age 14 - 03/23/08 - IP#: 70.225.90.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 187 lb, Today: 174 lb, Goal: 130 lb - Wo.........i lost 2 lbs. You know i need to stop weighing my self everyday because you know it changes, but idk i just can't stop, i like to see what it is every day. So today was easter, right and i got candy, not alot becuase my mom i mean the easter bunny knows im on my diet. So i ate all the candy today so i won't eat it later, yah kno so i won't be temped. So i know im going to gain. But i go back to school tomarrow so i will be in pe then when i come home ill do my home work then get right on the elipacal or go out side and jump rope. Plus im going to get my diet back on track. Ill be eating breakfast and be eating a healty lunch (cuz i take it now) and u know all there is to drink is water! so yeah. Its 9:30 so i got to get to bed (my bed time blah) i wish you all good luck =]]]]
Reply from shelby, Age 13 - 03/28/08  - IP#: 170.185.82.xxx
Reply from Tiara, Age 14 - 03/24/08  - IP#: 67.86.63.xxx

From Lucee, Age 17 - 03/23/08 - IP#: 78.144.170.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 179 lb, Today: 175 lb, Goal: 150 lb - Hey guys. Well it was my birthday on Friday so this is my first post being 17! Woohoo. My birthday was amazing..went to shopping and to pizza hut with my 6 bestfriends during the day then went home to see my family and had my first driving lesson..it was great =] and then my friends came to my house for a party later on. Anyways that involved a lot of pizza, cake, crisps, and other junk like that and also a LOT of alcohol!! Oh well its only your birthday once a year right?! So anyway im back on track for today but i discovered this mornin that my scales have broken so im going to have to buy a new set at some point to keep tracking my weight (i have another set but im not sure how accurate they are but they'll do just now for an estimate). Im feeling pretty motivated just now so lets hope it last because i really wanna be down to 150 by the summer =] x
Reply from Amanda, Age 19 - 03/23/08  - IP#: 67.70.202.xxx

From Amanda, Age 19 - 03/23/08 - IP#: 67.70.202.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 178 lb, Goal: 150 lb - today wasn't all that bad, i just ate a big enough supper and some cake, and a little bit of chocolate. it was my first and only meal of the day because i slept late so its not too shabby. im starting fresh tomorrow, no more excuses. im nervous for summer to come, because last june when i started to lose weight, i wanted to be at 160 by this coming june, and i dunno if i can do it. i only lose about 3 pounds per month now since losing almost 50 pounds, soits a lot slower now and i dont think i can make it. oh well. as long as im like 170 ill be happy. just the fact alone that im way smaller than i was last summer is comforting enough. i cant wait to go shopping for new clothes lol anyways im rambling, happy easter everyone and remember we can do it. keep your eyes on the prize!
Reply from Flower Fawn, Age 14 - 03/25/08  - IP#: 68.236.23.xxx
Reply from Annabelle., Age 14 - 03/23/08  - IP#: 172.130.12.xxx

From Megan, Age 18 - 03/23/08 - IP#: 24.143.150.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 180 lb, Today: 175 lb, Goal: 140 lb - I am so tired of always being the fattest person. i always want to dress cute and things but nothing ever fits. I am tired of avoiding things because i'm not sure i can do it. I am an emotional eater so i eat to avoid what im feeling. sometimes food carries me through the day. my senior ball and graduation are coming up soon and i really want to be able to get a pretty dress as well as a date!!! I just can't force myself to lose the weight. any suggestions or thoughts?
Reply from Sara, Age 17 - 03/23/08  - IP#: 76.112.96.xxx

From Amanda, Age 19 - 03/22/08 - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 178 lb, Goal: 150 lb - so yesterday was bad. not because i overate but because i didnt really eat much at all. i ate some potatoes around 6pm (320cals) and then i had a burger but i ended up throwing it up. not because i made myself though, i got drunk lastnight and had a liiiittle too much to drink. lol but today was better. i really want to get down to 170 though that would be awesome. oh and another thing that was cool, was that at the party people were taking pictures and stuff, and i somehow managed to be in most of them, and i actually dont look like a fat cow for once. this is the first time in my life where out of like 20 pictures, only one i thought i looked fat. im getting so close :) k im rambling now lol but yes, good luck everyone you can all do it. ciao!
Reply from Sara, Age 17 - 03/23/08  - IP#: 76.112.96.xxx

From Sara, Age 17 - 03/22/08 - IP#: 76.112.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 330 lb, Today: 280 lb, Goal: 200 lb - This site is starting to make me depressed. I am the fattest one on here. Anyways, I need to be 270, before april 2nd...the day I leave for Florida with the band. Haha, yeah...I will proabley lose weight down there. I won't be able to think about food, and we are doing so much in five days. Hopefully, I will lose 5 pounds. [=
June is my 240 month...Do you think that is a reasonable amount to lose by then?
Reply from Krista, Age 14 - 03/29/08  - IP#: 76.23.162.xxx
Reply from Jennifer, Age 18 - 03/26/08  - IP#: 131.230.53.xxx
Reply from Kim, Age 17 - 03/23/08  - IP#: 76.188.159.xxx
Reply from megan, Age 18 - 03/23/08  - IP#: 24.143.150.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 19 - 03/22/08  - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx

From Tina, Age 16 - 03/22/08 - IP#: 64.12.117.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 208 lb, Today: 201 lb, Goal: 125 lb - I had cereal for breakfast then I went shopping with my sister and I tried on about 15 pairs of jeans. Nothing fit me well. Then when I came home I had a smoothie and checked my weight and I was so angry and fustrated. All the hard work I had done was nothing. I ate 3 devil dogs and 2 bowls of icecream. I dont know why im not losing weight because I've been eating so well and exercising a lot. Next wednesday I have my first "lady" doctor appointment if you know what I mean and Im really nervous. Im starting to wonder if the thanks for listening. Keep up the good work.
Reply from Mary, Age 15 - 03/23/08  - IP#: 67.70.57.xxx

From Gabrielle, Age 13 - 03/22/08 - IP#: 171.112.17.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 155 lb, Today: 180 lb, Goal: 155 lb - Hi my name is Gabrielle but every body calls me Gabby.I currently wiegh 180lbs, Im about 5,7. I've recently went through a period where i was really sick. The medicne they put me on to get me better made me gain wieght. I was down to 155lbs before that and was the skinnest i'd ever been. Now i wiegh 180lbs. It's not that i dont know how to lose wieght exercise and watch wat u eat. But it's so hard to do and i feel so helpless when i start like im wasting my time nothings going to work. Im decating this summer to losing weight and getting healthy. Next year im going to high school and i actually want to get a boyfriend for the first time in my life. Also i play volleyball and u have to wear spandxets and i dont want to have thunder thighs in them. if you u have any advice or tips to help lose wieght fast or just wanna talk my e-mail and screen name is Gabcatb@aol.com or jus Gabcatb.

From Katie, Age 16 - 03/22/08 - IP#: 68.14.144.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Start: 160 lb, Today: 175 lb, Goal: 150 lb - Hey guys, i used on this like a year ago, and now i'm back again haha. I exercise reguarly i guess, but my parents didn't let me sign up for track because they want me to do better in school and past few weeks have been real busy with school so i havent exercised. Prom is coming up and i'm wearing a dress I wore to another prom last year...but I've gained weight! so its not gonna look too hot...i have the exerise down, but i need help with the food thing..because i love to eat..:(
ps: as you can see..i've gained 15 pounds..yay...
Reply from Orcy, Age 16 - 03/22/08  - IP#: 72.221.91.xxx
Reply from katie, Age 16 - 03/22/08  - IP#: 68.14.144.xxx

From Bianca, Age 15 - 03/22/08 - IP#: 76.229.163.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'10", Start: 250 lb, Today: 243 lb, Goal: 155 lb - Okay so lately I've been doing good but no it being spring break and all I am scared. I really want to lose this. I'm always being made fun of and it makes me want to cry really bad. I workout right, its just my eating thats getting in the way. I even hurt my ankle so i cant run or walk very good. Any suggestions with food or other workouts not involving leg strentgh? Please help email= biancapeters13@yahoo.com aim= biancaiyxo myspace= myspace.com/boricuabiggy

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