From Amanda, Age 15 - 01/23/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Well my resolution was to lose 20 lbs by may and i have been eating salad for lunch instead of the bad stuff my school serves. Just recently my American musical theater class has gotten a dance instructor she comes in twice a week. to warm up she makes us do 3 sets 0f 25 crunches, 2 sets of 25 push-ups(which i can not do to save my life), she makes us do 4 different kinds of pliaes*thoes balerina squats, and these strattle streches then the rest of the block we are moving... the warmup seems like a lot on paper but it only lasts for like 15-25 mins so i was wondering 2 things... would this be enough exercise to where i could start loosing fat and possible gain muscle? and how can i get better at push ups? ohh and by the by I'm 5'4 and weigh 140lbsthanks ~Amanda
Reply from Jackie, Age 16 - 01/23/05 - IP#:
Reply from Natalie, Age 13 - 01/23/05 - IP#:
From Mandy, Age 16 - 01/23/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey! I was wondering... anyone here on weight watchers? does it work? how much can you lose in 2 months? and how many points are allowed per day?Ok, please help me! Thanks and good luck!
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 01/23/05 - IP#:
From jarred, Age 14 - 01/23/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
does anyone have a workout routine that works. something i could do without having to go to the store and purchase anything
Reply from lauryn, Age 16 - 01/24/05 - IP#:
From Lauren, Age 15 - 01/23/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
im still happy because in 3 weeks i have gone down from 14st 2lbs to 13st 8lbs i want to be 12st 7lbs for march 19th so i have 15lbs to lose in 7weeks but 8 weeks untill the 19th of march. so basically to get exactly to my target i need to lose around 2lbs per week and i have been losing that plus more lol! if you believe you can do it, you will suceed!
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 01/24/05 - IP#:
From MarmAR, Age 14 - 01/23/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
okay here it goes!!Height: 5"6.5Starting weight: 190Current weight: 185Goal Weight (short term): 175Goal weight (long term): 145Today i ate some corn and soup for breakfast/lunch (around noon)and for dinner im going to have teriaki stir fry with rice and some noodles + veggis, around 5:30and for a snack around 8 or 8:30 Im going to have a bowl of special kAs for exercise, 100 situps, 20 pushups, 100 mini leg lifts on each leg, 30 regular leg lifts on each leg, 20 tricep-pushups...and if i have time, an exercise video!How did i do??any tips would be greatly appreciated!
From MarmAR, Age 14 - 01/23/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
If you want a grat ab workout get the one from the new cosmogirl magazine...i just did it and i see and feel a difference, plus they guarantee results in about 2 weeks if you do it every day and it only takes 10 min! wow im so impreessed im totally making this my new ab routine everyday!!! :)
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 01/24/05 - IP#:
Reply from Jenny, Age 13 - 01/23/05 - IP#:
From kally, Age 17 - 01/22/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
okay seroiusly.. like i hav ebeen on this 1200 calorie diet here for awhile and lost like 10 lbs.. and i excersize at least 45 minutes a day at the gym 4-5 times a week.. but all of a sudden its like i'm slowly gaining each lb back.... i'm doing exactly the same things as when i started, i know its good to change it up, but like.. i shouldn't be gaining this much back on a 1200 calorie diet?? help!!!
Reply from Rachael, Age 14 - 01/22/05 - IP#:
Reply from abby*, Age 14 - 01/22/05 - IP#:
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 01/22/05 - IP#:
From Teresa, Age 14 - 01/22/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
I am overweight. I don't feel good about it, and I wan't to lose weight. I'm really glad I found this site though, because it has alot of good advice. I'm ready to start my journey into weight-loss, and I'm confident that I'll suceed.
From sarah, Age 14 - 01/22/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
wut is a dieting buddy i see u guys talking about them but i have no idea wut they r could u plez inform me
Reply from chels, Age 13 - 01/22/05 - IP#:
From Nick, Age 15 - 01/22/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey Whats up all. I didin't no how I was gona say this but ill say it i got boobs and im male and its pissing me off i workout alot nothing changed i tried diet if someone had this prob or know someone who did im really interest it to read what u got to say. thenks so much!!!!!! i hope its liek thet they diseper after i grow it better or ill kill my self jk but really ill get in fights with pepel from my school if they make fun of me in gym class.
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 01/22/05 - IP#:
From Kristina08, Age 15 - 01/22/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ok guys i need help...... i have been walking every day about a mile after school but i have not seen any diffrence with my weight. What is going on???Thanks in advance if u reply to this.
Reply from sarah, Age 14 - 01/22/05 - IP#:
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 01/22/05 - IP#:
From candace, Age 14 - 01/22/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
gosh i just dont know if i did good or bad. okay so i woke up and ran 3 miles and i was gonna just have a protein shake then wait till diner. but i had a protein shake (300 cals) and then a lil later i was hungry so i had a nutrigrain bar (140 cals) then a lil later i was hungry AGAIN and i ate half of this huge orange. now im gonna try to eat a healthy dinner but im afraid i ate too much! did i? or is it okay to eat like nutri grain bars n stuff n oranges?
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 01/22/05 - IP#:
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 01/22/05 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/22/05 - IP#:
From dorian - 01/22/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey does anyone know if green tea healps to losse weight?
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 01/23/05 - IP#:
Reply from Krissy, Age 14 - 01/22/05 - IP#:
From Avril AKA Katie!, Age 13 - 01/22/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey everyone! I havent done 2 bad 2day. Heres what I do to exersize sometimes. I dance. I dance ALL THE TIME! Just for fun and because I love it. Im not in a dance class or anything but I still dance and I luv it!! ~Simple Plan Rocks!!!!~ ~RoCk OuT lOuD, aVRIL~ PS Has anyone heard from Montana? She used to come here all the time
Reply from montana, Age 12 - 01/22/05 - IP#:
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 01/22/05 - IP#:
From Rick, Age 15 - 01/22/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
O man I am so angry at my self. I am 5ft 8 inches and 160 lbs. I spend so much money on food it is ridiculous. I tell myself I will by just a sandwich at lunch but then I tell myself just for one day I will buy some chips and a soda and so on. It makes me angry and frustrated.I wear baggy t shirts since I am told by my brothers I have man boobs and it gets me mad. I have always struggled with my wieght since I was in the 4 th grade. i was 150 lbs in the sixth grade and my wieght gos up and down. I think I eat so much since I am stressed over many issues from getting my permit, school, job, and some very personal issues i don't wish to post openly. I know it feels odd for a guy to worry about his weight but all my brothers, friends, and stuff are thin to the point where I get really frustrated.
Reply from Lacee, Age 15 - 01/23/05 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 01/23/05 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |