From Monica, Age 16 - 03/06/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7, Wt. 220 - LOOK and listen carefully. Look ya'll Im going to tell ya'll something that I wish somebody else would have told me. YOU DO NOT have to take diet pills. exercise for 5 hours a day and blah, blah, look stop drinking everything but water. If u can't cut out soda and juice period, then slowly stop drinking it. Like for the first two weeks, just drink juice and water then cut out juice. Now u should eat alot of veggies and fruits. NO junk food execpt sometimes. Like me I normally allow myself to eat a piece of chocolate everyday or every other day. Now u should'nt eat alot of fried foods but a little is ok. Like me I really don't eat fast food at all. If my mom buys something I take like two fries just to taste it sometimes thats all u need is a taste. Also cut down ur portions, like I used to eat on a big plate,... (view more)Ht. 5'7, Wt. 220 - LOOK and listen carefully. Look ya'll Im going to tell ya'll something that I wish somebody else would have told me. YOU DO NOT have to take diet pills. exercise for 5 hours a day and blah, blah, look stop drinking everything but water. If u can't cut out soda and juice period, then slowly stop drinking it. Like for the first two weeks, just drink juice and water then cut out juice. Now u should eat alot of veggies and fruits. NO junk food execpt sometimes. Like me I normally allow myself to eat a piece of chocolate everyday or every other day. Now u should'nt eat alot of fried foods but a little is ok. Like me I really don't eat fast food at all. If my mom buys something I take like two fries just to taste it sometimes thats all u need is a taste. Also cut down ur portions, like I used to eat on a big plate, now I use a smaller plate, cause it makes me feel like im eating more. If u use a big plate ur mind is going to focus on u not eating alot. u have to trick yourself into believing ur eating alot. I also eat popcorn, it's like 94% fat free, its not expensive if u know what k-mart is or live by one u can get a box of 3 bags for a dollar. And last but not least right down everything u eat. It helps u to realize what u need to change about what u eat and how much ur really eating. If u choose to exercise thats good it will increase ur weight loss but rememember more is not necessarily better. Just get a good hour in 3or4 times a week. Don't do what u can't handle. I did'nt really exercise all like that. I still don't and I did everything I just said and lost 18lbs and a month. I mean for real its all up to u.give yourself two decisions, #1. Stay fat forever, be un-happy, or whatever u feel that ur problem is that u need to lose weight, or #2 everything the opposite of #1. ya'll can do this but ya'll have to start now stop holding it off and saying your ok, cause at the end of it all ur not ok. Don't get me wrong big is not ugly or bad because i know plenty big girls including me that look good being bigger than some. So don't ever think that u need to lose weight to be pretty cause I guarantee that ur already okay., Do it to be healthier if u need to be. But don't ever put yourself down cause of ur weight okay. really pay attention to that cause i don't know about where ya'll from but in philly dudes like females with curves not boney chicks so always remember to apperciate yourself for who u are and remember that god made everbody special for real. But to those that need to lose weight lets do this get focused ya mean the summer is coming very shortly and I know ya'll wanna lose weight just believe in yourself even if nobody else does do it for yourself. GOOD_LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (view less)
Reply from Izzy, Age 13 - 03/06/06 - IP#:
Reply from brett, Age 16 - 03/06/06 - IP#:
Reply from Izzy, Age 13 - 03/06/06 - IP#:
Reply from andrea, Age 15 - 03/06/06 - IP#:
Reply from {{**JUELSZ**}}, Age 16 - 03/06/06 - IP#:
From Hannah, Age 16 - 03/06/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'1, Wt. 165 - Today was good so far... Granola bar juice-- gold fish peanut butter sandwhich orange--(about 600)-- so TECHNICALLY im allowed to have 600 more calories...We are having pizza, I think I'll have a slice(400.?) and also salad.
Reply from Anna, Age 18 - 03/07/06 - IP#:
Reply from Jamie, Age 16 - 03/07/06 - IP#:
Reply from Rach*, Age 15 - 03/07/06 - IP#:
Reply from snazzychick*, Age 14 - 03/06/06 - IP#:
Reply from charlotte, Age 15 - 03/06/06 - IP#:
From brookie - 03/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'1, Wt. 121 - n e body know n e good work outs to get rid of love handles and a gut?? your help would be greatly appreciated. ~brookie~
Reply from Allyson, Age 16 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from Usha (pronounced oo-sha), Age 15 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
From charlotte, Age 15 - 03/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3, Wt. 127 - omg i got a size 4 jeans from abercrombie
Reply from andrea, Age 15 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from Usha (pronounced oo-sha), Age 15 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from brittney, Age 14 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
From heather, Age 15 - 03/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3, Wt. 130 - okay, so i'm 15 and im 5'3 and i weigh 130. i really want to lose weight, what's an ideal weight for someone with my age, and height?
Reply from christina, Age 16 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from snazzychick*, Age 14 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
From Kailey, Age 18 - 03/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7, Wt. TMI - Things are going so good W/ my plan. I started last week so tomorrow I weigh in. Im not sure if I have lost any but I know I now CAN eat less and healthy. Its really easy, you just have to have that mindset. Hope everyone is doing well on their programs/diets/plans. Be back soon!
Reply from Lizzy, Age 14 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
From $tephanizzle, Age 16 - 03/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5 1/2, Wt. 178 - hey any body wanna be my losing weight buddy plz reply i wanna start as soon as possible if not email me @ plz any body dont matta what
Reply from Nicole, Age 17 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
From {{**JUELSZ**}}, Age 16 - 03/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'6, Wt. N:270 G:160 - Hey everyone. I want to congratulate everyone on their successfulness on their weight loss. But my weight loss is slowing down, and I need to modify my eating. It's always cold or snowing where I live now (I cannot wait until spring). My dad is using the TV I used to play DDR (my other TV's don't adapt to PS2 for some reason). And it's always cold in my basement and thats where my workout bike is. But thankfully I got a new jogging outfit so I can stay warm in the basement while I work out. I've lost about 12-13 pounds since January 1st. I need to lose more because the first 15 pounds is mostly water, and i'm starting to see a difference in my clothes too :). For breakfast everyday I eat a bowl of cereal with 2 percent milk. For lunch I eat a granola bar and drink a 20oz bottle of water. For a calorie... (view more)Ht. 5'6, Wt. N:270 G:160 - Hey everyone. I want to congratulate everyone on their successfulness on their weight loss. But my weight loss is slowing down, and I need to modify my eating. It's always cold or snowing where I live now (I cannot wait until spring). My dad is using the TV I used to play DDR (my other TV's don't adapt to PS2 for some reason). And it's always cold in my basement and thats where my workout bike is. But thankfully I got a new jogging outfit so I can stay warm in the basement while I work out. I've lost about 12-13 pounds since January 1st. I need to lose more because the first 15 pounds is mostly water, and i'm starting to see a difference in my clothes too :). For breakfast everyday I eat a bowl of cereal with 2 percent milk. For lunch I eat a granola bar and drink a 20oz bottle of water. For a calorie pickup afterschool I have a salad and a peach cup. And I usually have chicken with vegetables or some type of beef with rice for dinner, with water or low calorie lemonade. Does this sound good for a day to day thing, is it enough calories or food, do I need to add something? Now that I have my jogging outfit I plan to bike for 45 minutes to an hour every evening. I hope that keeping this up could result in 30-35 pound weight loss by June. Wish me luck and please reply :) (view less)
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
From Laura, Age 14 - 03/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5, Wt. 163 - How many calories r in 1 slice of pizza from pizza hut?
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from $tephanizzle, Age 16 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from Kailey, Age 16 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
From brookie - 03/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'1, Wt. 121 - I ate SOOO much this weekend!! Cuz I had a big party and then my family cma eover for my birthday. I feel like crap!!
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
From Allyson, Age 16 - 03/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5"11, Wt. 205 - My so called boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me ..which isnt even half the problem...he told me i was fat and ugly.."FUGLY". I've been trying to loose weight for a year now ..i've cut back on how much and what i eat and i work out every day for 30-45 mins but for some reason the pounds and inches just aren't shedding...Any ideas?...I really wanna make him feel bad for leaving me because i'm not a bean pole.
Reply from Jillian, Age 16 - 03/06/06 - IP#:
Reply from andrea, Age 15 - 03/06/06 - IP#:
From Nikki, Age 18 - 03/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'1'', Wt. 197 - Hey guys...I got a request as to how I lost my first 10 pounds. The number one thing I can tell you is to lower the amount of food you currently eat. You would be suprised at how little food your bodies needs to run on. I eat a very, very small bowl of cereal for breakfast and that will be keep me not hungry for like 5 hours. Then when I start to get hungry again I eat a little bit of whatever. It's not so much what you eat as it is how MUCH you eat. Hope this helps some ppl.
Reply from Nicole, Age 17 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from Nicole, Age 17 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
From Brittney, Age 14 - 03/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Wt. 160 G: 125-130 - i was just told that i was ugly and fat from one of my "friends" well atleast they think we're friends.she said that i was to fat to get any boy and that my face is so ugly [because i have a little acne]that if i were to ever get a boyfriend then the boy was probably blind. but the girl who said this is like a double zero and has more money than most people in my school, and she thinks she is the best and everybody has to obey her and she is younger than me too and she has had like 10 boyfriends. Im not gonna let that get to me, im using it as a modivation to lose more weight, i told her "well atleast people LIKE me, and they dont care how i look, unlike you, where all i hear is people talking about you, which is bad stuff i might add, they are talking a bunch of s*** about you, and you think that... (view more)Ht. 5'4", Wt. 160 G: 125-130 - i was just told that i was ugly and fat from one of my "friends" well atleast they think we're friends.she said that i was to fat to get any boy and that my face is so ugly [because i have a little acne]that if i were to ever get a boyfriend then the boy was probably blind. but the girl who said this is like a double zero and has more money than most people in my school, and she thinks she is the best and everybody has to obey her and she is younger than me too and she has had like 10 boyfriends. Im not gonna let that get to me, im using it as a modivation to lose more weight, i told her "well atleast people LIKE me, and they dont care how i look, unlike you, where all i hear is people talking about you, which is bad stuff i might add, they are talking a bunch of s*** about you, and you think that people LIKE you. try being a normal person, and see how it feels, then get back to me on that" i know its a lot just for being called ugly and fat but what she said about me is what set me off. i cant wait until i reach my goal and see her face, also i cant wait until im famous one day ,since i act. i just thought that i would tell you guys about this. i hope next year, in high school will be easier since she isnt going to be in my school until im in 10th grade. (view less)
Reply from snazzychick*, Age 14 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
From Craig, Age 15 - 03/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7, Wt. 203 - hey dan the dude who bikes. Whats your email? id like to talk more about biking cause thats something i enjoy and was wondering what kind of bike you use and for how long do you go?
Reply from dan, Age 18 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
From Nicole, Age 17 - 03/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Wt. 230 - To Dan: How did you lose all your weight? How long did it take? thanks.
Reply from dan, Age 18 - 03/05/06 - IP#:
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