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From sum gurl, Age 14 - 01/23/05 - IP#: 66.8.192.xxx  Click here to reply  
umm... how do u get rid of the fat on your back? that's one of the big problem areas i have...
Reply from MarMar, Age 14 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 66.185.85.xxx

From aMAL - 01/23/05 - IP#: 195.93.32.xxx  Click here to reply  
anyone want to join me in da new chat room?
Reply from *ray*ray*, Age 13 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 66.67.103.xxx

From cheerfreak, Age 13 - 01/23/05 - IP#: 152.163.100.xxx  Click here to reply  
um well im 139lbs and i need to be 90-100lbs do yall have anything to tell me that i could lose 39lbs thanks
Reply from cheerfreak, Age 13 - 01/31/05  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx
Reply from anna, Age 14 - 01/24/05  - IP#: 24.3.166.xxx

From MarmAR, Age 14 - 01/23/05 - IP#: 66.185.85.xxx  Click here to reply  
ANyone know any good exercise videos? Im getting one today ...i have all the windsor pilates ones whihc are great, and i also have two tae bo videos...My goal is to loose weight by the way.
Reply from Rina, Age 15 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx
Reply from *ray*ray*, Age 13 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 66.67.103.xxx
Reply from Amal, Age 14 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx

From jenna, Age 1 - 01/23/05 - IP#: 69.0.49.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi everybody! I am doing great on my diet. I lost 8lbs so far. Only about 50lbs more.lol I know I can do it. I feel like i ate so much. I don't wanna gain all of that weight back b/c i am doing so well so far. Good luck to all!! ~jenna~
Reply from jenn To Rina, Age 12 - 01/24/05  - IP#: 69.0.49.xxx
Reply from Rina, Age 15 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx

From Rick, Age 15 - 01/23/05 - IP#: 69.106.144.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hay I am 5ft 8 inches and 160 lbs and I wonder what weight should I shot for. Since I don't want to be this ultra skinny twig I just want a normal wieght. I have come a long way in wieght lose since I was 180 lbs in the 7th and 8 th grade and I lost 50lbs by my middle school graduation. However, in high school there was a lot of cheap good food and I bought it and it caused a major wieght gain. So i appreciate the help

From sarah, Age 16 - 01/23/05 - IP#: 84.67.65.xxx  Click here to reply  
i did really well this week and lost 2 lbs but ive been a pig 2nite and probably put it all back on again! i cant stop binging and its getting to me! any suggestions?
Reply from jenna, Age 12 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 69.0.49.xxx

From Amal, Age 14 - 01/23/05 - IP#: 195.93.32.xxx  Click here to reply  
had Basketball yesterday,for 3 hours,and it was great!we were mainly doin fitness tests,u kno like da beep test,t test,jumpin test(to see how high up you can jump)ect.But now iv got muscle ache everywhere.does any one kno waht can help muscle ache cos it hurts like hell!!!!!oh and iv put on weight.i now its real bad! im like 150 pounds now(used to be 145),but the thing is i look way slimmer than i did before.So does that mean that the weight i put on was like muscle and is that real bad.Please help!Totally appreci8 it AMAL
Reply from clifford, Age 16 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 64.136.27.xxx
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 84.160.158.xxx

From Tinkerbell, Age 15 - 01/23/05 - IP#: 64.109.252.xxx  Click here to reply  
I was wondering if anyone noticed that dorian and ______ have the same IP addys, coincidence... NOPE!
Reply from jenna, Age 12 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 69.0.49.xxx

From Me, Age 17 - 01/23/05 - IP#: 195.93.34.xxx  Click here to reply  
im gonna be gud this week gotta get my w8 down. i lost 4lbs now time to lose more!
Reply from jenna, Age 12 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 69.0.49.xxx
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 84.160.158.xxx

From Kelly, Age 14 - 01/23/05 - IP#: 69.21.22.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey Yea I need advice on what kinds of exercises would help me tone down my butt,legs, and stomach? I am trying to lose like 20lbs before summer so I can look good in a swimsuit!Anyway advice would be awesome!!! <3 Kelly

From clifford, Age 16 - 01/23/05 - IP#: 64.136.27.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey everyone I lost 1 pound this week so that means I am 174 YAY only 16 more till my healthy weight and 39 more till my goal I can do this I know I can I know I can I know I can I know I can. Well good luck everyone and keep on tryin
Reply from clifford, Age 16 - 01/24/05  - IP#: 64.136.27.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 01/24/05  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 84.160.158.xxx
Reply from Amal, Age 14 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from Natalie, Age 13 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 165.247.92.xxx

From Shannon, Age 16 - 01/23/05 - IP#: 207.69.138.xxx  Click here to reply  
I am not sure that i did so well today but i didnt snack so that is a plus i guess, and i am feeling good because my friend was eating chocolate and stuff today and i didnt have any. well for B i had a light and fit yougart(90 cal) and 2 pieces of reg. white bread(like 180) and butter, for lunch i had a 1/2 sub on wheat with 2 pieces of ham, 2 pieces of american cheese, and lettuce, and for dinner i am having homemade chicken noodle soup(not sure how many calories and maybe 5 crackers (80 cal)..is that okay? i didnt really get to exercise today, but later i am going to do some 6 second abs and reg. ab workouts.

From Lacee, Age 15 - 01/23/05 - IP#: 24.116.28.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey guys whats up sorry i haven't written in awhile....i got upset with my self...and was trying to forget about my weight....didn't happen it seems like the holidays added 5 pounds to my weight...luckily i lost it when i went back to school....but know i am on weight watchers and i can tell i am losing weight....i feel much better about myself...it is a great diet to do...u can eat anything (it just takes ur points) and it also helps if u do it with someone...i am doing it with my mom and it helps me so much b'c she is there to tell me what i can eat and what i can't eat...i haven't weighed myself but i think by march i should be the weight i want
Reply from Nenei, Age 13 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 165.247.92.xxx

From Kara, Age 14 - 01/23/05 - IP#: 4.239.165.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi! I've posted here before, but I practically gave up completely over the holidays. Now I know that it is time to get serious. My problem is that there is too much food that is fattening around my house. I've tried to eat mainly fruit and water, but then you see that chocolate... GRRR!! Why does it have to be so hard? If anyone can help me get a good plan, that'd be great.Another thing, about exercise. I don't have any kind of gym or anything, I'm busy, and its way too cold to be outside. What type of exercise would you suggest for me to do if I want to lose weight? I need to lose around 33 pounds. My motivation: God, and the fact that I'm in a musical and I need to slim down in case I have to wear this sequined dress! Ahh!! My current weight is 178lbs and I want to weigh 145. My height is 5'6. I'm looking for a buddy, but its hard for me to stay on track. I'd prefer a buddy that is 14, 15, or 16; and that is around the same weight and heght as me. Thank you!!
Reply from Kara, Reply to Jackie, Age 14 - 01/25/05  - IP#: 4.239.174.xxx
Reply from claire, Age 17 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 67.190.0.xxx
Reply from Jackie, Age 16 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 24.14.141.xxx
Reply from Mandy, Age 16 - 01/23/05  - IP#: 68.39.21.xxx

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