From Talia, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi I lost 40 pounds from cutting calories. Now, I don't know how to loose 15 more and maintain it-any suggestions?
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 08/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 08/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 08/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
From allie, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
multiply uor weight by 10. whatever that number is, that is how many calories you should be consuming....or at least how much your body is managing. if you subtract 300-500 calories from that number, you will gain at least a pound a week. For example, if you weigh 180, your body manages 1800 calories. If you reduce your daily intake my 1500, or even better 1300, you will see results. Enough with these special diet fads. The gauranteed diet: burn more calories than you consume. This is really hard i know, but you can do it. I lost 25 pounds and i can stil leat the food i want, i just have to watch it. It's like my own weight watchers system! good luck!
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from allie, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from Caty, Age 14 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
From Tiffany, Age 14 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I think i have a not sure tho. On school days, i dont eat breakfast or lunch cuz i'm usually not hungry durin those times. But i come home (around 4:00) and eat whatever. Then i'll maybe have somethin before i go to bed. Those are basically the only time i'll eat durin the school day. On the weekend i eat more than that tho so i dont think its like an eating disorder or anything. But what do ya'll think? Plus is the way im eating bad? I jus wanna know. If so, what can i do to change cuz im so used to eating this way and dont know what to do differently. Please reply. Thanks
Reply from Vanessa, Age 16 - 08/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 08/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from Jill, Age 15 - 08/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from Tiffany, Age 14 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
From Will, Age 13 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey, i am 5 foot 2 , weigh 136lbs and i want advice on loosing weigh, im sick of beiging fat, i cant even get a gf
Reply from Aaron, Age 14 - 08/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
From ............ - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
should people who arent overweight but want to lose some anyway diet and exercise? or will it like screw up teh metablissim so if they stop it, then they gain a lot quick?
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 08/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
From tina, Age 14 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey peps i weigh 180 and i am only 14 i fell as if should starve myself but everyone tells me not to last year i was doing and deit and i didnt see anything change and i want to get my belly button pirced but i have to lose this weight and i gave up last year and i am not giving up this year cause when age 16 rools around i know i will be the only fat one in the croud with my friends and if we go to the beach the wear all the pretty bikinis and i wear and on peace bathing suit with a t-shirt over it and i need to something about it.
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
From Samantha, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I know everyone has heard the old saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away", but apples actually can make you even more hungry. The amount of carbs and sugars in them make you even more hungrier than you were before you ate it. I just thought I'd share that with everyone.
Reply from meghan, Age 14 - 08/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from -----, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
From Stephanie Brothers, Age 18 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello my name is stephanie i am 18 and my Bmi is 36.3 can anyone help me i have 2 babies and i cant get the weight off... mt email on msn is on yahoo its
From Samantha, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey, I have been exercising for about 50 minutes everyday during the morning. Around 10 a.m., but by 7:00 p.m. I feel like I need to exercise again. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. Does anyone know why this is. Also is anyone on a diet that is really working? I am having some trouble getting my last 15 off., thanx!
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 08/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
From Caty, Age 14 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
i went way over then i was supposed 2 eat. ive been looking at the nutrition facts more carefully for a change(lol) nd couldnt blive how much saturated fat nd fat calories there were. the Utz extra thin pretzels have no fat calories, and no fat. i snack on those instead. even though its kinda hard.....
Reply from Emily, Age 13 - 08/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
From (a$$!3, Age 17 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I've lost over 10 pounds but I don't feel or look any different. Should I?
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 08/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from Elisabeth, Age 161 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
From Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I am so happy! I know it could be water weight, but I don't care, it still makes me feel happy, I weighed 182 yesturday and 179 today and that is really cool. I did really good on my "diet" today, I had like 1400 calories or probably a little less and I excersized for like 2 hours! I have never done this well I don't think! Also, I was offered pizza hut for dinner, but I told my mom that we were going to eat some bad food on thurs and she is like, ya we probably shouldn't splurge now. She has almost lost 50 pounds! she went to weight watchers 30 min ago and should be back ne time! I hope she got there!
Reply from Marissa, Age 15 - 08/19/04 - IP#:
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
From Elisabeth, Age 16 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I don't know what's up with me. I mean, I'm dieting, but yet it looks as if I'm gaining weight. And I don't seem to be interested in exercising. I'm considering joining an aerobics class, but I don't want to join it by myself, and no one else seems to wanna go with me. Bleh. Maybe, I should just give up, and learn to live with my disgusting body. :(
Reply from Emily, Age 13 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
From ally, Age 13 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey is it normal for your belly to stick out from your shirt. It didnt used to for me but no it does and now I have little red marks all over my belly. I'm still healthy right I'm not fat I dont think. I'm 176 lbs. and 5'8 my mom says I'm skinny but I really dont know if your gut is protruding put of your shirt and you have red lines does that mean your over weight
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 08/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from Jill, Age 15 - 08/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from ali, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from Becki, Age 13 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from -----, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from .............. - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from Caty, Age 14 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 08/17/04 - IP#:
From kiran, Age 13 - 08/17/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
i need help. i want to loose about 35-45lbs. i need tips on loosing weight. im 5'6''ish and weigh about 180lbs. can you please help me?
Reply from Becki, Age 13 - 08/16/04 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |